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在同声传译过程中,预测策略的运用可以减轻译员的听力负担,提高信息处理能力。预测策略的应用很大程度上取决于存储在译员记忆中的知识图式。知识图式的激活决定认知理解过程。知识图式作为认知框架,引导译员对语言内及语言外信息的理解,为预测提供依据。  相似文献   

曹俊雯 《海外英语》2013,(1):127-128
该文借助图式理论,探析汉英礼仪类讲话的同声传译,强调译员应利用语言图式、内容图式和结构图式,掌握汉英礼仪类讲话的特点,更好地准备背景知识,预测上下文信息,提高同传质量。  相似文献   

通过实验的方法来探讨图式与礼仪祝辞类口译成效之间的关系。结果表明:图式有助于提高礼仪祝辞口译的效果,其中结构图式能减轻译员的记忆负荷,背景知识图式方便于口译员预测下文内容和语言信息,语言图式则使译员的表达更为顺畅。要提高口译效果,学员要建立与激活尽可能多的结构图式、背景知识图式和语言图式。  相似文献   

口译预测是口译中用来缓解译员短时记忆的负担并且提高翻译质量的重要策略,一般可以分成语言内预测和语言外预测。译员可以根据词语的固定搭配和句子间的逻辑关系进行预测,也可以通过积累语言外知识和充分地译前准备来进行预测。  相似文献   

根据同声传译译员的特点,对同声传译译员素质与同传预测进行探讨.并基于工作实践提出提高同传能力的一些可行性策略。  相似文献   

分析了交替传译听辨与外语学习中听力的区别,在将图式理论和Gille的交传精力分配模式运用到交替传译听解的认知过程中的基础上,提出影响译员听解效果的三大因素为:译员的语言知识、非语言知识和除听解之外的的单项任务处理能力,并由此得出译员克服听解障碍的相关策略。  相似文献   

同声传译译员素质及同传预测试析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据同声传译译员的特点,对同声传译译员素质与同传预测进行探讨,并基于工作实践提出提高同传能力的一些可行性策略.  相似文献   

日中·中日同声传译,由于涉及的两种语言———中文与日文在思维方式,语言习惯上有着很大差异,给译员的工作带来了诸多困难。同传过程中,译员通过基本的三大能力———记忆力、预测能力、应变能力以及一些作为其辅助的技巧,一方面要把原语的信息准确无误地传达给听众,一方面还要在不同立场的发言人和听众之间起到真正意义上的友好桥梁作用。  相似文献   

广义上来说,翻译就是两种语言之间的转换过程。但一个合格的译员,仅仅做到语言层次的转换是远远不够的。在各个专业领域的翻译中,如果译员对该专业的背景知识没有相应的了解,就无法理解原文的真正含义,这样翻译出来的译文就会不充分,不准确,甚至可能误译。因此,在翻译时充分了解相关的专业背景知识是非常重要的。  相似文献   

本文立足于新的时代背景下,以福建自贸区建设为背景,探析了在新形势下同传译员所需的素质再造问题,指出同传译员需要注重五大方面能力的再造,这对当前及今后从事口译事业的从业者有很大理论指导意义和实践借鉴意义。  相似文献   

李晶 《海外英语》2012,(5):137-138,146
This article aims to describe the importance of the cultural background knowledge between English and Chinese when interpret ing.Ignoring the cultural differences may affect the corrections of interpretation.It is a must for interpreters to learn and understand the dif ferent cultures for interpreting.  相似文献   

On the whole, the requirements on business interpreters are almost the same with other interpreters. However, the characteristics of business activities requires that the interpreter should have wide knowledge of the business proper names and phrases, the sensitivity against numbers and the awareness of the different cultures in trade. To be an interpreter in business, one should pay special attention to these aspects.  相似文献   

陈为忠 《海外英语》2012,(17):129-130
口译过程的语意构建在很大程度上是一个利用语言外知识进行逻辑序列构建的过程。使用语言外知识积极地进行逻辑推理可以帮助口译员在口译过程中确定语意,避免误译。但是同时应该特别注意是语言外知识可能产生负面作用,即在逻辑推理过程中的误导作用。  相似文献   

同声传译工作的成败 ,在很大程度上取决于译员的基本常识。文章从各个角度简明扼要地分析了同声传译工作的任务和口译工作者应遵循的原则以及应注意的基本事项  相似文献   

This study describes Auslan/English interpreters' use of translation style when interpreting for a university lecture. Some interpreters switched translation style, between free and literal methods of interpretation, as a linguistic strategy for dealing with the sociolinguistic influences of the discourse environment. In particular, attention was paid to the interpreters' educational background (and therefore their familiarity with academic discourse), the linguistic features and lexical density of the text, and their influences on the interpretation. The key finding of the study was that Auslan/English interpreters predominantly used a free or literal interpretation approach, but switched between translation styles at particular points of the text, leading to the suggestion of the concept of "translational contact." The findings of this study are not only significant in Australia but can also benefit interpreters and interpreter educators internationally.  相似文献   

Based on Zhong Weihe's knowledge requirements formula for interpreters:KI=KL+EK+S(P+AP),this paper explains in detail how the different knowledge is used in the course of interpreting and provides some useful strategies in interpreting practice.  相似文献   

地方本科院校面临转型发展期,所开设的英语口译课程当结合其生源的特点,定位为培养初、中级口译人才的口译入门课,并从加强语言基础、丰富百科知识、侧重技能训练三个方面着手,以培养应用型、技能型的口译人才。  相似文献   

现代商业社会越来越需要英语联络口译员。怎样培养能自主钻研、有效应对千变万化商务场合的合格联络口译人才成为英语口译教学中重要课题。结合商务联络口译特点,通过任务型教学法和传统教学模式对比,发现:在联络口译课堂中应用任务型教学法,更能让学生在模拟实践中提高综合运用语言能力。  相似文献   

For many deaf and hard-of-hearing students, access to the general education curriculum is provided, in part, by using the services of an educational interpreter. Even with a highly qualified interpreter, full access to the content and social life in a hearing classroom can be challenging, and there are many aspects of the educational placement that can affect success. The skills and knowledge of the educational interpreter are one critical aspect. This study reports results from a study of approximately 2,100 educational interpreters from across the United States. All the interpreters were evaluated using the Educational Interpreters Performance Assessment (EIPA), an evaluation instrument used to assess and certify classroom interpreters (see Schick, Williams, & Bolster, 1999). The results show that approximately 60% of the interpreters evaluated had inadequate skills to provide full access. In addition, educational interpreters who had completed an Interpreter Training Program had EIPA scores only .5 of an EIPA level above those who had not, on average. Demographic data and its relationship with EIPA ratings are explored. In general, the study suggests that many deaf and hard-of-hearing students receive interpreting services that will seriously hinder reasonable access to the classroom curriculum and social interaction.  相似文献   

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