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教育需求是教育发展的动力和源泉,也是制订教育政策的逻辑起点和依据。由于受特殊的地域环境、文化背景、经济条件等诸方面的影响,西藏农牧区的教育表现出一定的复杂性,农牧区的教育需求具有一定的特殊性。因此,充分认识农牧区的教育需求,承认这种需求的合理性,从而对农牧区教育从政策的角度进行改进和调整,是实现农牧区教育内涵式与可持续...  相似文献   

This paper is largely concerned with exploring the meaning of sustainable development from two perspectives, the economic and the ethical. The economic perspective raises questions such as: what kind of development is to be sustained? Is it economic growth? Quality of life? Ecosystem integrity? The ethical perspective considers questions such as: what should be the criteria for ‘progress'? What is our moral obligation to future generations? The paper argues that education for sustainability programmes ought to acknowledge and address these questions. If they do not, then, given the complexity and volatility of late 20th century global society, the current stress on education playing a major role in achieving sustainability (IUCN, UNEP & WWF, 1991) may be unduly naïve and under‐theorised. Finally, I contend that the goals of environmental education need to be reconceptualised, continually and reflexively, in response to the globalisation of industrial risks.  相似文献   

复杂性科学蓬勃发展为其融入教育领域的研究提供了必要和充分的条件,随着研究的逐渐深入和扩展,构建复杂性教育理论的框架不啻为一个有益的尝试。为了能够更加清晰地掌握复杂性教育理论的脉络结构和意蕴,可以从知识的复杂性和整体与部分的关系、认知的复杂性和元认知、教师的复杂性和统一性与多样化的关系、学生发展的复杂性和非线性与不确定性、教育生态的复杂性和全球化与相互依存、教育价值的复杂性和三重实在与两种文化等六个方面加以剖析和阐释。  相似文献   

The introduction to this paper gives a short overview of the Environment and Schools Initiatives (ENSI) perspective on teaching competences. We argue that as change is one of the key elements of sustainable development, reflection that helps to adapt educational practice to a continuously developing world should be a starting point for every educator dealing with education for sustainable development (ESD). The ENSI perspective is that different competence lists constitute a basis for this continuous reflection. The paper gives two examples from ENSI activities in the field of developing teacher reflection regarding ESD in teacher education. For pre‐service teacher education a one‐year, action research based training course is examined. In in‐service education an analysis of a sequence of project supporting workshops is presented. The paper concludes by identifying some future steps, which are necessary if teacher competences are to be used in ESD.  相似文献   

This paper considers questions of continuity and change in education from the perspective of complexity theory, introducing the field to educationists who might not be familiar with it. Given a significant degree of complexity in a particular environment (or ‘dynamical system’), new properties and behaviours, which are not necessarily contained in the essence of the constituent elements or able to be predicted from a knowledge of initial conditions, will emerge. These concepts of emergent phenomena from a critical mass, associated with notions of lock‐in, path dependence, and inertial momentum, suggest that it is in the dynamic interactions and adaptive orientation of a system that new phenomena, new properties and behaviours, emerge. The focus thus shifts from a concern with decontextualised and universalised essence to contextualised and contingent complex wholes. This is where complexity theory seeks the levers of history. The paper posits the notion of inertial momentum as the conceptual link between the principle of emergent phenomena as developed principally in the natural sciences and the notion of socio‐historical change in human society. It is argued that educational and institutional change is less a consequence of effecting change in one particular factor or variable, and more a case of generating momentum in a new direction by attention to as many factors as possible. Complexity theory suggests, in other words, that what it might take to change a school's inertial momentum from an ethos of failure is massive and sustained intervention at every possible level until the phenomenon of learning excellence emerges from this new set of interactions among these new factors, and sustains itself autocatalytically. The paper concludes with a summary consideration of the conditions that contribute to the emergence of new properties and behaviours in a system.  相似文献   


We defend in this paper the importance of redistributing power in the field of education development by enhancing the self-sustainability of education initiatives and minimizing their roots in dependency – these as pre-requisites for improving their sustainable development outcomes. We do this by considering an education development initiative run by the Barefoot College in India, and then developing an explanatory model based in complexity theory (as expounded by Edgar Morin) and in the capability approach (as developed principally by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum). We conclude that such a redistribution of power would help to ensure that education is better connected to its development context, more relevant to the interests and needs of the community it serves, and its quality enhanced. More generally, we reinforce existing arguments – but from the perspective and imperative of sustainability – why it is in the interests of policy-makers to devolve power and to provide resources to such initiatives. Doing so would enhance governments’ prospects of realizing their education and social development goals. The arrogation of power and resources towards the centre, an almost natural impulse in policy-making, is, in the end, counter-productive, and threatens sustainable education and social development.  相似文献   

The first part of this paper argues that higher education (HE) institutions have an obligation to nurture sustainable development awareness. This is viewed against the UK Government's recommendation and guidance on sustainable development education. In particular, this focuses on the Government's sustainable development education specification for design education and the challenge this poses to UK tertiary design education. The concluding part of this paper discusses the emergence of new design dialogues, which are grappling with the task of synthesising the precepts of sustainable development with the ‘act of designing’. This has led to discourse on the need for defining viable strategies that invent new forms of design education and practice and for the provision of new professional choices to students. This paper takes into account the evolution of language in this educational subject area, from ‘environmental education’, to ‘environment and development education’, to ‘education or learning for sustainability’. The desired outcome of learning for sustainability is often expressed as ‘responsible global citizenship’. At the moment some of these terms are interchangeable. For my purposes, the term ‘sustainable development education’ will be used though out, unless for historical accuracy or specific reasons.  相似文献   

Education for sustainable development plays an increasing role in environmental education policy and practice. In this article, we show how sustainable development is mainly seen as a goal that can be achieved by applying the proper processes of learning and how this learning perspective translates sustainability issues into learning problems of individuals. We present a different perspective on education for sustainable development and emphasize the importance of presenting issues of sustainable development as ‘public issues’, i.e. as matters of public concern. This shifts the focus from the competences that citizens must acquire to the democratic nature of the spaces and practices in which participation and citizenship can develop.  相似文献   

After the moral framework of sustainable development, the focus on climate change appears to take a lead in the practice and theory of environmental education. Inherent in this perspective is an apocalyptic message: if we do not rapidly change our use of energy resources, we will severely harm the life conditions of our children and grandchildren. In this article we argue that environmental educators should liberate us from this highly instrumental dictate by taking their cue from our daily care for our environment as revealed in child’s play in nature. Inherent in the interaction of the Homo ludens with nature is a spiral time experience. This time condition elicits a particular responsibility: rather than calculating which means are necessary to prevent future disasters, we should respond with care to the concentric circles of an open and indefinite future. Therefore, environmental education should not aim to prevent future disasters, but foster anticipating care for nature.  相似文献   

2012年以来,大规模开放在线课程(MOOC)在商业炒作和网络媒体的助推之下,呈现出爆发式增长的态势,但这种热度与关注却缺乏深度的学术审视。事实上,从历史的纵深来看,大规模开放在线课程并不是新鲜事物,它是开放教育资源运动发展的新阶段,是开放教育与在线教育整合在一起进行大规模推广应用的一种新教育形态。MOOC作为教育技术的研究对象之一,从学科的层面来看,要使其从“公共话题”转向“学术问题”,首先必须要摆脱“预设立场”的枷锁,摒弃对技术的盲目乐观,在对实践的反思中推动学科不断走向深入;其次在研究上要卸下背负的沉重包袱,理性地确定有限的学科目标,杜绝好高骛远之念,踏踏实实耕好教育技术的田地。唯有如此才能避免重蹈历史的覆辙,走向成熟理性之路。  相似文献   

The educational tradition of China has developed from traditional Chinese culture. Without an understanding of the cultural impact on traditional education, it is impossible to comprehend the educational tradition of China and to change its traditional educational ideas. There are fine traditions and feudal remains in Chinese culture which ought to be examined from the historical materialism perspective in order to tell the essence from the dross and to facilitate educational modernization in today’s China. __________ Translated from the Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College (Social Sciences Edition), 2004:1  相似文献   

本文对高职院校学生素质拓展教育体系的本质和内涵进行了分析,提出了"提高学生可持续发展能力"的素质拓展目标,并从就业能力和可持续发展能力的角度,构建了包括专业能力、可迁移能力和自我管理能力的素质拓展教育体系。  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of a small-scale action research project which focused on the development of an emergent approach to curriculum making in a general certificate in secondary education course in geography. In this context, we argue that complexity thinking offers a useful theoretical foundation from which to understand the nature of dynamic pedagogic change resulting from the application of action research methods. Results show that process-focused curriculum change can bring about shifts in both learning and assessment. This is seen as being the result of an emergence orientated approach to action research as a counter to more reductionist approaches which are often used and advocated in educational settings by teachers. We conclude that a combination of complexity thinking and action research can offer a valuable medium through which the educational needs of learners and teachers can be addressed in different, localized contexts.  相似文献   

This paper examines similarities and differences between structuration theory, habitus and complexity theory, as theories of social change. The paper suggests that structuration theory and habitus can theorize change, but that complexity theory offers a more complete theory of change because it focuses on social production rather than reproduction. Although there are elective affinities between structuration theory, habitus and complexity theory, nevertheless there are important differences between them. Complexity theory, being at heart a theory of change and development, differentiation and open systems, is more than merely a reformulation of structuration theory and habitus, and offers a more complete theory of social change than these two. Implications and agendas are drawn for the sociology of education from a complexity perspective.  相似文献   

廖家骅先生作为当代中国音乐理论家、音乐教育家,为中国音乐教育学科的发展奠定了重要的基础,可称为“中国音乐教育学科的领路人”。基于对廖家骅学术成果的系统梳理,从其对音乐审美特性、音乐教育审美特性、音乐教育与审美心理和智力发展等方面的研究总结其音乐教育美育观;从其对高师音乐教育人才培养的职责、高师音乐教育培养目标等问题的关注概括其音乐教育通才观;从其对一线音乐教学、教育现状等现实问题与实践性问题的关注与评论提炼其音乐教育实践观,从而对他的音乐教育思想进行全面阐释。对廖家骅音乐教育思想的研究既是对我国音乐教育事业发展成就的总结与回顾,也是对我国当代音乐教育进一步发展的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

在培智学校开展可持续发展教育,是智障儿童参与社会建设、发展与进步的有效途径,对其未来生活品质的提高、公平参与社会活动、学会生存,掌握生存技能、更好履行公民义务有着重要作用.文章从可持续发展教育的产生出发,客观分析了在培智学校开展可持续发展教育的依据与重要性,进而探讨可持续发展教育对培智学校现有教学目标、内容与方法的挑战,从而为在特殊学校开展可持续发展教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper explores the making of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in South Africa, and asks how a policy that was intended to unite education and training, and build new forms of equality, failed to become hegemonic as the new state established itself. In so doing, it engages, and argues for, theoretical tools that help keep ‘the state’ at the centre of policy analysis. The paper explores a rupture within the NQF between the fields of education and training by examining practices through which the policy developed between 1985 and 2007. Informed by involvement in these events, the author draws on data gathered from documents and interviews with over 70 participants engaged in making the NQF. Using a conceptual vocabulary derived from Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory the paper analyses the way social antagonisms were constructed and political frontiers drawn in changing political conditions [Laclau, E., Mouffe, C., 1985. Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. Verso, London]. The paper argues that the emergence, development and rupture in the NQF can be explained in relation to shifting hegemonic practices that sought to organise social relations throughout the transition and within the post-apartheid era. The policy is portrayed as a feature of the political transition, marking the articulation of elements within the fields of education and training by hegemonic formations concerned with securing a democratic economy within a global market. The analysis runs that there has been a failure to maintain hegemony and that a rupture has occurred along a fault line within the South African state between practices building a corporatist state and those constructing a developmental state. The paper argues that the fractures built into the South African NQF point to complex challenges that states ‘at the margins’ face when simultaneously articulating with differing, contradictory globalised practices, whilst also seeking to build equitable national education systems. Local concerns remain significant in struggles to re-make the state, and education and training policy.  相似文献   

This paper makes a contribution to the debate that has been described as a tension between instrumental and emancipatory educational objectives in environment and sustainability education. The contribution involves a methodological approach (introd-) using the concept ‘dislocatory moments’, to identify and analyse moments in classroom practice that address educational objectives relating to ‘change for sustainability’ and ‘thinking and acting independently’. A case of business education, when ‘sustainable development’ is integrated in a series of lessons, is used to exemplify the approach involving analysis of the emergence and closure of a dislocatory moment and the change of logics that occur. The illustrative case shows how room for subjectivity and change can be intertwined in educational practice. It is suggested that the methodological approach could be used in empirical research of classroom practice to further knowledge about the kind of situations that contribute to ‘business as un-usual’ without compromising emancipatory education ideals.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the OECD (CERI) programme on ‘Environment and School Initatives’ (ENSI). It describes the emergence and development of an ecologically‐driven agenda for school change, and its rationale, within a shifting policy‐context in which the environmental concerns of the public are being increasingly acknowledged. The programme can be interpreted as a policy response to public concerns. However, ENSI's agenda, the author argues, radically differs from a school improvement agenda based on economistic assumptions. The idea of ‘sustainable development’ as an education policy goal is examined in the light of these two agendas and found to carry ambiguous meanings. ENSI's agenda is concerned with transforming existing structures and processes of schooling to enable students to play an active role in shaping an ecologically sustainable social and economic order. The school improvement agenda is dominated by concerns about the economic performativity of individuals in society. It only appears to imply a ‘fine‐tuning’ of the traditional structures and processes of schooling rather than any radical transformation. The paper identifies conflicting trends within contemporary education policy contexts that carry very different conceptions of envimomental education for ‘sustainable development’. The author argues that in this situation there is a danger that the ENSI network will lose sight of its radical agenda and fail to sustain its previous momentum.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,生态学作为一种跨学科的元理论,已经广泛渗透和浸润到各个学科领域.运用生态学的眼光、态度、理念和方法来关照、思考、解释、践行自闭症的教育实践,是由自闭症儿童教育干预过程的复杂性、持续性和发展性决定的.文章通过梳理相关文献,并结合国内的成功实践,从生态化模式的定义及要素、生态化模式的运作与应用、生态化模式的启示及建议等维度展开,系统介绍了该模式在自闭症儿童教育干预中的应用,以期丰富我国自闭症教育干预领域的理论研究和实践研究.  相似文献   

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