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通过对中国、美国、英国、德国、法国、日本和俄罗斯国家标准在各个技术领域标准数量的统计计算和比较,分析研究上述7个国家的国家标准在技术领域分布方面的共性与差异性,提出分析结论和建议,目的是为我国构建科学的标准体系和组织标准制修订工作提供参考和决策依据。  相似文献   

11月28日至12月2日,省档案局长谢波率办公室、机关党委和业务处有关同志,到盐城、淮安、连云港及如皋、射阳、涟水、东海、沭阳等三市五县(市)调研工作,全面了解地经济社会发展情况和档案事业建设情况,对贯彻落实党的十七届六中全会精神和省第十二次党代会精神,  相似文献   

介绍中国科学院文献、信息、出版代表团访问德国、奥地利和法国一些图书馆和出版社的情况,并结合中国科学院文献情报系统和出版社的情况,从定位、经费和改革等方面,提出一些具体建议。  相似文献   

《新闻和报纸摘要》、《全国新闻联播》(以下简称《报摘》《联播》)的两会报道历来都是中央台两会报道的重中之重,也是一个创新的“高地”,对采编制作的要求高,挑战性强:从一定层面来说,《报摘》、《联播》的两会报道从内容定位、形式定位,到报道手段的运用,也反映出我们在一个时期对广播传播规律的认识,对传播环境的判断。正是基于这种认识和判断,我们今年的两会报道在《报摘》、《联播》中做出了一些突破性的改变,其基本理念就是提升两会报道的新闻性。具体体现为四个方面:  相似文献   

档案是处理完毕的、有价值的、经整理 (立卷 )后存放于一定处所 (档案室、档案馆 )以备查考的文件集合。一事物能否成其为档案 ,应当用档案和文件的要素衡量 ,凡不具档案和文件要素的 ,都不应视为档案。  相似文献   

正党的十八届三中全会决定对进一步深化文化体制改革做出了新的重大部署,必将推动出版业实现新的发展。我们要牢牢把握这一难得的历史机遇,在深化改革中把自己打造成为富有文化创造活力、能够适应建立健全现代文化市场体系要求的市场主体。围绕这一目标,我们要做的是:改革、转型、升级、国际化。改革、转型、升级和国际化是适应新形势,解决新问题,实现新发展的必然要求。从2002年开始,少儿出版经历了持续十年的黄金发展期。这黄金十年的显著特点是出版业几乎全行业参与少儿出版,  相似文献   

作为书法入门的途径,"看、写、比、背、临",是提高学生书写水平和书写兴趣的基本方法。  相似文献   

闻喜县委、县政府坚持邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,全面贯彻落实科学发展观,从加快基础建设入手,树立经营城市的新理念,采用政府规划、市场运作的方针,先后修筑和改造了东西立交桥、太风路、新开路、老东西街、城西路、城南大街等道路,使城市功能日趋完善,城市框架不断拉大,并相继实施了人民会堂、人民广场、西湖公园、闻喜大酒店、实验中学等工程,进一步提升了城市品位。  相似文献   

编辑在审修文稿时,与作者、评论者、读者相比较,所处的地位是怎样的呢?笔者认为,作为编辑,对文稿认识的支点,或者说方位,与作者是并不全然相同的。他也不可能和作者对文稿的认识完全重叠吻合。因此,象我们过去通常说的编辑在审读、修改文稿时,必须体会作者的意图、不要背离作者意图之类告诫,其实只是在一定意义上才是正确的,那就是用以反对编辑的胡删乱改。离开这点来看,正如人认识客观世界只能是近似的而非绝对的一样,编辑也只能近似而不可能和作者意图绝对一致,否则也就根本不需要编辑的工作了。  相似文献   

提升质量和提高效率是编辑工作的两大永恒主题.笔者欲将妇孺皆知的数学中加、减、乘、除的概念引申到编辑实践中,并通过精选的实例对编辑之加、减、乘、除工作法的内涵展开具体剖析,以便使编辑在横向拓展涉猎知识宽度和在纵向延伸研究视域深度的前提下,将相关知识进行整饬或者娴熟地驾驭书稿的各个组成部分,旨在共同探索和研究提升编辑质量和...  相似文献   

在我国信息化进程中,信息弱势群体在信息权利保障方面仍存在很多问题.文章拟从信息弱势群体的信息消费和信息权利保障角度,在对信息弱势群体、信息权利、信息政策、信息消费等概念间的关系进行梳理后,分析了在信息消费过程中,我国信息弱势群体在信息权利保障方面存在的问题及原因,并针对这些问题提出了信息扶贫的对策.  相似文献   

Even in a digitally advanced society, much of our daily lives is based in place, but information behavior research has largely ignored place as theoretically relevant to information behavior. This study explores the implications of a place-based approach to studying information practices, and examines factors that influence information seeking and sharing in place-based communities among parents of individuals with disabilities. Based on qualitative data gathered from 35 parents of individuals with disabilities, it proposes a spatial model of information source preferences based on the theory of information horizons, and discusses implications of the model for future research related to information seeking and places. It also presents substantive place-related findings about local information needs, including discussion of the local parent network as an information seeking system.  相似文献   

Access to government records is increasingly shifting to a nether world-governed neither by the FOIA and the Privacy Act, nor by an executive order on classification. Instead, new categories of records, labeled “sensitive but unclassified,” “for official use only,” or “critical infrastructure information,” are being created in a variety of agencies, and are governed by agency regulations. Statutory authority is found in a number of separate laws, such as the Homeland Security Act and the Aviation and Transportation Security Act. These categories can be assigned by agency officials, contractors, or those in the private sector who originated the records; many records categorized this way are not subject to appeal or review by agencies or the courts, or to any automatic “declassification” process that has applied to documents withheld under the FOIA or subject to classification. Trends toward increased secrecy at all levels of government have become sufficiently alarming that individuals across the political spectrum have begun to speak out, and members of the access community (e.g., newspaper editors and public interest groups) have formed coalitions to focus debate on the need to rethink the balance of access with privacy and records protection, and to lobby actively for reinstatement of principles of access that have governed records policy for the past 35 years.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how patterns of scientific collaboration contribute to knowledge creation and diffusion. Recent studies have shown that scientists can benefit from their position within collaborative networks by being able to receive more information of better quality in a timely fashion, and by presiding over communication between collaborators. Here we focus on the tendency of scientists to cluster into tightly knit communities, and discuss the implications of this tendency for scientific production. We begin by reviewing a new method for finding communities, and we then assess its benefits in terms of computation time and accuracy. While communities often serve as a taxonomic scheme to map knowledge domains, they also affect the way scientists engage in the creation of new knowledge. By drawing on the longstanding debate on the relative benefits of social cohesion and brokerage, we discuss the conditions that facilitate collaborations among scientists within or across communities. We show that highly cited scientific production occurs within communities, when scientists have cohesive collaborations with others from the same knowledge domain, and across communities, when scientists intermediate among otherwise disconnected collaborators from different knowledge domains. We also discuss the implications of communities for information diffusion, and show how traditional epidemiological approaches need to be refined to take knowledge heterogeneity into account and preserve the system’s ability to promote creative processes of novel recombinations of ideas.  相似文献   

信息能力平等、信息公平与公共图书馆制度   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
主体的信息能力平等是实现信息平等的基本条件,从而也是实现信息公平的基本条件。公共图书馆制度为人们实现信息能力平等提供了制度保障。  相似文献   

Upon reviewing thePreliminary Draft of the Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, given the titleIntellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure, one immediately confronts the grand ambiguity that resides in the two words: “intellectual property.” That the task force on the information infrastructure, enshrined with the acronym NII, had to locate precedent for its missioning Supreme Court Justice Story's 1841 observations on copyright issues as an area involving the “metaphysics of the law” indicates what a long reach the very notion of intellectual property entails in a democratic society. He is the author ofCommunicating Ideas: The Politics of Publishing and has published widely in the journal literature, includingScholarly Publishing; Logos; Publishing Research Quarterly; Journal of the American Society of Information Science, among others.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years have passed since the appearance of Science, Government, and Information (SGI), the 1963 report by the President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC). The Information Analysis Center, which was prominently recommended in SGI, has not become a central element of the information system. Instead automation, which was only beginning in 1963, has become dominant. Though extreme automation may be appropriate for those activities that are time constrained, it may lead to clogged information channels for those scientific activities for which time is less important than depth of understanding.  相似文献   

在简述传统教育与未来教育区别的基础上,说明网络教育是教育信息化的重要标志。同时也带来了数字化教育的新理念  相似文献   

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