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美国高校服务学习的起源与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国高校服务学习的起源与发展是一个重要但学术界很少涉猎的研究领域.研究这段历史对我们进一步理解服务学习的理论基础、社会影响以及教育内涵都具有积极的意义.本文对美国高校服务学习的历史分四个阶段就其起源、发展、演变及相关社会政治背景进行了具体的分析和探讨,并扼要地论述了这段历史对中国大学课程改革的启示.  相似文献   

服务学习是当前美国高校一种以学生为中心、把课程学习与社会服务相结合的教育和学习方式.马里兰大学服务学习课程开发的“准备—行动—反思—评价”模式是服务学习课程开发的典范,学习这种模式的具体操作,可以为我们提供可资借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初期,联结整合社区服务与学术课程的服务学习在美国高校崭露头角.经过近20年的改革与发展,服务学习已经成为美国当代高等教育的一大特色.作为一项高等教育活动,服务学习在实践中对美国的社会生活、文化理念产生的重要意义耐人寻味,主要体现在以下三个方面:1)对美国个人主义文化的超越;2)对美国多元文化融合的推动;...  相似文献   

随着世界范围的高等教育知识生产模式转型,美国社会对优质的服务学习课程的诉求日益强烈,高等教育进入关注课程评估的质量保障时代。基于服务学习课程的主体多元性、内涵丰富性、情境的动态性等特点,本文从评估目的、评估主客体及内容、评估方法及工具和评估运用等方面探析美国高校服务学习课程的评估方案,指出其评估理念、评估过程、评估方法和工具能为我国提供重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

服务学习课程是美国高校实施服务学习的重要形式。服务学习是以课程教学内容为基础,使学生参与有组织的社会服务活动,要求学生在服务过程中对课程内容获得更多的理解,获得更广泛的学科知识,加强自身社会责任等来获取教育经验学分为目的的课程形式,同时也是将服务社会与课堂学习内容紧密结合的一种开放式教学方式。服务学习对青少年学生产生三方面积极影响:学术参与及成就;公民的态度和行为;社会和个人生活技能的提高。  相似文献   

城市可持续发展问题是现阶段美国城市化进程中面临的巨大挑战与重要议题。USES(城市可持续发展推广服务)是针对该问题而开展的项目,它与美国历史上的"推广服务"和"服务型学习"事件渊源颇深。通过审视美国四所高校对USES项目的实践,不仅可以明晰美国高校在现阶段城市化进程中的角色,而且可以从整体上把握现阶段美国城市化进程中的高等教育服务体系构建情况。研究发现,高校扮演着"温床"与"催化剂"的角色;高等教育服务体系包括社区管理与咨询服务、课程开发与培训服务、项目研发与推广服务。  相似文献   

服务学习既是一种先进的教育理念和教学方法,也是公民教育的有效手段和国家治理体系的重要组成部分。他山之石,可以攻玉,本文基于大学生公民教育的视角,梳理了美国服务学习理念和实践的概念、模式和发展历史,初步探讨了服务学习课程的公民教育功能和价值,进而分析了美国高校服务学习对我国大学生公民教育的启示和借鉴意义,以期为完善我国公民教育和思想政治教育机制,建立中国特色的高校服务学习课程体系有所裨益。  相似文献   

美国高校服务学习一直被认为是撬动美国传统高等教育变革的重要因素之一,从目前的发展态势来看,也在一定程度上达到了变革美国高等教育的目的。美国高校服务学习的主流形式是融入课程的一种教学法的服务学习,这种方法强调学习与服务并重。同时,对美国高校服务学习呈现的两大未来趋势:一是跨国服务学习的出现;二是走向参与型学术,建设参与型校园进行了详细的解读。  相似文献   

近20年来,服务学习成为美国高等教育体制中重要的新教学模式,是美国高校改善教育教学的有效策略,在美国高等教育领域受到重视。本文就美国高校服务学习的历史发展作简要概述,围绕服务学习的模式展开分析与评价,以了解美国服务学习的现状并获得有益的启示。  相似文献   

文章以作者在美国高校混合学习课程的学习体验为基础,对美国高校混合学习课程在学习支持服务、学习环境、学习活动设计与组织以及学习评价等方面的基本情况进行了介绍,并对其在教学目标、学习资源、有效性、学习参与度以及学习导航等方面的特点进行了分析.  相似文献   

An intergenerational oral history project paired 63 students enrolled in human behavior in the social environment (HBSC) courses in a bachelor of social work (BSW) programs with older adults. The goal of the project was to provide contextual application of HBSE theories and concepts by engaging students in semester-long intentional interaction with older adults. Qualitative evaluation of the oral history project found that students reported multiple benefits from participation. The authors attribute the project's positive outcomes to its service-learning nature as well as the unique and applied way in which it allowed students to learn mandated course content.  相似文献   

Participation in service-learning courses has always been considered a part of the informal education in tertiary education worldwide. Originating from the assumption that service-learning courses increase students’ civic engagement and bridge the gap between knowledge and practice, service-learning courses have gradually acquired the status of compulsory courses at universities. This being as it may be, it would seem that the nature of such courses would benefit from further analysis and discussion regarding their function in knowledge reproduction, and their role in teaching and education. The aim of this article is to examine and analyze a university service-learning course—the National Taiwan University (NTU) Star-Rain course with a commitment to serving children with autism—from a Foucaultian perspective, and reflect on how the process of putting knowledge during a service-learning course into practice comes to constitute the subjectivity of students who work with children who are autistic. We argue that the course under investigation has, in effect, become wholly entangled in the medical system’s treatment of autism in Taiwan. The service-learning process involves knowledge acquisition as well as long-term, detailed, concrete hands-on experience, and shapes, in a very complete way, students’ construction of their subject knowledge of autism.  相似文献   

Service-learning opportunities are prominent on many college campuses. The process of designing and implementing service-learning experiences, especially for students of gerontology, however, has rarely been addressed. The current article briefly reviews the background and utility of service-learning in gerontology courses, describes our service-learning project, outlines a general six-stage model for developing service-learning projects in gerontology courses, and describes our process of integrating the service-learning project into an introductory gerontology course. Finally, we demonstrate that in conjunction with the promotion of evaluative practices, service-learning in the gerontology classroom presents a promising practice for creating healthier communities.  相似文献   

美国研究型大学服务性学习的基本模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在20世纪80年代兴起的高等教育改革运动中,美国高等学校把培养创新人才确立为大学教育的培养目标。为了实现这一培养目标,美国大学十分重视服务性学习在培养创新人才的过程中的意义和作用,并采取多种模式,开展服务性学习活动,如一次性和短期服务性学习、连续的课外服务性学习、课程中的服务性学习、集中的服务性学习等。  相似文献   

Schools are becoming culturally and linguistically diverse. This means that pre-service teachers should be exposed to methods that prepare them for diverse classrooms. This article outlines a service-learning checklist that is practical and authentic to use in working with diverse communities. Faculty can adopt the checklist when infusing service-learning into their course. It is hoped that the checklist will guide faculty as they partner with culturally and linguistically diverse communities and engage in service-learning that is authentic.  相似文献   

美国学校公民教育的主要内容包括爱国主义教育、法制教育、公民意识培养、个人道德品质、权利与义务教育、价值观教育和历史教育等;实施的主要途径有课堂教学、服务学习、课外活动等;实施的主要模式有开设独立的公民教育科、设置社会科和把公民教育渗透到各科教学和学校的其他活动中实施等模式。  相似文献   

Although service-learning has the potential to infuse technical communication pedagogy with civic goals, it can easily be co-opted by a hyperpragmatism that limits ethical critique and civic engagement. Service-learning's component of reflection, in particular, can become an uncritical, narrow invention or project management tool. Integrating cultural studies and service-learning can help position students as critical citizens who produce effective and ethical discourse and who create more inclusive forms of power. Rather than being tacked on, cultural studies approaches should be incorporated into core service-learning assignments.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions seek not only to prepare students for their chosen profession, but also to develop graduates that are civic minded and make a positive social impact. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on whether participation in service-learning leads to students reporting increased empathy. The study also examines the features within a service-learning placement that contribute to development of empathy. The review followed the 2020 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement. The authors searched Scopus, ERIC (EBSCOhost), PsycInfo, CINAHL, Web of Science, Medline Complete, Google Scholar and specific service-learning journals not indexed in major databases for studies published before Nov 23, 2020 that met the Bringle and Hatcher (1995) definition of service-learning and measured change in, or development of, empathy. Of 662 records identified, 35 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Overall, across the 14 studies included in the meta-analysis, there was a significant small effect for increase in empathy for those who participated in service-learning compared to those who did not (g = 0.261) and from pre to post service-learning (g = 0.176). Across the 21 qualitative studies, the main feature which appeared to contribute to the development of students’ empathy was direct interactions with the community. This paper provides insight into the efficacy of service-learning as a pedagogy and contributes to our understanding of the educational value of service-learning for universities. We conclude with avenues for future research and implications for practice.  相似文献   

Scholarship on service-learning and experiential learning consistently demonstrates benefits for students, but little evidence has emerged examining the perspectives of faculty. The current study examines the conflicting perspectives from faculty affiliated with a university undergraduate criminology major that utilizes both experiential learning and service-learning. Focus groups of departmental faculty revealed fears over curriculum rigor, concerns over forming partnerships and investing resources into service-learning and experiential learning activities without university incentives, and recognition of student and department benefits derived from service-learning and experiential learning activities.  相似文献   

This cross-case comparative study at Western Community College and the University of the Coast explored through a constructive lens the characteristics that lead to sustainable, high quality service-learning programs and how they are implemented at institutions of higher education. The researchers determined that both Western Community College and the University of the Coast (a) have diverse collaborative partnerships that promote excellent communication between all of the entities, (b) offer a wide variety of service-learning courses to connect curricular and cocurricular experiences, (c) have a stable funding base, (d) provide the necessary resources, (e) have continuity in staffing, and (f) incorporate feedback and assessment into their respective service-learning programs. The findings from this study, based on one-on-one interviews, focus groups, observations, and document analysis, serve as a model on how to create quality and sustainable service-learning programs that combine academic scholarship, off-campus learning discoveries, reflection, civic engagement, and meaningful community service. The research may be applicable for educators at community colleges at various stages in developing service-learning programs, or who are transforming faltering programs, trying to make them sustainable.  相似文献   

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