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《国际编目原则声明》中有关检索点与规范标目的论述是我们选取和确立团体名称检索点的基本依据。文章从《国际编目原则声明》的角度,对《普通图书著录规则》标目法、《中国文献编目规则》及其第二版中有关选取团体名称检索点以及确立规范标目的规则进行了对比、分析,对中文团体名称检索点的规范提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

“异名”与“改名”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了建立统一标目的必要性,认为确定名称统一标目的首要任务是从同一责任者可能有的不同名称或名称的不同形式中选择一个(或几个)名称或名称形式,并将此项任务分解为“异名”与“改名”两个方面。文章以AACR2为依据,就常用名称或名称形式的确定、异名与改名的区分、会议名称的统一提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

通过对《西文文献著录条例》与《AACR2》关于西方会议录主要款目标目著录信息源规定的比较,提出《西文文献著录条例》中会议录标目的著录信息源应与《AACR2》的规定一致。  相似文献   

中文普通图书的题名规范控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章重点讨论了题名规范控制的适用范围,规范化题名标目的选取原则、规范记录的工作原理等问题.  相似文献   

《西文文献著录条例》的修订 ,以ISBD修订版和AACR2的 2 0 0 2年版本为基础 ,对旧条例的编写体例做了根本调整 ,内容有极大扩充和更新 ,及时反映了国际最新编目动态。新条例还对检索点的选取、标目的设置做了进一步完善和补充 ,突出了本土化特色 ,对中国人名、地名和团体名作出了适合本国语言政策和读者习惯的专门规定。  相似文献   

通过对CALIS西文联合数据库中个人名称标目的整理,分析了CALIS西文联合目录数据库中个人名称标目存在的质量问题,并提出了正确著录的方法和改进个人名称标目质量的措施。  相似文献   

报纸上除了新聞以外,还有評論、通訊、杂文、讀者来信等等。評論、通訊、杂文标題的写法,和新聞标题的写法有共同的地方,也有不同的地方。共同的地方在于評論、通訊、杂文标题的写作,和新闻标題的写作一样,首先要从政治出发,以馬克思主义和党的政策为指导思想来考虑命題,才能写出具有鮮明的政治立场和政治風格的标题。其次,評論、通訊、杂文的标题和新聞标題一样,要求从內容出发,并且要求写得明确、精练、生动、通俗,既要有高度的思想性,又要能吸引读者,这样的标題才能受到讀者的欢迎。 評論、通訊、杂文的标題,也有不同于新聞标題的地方,它們的不同表現在: (1)新聞标題要求以事实为根据来命題,  相似文献   

本文分析研究了CIP主题标引中一些粗标、漏标等错误现象,以引起有关人员注意,从而达到正确地进行主题标引的目的。  相似文献   

标准档(authority file)是图书馆根据一定的著录条例选取标目的原则和规定,在目录中采用的各种名称、丛书或主题的正确形式的记录,其主要用途是保持目录著录的统一性。按著录内容分,标准档有名称标准档、丛书标准档、统一书名标准档、主题标准档等。名称标准档按字顺排入全部名称标目,包括个人著者、团体著  相似文献   

9月2日至3日,江西省广播电视厅召开学习、宣传、贯彻《广播电视管理条例》座谈会。厅党组成员、各地市广播电视局和省电台、省电视台、省有线电视台等单位及厅机关部分处室的负责同志参加了座谈会。会上,大家学习了《广播电视管理条例》和广电部有关会议精神,对《条例》颁布、实施的重要性和必要性展开了热烈的讨论,并就推进我省学习、宣传、贯彻《条例》提出了许多意见和建议、李立功厅长作了总结讲话,部署了下一阶段学习、贯彻《条例》的工作。大家在座谈会中一致认为,《条例》的颁布、实施是我国广播电视发展史上的一件大事,标…  相似文献   

Many health sciences libraries are now considering integrated automated systems for an investment of several hundred thousand dollars. The request for proposals (RFPs) is the usual method of selecting candidate vendors for close inspection of promising systems. This paper draws upon the experience of the Library of Rush University and that of twelve other health sciences libraries. The libraries were interviewed by telephone using a short questionnaire that asked them to compare the RFPs with the systems actually obtained and their experiences in implementing them. The libraries were also asked, with the benefit of hindsight, what would they have done differently. Four vendors were also interviewed by telephone, in order to get their point of view.  相似文献   

Courses: Intercultural Communication

Objectives: Students will achieve the following learning outcomes: (1) demonstrate knowledge of intercultural systems by identifying roots of intercultural communication conflict, (2) address intercultural problems by taking action within the context of their own lives, (3) collaborate with peers to problem solve based on voices from Twitter, assigned academic resources and intercultural competence theories in class, and (4) assemble and deliver their plan through a blog and 15-minute presentation.  相似文献   


This study surveyed Government school libraries in Benue State before the creation of Kogi State from Benue. The study was carried out using 100 non-pretested questionnaire forms of which only 70 were returned with sufficient information for analysis and generalization.

The study focused on how over 60 government school libraries, scattered over a large geographical area with a poor road network and few funds, are centrally administered. Further, the study covered the extent of co-operation between school libraries and their relationship to the central administration at the Ministry of Education and other library authorities elsewhere. The acquisition policy, staffing, processing, distribution and inspection, as well as operational standards are discussed and suggestions for improvement are supplied. Possible areas for further research relating to the study are raised in conclusion.  相似文献   

为破解智慧城市分行业垂直构建信息系统带来的信息资源分散整合的难题,本文提出一个新的解决方案, 即运用“分层构建、横向整合、模型聚合、平行演进”的机制,模仿智慧生命体的层次架构对智慧城市进行层次化的建 模设计,使得在现实城市中纵向分布的信息资源,在信息系统的虚拟城市模型中得到横向的大整合,发掘出一项在云 计算和大数据的环境下,可对垂直构建的信息系统进行具有兼容性、诱导性和可演进性的整体架构设计的新技术  相似文献   

阅览室管理程序——MELINETS接口程序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阅览室管理在图书馆管理中是个很重要的环节, 而在图书馆自动化系统中始终是个薄弱环节, 为改善阅览室管理的模式我们开发编制了阅览室管理程序, 用以记录读者进室情况和阅览文献情况; 程序输入文献典藏条码和读者条码, 并按图书分类法对文献进行统计, 按读者类型对读者进行统计。为提高阅览室管理水平提供了一个有用的工具。  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》2001,18(1):39-48
The challenge of teaching first-year students basic library skills is to make the process interesting and relevant. In this collaborative project between professor and librarian, metaphors in everyday life were used as a springboard for library research. Through the metaphor project, Honors students learned how to approach a topic, break down its parts, brainstorm searchable words, and make assumptions about ways to research. Most importantly, they learned to evaluate the results of their research to ensure that, in the materials located, they had actually found a real life application of their metaphor.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(30):105-118
Rapidly developing technology has changed the environment in libraries so that some degree of computer search ability is required now in order to give standard, non-obsolete reference service. New library school graduates regularly receive a basic understanding of DIALOG, BRS and other database utilities, but some feel more inclined toward working with computers than others. At the same time, seasoned librarians are faced with new learning requirements for computer searching. How do librarians in the "transition generation" handle the change required by professional technological development? A wide range of responses - from enthusiastic to reluctant - requires flexibility and variety in training and continuing education methods. This paper will address the human factor in some issues of broad technological change. The authors will offer some observations about how we as a profession are adapting to the new environment of computer-enhanced information. A case study of one library's experience with training and continuing education for online searching will illustrate a response to this changing library environment.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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