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美国整合性STEM教育框架基于STEM理念,阐明对整合性STEM的共识性理解,首次提供了涵盖K-12阶段的整合性STEM课程资源,绘制了STEM课程路线图,提供在课堂层次实施STEM的课程路线,为整合STEM方法的系统转型提供支持,以数据驱动STEM教学与评价,制定有效的STEM课程项目和STEM教师专业发展框架,推动整合性STEM课程实施与教学方法改革,培养学生运用STEM知识去解决真实问题,提高创新、批判性思维和解决问题的能力,培养21世纪技能。美国整合性STEM教育框架的课程理念、课程路径与课程支持系统,对我国在基础教育阶段推进STEM教育改革,开发全学段的STEM教育整体框架和课程路线图可以提供有益借鉴,包括基于标准的整合性STEM课程框架,赋能STEM教师的整合性教学实践和推动整合性STEM教育的系统性转变。  相似文献   

当前美国面临学生对STEM课程学习兴趣不高和教师参与STEM教学改革持续性不强的困境。在此背景下,美国大学协会实施了《本科STEM教育计划》,通过制订明确的改革目标体系、选取有代表性的改革试点大学、形成STEM教育网络以及建立跨校际的改革数据反馈机制来扩大改革的影响力。在执行上,试点大学通过在转换STEM基础课程中探索建构学科融合课程、提升教师的参与度、开发教学评估工具和协同校内资源四个方面的策略来支持教师适应STEM基础课程的转变。《本科STEM教育计划》的实施促进美国本科STEM教育改革从分散化向系统化转变。  相似文献   

STEM教育由于强调跨学科融合和创新人才培养的理念而受到世界各国的广泛关注。我国学者的国际视野主要集中于欧美国家,而对日本的STEM教育研究甚少。造成这一现象的主要原因在于当前主流文献数据库并不支持对日语文献的检索,因此有必要借助KH Coder这一支持日语文献分析的文本数据挖掘软件来探索日本STEM教育研究的特色,以期为我国的STEM教育研究提供借鉴。通过对中日两国STEM教育研究主题高频词表与主题词共现关系网络的分析发现,日本的STEM教育研究更偏向于实践,且注重进行实证研究;实践指向下的开发主要关注教材开发,且非常注重与地方特色产业相结合;同时倡导和重视国际间合作开展STEM实践,不断输出和引进可贵经验。反观我国的STEM教育研究,则偏向于介绍国外特别是美国的STEM教育经验,课程内容偏向于STEM教育的理念及其设计等理论层面问题,非常缺乏融入本地境脉的实践和实证研究。为了更好地推进我国STEM教育的实践发展,我国学者应该借鉴日本STEM教育研究模式的特色,从实践与实证相结合、建立国际合作、融入地方境脉三方面探求STEM教育研究模式的转变。  相似文献   

This research took place within the context of ongoing educational reforms to promote inquiry-based science instruction and a desire to draw evidence to inform adoptions of western pedagogical practices in a high-context culture like Qatar. We report on the outcomes from Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) in a foundation chemistry course based on students’ achievement, their perceived learning gains, and their self-efficacy. The study utilized quantitative data obtained from normalized content tests and instruments to measure perceived learning gains and attitudes and experience. Qualitative data from open-ended student questionnaires were analyzed to cross-validate findings from the study. Positive effects of POGIL during fall (semester 1) and spring (semester 2) semesters were evidenced by (a) improved mean scores and medium to large effect sizes for content test results, perceived learning gains, and self-efficacy levels and (b) a positive correlation between the measures of perceived learning gains and self-efficacy. Students self-reported increased self-efficacy, interest, and better understanding of concepts using the POGIL method. Comparing fall and spring semesters, student reluctance and negative perceptions of the POGIL approach gradually diminished. Students were able to adapt easily to POGIL—a method of teaching that they had not experienced before but which was compatible with the high-context culture in which they live. In addition, this study reflects the current condition of science learning in Qatar, where the emerging outcomes of educational reforms play an important role in preparing local students to transition into higher education.  相似文献   

Like most developing countries in the world, there is a huge gap in opportunities to access quality science education between students from the high- and low-socioeconomic strata of Philippine society. In establishing its own science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) high school, despite limited public funding in 1964, the government embarked on a hopeful project for continuously building up its scientific and technological work force to support modern economic development. The initial focus on elite talent development, however, eventually had to give way to legislative reforms that address issues of social equity. Greater accessibility for scholarships by underprivileged students in the provinces was accomplished, first, through the regionalization of its admission system and then, later, through its transformation into a network of science high schools across the nation. In my home country, sustaining equitable access to STEM education also means enhancing school participation through partnerships with community constituents and the private sector.  相似文献   

当前我国STEM教学中普遍存在课程设计粗线条化、缺少足够的教学支架、无法满足学生完成探究过程等问题。造成这些问题最为核心的原因是STEM教学设计过程中没有充分考虑如何激发学习者的学习动机。STEM教学所强调的自主、合作、探究的"做中学"学习方式和注重跨学科、情境、体验、参与的特色,有助于激发学习者多个层面的学习动机,从而提升STEM教学效果。基于STEM教学过程模式、学习动机相关理论以及动机层次模型,通过归纳演绎构建的面向STEM教学过程的学习动机序列模型,包括教学目标/结果层、教学活动层、教学干预/策略层三层结构,通过每层核心要素的横向推进以及层与层之间的纵向转化,最终指向STEM学习动机的激发。该模型的特色体现在,从情境、语境和全局三个层次划分了学习动机,并指出在各教学环节可以通过不同的教学活动设计来激发不同类型的学习动机,且情境、语境和全局动机之间存在双向循环递归关系。案例分析结果表明,该模型有助于指导教师更好地在STEM教学中激发学习者的多层学习动机。  相似文献   

STEM教育因其融合多学科知识、培养创新精神和实践能力的特点受到广大研究者和实践者的关注。当前国外真正聚焦到STEM教育质量评价并具有较强可操作性的研究较少,而国内少量相关研究主要是介绍国外STEM教育评价的研究进展。严重缺乏成熟可行且适用于我国STEM教育发展的评价工具,很大程度上制约了我国STEM教育的可持续发展。经过德尔菲法两轮专家意见征询以及层次分析法确定评价指标权重后构建的STEM教育教学质量评价工具,既综合考虑了STEM的本质特征、已有STEM教育评价工具及指标维度,又直接聚焦于课堂教学,最终包含课堂环境、课程结构、教学内容以及学生表现4个一级指标和22个二级指标。该指标体系形式与我国教育教学中教师所用的教研表、评课表等类似,有助于教师更好地理解与使用;且经过初步试用,具有较高的信度,能够比较全面地评价STEM教育中的各方面要素,有助于促进STEM教育的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

If Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines in higher education are to retain students, there needs to be a shift towards teaching in more enriching and interesting ways. Creative teaching needs to become more prominent in STEM. This article presents a study that defines creative teaching in the STEM context and investigates attempts to teach creatively as experienced by nine STEM educators in an Australian university. The results highlighted that achieving creative teaching is difficult and that the element of surprise is essential. Despite the struggle required, creative teaching afforded fulfilment for teachers. We examine the characteristics of those interviewed and suggest strategies for fostering creative teaching. The findings extend beyond the STEM discipline.  相似文献   

Inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) can be viewed as opportunity structures for students underrepresented in STEM. By opportunity structures, we mean an education that provides not only access to high quality STEM curriculum and instruction or “opportunity to learn,” but also the capacity to create learning environments where students can build STEM social capital and the dispositions, knowledge, skills, and networks to be successful in STEM college majors and careers. This is a cross‐case analysis of case studies that describe the design and implementation of eight “exemplar” ISHSs. Beginning with 10 hypothesized critical components, we found evidence for all 10, but present in unique patterns of prominence, depending on the school context. Further inductive analysis located an additional four emergent critical components that complete the picture of how these successful ISHSs were able to achieve their goals. Importantly, across schools, four components stood out as foundational: a flexible and autonomous administrative structure; a college‐preparatory, STEM‐focused curriculum for all; well‐prepared STEM teachers and professionalized teaching staffs; and supports for students in underrepresented groups. Although many of the critical components found in the ISHSs are also found in the school reform literature, these schools also had characteristics unique to STEM education. This paper is important in understanding STEM high schools as opportunity structures and as a school reform alternative that can help solve equity and social mobility gaps in STEM.  相似文献   


As more and more science teachers in the United States are now expected to implement STEM education in their classrooms, it is important to understand how teachers conceptualise STEM education. This information can then be used to provide teachers with meaningful support as they move towards implementation of STEM education. Understanding that not all representations of STEM are equal, this mixed-methods study used a phenomenographic lens to examine science teachers’ perceptions of eight different models of STEM education through photo elicitation interviews. Part of this was done though an activity in which teachers ranked different models of STEM education by arranging them in a continuum. Findings reveal that teachers are most drawn to models of STEM education that show STEM beyond school settings and that include clear intersections between the disciplines represented in the acronym. This study sheds light on the importance of creating a shared conception of STEM education in order to have productive conversations across various stakeholders within the STEM education community.  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is a form of education seen by many governments and educators as a preparation of the types of students needed for the future. STEM education is being developed in many countries without the support of official policy, such as is the case in Canada. In the United States, the National Science Foundation (NSF), and a private non-profit organisation, Achieve Inc.?, have been enlisted to develop policy to guide the development on STEM nationally. Due to its influence in global politics and economy, many countries, including Canada, are interested in how the United States is preparing its citizens for the future through STEM education. In this paper we present a critical discourse analysis on STEM policy from the United States as a basis to discuss: biopolitics in science education; notions of citizenship in contemporary school education and science education; and citizenship and STEM education.  相似文献   

随着STEM教育的快速发展,STEM教师教学能力的构成及其关系亟待研究。基于此,文章首先在反思STEM教师教学能力相关研究的基础上,运用文献研究法和编码分析,整合了STEM教师的教学能力要素,形成了模型的维度及其内容,在此基础上构建了中学STEM教师教学能力的结构模型。随后,为更进一步探讨中学STEM教师教学能力要素之间的深层次关系,文章采用德尔菲法,对结构模型的内容进行了修改。最后,文章参考洋葱模型,形成了中学STEM教师教学能力的递进模型和互动模型,以分别体现教学能力的重要性程度和不同能力之间的相互关系,实现了结构模型的进一步完善。文章指出,结构模型可以被STEM教师作为教学设计框架用以提升教学能力,可以被学校管理者作为教学能力框架用以科学评价STEM教师,并且可以被教育行业作为教学培训设计的依据用以提升STEM教师水平。  相似文献   

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is a critical component of federal policymakers' agendas. Out-of-school time (OST) programs are designated as an important venue to teach STEM to K–12 students. Using a sample of OST direct staff in Pennsylvania (n = 133), the present analysis examines instructional methods used for STEM lessons and then explores the comfort level that staff have teaching STEM. About 20% or more of staff are not comfortable teaching STEM, depending on the subject. Multivariate analyses (Mann-Whitney tests) also show that staff with fewer STEM credentials, and who work in less-networked programs, or programs with less STEM instruction overall, are more likely to express discomfort teaching STEM. Policy and planning implications are discussed.  相似文献   

University science outreach programmes are used to encourage more school students to select science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects in further education and pursue science-related careers. The benefits of science outreach programmes are often espoused from the perspective of programme participants. Little attention, however, is given to what university students delivering the programmes gain from the experience. This paper seeks to illustrate the benefits of engineering students delivering STEM outreach programmes in schools. It reports on a qualitative case study of the experiences of two STEM Education and Outreach team members from a regional university in Australia. Content analysis of interview data highlighted not only the participants’ motivations and perceived benefits of being involved in the STEM programme but also revealed the skills and attributes honed throughout the experience. Involvement in the STEM outreach programme resulted in the development of social and personal responsibility generic graduate attribute skills, evidenced through their motivations to be involved, the demonstration of understanding of teaching and learning, and application of science communication skills. This study demonstrates that designing and delivering STEM outreach programmes assists in the development of skills that will be beneficial when pursuing careers in engineering in the future.  相似文献   

In this issue, we have compiled six original papers, outcomes from the U.S. National Science Foundation (US-NSF)-funded REESE (Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering) 2020 Vision: The Next Generation of STEM Learning Research project. The purpose of 2020 Vision was to re-envision the questions and frameworks guiding STEM research in the twenty-first century, given that notions of learning have changed significantly in the last decade. The papers present diverse research principles that emerged from an initial 2020 Vision conference at Oregon State University (OSU), were then vetted more broadly with the science education community nationally and internationally, and presented in a public 2020 Vision symposium series also at OSU. Individually and as a group, these papers argue that if STEM learning is lifelong, life-wide and life-deep, research designs need to cut across the diverse settings and investigate the multiple contexts and media in which learners live and interact. Authors call for research paradigms that holistically reflect questions of the “what, when, where, why, how and with whom” of STEM learning. Associated Forum papers respond and expand the conversation by critically examining the recommended research principles and in some cases, challenging both authors and editors to think even more broadly. Two Key Contributor pieces highlight the contributions of researchers who have helped to push on these research boundaries, advancing science education research nationally and internationally. A final synthesis paper, a case study of research being conducted in a diverse, under-resourced community in Portland, Oregon provides one example of how the 2020 Vision research principles might be integrated into a comprehensive STEM learning research study.  相似文献   

Opportunities for American Indian youth to meaningfully engage in school-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences have historically been inadequate. As a consequence, American Indian students perform lower on standardized assessments of science education than their peers. In this article we describe the emergence of meaning for students—as well as their community—resulting from Indigenous culturally-based STEM curriculum that used an American Indian tradition as a focal context. Specifically, the game of snow snakes (Gooneginebig in Ojibwe) afforded an opportunity for STEM and culturally-based resources to work in unison. A case study research design was used with the bounded case represented by the community associated with the snow snake project. The research question guiding this study was: What forms of culturally relevant meaning do students and the community form as a result of the snow snake game? Results indicate evidence of increased student and community engagement through culturally-based STEM experiences in the form of active participation and the rejuvenation of a traditional game. Implications are discussed for using culturally-based contexts for STEM learning.  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,STEM教育已成为当前教育研究的热点话题,也是基础教育阶段重点关注的教育领域。本文结合中国知网(CNKI)数据库最近六年2015年1月~2021年1月收录的以“学前STEM教育”为关键词的文献作为研究对象,运用citespace5.7软件,采用词频分析和聚类分析的方法分析了解我国学前STEM教育的研究热点和发展趋势。经过分析发现,当前我国学前STEM教育研究大多集中在“对国外学前STEM教育的学习与借鉴”、“我国学前STEM教育的价值”、“STEM教育在幼儿园的教学与实践”和“我国学前STEM教育的人才培养”四个方面,在今后的研究中要注重发挥STEM教育的跨学科性,增加不同学科、不同领域学者之间的交流合作机会;加强实证研究、混合研究方法的使用,实现量化研究与质性研究的有效结合;扩大学前STEM教育研究内容覆盖的范围,深化研究主题。  相似文献   

吉林省高校本科STEM教育课程的发展为我国STEM课程建设提供了分析样本与经验参考。经分析,吉林省32所本科层次高校中仅有13所开设了STEM教育课程,在所开设的STEM教育课程中,课时分配与资源配置存在着不足,此外,学生的学习方式、评价方式创新性不足,STEM教学给予学生的帮助不多。总体来看,吉林省高校本科STEM教育课程存在着三方面的问题:一是政策落实仍需加强,二是课程资源仍然缺乏,三是课程评价仍不完善。未来在发展中需要在以下四方面深化:一是普及教育政策,二是丰富课程资源,三是扩展课程评价,四是强化师资队伍。  相似文献   

在STEM教育起步阶段,课程选择是教学实践的首要问题。通过文献分析发现,“国家或地方非营利性组织机构”提供的支持或指导型STEM课程、“第三方机构”提供的直接交付型STEM课程以及学校自主开发或与其它组织合作开发的校本开发型STEM课程构成了STEM课程可选择的三种类型。其中,兼具“学生发展立场-学校改革创新-教师专业实践”多重内涵的“校本开发型STEM课程”是办学主体实践智慧的凝结。国际上主要从教育决策、学校发展定位、教师专业发展、课程开发方法和策略等四个方面展开STEM课程校本开发的研究和实践。STEM课程校本开发的国际经验为我国STEM教育起步和发展提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

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