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The use of graphic illustrations in today's scientific journals has evolved from practices beginning in the seventeenth century, modified by the demands of readers and the technology of creating and reproducing illustrative material. This article discusses the reasons for using illustrations in scientific journals and reviews the historical development of their use. Photographs, graphics and cartographic techniques, graphs, and standardized drawings and diagrams are analyzed.  相似文献   

中国古籍插图研究(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古籍插图博大精深,源远流长.中华民族自古以来图书并称,图文并重.版画插图艺术经历代发展,至明代登峰造极.这份宏富而宝贵的文化遗产亟待发掘整理,取精用弘.  相似文献   

科技论文可读性是学术交流的必要条件,而影响其可读性的因素很多,插图就是其中的一个重要因素.编辑应从提高可读性的角度修改插图,使内容与形式完美统一.文中以坐标图和照片图为例,讨论其编辑加工的原则和方法.  相似文献   

农业科技论文中结论部分的编辑加工   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
总结出农业科技论文结论部分写作的常见问题,提出结论的正确格式,并阐明编辑加工结论的一般原则.  相似文献   

科技期刊专家审稿质量的影响因素   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
李春梅 《编辑学报》2009,21(2):117-118
从审稿方式及审稿人的选择、审稿专家队伍的建立和管理、审稿行为的管理等方面对影响科技期刊审稿质量的因素进行分析。认为编辑应当认真把握审稿过程中的各个环节,以确保审稿工作的实效。  相似文献   

利用Visio2003完成科技期刊插图的制作   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对目前科技期刊编辑部制作插图工作过程繁杂的现状,通过对多种绘图软件的功能分析、比较与操作实践,并结合科技期刊插图的特点,提出了仅利用Visio2003这一种软件就可完成科技期刊插图制作全过程的方法.该方法简单易学,并且利用该软件生成的Tif图可方便地与方正书版9.0结合,实现图文混排与图文一体化输出.  相似文献   

孙立杰  罗杰 《编辑学报》2005,17(6):429-431
介绍运用Adobe Illustrator提高插图质量的技术方法,比较了经Illustrator处理后的插图效果.认为Illustrator是一种提高插图质量的新方法,可取得较满意的效果.  相似文献   

任小平 《编辑学报》2005,17(2):119-121
分析现有的用AutoCAD软件制作书刊插图的各种方法存在的问题;提出一种将AutoCAD图形用Acrobat软件转换为PDF文件,再经Photoshop将图形按需要的分辨率进行栅格化,从而得到高质量书刊插图的方法.  相似文献   

周望舒  张凤 《编辑学报》2010,22(3):229-231
采用问卷调查的形式,对审稿专家和作者如何看待审稿方式进行了调查.结果表明:有86.8%的审稿人和85.4%的作者都赞同双盲审稿,有88.2%的审稿人和96%的作者都认为,实行双盲审稿,有利于审稿人对稿件进行客观、公正的评审;48.4%的作者和31.6%的审稿人认为,如果审者与作者从事的研究工作类似,编辑在选择审稿人时应采取回避政策.本文建议某些专业面相对较窄的期刊可实行双盲审稿,而大多数高校自然科学学报可以实行单盲审稿.  相似文献   

中外学术类英文版科技期刊现状比较   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
陈智  谈慕华  王东方 《编辑学报》2003,15(4):290-292
对中外学术类英文版科技期刊的现状,包括作者、编委组成及编排情况进行了比较分析。结果说明,我国英文版科技期刊必须像外国期刊那样.在作者、编委组成等方面扩大范围,走出国门,才能成为国际性刊物,在全球经济一体化之中占一席之地。  相似文献   

Blog作为一种新的工作方式、学习方式和生活方式已经被越来越多的人所接受和应用。图书馆如何将Blog的成功经验应用到图书馆的知识管理系统中将会成为一个新的课题,本文就这方面的问题作了一些探索,供同行参考。  相似文献   

To some extent, written academic discourse represents the knowledge and practices of the academic community. Studies investigating writing styles in various disciplines have flourished, but fewer studies have leveraged multi-perspective linguistic indices to analyze academic writings, especially in the information science and library science (IS-LS) domain. This study attempts to provide an overview of how writing styles have evolved over the past 30 years across various subfields in IS-LS from multiple perspectives, that is, lexical complexity, cohesion, syntactic complexity, and readability. Based on a large set of abstracts of academic papers published in IS-LS, the empirical findings showed that the readability, cohesion, and lexical sophistication of abstracts in the IS-LS domain have increased over time, indicating that abstracts tend to contain more information but become less accessible. The gradual improvement in cohesion suggests that academic writing logic has increased, and the rigor of knowledge construction of scientific papers has improved. Furthermore, considerable linguistic variations emerged between subfields in the IS-LS domain, particularly at the lexical level. This study suggested that different subfields had various writing styles due to their research topics, methodologies, orientations, etc. The study also found that papers published in top quartile journals and those that gained higher citations typically had larger lexical density, lexical sophistication, cohesion, and readability. This suggests that influential papers tend to carry more information, address more complex scientific issues, and exercise caution in knowledge construction and presentation.  相似文献   

What is the most critical ability that a new librarian should cultivate in preparation for a reference career? Some would claim communication skills are vital; some would advise concentration on extensive knowledge of reference sources; others might state a case for computer literacy skills. This article argues that the single most important skill for a reference librarian to possess is the ability to think critically about the use of reference materials. illustrations are given to demonstrate the primacy of this proficiency in all areas of reference responsibility and suggestions are made concerning the need for increased focus on critical thinking in education and training programs.  相似文献   

试论现代科技期刊编辑学的基本内容与任务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代科技期刊编辑学是研究关于科技信息采集、加工处理和传播规律的科学。其基本内容应包括从确立编辑方针和制订编辑计划开始,进行选题、组稿、审稿、加工、发排、校对,直至出版的全过程,并且对整个编辑过程中各个环节的工作规律和方法进行专门探讨。研究这些规律和方法,有利于办好刊物,促进学术交流,推动对会发展和人类文明。  相似文献   

《篆书金刚经》又称《三十二体金刚经》是一部极具特色的古籍文献。文章从古今字体的演变,宋初僧人梦英18体篆书到道肯32体篆书的发展,论述了《篆书金刚经》的形成过程;着重从明正统二年刻本默庵后序、北京石景山区以壁画著名的法海寺碑文等,考证出刻书者李福善即明英宗时极有权势的太监李童;最后简述了该书的文字、艺术、历史价值。  相似文献   

陈雯兰 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):441-442
在科技期刊编辑工作中存在着重文轻图的现象.编辑应当了解插图在学术论文中的地位与功能,按“二性一优化”规则,以及从插图应具备的要素及其布局、标目形式等方面来加工插图.编辑应有耐心,不断学习新规范,并具有一定的绘图软件知识,从而使期刊论文插图做到规范表达.  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑的价值及其业务拓展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵瑞 《编辑学报》2011,23(5):455-456
针对目前编辑职业在人们心目中的地位和价值不高,以及很多编辑对于自己所从事的职业的迷茫和厌倦等现状,分析编辑价值的挖掘及编辑的努力方向,认为编辑应该从以往的“编校稿件”为主要职责转变为更新的编辑职责定位。详细总结了编辑的业务流程,提出了编辑为推动和促进国家科技事业的发展可以拓展的8种业务。  相似文献   

韦轶  刘韬  海治 《编辑学报》2019,31(3):277-278
结合日常工作中的实际经验,针对插图后期处理工作中常遇到的3类情况,分别总结了每种情况固有的特点,以及其可能造成的影响;同时分析了它们产生的原因和机理,由此提出了相应的处置措施和技巧。实例表明,所提出的措施和技巧,可以有效地减轻或消除这3类问题的影响。  相似文献   

This article is principally concerned with how and why these 2 types of radio news developed. It discusses the culture, ethos and practices of the 2 services and, in particular, if and how each was influenced by the other. Much of the article is concerned about how the new commercial stations developed practices and styles that were consciously different from, and in some cases in direct opposition to, those at the BBC, both nationally and locally. The article argues that it was the BBC which adopted and integrated commercial radio’s style and practices, rather than, as is often supposed, the other way around.  相似文献   

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