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This article draws on the notion of communal constructivism to explore its potential to frame and facilitate the development of evidence-informed practice. The explicit aspiration to nurture a research-informed workforce is prominent in discourse across policy makers, educational researchers and teacher professional groups in England; however, research evidence indicating how and why teachers might actually use research to inform their practice is limited. Furthermore, the vision for research engagement of itself is not necessarily shared between researchers and practitioners. This study examines the relationships between research and practice when academics and professionals work together. Drawing on data from the co-construction of an online research-informed guide for the teaching of English as an Additional Language (EAL), analysis highlights the complexities inherent in translating research into practice for different stakeholders. Discussion argues for the recognition of communal constructivism as a pedagogy of learning that can build understanding between researchers and practitioners for how practice might become research-informed.  相似文献   

Teachers and researchers in the field of educational assessment have a strong professional interest in evaluating practices that constitute effective educational assessment at the classroom level. In pursuing these goals it is fundamental for teachers and pupils to grow in a community of shared practice where nothing in the assessment process is hidden and students become assessors of their own learning. The challenge for students and teachers within present-day classrooms is understanding and learning how these communities are created. This paper is based on action research carried out to investigate our own teaching of the subject of assessment at postgraduate level. The focus of the research was to integrate current research evidence within educational assessment into our own professional practice. Such research suggests that to improve learning and indeed teaching, educational assessment must be formative in both function and purpose and must put the student at the centre of the assessment process. The paper describes the processes and procedures by which common meanings of published criteria and assessment quality for masters level coursework held by one community of assessors were shared and interpreted by students to enable them to articulate their own learning through student-self assessment.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a comparison of two research approaches of the study of the reflective practice in two different modes of tele‐guidance of the school practicum. The results of two studies were contrasted encouraging the dialogue between researchers coming from different research paradigms. Although the researchers in the two studies shared some perspectives on educational practices and student teachers’ reflection, the studies resulted in two different reports on student teachers’ reflection. Ontological, epistemological and methodological beliefs in both studies are related to a rationalistic and a naturalistic paradigm informing the two research sites. Researchers’ voices in both studies have been interacting, changing and developing but the differences in beliefs between the two sites seem to have contributed to the different analyses and results.  相似文献   

This paper draws on an empirical work dedicated to discussing a theoretical model for design-based research. The context of our study is a research project for the design, the implementation and the analysis of Insectophagia, a digital role-play game implemented in secondary schools. The model presented in this paper aims at conceptualizing researchers’ and practitioners’ relationships with the notion that knowledge development takes place at a meta-didactical level when the participants develop a shared practice and a shared discourse on practice (a common praxeology). This is done through collaboration and teacher-centered design of innovative learning settings. This model emerges from a double approach: (1) a literature review on collaborative research in education and, (2) an analysis of the verbal interactions of practitioners and researchers involved in the project. The study emphasizes the development of knowledge among participants. It also emphasizes the importance of knowledge brokering for filling the gap between research and practice and thus, for the adoption of digital technology by practitioners.  相似文献   

This paper summarises findings from several systematic research reviews about the contribution of research to effective continuing professional development and learning (CPDL) activities and their impact on pupils and teachers. It starts with a review of how teachers engage in and with research as part of CPDL, how teachers and researchers shape professional learning activities and identifies key processes linked to positive outcomes. Finally it explores how different research contributions can be developed to make a more visible contribution to CPDL.The paper highlights common characteristics of effective CPDL, including: sustained collaboration with professional colleagues, including both making use of specialist expertise and structured peer support for embedding specialist contributions; an understanding of and commitment to professional learning, including enquiry-oriented learning and learning to learn from looking; a focus on refining teaching and learning, working towards aspirations for specific pupils side by side with theory; and effective scaffolding and modelling of learning by both teachers and leaders for colleagues and for pupils. The key implications of these findings are explored in the conclusions and include the importance of conceptualising researchers’ contributions to CPDL as specialist expertise and/or researchers and Masters tutors harnessing the potential of peer support between teachers. They also explore overlaps between core research and teaching skills and the need for a shared language between teachers and researchers to enable concepts like analysis, theory and criticality to be valued as practical tools for enhancing professional practice.  相似文献   

This study concerns teaching and learning development in science through collaboration between science teachers and researchers. At the core was the ambition to integrate research outcomes of science education—here ‘didactic models’—with teaching practice, aligned with professional development. The phase where the collaboration moves from initial establishment towards a stable practice is investigated. The study aims to identifying features of formation and exploring consequences for the character of contact between research and teaching. Specific questions are “What may be identified as actions and arrangements impacting the quality and continuation of the emerging practice?” and “What and in what ways may support teacher growth?” The analysis draws on practice architectures as a theoretical framework and specifically investigates the initial meetings as a practice-node for a new practice, empirically drawing on documented reflections on science teaching, primarily from meetings and communication. The results take the form of an analytical-narrative account of meetings that focused planning, enactment and reflection on teaching regarding the human body. We identify enabling actions such as collaborative work with concrete material from the classroom and arrangements such as the regular meetings and that the collaborative group had a core of shared competence—in science teaching and learning. Constraining were actions such as introducing research results with weak connection to practical action in the school practice and arrangements such as differences between school and university practice architectures and the general ‘oppression’ of teachers’ classroom practice. The discussion includes reflections on researchers’ roles and on a research and practice base for school development.  相似文献   

对"教师即研究者"命题的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,对教师做研究的质疑主要表现在对其研究的合理性与有效性等问题的反思与批判上.我国新一轮教育改革提出"教师即研究者"的命题,对教师做研究给予了充分肯定.但是,广大教育理论者与实践者要认识到教师做研究与教育专家做研究是不同的,教师所做的研究是教师对学校和课堂工作进行的一种系统的、有目的的探究,是教师与研究者、教学与研究的统一.反思性实践是教师做研究的最好范式,它强调教师对日常的教育教学实践进行反思,使实践与理论相联结.  相似文献   

This article describes the research landscape related to the use of video for promoting teacher learning, drawing on a variety of research studies to illustrate the breadth of approaches that have been employed. One particular research study is reported in some detail since, it is argued, this represents a new level of devolution of agency to teachers to play a self-scaffolding role in their own professional education. The study involved the investigation of an approach to the provision of feedback to teachers about their practice that involved stimulating teacher self-reflection and juxtaposed structure and agency. An observation framework grounded in classroom practice research was developed, and teachers selected elements of that framework to serve as the focus for examining their practice and seeking feedback about that practice. Teachers and researchers examined video-recorded lessons focusing on the teachers’ selected observation elements, and then engaged in feedback conversations about their observations and analyses, and the implications of these for future practice. The approach identified the video record as an artefact of the teacher’s own practice and one which demanded a professional response from the teacher. The balance between structure and agency realised in the study, in combination with the use of video for observation and analysis of practice, facilitated teacher self-reflection and functioned to both support and provoke teacher learning.  相似文献   

借助文献计量工具对人类命运共同体研究进行可视化分析发现,围绕这一主题的研究进路可分为初始起步、快速发展和深化拓展三个阶段,以思想理念溯源、逻辑框架分析、价值意义阐释、实践路径探索为主要研究内容,以国际传播和话语权、中国特色大国外交实践整合、国际秩序和全球治理变革互动以及实践挑战和现实路径为前沿动向,并逐渐形成以马克思主义为主,涵盖政治学、社会学、法学等多学科参与的学术综合体。在人类命运共同体理念的重要性、必要性和紧迫性凸显的大变局时代,应进一步厘清基本概念、拓展研究视角和研究方法、加强研究力量整合和支持、加强对不同国家的认知和态度研究,深化理论研究和实践拓展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a study of teacher researchers undertaking research into self-chosen aspects of their own mathematics teaching at the secondary level. The study used qualitative methods to explore the processes and practices of this research and the issues which it raised. Emergent theory of teachers' research activity fitted strongly with a view of action research relating to critical reflective practice. The teachers were seen as reflective practitioners, developing knowledge and awareness through enhanced metacognitive activity. Their research was characterised as evolutionary, in contrast with established patterns of action research. Despite differences in the substance of each teacher's research there were commonalities which provide insights into the conducting of research by teachers and its potential for the development of mathematics teaching. The special nature of mathematics in this research, and the role of external researchers in the project, were important considerations.  相似文献   

Partnership with teachers for professional development has been considered beneficial because of the potential of collaborative work in the teacher’s own classroom to be relevant to practice. From this perspective, both teachers and researchers can draw on their own expertise and work as authentic partners. In this study, we address the need for such collaboration and focus on how a teacher and a researcher performed their roles when collaboratively implementing mathematical modeling tasks within a context of in situ professional development. Using multi-tier design-based research, as a framework, a researcher worked in a teacher’s classroom to implement a series of research-based mathematical modeling activities. A broad corpus of data from this interaction was analyzed, including audio recordings of interviews with the teacher, video recordings of three mathematical modeling lessons, researcher field notes and journal reflections, instructional materials, and students’ written work using the principles for designing activities for teachers. The emerging roles and relationships between the teacher and the researcher were documented, as (1) the researcher implemented the professional development, (2) the teacher shared her concerns, (3) the researcher responded to the teacher’s challenges, and (3) the teacher reflected on student development. As a case study of collaboration, the participants’ roles and strategies to overcome challenges and achieve shared objectives can benefit teachers and researchers who plan to collaboratively implement modeling in the classroom. The study supports the value and viability of this form of in situ professional development, indicating that significant changes in teachers’ thinking about their students’ mathematical model development can occur in relatively short periods of time.  相似文献   

很多领域都存在理论研究与实践应用之间的鸿沟,学习科学与教育实践之间也不例外。如何贯通理论研究和实践探索,从而形成相互支持的效应,是研究者和实践者需要共同面对的问题。学习科学推动教育实践变革的路径可以从理论诠释和合作实践两个方面展开。在理论诠释方面,研究者不仅要用易懂的方式言说,还要对理论进行选择和综合。指出理论和相关研究成果的实践意蕴,以案例展示实践的具体方法,将理论观点与实践者的先拥观念进行比较,以促进概念转变。在合作实践方面,研究者需要和实践者一起,将学习科学的理论和研究成果见之于特定情境的具体实践,从而形成一套适应这一情境的、定制性的具体实践方案或分析工具,或者通过对教学经验和教学案例加以概括和归纳,从而形成一般性的、可迁移的方法。实践者在整个过程中以合乎学习科学的方式,在实践共同体中将学习和实践融合,革新教育实践,发展专业能力。  相似文献   

In this mixed-methods study, the effect of training teacher–researchers in a collaborative research environment is examined for a cohort of teachers enrolled in a Math and Science Partnership (MSP) master’s degree program. The teachers describe changes in their research views and in their application of research in practice, and detail the challenges they faced during the process. The findings of the study suggest training teachers as researchers is likely to encourage teacher interest in conducting and applying theory in math and science classrooms. The results of this study have implications for bridging the gap between theory and practice in math and science education in general.  相似文献   


Educational researchers have invested much in isolating the specific ‘drivers’ that influence school change and teacher professional development. In this vein, this article draws attention to necessarily situated understandings of practice development through research into the nature of ‘middle leading’ for site based education development in one primary school district in regional Australia. Drawing on practice theory, the analysis reveals how developing and sustaining change in schools is contingent on middle leaders’ insider knowledge, shared responsibility and capacity to sustain and ‘drive’ teachers’ learning. The article argues more situated understandings of middle leading practices are essential for sustainable educational reform.  相似文献   

叙事研究及其对教育研究的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的教育研究存在着理论与实践脱轨、片面追求客观化和精确化的弊端,教师在实际教学中很难真正进入研究者的角色。“叙事研究”是教师以叙述自己的教学经验事实的方式走进教育行动研究,以解决问题为最终目的,使教师真正成为教育行动研究者。  相似文献   

微观史学带来了史学研究视角和研究方法的创新,推动了教育史研究的变革。作为一种研究方法和实践的微观史学,关注"小事件"背后的"大问题";强调边缘群体的个体经验;注重发现问题及自我反思。微观史学在教师生活史研究中的价值体现为:丰富人们对教育历史图景的理解;深化对教师个体经验的解读;为教师及研究者的反思提供客观依据。研究者在借鉴微观史学的理论和方法,进行教师生活史的研究时,应关注教师生活及其特定背景,重视教师个体特质的研究,促进教师和研究者的合作与反思。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Education lacks a strong infrastructure for connecting research with educational practice and policy. The need for this linkage grows as findings in cognitive science and biology become ever more relevant to education. Teachers often lack the background knowledge needed to interpret scientific results, whereas scientists often lack an understanding of pedagogical goals. We need to build an infrastructure that supports sustainable collaboration between researchers and teachers and creates a strong research foundation for education. A primary agent of the lasting collaboration between researchers and practitioners in medicine is the teaching hospital, where researchers and practitioners work together on research that is relevant to practice and the training of young professionals. Education needs analogous institutions—research schools—that join researchers and teachers in living, community‐based schools. In these schools, practice shapes research as much as research informs practice. Research schools will provide a fundamental infrastructure for linking transdisciplinary research on learning with educational policy and practice.  相似文献   

It is well known that most teachers appear to take little or no interest in the activities and findings of educational researchers. In two successive studies, experienced senior high-school teachers’ interest and the questions they pose about their educational practice were studied to establish insights for teacher education and teacher-educator researchers. In the first study, 81 teachers’ research reports for obtaining a master’s degree were analysed and the results were validated by questioning another 39 teachers and having them pose questions about their practice. The results showed that students’ cognitive learning was the teachers’ main priority. In the second study, 22 teachers completed a questionnaire about themes from educational research related to cognitive learning. The results showed that the teachers were interested in the topics of cognitive growth and insightful and engaged learning. How to practise these topics regularly was important to the teachers regardless of their teaching discipline. Implications for teacher-educator researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

雅尼斯·迪米特里亚迪斯(Yannis Dimitriadis)教授任职西班牙巴利亚多利德大学远程信息技术工程系,兼任信息通讯技术与教学研究中心GSIC/EMIC研究团队负责人,主持和参与了五十多项国际国内科研项目,在教育技术顶级期刊发表了八十多篇学术论文,组织了多次学习科学高端国际学术专题研讨会和工作坊。研究方向包括学习设计、计算机支持协作学习、学习分析等。本次访谈着重于介绍学习设计的核心思想,即无论外部学习技术如何变化,“教学法为王”的原则在教育教学情境中的主导地位不能变。因此,人工智能时代的学习技术仍需为创新教学服务。从教师角度看,联结学习设计与学习分析为教师技术创新教学提供了突破口。一方面,学习设计为学习分析提供理论引导,便于教师精准知晓学习者在不同学习活动中的学习情况,另一方面,学习分析为优化学习设计提供基于数据驱动的方法指导,便于教师靶向式更新学习活动设计。践行学习设计与学习分析双向互动的发展路径,需要建立研究者与教师合作设计机制,引导教师参与学习设计;推进隐性设计知识在学习设计中的应用;关注教师探究学习者学习过程。本次访谈对新时代背景下信息技术与教学应用的深度融合提供了新的理念和方法指导。  相似文献   

This article describes an example of inter-professional action research conducted by teachers and university-based researchers/teacher educators in a vocational college in the Netherlands. The research was aimed at the professional learning of the teachers on their pedagogical approach to a new curriculum initiative. Despite a difficult context in the Netherlands for a type of action research in which teachers and researchers work in democratic collaboration on the improvement of teaching practices, this inter-professional collaboration worked out well. The participants worked, inspired by shared commitment towards the students, as equal partners. In the findings and conclusion insights developed about key elements for inter-professional collaborative research, such as the importance of common relevance, shared responsibility for the research and mutual trust and respect for differences in professional identities and working conditions are addressed.  相似文献   

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