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表现性评价是对学生在真实任务情境中的表现从多个角度进行的综合性评价.它能弥补传统纸笔测试评价的不足,促进学生多方面潜能的发展.它的基本特征是:学生必须自己创造出完成任务的方案,而不是选择现成的答案;评价者必须观察、记录学生的行为表现与活动成果;学生需要通过实际任务学习知识和发展能力.在化学学习中,它的操作要领是:依据评价目标设置具有真实性和综合性的学习任务;依据学习任务设计关注知识与技能应用和非智力因素表现的评价手段和工具;利用评价工具实施评价、反馈结果.  相似文献   

熊生贵 《今日教育》2005,(12):30-31
建构性学习的特征之一是情境化学习。情境是指“与某一事件相关的整个情景、背景或环境”(韦伯斯特词典)。建构主义的课程观强调用情节真实、复杂的故事呈现问题,营造问题解决的环境,以帮助学生在解决问题的过程中活化知识,变事实性知识为解决问题的工具:主张用产生于真实背景中的问题启动学生思维。(1)情境应具有真实性、复杂性、情节性、挑战性、支撑性、开放性、浸润性等,先于学习事件的情境可影响学生学习的动机、需要、认知准备和情感等因素,学习中的情境则直接影响学习的兴趣、动机、理解、态度、方法等因素。  相似文献   

设计建构与开放学习环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创设一个开放、真实、协作与对话的学习环境.选择各种工具、调用相关资源、发挥支架作用;在教学活动中做出示范、精心辅导和提供支架,使得学习者在学习中围绕着循序渐进的挑战来组织教学:前瞻筹划、初始挑战、形成想法、观点分析、研习探究、检查理解、公开交流和反思提高,如此“攀登不止”.达到培养学习者解决非良构问题与完成复杂任务的能力。  相似文献   

语文学习环境是一种支持语文学习者进行知识建构的各种学习资源的组合。它包括任务情境、信息库、建构工具、任务管理者等要素。在这些要素中,任务情境最为重要,它在学习环境中起着集成其它各种学习资源的作用。在一定的任务情境中,语文学习者利用必要的建构工具,调用适当的信息资源,在自主探索的基础上,借助他人(包括教师和学习伙伴)的支持与帮助,建构对所学知识的意义理解。  相似文献   

项目式学习作为数学学习的重要方式,是促进学生核心素养生成的重要推手,但目前小学数学项目式学习设计中存在不同程度的虚假性任务情境、虚假性问题解决、虚假性评价等困境。对此,应将数学项目式学习设计与实施置于真实性学习理论的视域之下,遵循以真实的社会生活和变化为基、以真实的数学实践和对话为核、以真实的身份和意义建构为本的理念,以趋向真实的问题情境为基础,以观念统整的真实任务为核心,以身心俱在的深度参与为根本,以技术支持的思维工具为支架,以作品导向的真实评价为保障,优化数学项目式学习设计的策略。  相似文献   

设计思维作为一套包括理念、过程和工具的系统性方法,可为教育教学变革和未来人才培养提供新思路。本研究针对教学创新实践中设计思维融入系统性和深入度不够问题,提出设计思维深度融入教学创新需要转变理念、升级目标、重组内容、再造流程、变革评价等。本研究建构了设计思维指导的项目化学习设计模型和和学习活动设计与实施框架,系统阐述了设计思维如何从宏观和微观层面帮助教师实现课程—教学—学习的一体化设计。在宏观层面,教师要围绕课程学习目标和设计思维的特性,按照定义问题—汇聚灵感、构思方案—设计原型、迭代修订—输出制品、使用改进—演化发展四个阶段,设计围绕复杂问题的创新项目、系统化学习活动链、多模态学习资源、融合性学习环境和全过程学习评价。在微观层面,教师要创设目标导向的复杂情境,设计融合内容的活动、开发操作性活动指南、实施深度交互活动、优化支持性多维评价与方案,将特定课程的学习活动设计与实施落到实处,期间要重点关注各阶段的操作重点、关键性设计思维工具、方法与核心特征的融入。本研究旨在为教师开展设计思维指导的教学创新提供理念、过程和方法的深度融入支架,落实以学习者为中心的教学。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,当教育者们致力于设计出基于建构主义理论,以学习者为中心的教学环境,并通过发展课堂讨论、小组合作、研究性学习以促进学生的知识建构的同时,他们也面临着一个不得不思考的问题——如何制订出适当的评价工具对学生的理解和成就进行评价,当前倡导以学习者为中心的学习环境中,学生的学习能力就像穿过棱镜的太阳光一样不再是单一的白色,  相似文献   

开放学习环境指利用教育技术手段和资源来支持不同的学习目的和知识建构的环境。在开放学习环境中,有三个重要的成分:能够促进学生对复杂现象进行观察和实验的可视化和可操作工具;能够促进学生进行普遍原理与日常经验整合的科学性上下文;能够支持以学生为中心进行信息查询的基于资源的环境,对这三个成分的设计是开放学习环境设计的关键。  相似文献   

基于情境学习理论的生态化物理教学过程设计,以物理环境和社会环境为背景,从整体、平衡、和谐统一、联系、动态及开放的视角,组织安排教学系统中的各个要素,注重以真实问题或任务情境营造学生熟悉的学习环境,以多种方式组织学习活动。它要求教师根据课程总目标要求和学科知识特点来设计学习内容,均衡考虑和依托各类资源的支持,设计真实的问题或任务情境,进而展开与知识类型相符合的多样化学习活动;从认知、动作技能、情感和社会化四个维度制订学习目标并对学习结果进行整体评价。总体而言,生态化教学观要求从整体和过程考察各种教学形式是否均衡,强调教学系统中诸多要素的影响作用。在学习内容、学习活动以及学习支持上突出以下基本特征。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出建构主义教学设计原则强调:学生的学习活动必须与任务或问题相结合,以探索问题来引动和维持学习者的学习兴趣和动机;建立真实的教学环境,让学生带着真实的任务学习;学生拥有学习的主动权,教师不断地挑战和激励学生前进。  相似文献   

Self-directed learning with authentic and complex problems (problem-oriented learning) requires that learners observe their own learning and use additional information when it is appropriate (e.g. hypertextual information in computer-supported learning environments). Research results indicate that learners in problem-oriented learning environments often have difficulties using additional information adequately, and that they should be supported. Two studies with a computer-supported problem-oriented learning environment in the domain of medicine analysed the effects of strategy instruction on the use of additional information and the quality of the problem representation. In Study 1, an expert model was used for strategy instruction. Two groups were compared: one group with strategy modelling and one group without. Strategy modelling influenced the frequency of looked-up hypertextual information, but did not influence the quality of learners' problem representations. This could be explained by difficulties in applying the general hypertext information to the problem. In Study 2, the additional information was presented in a more contextualised way as graphical representation of the case and its relevant concepts. Again, two groups were compared: one with a strategy instruction text and one without. Strategy instruction texts supported an adequate use of this graphical information by learners and had an effect on the quality of their problem representations. These findings are discussed with respect to the design of additional help systems in problem-oriented learning environments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

E-learning环境是对各种数字化媒介为支持性条件的学习环境统合,旨在支持自主、探究、协作的解决问题。其设计存在着忽略交互的协同知识建构功能、学习目标线索的过于明晰化倾向、学习者的情感变迁机制依旧没有得到应有的研究以及新旧设计理念的冲突等问题。E—learning环境设计的重要性在于教和学不再是单纯的线形、封闭的过程,活动是E—learning环境的重要媒介,也是其中的产物,活动的社会化和情景化可以产生深度学习。E—learning的评价有其独特的一面,是预设评价和真实评价的结合。  相似文献   

Research has shown that learners do not always engage in appropriate metacognitive and self-regulatory processes while learning complex historical topics. However, little research exists to guide the design of technology-rich learning environments as metacognitive tools in history education. In order to address this issue, we designed a metacognitive tool using a bottom-up approach. Thirty-two undergraduate students read an historical narrative text either with or without the benefit of the metacognitive tool. Results from process and product data suggest that learners using the metacognitive tool had better recall and that the tool helped them (a) notice that particular events in an historical narrative text are unexplained, and (b) generate hypothetical causes to explain the occurrence of such events. We discuss the implications of these findings for the development of the MetaHistoReasoning Tool, a technology-rich learning environment that assist learners in terms of regulating their learning while they accomplish authentic tasks of historical inquiry.  相似文献   

Providing learners with opportunities to engage in activities similar to those carried out by scientists was addressed in a web-based research simulation in genetics developed for high school biology students. The research simulation enables learners to apply their genetics knowledge while giving them an opportunity to participate in an authentic genetics study using bioinformatics tools. The main purpose of the study outlined here is to examine how learning using this research simulation influences students’ understanding of genetics, and how students’ approaches to learning using the simulation influence their learning outcomes. Using both quantitative and qualitative procedures, we were able to show that while learning using the simulation students expanded their understanding of the relationships between molecular mechanisms and phenotype, and refined their understanding of certain genetic concepts. Two types of learners, research-oriented and task-oriented, were identified on the basis of the differences in the ways they seized opportunities to recognize the research practices, which in turn influenced their learning outcomes. The research-oriented learners expanded their genetics knowledge more than the task-oriented learners. The learning approach taken by the research-oriented learners enabled them to recognize the epistemology that underlies authentic genetic research, while the task-oriented learners referred to the research simulation as a set of simple procedural tasks. Thus, task-oriented learners should be encouraged by their teachers to cope with the scientists’ steps, while learning genetics through the simulation in a class setting.  相似文献   

Fostering synergies amongst learner, task, and technology to create innovative and immersive distance learning environments runs counter to the widespread practice of incorporating traditional classroom pedagogical strategies into Web‐based delivery of courses. The most widely accepted model of online higher education appears to be one of reductionism, whereby learning management systems facilitate the design of easily digested packets of information, usually assessed by discrete stand‐alone tests and academic assignments. This article describes a model for the development of authentic tasks that can assist in designing environments of increased, rather than reduced, complexity. It provides a robust framework for the design of online courses, based on the work of theorists and researchers in situated learning and authentic learning. It describes the characteristics of a task's design that facilitates the requirements of an entire course of study being readily satisfied by its completion, where the students make the important decisions about why, how, and in what order they investigate a problem. The article describes several learning environments that were investigated in depth in the study, and explores the synergies that exist between the learners, tasks, and technology engaged in authentic learning settings. The article leads readers to a conceptual understanding of the role of authentic tasks in supporting knowledge construction and meaningful learning, and illustrates the principles of authentic task design for online learning environments.  相似文献   

大学英语任务型课堂设计应体现如下原则:兼顾封闭式和开放式任务;形式和功能并重,以建构意义;让学习者最大化地接触真实的语言并自由地使用语言,并尽量地以学习者的个人经验为基础,以提高他们的兴趣,让他们与目的语材料产生共鸣;针对不同的学生设计不同的任务;最大化地涉及到教育的过程。设计课堂任务时必须兼顾学习策略和跨文化能力的培养,必须实行个性化教学,必须保证教师足够的授课时间,在教师的引导下,帮助学生形成自主的学习能力。  相似文献   

The present study shows how the mixed-methods approach can be used in capturing and organising learning environment (LE) characteristics for the participatory design of psychosocial and physical LEs involving learners. Theoretical constructs were tested and further elaborated on in the analysis of two similar educational design research studies: one conducted with 7- to 14-year-old learners in Finland (n = 80); and the other in Spain (n = 76). Cross-analysis of the numeric, visuospatial and verbal data collected, combined with theoretical and practical considerations, was used to develop a conceptual framework for LE co-design, which draws attention to the importance of balancing communality with individuality, comfort with health, and novelty with conventionality. In line with other studies, in this conceptualisation, flexibility and functionality are seen as central enablers for quality twenty-first century LEs. The knowledge exchange between two countries and the constructs developed in this cross-cultural analysis contribute to the creation of shared content-related design principles for future learning environments.  相似文献   

在新课标下有关英语测试的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语测试能力是英语教师专业能力的重要组成部分。每一位英语教师都应认识和了解语言测试的基本知识和方法,以及英语测试设计和实施的理念和原则,增强测试改革的意识,使英语测试在理念和实践上跟上当前中学英语课改和教改的步伐,推动而不是妨碍中学英语教学改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

真实学习的理论观点和实践主张强调学生通过解决真实世界的问题进行学习,从而逐步发展信息时代所需要的多种能力。真实学习涉及学习者面对的问题和任务、结果或者产品、环境和过程等多个层面的真实性,因而给学校教育情境中的实现带来了巨大挑战。为应对这些挑战,教师在教学设计和实施过程中,可以采用重构学习单元、聚焦核心知识的理解与建构、将真实活动结构化、设计清晰的支持系统等策略,设计真实学习活动和学习支持系统。通过分析人如何与现代信息技术共存,将为运用信息技术促进真实学习的实现及整个学校学习的革新提供基础。  相似文献   

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