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余伟  胡岩  陈华 《科研管理》2019,40(11):1-11
本文对30年来创新系统研究的发展进行了分析,涵盖了国家创新系统(NIS),区域创新系统(RIS),产业创新系统(SIS)以及技术创新系统(TIS)。文章按照创新系统研究的演化历程,分析了每个创新系统方法的理论起源,考察了引用最多的案例研究,分析了空间边界和分析单元,探讨了基本组成要素功能和分类方法,以厘清创新系统研究的理论体系,并在此基础上提出了每个创新系统研究方法需要进一步的研究。最后,对创新系统今后的研究进行了展望:加强创新系统方法的指向性和规范性导向;对创新系统分析框架内的最新方法进行整合,开展全球创新系统研究;加强对新兴经济体国家的研究,进一步证明创新系统理论在不同国家情境下的适用性。  相似文献   

陈劲  张学文 《科学学研究》2008,26(4):880-886
 日本产学官合作创新经历了从自由主义到分工协作,再到三边共生与合作的复杂的演化过程。日本产学官合作创新有其独特的模式,不同于美、欧和中国,日本的产学官合作多年来围绕知识生产、知识转移、知识创业的视角进行了长期的实践和探索,获得了许多成功的经验和失败的教训。日本自科学技术创造立国战略确定以来,围绕如何构建21世纪新型产学官合作创新的模式,分别制定了人才、知识产权、创新等战略和制度保障体系。日本型产学官合作创新的经验对于我国提高自主创新能力、建设创新型国家有着积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

余伟  胡岩  陈华 《科研管理》2006,40(11):1-11
本文对30年来创新系统研究的发展进行了分析,涵盖了国家创新系统(NIS),区域创新系统(RIS),产业创新系统(SIS)以及技术创新系统(TIS)。文章按照创新系统研究的演化历程,分析了每个创新系统方法的理论起源,考察了引用最多的案例研究,分析了空间边界和分析单元,探讨了基本组成要素功能和分类方法,以厘清创新系统研究的理论体系,并在此基础上提出了每个创新系统研究方法需要进一步的研究。最后,对创新系统今后的研究进行了展望:加强创新系统方法的指向性和规范性导向;对创新系统分析框架内的最新方法进行整合,开展全球创新系统研究;加强对新兴经济体国家的研究,进一步证明创新系统理论在不同国家情境下的适用性。  相似文献   

李於洪  曹敏 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):480-485
从广义技术创新的视角分析日本软件产业发展遇到的四大制约因素:技术制约、政府产业政策制约、企业文化制约和日本语制约。探究日本企业为应对软件产业的挑战采用的三种创新战略:组建软件工厂,“拿来主义”和在嵌入式软件开发和机器翻译领域的不懈努力。  相似文献   

通过知识转移和知识融合实现创新价值共享已成为科技服务业与制造业协同发展的新途径。以知识转移理论与协同创新理论为基础,基于系统动力学视角构建了两业协同创新的动力学模型,利用Vensim DSS软件仿真,分析了随着知识融合的不断推进,两业协同创新的实现路径以及两业知识势能、知识创新率和知识转移率的变化态势,并就融合创新因子和政策因子,即制造企业知识需求、知识吸收能力、政府激励机制、财政投入、人才建设共五个因子,对两业创新率进行了灵敏度分析。结果表明,两业知识势能呈指数增长,知识创新率及知识转移率不断增加,融合创新因子和政策因子对两业创新率存在显著正向影响,研究结果可以为两业协同创新发展提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Transitioning economic sectors towards more sustainable futures is a major global challenge, in particular for non-OECD countries. Policymakers in these countries are confronted with a double challenge: how to implement cleaner technologies and infrastructures while at the same time promoting rapid industrial development. In catch-up studies, this trade-off has been increasingly interpreted as providing windows of opportunity for gaining strong leadership in new generations of cleantech industries. In this paper, we maintain that in order to specify how these windows of opportunity can be endogenized, a deeper understanding is needed about whether, how and by whom the directionality of innovation systems can be influenced. For this purpose, we propose an analytical approach that draws on the technological innovation system framework extending the current understanding of directionality in two ways: first, we complement the prevalent top-down perspective with a bottom-up view exemplified by the institutional entrepreneurship literature. Second, we posit that the focus has to be shifted from the manufacturing of single technologies to the transformation of entire socio-technical systems. The presented framework is validated by a case study on recent shifts in the dominant technology in China’s urban water management sector. Major changes in the country’s sectoral selection environment led membrane bioreactor technology to become the dominant design in urban water management – a development that is unmatched in any other country in the world. Owing to these transformations, China’s technology firms outcompete multinational players and therefore they show strong potentials for industrial leapfrogging. However, although the promise to solve environmental problems played a decisive role in the shaping of the selection environment, it remains unclear whether the observed transformation leads the way to a more sustainable sector structure in the longer run. The case, however, still enables us to specify how windows of opportunity can be endogenized through the interplay of different actors trying to shape different layers of the selection environment in a specific sector.  相似文献   

新冠疫情后复杂的国内外形势对中国区域创新发展提出了新要求,但目前国内传统区域创新理论对知识创造与传播的空间规律认识不足,亟需新的理论方法和政策工具。文章引入了近年来在西方受到广泛关注的区域知识基础理论,其强调区域知识差异化和动态演化的视角对中国有重要借鉴意义。文章首先梳理了区域知识基础的概念内涵,其次从多维特征、演化动力、演化路径三个方面构建理论框架分析了一个地区知识演变的一般规律,剖析了区域知识的规模、结构、质量特征,提出了技术关联和区域制度是影响区域知识演化的主要动力,区域知识基础在二者驱动下表现出“路径依赖——路径锁定——路径突破”的复杂过程,最后探讨了如何运用区域知识基础理论指导中国区域创新政策制订。  相似文献   

国际产业转移是各国推进产业转型升级的重要方式。目前,全球正进入新一轮产业转移周期,发达国家和地区将科技创新作为重塑产业竞争优势的根本手段。抓住全球新一轮产业转移的重大机遇,推动新兴产业创新发展是新时期构建现代产业体系的重要内容。本文分析全球新一轮产业转移的新特点,研究新一轮新兴产业转移背景下新兴产业发展的主要路径,在此基础上提出广东推动新兴创新发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

在对区域产业生态创新系统生态效率评价的基础上,以系统动力学为工具构建区域产业生态创新系统的仿真模型,对重庆产业生态创新系统的未来发展从企业行为、政府作为、研究机构、创新人才等四个方面进行仿真检验及预测,并探讨其创新资源综合配置的优化路径。  相似文献   

本文首先结合商业模式画布详细剖析了高端装备制造企业陕鼓动力的商业模式九大构成要素。然后,鉴于画布方法的局限性,引入系统动力学方法,构建案例企业转型前后的存量流量模型,进一步剖析了九要素如何以不同的方式有机组合促成了装备制造企业商业模式创新路径的产生。最后借助Vensim-PLE软件,对模型进行仿真分析。结果显示:价值主张定位精准与否决定了商业模式创新路径选择的成败;商业模式创新路径始于客户需求,终于客户需求满足;客户需求导向型路径优于核心资源导向型路径;商业模式创新路径是一条系统集成创新之路。  相似文献   

杨水利  杨祎 《科研管理》2006,40(12):11-20
根据价值增值和全球价值链嵌入位置两个维度定位中国制造业参与全球价值链的分工地位,从产业发展阶段和技术进步的生命周期特征视角出发,利用2000-2014年中国17个典型制造业行业世界投入产出表数据,分析技术创新模式对全球价值链分工地位影响的作用机理,并验证有效需求规模的调节作用。实证发现,技术创新模式与全球价值链分工地位之间存在非线性关系;有效需求规模在技术创新模式与全球价值链分工地位关系中的调节作用显著;不同技术水平行业的适用性技术创新模式存在显著差异。培育全球价值链分工地位新优势,需构建自主创新的内生发展机制,实现产业技术创新动能转换;建立产业内供需关联,改善产业全球价值链分工地位;针对不同技术水平行业,制定差异化的技术创新策略。  相似文献   

Knowledge bases and regional innovation systems: Comparing Nordic clusters   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
The analysis of the importance of different types of regional innovation systems must take place within a context of the actual knowledge base of various industries in the economy, as the innovation processes of firms are strongly shaped by their specific knowledge base. In this paper, we shall distinguish between two types of knowledge base: analytical and synthetic. These types indicate different mixes of tacit and codified knowledge, codification possibilities and limits, qualifications and skills, required organisations and institutions involved, as well as specific competitive challenges from a globalising economy, which have different implications for different sectors of industry, and, thus, for the kind of innovation support needed. The traditional constellation of industrial clusters surrounded by innovation supporting organisations, constituting a regional innovation system, is nearly always to be found in contexts of industries with a synthetic knowledge base (e.g. engineering-based industries), while the existence of regional innovation systems as an integral part of a cluster will normally be the case of industries-based on an analytical knowledge base (e.g. science-based industries, such as IT and bio-tech). In the discussion of different types of regional innovation systems five empirical illustrations from a Nordic comparative project on SMEs and regional innovation systems will be used: the furniture industry in Salling, Denmark; the wireless communication industry in North Jutland, Denmark; the functional food industry in Scania, Sweden; the food industry in Rogaland, Norway and the electronics industry in Horten, Norway. We argue that in terms of innovation policy the regional level often provides a grounded approach embedded in networks of actors acknowledging the importance of the knowledge base of an industry.  相似文献   

赵晓庆 《科学学研究》2006,24(Z2):475-479
概述日本软件产业从20世纪60年代以来的发展历程,分析该产业落后的原因。揭示该产业结构与战略形成的机制以及逐步陷入难以自拔的政策与制度根源。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of new technology-based firms in university/industry collaborative (UIC) activities in Japan. UIC activities have been widely diffused into small startup firms over the past 5 years, according to quantitative analysis of RIETIs UIC Survey. In this paper, it is found that these smaller firms achieve higher productivity through UICs than large firms. In light of the findings of this paper, it appears that UICs are gaining momentum and are likely to play a strong role in reducing the dependence of Japan's system of innovation on in-house R&D conducted within large corporations.  相似文献   

从战略性新兴产业到未来产业的发展,体现了全球科技前沿的发展趋势,更是打造我国产业升级新引擎、构建新发展格局的新需要。战略性新兴产业在逐步发展和孕育未来产业的过程中,不断开辟新方向,拓展新领域,但也带来了新问题,对原始创新、要素市场和产业生态提出了新要求。针对这些新要求和新问题,文章从增强原始创新能力、提高科研成果转化率,完善要素市场、构建良好产业创新生态体系、优化产业分工和空间布局,以及创新领域管理模式、持续扩大对外和对内开放、构建国内国外双循环体系等方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

郑小碧 《科研管理》2019,40(10):230-239
通过概念模型构建和对422家样本企业的问卷调查与实证分析,本文揭示了天生全球化企业基于跨国创业导向和技术创新能力的国际化绩效提升机制及行业技术属性的调节效应。研究发现,在国际市场积极竞争、主动创新和敢冒风险的跨国创业导向是天生全球化企业快速拓展国际市场的天然引擎;技术创新能力通过促进海外市场盈利水平和国际业务员工增长将天生全球化企业潜在跨国创业绩效转化为现实国际竞争优势;高技术行业属性对国际化绩效提升发挥增强型调节效应,中低技术行业属性则具有弱化型调节效应;企业规模、年龄等对国际化绩效的影响不显著,但生产型或贸易型的企业性质虚拟变量影响显著。本文为中小微企业的快速国际化提供了新的理论依据和管理启示。  相似文献   

郭艳婷  郑刚  钱仲文 《科研管理》2019,40(10):169-183
随着越来越多中国企业进入跟跑、并跑、领跑“三跑并存”的新型追赶阶段,如何有效配置与整合内外部资源成为企业能否实现全面追赶的关键问题。考虑到传统技术追赶理论对开放式创新范式下的追赶战略解释力有限,本文通过整合中国转型背景下的企业创新实践和相关研究,构建了一个开放式创新视角下的基于跨边界协同的新型追赶框架,并揭示了后发企业如何跨边界协同内外部资源,塑造动态平衡的新型追赶路径与模式。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》1986,15(4):161-173
The paper sets out some foundations for a theory of innovation in service industries, and indicates the role that such innovation may play in the generation of growth cycles. The discussion starts with the origins of a major new technology in the capital goods sector, and its subsequent development according to the normal product cycle theory. This is followed by a consideration of the transmission process by which the new technology is taken up in user industries within the consumer goods and services sector. A “reverse product cycle” is then proposed to describe the innovation process which takes place in user industries such as services, once the new technology has been adopted. This cycle starts with process improvements to increase the efficiency of delivery of existing services, moves on to process innovations which improve service quality, and then leads to product innovations through the generation of new types of services. Finally, the existence of two out of phase innovation cycles in the capital and consumer sectors, deriving from a technology transmission process which causes disequilibrium in technical progress between the two, is put forward as a mechanisms helping to create the long wave fluctuations in economic development associated with Schumpeterian technological revolutions.  相似文献   

城市产学研协同创新是关系城市创新发展和培育城市创新动能的重要路径。在运用系统经济学方法对城市产学研协同创新的概念、系统特征与协同机理进行理论分析的基础上,引入系统经济学核心概念“资源位”进行了城市产学研协同创新的系统动力学建模,并从模型构建的关键性维度提出了加强协同的具体路径,即增强协同动力、提高资源位水平、完善城市支撑系统的功能作用。  相似文献   

This article examines some of the key features of Japanese evaluation systems utilized in evaluating R&D policies. The distinctive features of the system are that Japan depends upon in-house self-assessment combined with close cooperation and consensus-seeking behavior with the government and its advisory bodies. This system is markedly different from those predominant in countries where R&D policies are evaluated separately, independent from the sphere of decision-making. The system described here is subjective rather than objective in that the direct promoters of R&D plans were directly included in the evaluation activities. The system has evolved gradually in the course of Japanese technological development, and has been influenced also by Japan's particular internal and external environment. The system appears to have worked well in areas where research programs were modified to obtain incremental improvement or to create new types of R&D programs. However, recent constraints caused by budget deficits, together with the shift from applied to more basic research, have required a new type of evaluation system for Japan's R&D policy.  相似文献   

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