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在杜威的经验学习模式、皮亚杰的学习认知发展模式和勒温的行动研究实验训练模式基础上,库伯提出经验学习理论。库伯的经验学习理论探讨了经验学习的定义、特征和模式,为成人学习者的经验学习提供了有力指导,同时也为成人教师的专业发展提供了重要的启示,即成人教师的专业发展是持续不断的过程,注重批判性反思观念,营造专业发展氛围,增强专业发展意识,立足真实生活世界。  相似文献   

汪青云  周倩云 《教师》2013,(23):82-83
库伯的经验学习体验圈强调个人的具体经验在学习中的运用,本文分析了经验学习体验圈的内涵及其各阶段联系,总结了英语阅读教学当中的问题,探讨了体验圈的四个阶段,即具体经验、反思性观察、抽象概括和活动性实践在英语教学中的具体运用。库伯提出的体验圈在切入具体经验和使用媒体作为教学辅助手段方面,在激发学生学习兴趣方面,有着重要的价值,有利于中学教师提高教学质量,获得较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

杲蕾 《中学生物学》2010,26(5):19-21
1体验学习理论模型 "体验学习的循环理论模型"通常指的是库伯的四阶段模型,库伯用四个元素建立起了四阶段理论模型:具体的体验--观察与反思--抽象概念的形成--在新情境中检验概念的意义.  相似文献   

库伯在约翰·杜威等学者理论的基础上系统地提出了"经验学习"理论,库伯的经验学习理论认为学习是持续的经验构成与再构成的动态过程,在教育界产生了较为深刻的影响,并广泛的运用到成人教育学习实践当中。  相似文献   

成人经验学习,特别是基于问题情境的经验学习,是很多成人比较乐用的学习方式,在对其基本内涵阐释的基础上,借鉴库伯经验学习过程理论,提出基于问题情境的经验检索、经验修建、经验应用、经验反思与经验索引等成人经验学习的五个环节。  相似文献   

新形势下,大学语文学习关注动态学习模式,通过打破课堂内外的界限来拓展学习空间,进而达到提升学生语文能力的目的。而经验学习理论坚持以学习者为中心,强调学习过程中的反思、开放与合作,与大学语文学习不谋而合。在经验学习视阈下,大学语文学习模式由经验的探索与分析、改造与深化、迁移与应用、反思与评价四阶段构成。这种基于经验的动态学习模式充分挖掘了学习者已有经验的价值,让学习者在新情境中积极主动地对原有经验进行改造,进而实现自我养成的最终目的。  相似文献   

经验学习是具体经验-反思观察-抽象概括-积极实践的循环过程。在这一过程中,学习者在与环境、与自我、与他人的对话中建构意义。学习者的对话建立在四个辩证的发展过程之上,即:经验过程获得过程中直接经验和间接经验之间的张力,学习者通过感知获得直接经验,通过领悟获得间接经验;反思经验与行动经验之间的张力,在反思性实践过程中通过反思内化经验,通过行动迁移经验;由内及外的个体性经验与由外及内的联系性经验之间的张力;经验的层次级别性与整体一致性之间的张力。在经验发展的四个辩证过程中,对话起着引领的作用。  相似文献   

成人教育最有价值的资源是学习者的经验,教育者要充分利用成人经验。成人经验学习是指成人在已有经验基础上,通过对已有经验的详细回顾、深刻理解、系统反思、抽象分析以及建构应用等步骤学习和获取理论与技能,并改进原有经验的学习过程。在分析农民自我导向经验学习现状的基础上,阐述农民经验学习的必要性。借鉴库伯的经验学习圈,规划出螺旋上升的农民经验学习流程图,以此为基础提出以教师为主导的新型职业农民经验学习的教学策略,以期启发新型职业农民经验学习意识和方法,最终实现新型职业农民自我导向的经验学习。  相似文献   

库伯的经验学习理论--研究中小学教师继续教育的新视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
库伯的经验学习理论强调经验在学习中所发挥的作用;中小学教师在教育教学实践工作中积累了大量的教育教学经验。因此,在继续教育中应当重视其教育教学经验的作用。  相似文献   

赵建军 《海外英语》2011,(12):125-126,132
词汇是学英语的基础,成功的英语交际必须用足够的词汇量做保证。词汇的学习以及词汇量的发展也遵循一定的规律,同时受到多种因素的影响。对词汇学习的主体学习者来说,其自身的学习风格必定会影响学习者的词汇学习。正是从这种认识为出发点,本调查在对西北地区某大学英语专业大一至大四学生共270人的词汇学习现状的调查基础上,具体对以下问题进行了分析和讨论:(1)英语专业本科生大一至大四词汇量变化情况;(2)不同学习阶段的具体情况;(3)哪些学习者个人的感知学习风格与词汇量的多少有密切的联系;(4)针对调查中发现的问题,该文对英语词汇学习给出了一些切合实际的建议。  相似文献   

Experiential learning styles remain popular despite criticisms about their validity, usefulness, fragmentation and poor definitions and categorisation. After examining four prominent models and building on Bergsteiner, Avery, and Neumann's suggestion of a dual cycle, this paper proposes a twin-cycle experiential learning model to overcome identified problems and integrate the experiential learning field. In the model, an initial response to a learning stimulus or intent occurs at the intersection of a concrete/active/primary learning cycle and an abstract/passive/secondary cycle. The model accommodates four classes of variables that describe six broad learning activity types (engage in, write about, observe, hear/see, read, hear), the three senses these activities predominantly engage (kinaesthetic, visual, aural), six learning modes (concrete, active, primary, abstract, passive, secondary) and four learning stages. Importantly, instead of assigning learning modes to stages of learning as Kolb does, the model assigns them to the two cycles as a whole.  相似文献   

David Kolb's experiential learning theory involves a framework that can be helpful in designing courses that meet the needs of diverse learners. Kolb described learning as made up of two dimensions, prehending or grasping information, and transforming or processing that information. The prehending dimension ranges from concrete experience to abstract conceptualization. The transforming dimension ranges from reflective observation to active experimentation. Kolb suggested that learning occurs as the individual moves through a cycle of concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The cycle is then repeated at more complex levels. A course design that provides systematic activities in all four of these modes (concrete experience, reflective observations, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation) will be sensitive to the students' learning styles while at the same time challenging them to develop competence in other ways of learning as well. Students are thus encouraged to master the information with which the course deals and to develop skills in processing and applying that information. They are therefore engaged in learning how to learn, a competence that is critically important for effective adult functioning.  相似文献   


Experiential learning theory places experience at the center of learning. Kolb’s four-stage cycle of experiential learning suggests that effective learners must engage fully in each stage of the cycle – feeling, reflection, thinking, and action. This research assesses the alignment of Kolb’s experiential learning cycle with the week-long Summer Institute of Assisting, Collaborating, and Training ESL Secondary Content Teachers (ACT-ESL), the first stage of a professional development model designed to train content teachers of English Language Learners (ELLs). Qualitative and quantitative data analysis from pre- and post-surveys determined positive changes in participants’ understanding of key ELL concepts, knowledge, and understanding of instructional strategies and practices. Analysis indicated that the Summer Institute had a large effect (d > 2.00 for each scale), regardless of previous training in ELL instructional strategies. Findings show that the Summer Institute incorporated the cycle of learning and tenets of Kolb’s experiential learning theory and evidenced teacher learning.  相似文献   

基于经验学习的学习风格研究述评   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
美国组织行为学教授科尔布提出了“经验学习”理论,并从经验学习和学习过程角度来探讨学习风格问题。本文分析了经验学习的内涵及其理论基础,探讨了影响学习风格的因素,阐述了人格、个人经验、学习情境对学习风格的影响,并论述了寻求平衡的学习风格研究趋势。以经验学习理论为基础的学习风格对于促进学习效率的提高具有积极的指导作用。  相似文献   

The conception of experiential learning is an established approach in the tradition of adult education theory. David Kolb's four-stage model of experiential learning is a fundamental presentation of the approach. In his work Experiential Learning, Kolb states that John Dewey, Kurt Lewin and Jean Piaget are the founders of the approach. The article discusses Kolb's eclectic method of constructing his model of experiential learning. It studies how Kolb introduces and uses the Lewinian tradition of action research and the work of John Dewey to substantiate his model. It is concluded that Kolb generalizes a historically very specific and unilateral mode of experience- feedback session in T-group training- into a general model of learning. Kolb's interpretation of John Dewey's ideas is compared to Dewey's concepts of reflective thought and action. It is concluded that Kolb gives an inadequate interpretation of Dewey's thought and that the very concept of immediate, concrete experience proposed by the experiential learning approach is epistemologically problematic. The theory historical approach of the article discusses both substantial questions related to experiential learning and the way concepts are appropriated, developed and used within adult education theory.  相似文献   

Kolb学习模式及其在英语教学中的运用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在英语教学中 ,Kolb模式在选择和组织教学材料方面 ,在使用媒体作为教学辅助手段以激发学生对知识领域的认知和情感方面 ,以及在使用经验学习模式方面有着特殊的价值。Kolb把“具体—抽象”、“主动—思考”这两个认知发展过程融为一体。Kolb模式概括了学习过程的四个阶段 :具体经历、思维观察、抽象概念和主动实践。这种模式常见于四分学习法中。Kolb模式易于直接从模式运用于课堂 ,因此它在教学实践和教育研究中具有重要意义  相似文献   

Experiential learning has explicitly, since the publication of the Kolb ‘treatise’ been a cornerstone of youth work practice in the UK. It is the contention of this paper that there is a significant misinterpretation of Kolb’s theory by those who have applied his theory to youth work. Not least that experience is framed as: ‘concrete experience’ and therefore something ‘other’ or additional to the life experience of those being educated. This concrete experience is interpreted in youth work as the undertaking of discrete activities upon which, via subsequent reflection, learning is elicited. What is argued in this paper is that what is required is a return to the formulation of experiential education conceived of by Dewey which locates ‘lived experience’ at the heart of the educational process. For Dewey experience involves a dual process of understanding and influencing the world around us, as well as being influenced and changed ourselves by that experience, what Dewey referred to as ‘trying’ and ‘undergoing’. This important aspect of experiential learning is omitted from the interpretation of Kolb as a simplistic four‐stage learning cycle, though not ironically from his own theory. Finally learning by experience is according to Dewey necessarily concerned with growth and therefore lifelong education—in addition a commitment to Dewey implies rather than denies a curriculum in youth work, a point that those who advocate experiential learning tend to deny.  相似文献   

In recent years the student population in the UK has grown considerably, and students are entering higher education with a more diverse range of qualifications and skills. This is particularly the case in post‐1992 universities with a widening participation agenda, as these institutions have a larger share of students from non‐traditional backgrounds. Universities therefore need to consider ways in which they can encourage achievement and success amongst a diverse population of students, many of whom enter higher education without the skills needed to study effectively. Within this article the authors consider the use of experiential learning tasks to facilitate the development of study skills, as it has been suggested that such tasks aid student learning and the acquisition of skills.

The authors outline a Level 1 module, delivered to a large cohort of students at a post‐1992 university in the United Kingdom, and designed to facilitate the development of study skills in a way that is consistent with Kolb’s experiential learning cycle. Their small‐scale and provisional examination of the first iteration of this module suggests that they have produced an initiative that encourages student engagement and facilitates learning in each of the four stages of Kolb’s cycle. However, wider investigation is required to ascertain the effectiveness of the initiative in allowing student access to some of the key aims of higher education.  相似文献   

依据美国学者大卫.库伯的体验学习圈理论,体验学习要经历具体体验、反思观察、抽象概括和主动检验的持续过程。其中,具体体验与抽象概括代表感知与领悟的理解向度,反思观察与主动检验代表内涵与外延的转换向度。由于体验学习圈阐释了体验学习的过程及内在机制,体验教学就应遵循学习圈的历程来设计与组织,这样才有助于达成有效学习。  相似文献   

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