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中国近代女性观和女子学校教育是中国近代社会转型的产物。其发展特点既受西方女性观影响,也与中国近代社会的政治、经济变革有密切联系。中国近代女性观和女子学校教育互动影响,在中国女性观与女子学校教育发展史上,具有承上启下的作用,并对今天的女性观与女子学校教育的发展走向有重要的启迪意义。  相似文献   

近代之前,在封建专制主义的统治下,我国一直没有专门、正规的女子教育。然而,随着我国社会的近代化,封建专制主义统治已经风雨飘摇,传统女学也走到了崩溃的边缘,近代女子教育便应运而生,它是近代社会转型的产物,也推动了社会的变革。  相似文献   

20世纪初是中国社会转型比较剧烈的时期,近代中国新式女子教育发轫了.它与资产阶级及其知识分子的大力提倡、女权运动的强烈呼唤、政府的倡导以及西方教会来华势力的办学活动的刺激和示范效应密切相关.由于时代的复杂性及办学为主体的多元性,新式女子教育又具有曲折性、渐进和突进相交织、社会化、政治化的特点.新式女子教育是近代中国政治、经济、文化多种因素综合作用的结果,它不仅是社会进步的反映,而且也推动了社会的进步.  相似文献   

本文以福州女性群体为个案,借助人口调查和海关报告等中外文献资料,探讨近代女性与教育、社会变革、习俗演变的关系。福州开埠后,随着西方文明的进入,女性得到受教育的机会,她们走入社会,参加社会变革,影响着社会观念和习俗的改变,推动了福州社会的近代化。  相似文献   

近代徽州和安庆地区人才荟萃,形成了安徽乃至中国近代文化史上一道亮丽的区域人文地理景现.两地在近代文化人物的区域分布、时间分布和类型分布这三个方面形成的既具共同特征又具鲜明区域特色的结构和特征,不仅折射出两地深厚的区域文化积淀和中国近代历史变迁图景,而且反映出近代文化发展、历史传统、社会变革及教育发展等诸多因素在其中的交互作用和影响.  相似文献   

文章分析了中国近代女子学校教育兴起和发展的动因 ,指出中国近代女子学校教育的兴起和发展不仅与社会政治经济的变革有关 ,而且与社会中坚力量的推动及女性自身的觉醒也有密切的关系。同时 ,近代女子学校教育的兴起和发展对女性自身的解放 ,对社会改造也发挥了积极的作用  相似文献   

中国近代是一个社会转型时期,引起和推动近代中国社会转型的动力是什么?文章区别于以往革命化范式和现代化(近代化)范式的研究,以资本全球化视角着重从近代世界的资本全球整合趋向,以中国近代社会转型的影响层面对中国近代社会的转型问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代,蔡晓舟以安庆为中心地,奔走于京、沪之间,积极参与安徽新教育建设,创办新式报刊,呼吁改革安徽旧教育,组织暑期讲演会,改造安徽省教育会,推动安徽大学筹备工作,领衔创办庐州女子中学,在推动安徽新教育发展实践中显现了反对专制、提倡教育普及、发展女子教育等新式教育思想。  相似文献   

女子教科书随着清末民初女子正规学校教育的产生而产生,其选材涵盖面广,包括“新女德的涵养”、“树立优秀女性典范”、“倡导读书学习”、“培养生活和谋生技能”等多个方面的内容.它受日本女子教育的影响颇深,具有鲜明的“贤母良妻”的时代内涵,与传统的“贤妻良母”相互区别,推动了近代女子教育的发展,对当代女子教育有着宝贵的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

民国时期边地腾冲女子学校教育是社会变革和西学东渐的产物。在一群“走出国门的腾冲人”影响下,开创腾冲女子教育的先河,在边地腾冲建立了从女子幼儿教育,到女子小学教育到女子中学教育,再到女子师范教育系统。女子学校教育系统门类齐全,形式多样,为女子接受正规的学校教育打开了一扇门。他们是腾冲女子教育的先行者,为腾冲教育近代化作出了贡献。  相似文献   

The educational challenges girls face are often explained by economics. However, gender norms and identities, constructed historically but subject to change, also play a crucial role. In Kenya, little attention has been paid to the negative social constructions that keep girls from attaining the education they want. This article analyses the role of social construction among girls who are in and out of two secondary schools in Nairobi province, Kenya. Data were obtained from interviews with adolescent girls attending the schools, female dropouts previously affiliated with those two schools, and teachers at the schools. All the challenges that girls faced in attempting to secure secondary education were linked to social construction; they were deeply rooted in gender roles as defined by the cultural context and reinforced by socialisation. Based on the results, the authors hold that women must lead community efforts toward changes that will enhance their daughters’ educational opportunities.  相似文献   


This article investigates whether the memories of women’s movements that grew out of the Italian Resistance to the Nazi-Fascist Regime during the Second World War have left any legacy to women teachers in early childhood education. The article focuses on the case of internationally renowned and high-quality schools for young children, the municipal schools of a northern Italian town called Reggio Emilia. In contrast to much of the literature on gender and early childhood education, this paper reveals that many women teachers in these schools think of themselves as agents of social change, and that this is tied to their memories of the Italian Resistance.  相似文献   

在这个社会急剧转型的时代,传统、现代、后现代的多种因素交汇融合,出现了许多前所未有的新事物、新气象、新特征。其中,大众传媒的快速影响、价值紊乱与道德失范、青少年次级文化的另类取向、家庭环境和结构的巨变、社会组织管理结构的转型都以令人意想不到的力量冲击着学校教育和管理,给后者带来了重重困难。  相似文献   

在政府和社会力量的推动下,抗战时期西南大后方职业教育蓬勃发展,公办职业教育发展迅速,私人兴办职业教育热情空前高涨,职业学校教育与职业培训共同发展,普通教育附设职业班科,职业指导工作取得进展,进入职业教育发展的黄金时期。这既得益于国民政府国立职业教育中心的区域性转移,也得益于抗战后方社会、团体、个人的积极参与,资金、人才的汇集,社会经济发展的推动等。尽管抗战胜利后,由于时局变化职业教育出现萎缩,但与抗战前相比已取得了很大成绩。  相似文献   

Anqing report. Education departments at all levels in Anqing Prefecture are, under the leadership of their (Communist) party committees, conscientiously implementing the Eight-Character Principle of "readjust, reform, consolidate, and raise standards." Initial results have been registered in adjusting the deployment of schools and reforming the structure of education.  相似文献   

China is becoming an increasingly polarized society, in large part due to the inaccessibility of basic education for minority children. Schools can be vehicles for social change and community building, and teachers can be agents of transformation and hope. The PRC, however, is experiencing a critical shortage of trained teachers willing to serve in minority schools and be agents of change. This article examines the problem by first outlining some of the factors that affect teachers’ ability to be change agents. These factors include teachers’ social location, their education, and the context in which they are employed. Next, four possible change agent roles that teachers can assume are discussed. Finally, some strategies for realizing change and outcomes of teacher change agency are presented. We end with suggestions for how the model we use to explain minority teacher change agency in China could be applied by others, for data collection or hypothesis testing, in future research.  相似文献   

安庆师范学院体育专业学生实习支教工作顺利开展,取得了良好效果,对基层中小学的体育教学产生了重要影响,得到了受援学校的高度认可。但体育专业学生实习支教工作中仍然存在着不少问题,需要进一步改进和完善。  相似文献   

严修是中国近代名教育家,他不仅提出了改废科举、重视师范和社会教育,提倡妇女教育,向外国学习先进的教育经验等重要主张,而且大力兴办新教育,推动中国传统教育向近代教育的转轨。为中国近代教育的发展做出了杰出贡献。  相似文献   

This article investigates the paradoxical processes of social control and social change within the institution of public education in the US South, early in the twentieth century. Through historical sociological analysis, it reveals how New South leaders used the 'dividing practices' of 'sin, sex, and segregation' to disenfranchise African-American males, to win support for segregated public schools, to segregate public higher education by race and gender, and to implement a race, class, and gender differentiated curriculum. It also shows that despite built-in limitations, the educational foundation of the new social order contained contradictory and ambiguous processes. This article focuses on the consequences of these processes for Southern women, especially North Carolina women.  相似文献   

民国时期私立学校的快速发展,大大弥补了公立学校规模过小的不足,为国家建设培养了大批人才,其教育理念和办学体制促进了中国现代教育事业的发展,推动了近代社会的转型和社会文明的进步。  相似文献   

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