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Despite the potential of social networking services (SNS) as a tool for communication between academic libraries and users, many academic libraries are yet to successfully optimize their SNS. As a result, their social proof and social capital of various SNS do not perform well. This research aims to evaluate the SNS effectiveness of the University of Hong Kong Libraries (HKUL) based on social capital and social proof concepts. We hope that our recommendations according to our findings will be applicable to other academic library contexts. We have found that: (i) there are no major differences between undergraduate and postgraduate students in their attitudes and behaviors regarding the SNS of HKUL on various platforms; (ii) low social proof is related to a lack of user interaction and promotion; (iii) low satisfaction with SNS contents may lead to low social capital. As such, understanding user information need, setting goals and metrics for each SNS, and formulating a formal SNS policy are the keys to further develop library SNS.  相似文献   

Universities and their libraries are well-positioned to provide a rich source of market information that can help resource-constrained start-ups to globalise their business operations. As one of the more important elements of the innovation ecosystem, knowledge-sharing can help start-ups to make data-driven, strategic decisions, rather than basing forward momentum on unreliable intuition. This column highlights the author's experience with a consultancy project that featured a university's library's support of entrepreneurial globalisation, the various implications for both start-ups as well as entrepreneurs, and lessons learned that could become the norm for more open innovation and collaboration between libraries, entrepreneurs, and their start-ups.  相似文献   

Academic libraries can effectively plan and market their services by identifying the value users perceive in their services and in their social media communications about those services. This study reports on findings of a survey of 104 undergraduate students in information technology courses at a large research university. Results of an ordered logistic regression analysis indicated that students considered access to information and computer resources and study support services as the most important library services offered. Likewise, students perceived library social media postings related to operations updates, study support services, and events as the most useful. Future related research will investigate the needs and priorities for library services of other key user populations of academic libraries, such as graduate students and online students, to assemble service repertoires that are tailored to individual user groups. In addition, future research will examine whether and how libraries can use the analysis of users' engagement with a library's social media postings to inexpensively gauge the value they perceive in library services.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(82):183-197

While most college campuses have strong support for the libraries, as competition on university campuses for limited financial resources gets tougher, support for libraries can be more theoretical than actual. Library users are unaware of the complexity of and expense required for library services. Not only must libraries compete for limited financial resources, they must also compete in a complex information marketplace. Today, libraries must market themselves to their constituents to ensure that services are utilized and appropriate resources are allocated for all formats of library materials. By committing to a strong marketing program, the University Library at Sonoma State University developed strategic plans to gain broader support from faculty, students, administrators and greater use of services. Libraries wishing to explore the possibility of integrating marketing efforts or libraries in the process of a move can adopt and/or adapt some of these techniques.  相似文献   

在综述目前广受关注的SNS的应用和发展以及对部分SNS网站调研的基础上,探讨SNS元素在图书馆信息网站的服务功能设计和推广成本降低等方面的借鉴作用,并实践性地应用在中国科学院专业领域知识环境建设中,以期为用户提供更容易、更愿意参与的虚拟知识环境。  相似文献   

A panel which included a librarian, publisher and e-book providers presented issues confronting the growth of e-books in the academic library marketplace. The e-book market projections are a small part of the higher education book market. Frontlist titles are demanded by libraries with suppliers eager to supply such titles. However, publishers are feeling their way through various rights and contract issues as well as business models as they determine which frontlist titles to provide in electronic form. The instability of business partners has contributed to publisher delays in releasing titles as e-books. No one, (librarians, suppliers, publishers) is throwing in the towel on e-books but the position this format takes in the publishing industry and therefore in library collections in the near future is unsettled.  相似文献   

An argument can be made that libraries are businesses, with users as their customers. Given the increasing scarcity of funding and pressure for proving value, academic libraries could benefit from leveraging certain business practices to increase user satisfaction. Creating a comprehensive strategy for building long-term user relationships can solidify support for libraries by engaging with all stakeholders to improve their library experiences. The Customer Relationship Management philosophy described here provides an opportunity for institutions to show their total value to all users and stakeholders and in doing so, improve the business of academic libraries.  相似文献   

数字图书馆中多媒体馆藏与服务的建立   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍岭南大学开发网上多媒体馆藏,并在香港开拓性地利用多媒体点播技术,通过互联网提供数字图书馆服务的实践。得出以下结论:多媒体技术对数字图书馆的影响无法估量,图书馆界应仔细研究和分析多媒体对数字图书馆的影响,充分发掘其潜能,并在引入多媒体服务的过程中,彼此分享经验,共建共享数字化资源。  相似文献   

文章用文献普查、网络调查、比较分析等研究方法,对日本公共图书馆商务支援服务的内容和形式进行了比较系统的研究。日本公共图书馆所开展商务支援服务的方式主要有商务交流研讨、商务支援资料提供和商务咨询等。不同的图书馆在开展服务的过程中注意发挥各馆的特色,提供个性化的商务支援服务。而且,日本公共图书馆开展商务支援服务工作一直恪守服务大众的宗旨和公益性原则。这些独到的方式和方法都可以给我国公共图书馆的商务信息服务提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

在Web2.0时代,图书馆应把握住社会交往站点中的微内容、自组织及去中心化、应用程序以及双向交流的特征,主动将图书馆的资源和服务延伸到用户所在的网络社区。论文介绍并分析了图书馆在社会交往站点上开展服务的实践,总结了服务的主要内容及形式,指出了实践中的图书馆应采取的措施。  相似文献   

随着信息化的高速发展,用户对资源需求的无限性和资源获取的便捷性要求提高,传统图书馆和数字图书馆已很难满足用户日益多样的需求,图书馆正在探索由数字图书馆向智慧图书馆的过渡和转型,图书馆的资源管理、业务流程、服务模式等都将发生变化。目前,我国智慧图书馆建设正处于研究探索阶段,缺乏成熟的理论指导,也缺乏不同图书馆系统内和不同区域图书馆间的统筹规划。本文试图探讨以下五个问题:智慧图书馆的概念之惑,智慧图书馆的名分之实,智慧图书馆的建设之困,智慧图书馆的合作之需,智慧图书馆的理论之贫。建议从理论层面深入研究智慧图书馆建设的相关问题,包括建设标准、建设模式、合作路径等,用成熟的图书馆学理论指导智慧图书馆建设的实践。  相似文献   

Academic libraries must play a direct role in supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs to get their start. The primary way to do this is through the development of library space to support innovation. Additionally, entrepreneurial library and information science (LIS) students should look for work beyond the library. The knowledge and skills that they acquire in the classroom are exactly those that startup companies need and want in new hires. If academic libraries embrace the need to break from the old and try something new, they can become hubs of innovation on increasingly entrepreneurial college campuses. And if entrepreneurial LIS students embrace the learning objectives of their programs, they can become the ideal new hire for any number of emerging innovative startup companies.  相似文献   

Business students comprise a significant proportion of the Library's reference workload at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). A literature review on business students and their use of libraries provided limited, dated material which indicated that business students are infrequent users of libraries and possessed minimal research skills. CSULB business faculty were surveyed to determine attitudes on student library use and learning. Students were surveyed to determine library attitudes, use, and skills. While library use has increased dramatically over the years, skills needed for independent research have not. Suggested solutions include the targeting of core business courses for instruction and increasing involvement of the faculty.  相似文献   

我国图书馆服务的价值取向:公益性与效益性的统一   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公益性是图书馆的基本属性。我国图书馆的发展既要坚持公益性服务为主,又要遵循市场经济的基本规律.开展一定程度的经营性服务。将公益性与效益性和谐发展,以实现图书馆社会效益和经济效益的最大化。  相似文献   

本文论述了忻州师范学院图书馆如何有效利用自身优势积极开展创新服务,参与挟贫顶岗实习支教。走出校园,更好的服务山区,为社会主义新农村建设提供有力的智力、物力和信息资源支持。  相似文献   

多种模式共存的高校图书馆社会服务的实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用文献调研的方法,梳理了国内部分高校图书馆面向社会服务的实践。接着从多种服务模式的视角介绍了江苏大学图书馆依托"企业型"的服务模式进行社会服务的实践。然后构建了高校图书馆开展社会服务的不同模式,试图给高校图书馆开展社会服务提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   


While large public libraries have long served the business community, environmental factors, such as the proliferation of Web based information, the growth of easily accessible on-line databases, and a growing appreciation among smaller companies of the value of strategic information, are converging to provide medium and smaller public libraries with the opportunity to bring additional service value to the business community. To provide libraries with operational models for library interaction with the business community, patron interaction, technology, and data analysis models are created and described.  相似文献   

从社交网络的视角出发,阐述社交网络的涵义和发展,归纳社交网络的重要理论依据,分析这些理论对图书馆的推动作用。通过国内外图书馆应用社交网络的实践,从构建个性化数字图书馆、扩大图书馆读者群,以及促进知识共享和传播等方面,探讨社交网络在图书馆中的应用价值。  相似文献   

程璇 《晋图学刊》2014,(3):13-16
SNS社交网站以个人用户为节点,通过系列工具认识和关注朋友,建立社交网络关系群,沟通信息并分享知识。随着各类社交网站的广泛应用,SNS已成为各类组织开展营销活动的重要方式。图书馆基于SNS开展营销能扩大图书馆的影响力,加强用户与图书馆的互动,且节约宣传和服务推广成本。本文基于SNS和图书馆营销理论,重点探讨图书馆利用SNS开展营销的策略,指出营销实践中存在的问题并给出解决建议。  相似文献   

Recent trends in librarianship point to themes of crafters, artisans, and makers in library spaces. The American Library Association's Center for the Future of Libraries includes the Maker Movement as one of its trends. Librarians can support these makers and entrepreneurs by thinking of libraries as a place to create through community building and engagement, and considering job skills needed for success and confidence to staff such spaces, but this transformation requires administrative support. This article summarizes this movement for libraries and suggests a route to success through a case study of a year-long grant on Making Maker librarians.  相似文献   

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