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论教师反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯生尧 《教育导刊》2003,6(12):34-37
教师反思是教师发展的重要组成部分、教学的复杂本质及其各种变革,都迫切需要教师具备反思能力;而教师的反思能力,则应从仅仅停留于反思手段的技术性反思层次,提升至以学生为本的实践性反思和以社会平等为本的批判性反思的层次。教师反思,也必须兼顾课中反思和课后反思。行动研究、回忆生活历史、记录教学历程、教师合作等,都是提升教师反思能力的良好途径。  相似文献   

2011年教育部出台的《教师专业标准》明确提出了对教师的反思能力的基本要求,重视培养教师的反思与发展能力。教师教育制度作为促进教师反思能力发展的重要保障,存在滞后和阶段性脱节的问题。在教师教育制度建设方面应改进职前教师培养方式,提高教师的反思意识;充分利用在职教师培训,提高教师的反思水平;建立科学的教师评价体系,增强教师的反思能力。  相似文献   

培养教师反思能力的实践与研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师反思是教师自我认识的过程,是教师自我教育、自我改造的过程。本文在培养教师反思能力方面进行了实践与研究,提出以教学案例为载体,教学评价为切入点,突出教师自我反思、集体参与研讨反思的思路和方法。  相似文献   

培养职前教师的反思能力已经成为世界各国教师教育的一项重要任务。然而,许多教师职前培养计划更多地关注职前教师工具性反思能力的培养,而忽视本体性反思能力的培养。这在一定程度上造成了在职前阶段所形成的反思能力很难成为促进教师发展的持久动力。因此,对在职前教育阶段培养职前教师工具性反思能力的局限性和培养其本体性反思能力的必要性与可能性进行探讨就显得很有必要。  相似文献   

中职实训课教师的教学素质直接关系到学生实践技能培养的质量,教学反思能力是影响教师教学水平的关键因素.探究如何增强实训教师教学反思能力问题就显得尤为重要.增强中职实训教师教学反思能力的策略包括:以"教育叙事研究"为载体,培养教学反思习惯;以"网络博客"为媒介,构建反思新平台;以"专家引领"为依托,提升教学反思水平;创建良好的学习共同体,促进合作式反思.  相似文献   

课后反思对教师职业成长的影响作用是巨大的。课后反思应从记成功之举、“败笔”之处、教学机智、学生见解、再教设计入手,及时记录,积少成多,从而达到“集腋成裘、聚沙成塔”之效。形成反思习惯,不断自我剖析,以其他教师为镜,以学生为镜,养成写教学后记的习惯,加强反思策略和理论的指导,是培养教师教学反思能力的主要途径。  相似文献   

新课改对英语教师教学提出了全新要求。因此,以新课改的理念为出发点,探讨教学反思的内涵,提出反思能力的培养对于职前英语教师专业发展的重要性和可行性,并结合英语教学理论和英语教学实践,提出培养和提高职前教师教学反思意识的建议,以期培养出在英语教学研究和实践中具备可持续发展能力的职前英语教师。  相似文献   

美国心理学家波斯纳提出一个公式:教师成长=经验 反思。教师反思,就是教师以自己的实践过程为对象,对自己所做出的行动决策以及由此产生的结果进行审视和分析思考的活动。新课程需要教师反思,因为培养教师的反思能力有助于教师探求教育真谛、追求专业发展、重塑教育个性、培养自身潜能、追求教育创新。为此,笔者根据多年教学实践,浅谈几点体验。  相似文献   

专业教师的教学反思能力关乎学生的成长成才以及教师个人的专业成长,但反思的重要性及其能力的培养远不如其他教学操作技能和教学方法得到重视。高师院校反思型专业教师培养应完善教学中的反思制度与指标;重情怀、重“教育”、重教学;创设反思的实践条件,使专业教师注重课程系统学习与实践。  相似文献   

课后反思对教师职业成长的影响作用是巨大的。课后反思应从记成功之举、"败笔"之处、教学机智、学生见解、再教设计入手,及时记录,积少成多,从而达到"集腋成裘、聚沙成塔"之效。形成反思习惯,不断自我剖析,以其他教师为镜,以学生为镜,养成写教学后记的习惯,加强反思策略和理论的指导,是培养教师教学反思能力的主要途径。  相似文献   

This paper points to a neglected dimension to Schön's work on the reflective practitioner: his distinctive characterisation of the practicum. We argue that Schön's understanding of the practicum is integrally related to his understanding of the reflective practitioner. The appropriation of the latter concept within programmes of initial teacher education has tended to go hand in hand with a different model of the practicum that regards this as being synonymous with practice in schools. We outline a number of ways in which the practicum, as described by Schön, is significantly different from this. We identify key aspects of Schön's characterisation of the practicum and describe one alternative approach to initial teacher education that uses microteaching as a practicum context. This is a significant issue because concern has been expressed both as regards the quality of new teachers’ reflection and the perceived inability of TEIs to change student–teachers’ preconceived notions of learning and teaching.Whilst research into student teachers’ perceptions of microteaching has generally viewed this process positively, we were interested to research whether this remained the case once students had made the transition to teaching. The voices of recently qualified practitioners who have been through this programme are drawn upon as illustrative of the key features of this process which they identify. The article is a contribution to the discourse upon reflective practice and initial teacher education and also makes a contribution to debate concerning the preferred location of initial teacher education.  相似文献   

In the early childhood education field, the way children are conceptualised has substantially shifted in recent times. Child development theory has been unsettled as the single canon of early childhood practice. This has in turn challenged constructions of educators as keepers of a universal knowledge base, and as apolitical, non-interventionist facilitators of the natural unfolding development of individuals. While reconceptualising the early childhood knowledge base has oriented theorists and activists towards equity, unsettling educator subjectivities requires careful consideration in a feminised profession such as early childhood education. There is a need for greater discussion about how educators experience the uncertainties that accompany profound changes in teaching practice and identities and how educators can harness these uncertainties in ways that strengthen the profession. In this paper, I offer excerpts from teacher research that show how theories of affect support practitioners to engage productively the reflexivity needed to reconceptualise their roles as educators. I use affect theory to consider how the intra- and inter-personal dimensions of critically reflective practice can bolster the democratic and collectivist orientations in the teaching profession.  相似文献   

This paper demystifies reflective practice on teaching by focusing on the idea of reflection itself and how it has been conceived by two philosophers, Plato and Irigaray. It argues that reflective practice has become a standardized method of defining the teacher in teacher education and teacher accreditation systems. It explores how practices of reflection themselves can suggest ways out of dictated pathways of reflection in teaching. Drawing on Luce Irigaray's and Plato's ideas on reflection, the paper includes a critical overview of how reflective practice can contradict its own aims and become non‐reflective, shutting off possibilities for transformations and educational differences that it has set out to achieve. Keeping up the deconstructive mood, the paper draws on Irigaray's re‐reading of Plato's parable of the cave to argue that reflective teaching that merely reflects phallogocentric educational systems and that attempts to universally reproduce standardized forms of reflective practice can never be conducive to the diversification of educational spaces.

The paper seeks to re‐think Plato's idea of reflection as mere copying and takes up Irigaray's strategic mimesis to explore ways through which reflective practice can regain its critical edge and reactivate teachers' reflective voices. It argues for the repetition of the practice of reflection by drawing on a feminist critique that challenges phallogocentric reflective tendencies in education and for mimetic strategies that engender difference.  相似文献   

反思的价值取向与反思型教师的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代,兴起于北美和欧洲大陆的反思型教师教育运动,以燎原之势迅速影响到了世界范围的教师教育界,至今方兴未艾.在此背景下,本文着重探讨了教学反思的五种价值取向的内涵,分析了反思型教师教育中的培养模式和认知发展水平,从纵、横两个维度阐述了研究者对这一问题的不同理解,以期为我国反思型教师的培养提供一些帮助.  相似文献   

美国反思型教师教育的教学策略:评析与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国反思型教师教育思潮将教学看作"反思性实践",并根据是否有利于促进师范生反思来选择教学策略;教师教育界围绕实习、实物分析、案例教学、行动研究、叙述探究五种常用的教学策略开展了大量的实践和研究。这提示我们,教师教育应加强教学策略的研究、更新教学观,并注重开发和利用本土教学策略。  相似文献   

In recent years, Finnish research‐based teaching, according to international surveys, has been shown to lead to excellent results. Previous research has demonstrated that teacher education has often had difficulties in incorporating theory into practice, and that the effects of teacher education on the prior beliefs and views on teaching and learning of student teachers have been weak. The aim of the present qualitative study was to find out how the Finnish teacher education system deals with these problems by investigating the current goals Finnish teacher educators have for their own teaching in theoretical courses. A total of 18 teacher educators were interviewed in five focus groups on different teacher education programmes in Finland. The interview results showed that Finnish teacher educators transmit theoretical and pedagogical aspects by using them in their own teaching, which is research‐based. They also aim to educate reflective and exploring teachers by using a variety of methods in their own pedagogy. The exemplary role the Finnish teacher educators have can be helpful in influencing prospective teachers' behaviour and thinking.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the nature of reflective classroom practice in a setting where action research has been undertaken by both the student teachers and the teaching practice supervisor. It is based on a cross‐case study of the processes through which student teachers learn to teach. Specifically, the analysis focuses on how student teachers reflect on their experiences in learning to teach. The data are based on student teachers’ reported thoughts about their learning over a period of one year. The results contribute to the understanding of reflective classroom practice by highlighting first student teachers’ perceptions about learning to teach and second their reviews on classroom practice. The discussion also adds to the literature on teacher development taken from the novice‐expert research tradition. Accordingly, implications for curriculum development in teacher education are drawn.  相似文献   

Academics in universities can no longer teach in the ways that have been appropriate in the past. The paradigm has shifted from the dissemination of knowledge to a focus on the students and how to facilitate the best learning outcomes for them. This paper proposes that critical reflection is at the heart of being an effective teacher. It invites teachers to evaluate their own philosophies about teaching and to be critically reflective of their own practice. It is suggested that teachers need to learn how to be reflective practitioners through both self-evaluation and the use of collaborative strategies. It is no longer appropriate to focus solely on the 'what', but also on the 'how' and 'why'.  相似文献   

“全实践”教学体系是基于教师教育发展的国际背景,在本科教育实践经验的基础上提出的以促成幼儿教师专业养成、培养反思性幼儿教育实践者为目标的实践教学体系。其实际运行过程尚存局限,如导师制的功能发挥个体差异较明显、课堂理论教学与实践教学时间分配有待调整、课程理念对实践的引领作用未能充分发挥、实践者的主体反思性意识不明确等。基于此,结合H学院的实际情况,对现行“全实践”教学的实施与管理提出优化建议,包括完善“导师制”管理机制、合理调整实践时间比重、建立促进理论与实践相互渗透的工作机制、强化实践主体的反思性意识。  相似文献   

“教师研究”是当前教育研究的中心问题之一,背后支撑这一研究的基本理念是教育理论与实践关系的结构性转换,即从教育“理论中心”走向“教师实践中心”,相应地,教师教育及其研究也应从培养“技术熟练者”模式走向“反思性实践者”模式,从“规范”教师实践走向“服务于”教师实践。  相似文献   

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