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通过对甘肃临夏回族自治县东乡族女教师的田野调查发现,东乡族女教师生涯发展是一个多元且动态的发展过程。其生涯转换的心路历程显现出生活在偏僻山乡的东乡族女教师在追求职业理想过程中所遇到的传统文化与现代文化的冲突,从而折射出文化变迁对教师的生涯发展所产生的巨大影响。  相似文献   

教师的文化适应能力是教师专业发展的关键,促进少数民族教师专业发展是提升少数民族教育质量发展的核心。少数民族地区多元文化并存的现状决定了文化适应在少数民族教师专业发展中的重要作用。对少数民族教师专业发展已有很多研究。诸多研究都聚焦在对教师专业发展中知识和技能的掌握上,从文化适应的视角进行探讨的研究很少。少数民族地区多元文化的特征决定了少数民族教师专业必须置于大的社会文化场景中。以新疆少数民族地区教师为研究对象,运用质性研究方法对新疆少数民族教师专业发展进行探索。发现新疆少数民族教师专业发展面临着文化适应的问题。针对这些问题,从文化适应的视角进行分析发现,应该将文化适应纳入到少数民族教师专业发展的内涵中;在教师的培训中,应加强对教师"多元文化教育"理念的培育,加大社区和学校对少数民族教师文化适应的支持力度。  相似文献   

本文以2006年中国—联合国儿童基金会教师支持服务体系项目的基线调查数据为基础,分析了西部少数民族教师的研修状况,并对汉族和少数民族教师的差异性进行了对比分析。由此给出了如下研究建议:尊重并肯定少数民族教师在实际教学过程中的自我研修习惯;增加民族文字或双语教研资料的提供;培训过程中考虑语言文化的适切性;促进民族学校与汉族学校之间的跨校学习和研讨;进一步关心少数民族女教师的职业成长。  相似文献   

随着女教师人数在高校教师队伍中所占比例的持续攀升,女教师的学术发展问题已越来越受到关注,女教师在学历、职称、学术成果等方面与男教师相比存在较大差别,女教师学术能力的发展远远落后于男教师。高校,尤其是新建本科院校要针对女教师学术发展的特殊性,营造女教师学术发展环境,构建扶持女教师学术发展的机制。女教师也应充分了解女性学术发展规律,克服传统文化和生理、心理等障碍,做好自身的学术发展规划,提高学术发展能力。  相似文献   

女教师生涯发展研究的现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在有关教师生涯发展的研究中,女教师生涯发展已经逐渐受到许多学科的广泛关注。文章对女教师生涯发展的研究取向、研究方法等问题进行了梳理,并在此基础上对女教师生涯发展研究的现状进行了反思与展望。  相似文献   

当"少数民族"、"农村"、"女性"这三种属性集于一身的时候,民族村寨的女教师遭遇了更为尖锐的矛盾与冲突以及更为复杂与更为艰难的文化困境.在工作职场,她们感受着中心与边缘的无奈;在家庭,她们面对着主内与主外的犹豫;在村落院坝,她们经历着局内与局外的尴尬;在人类共同的文化场,她们体验着传统与现代的冲突.提升文化自觉、调整学习教育范式、推进跨文化教师培训等是民族村寨女教师走出文化困境的有效措施.  相似文献   

不久前,南丰县最边远山乡的一位教师姜霞芳,以高票当选为南丰县“橘乡十大最美乡村教师”,在鲜花与掌声纷至沓来的同时,一位乡村女教师与教育的深情逐渐进入人们的视线.而她,只低头一笑,告诉大家这一切离不开同为教师的丈夫黄行福的支持.  相似文献   

我们的基础教育,在改革发展进程中,既存在老问题,也不断出现新问题。其中积重难返的问题之一,是教育发展的不均衡。不均衡的问题,甚至体现为男女教师比例失衡。正当城市学校为女教师过多导致学生个性发展产生偏差(如男学生的中性化或女性化)而忧虑的时候,不少农村学校却为女教师偏少而发愁。尤其是少数民族农村贫困地区的中小学,不仅女教师偏少,而且女教师的角色定位也不确认,使得各民族女教师无法在教书育人过程中更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

曾煜 《成人教育》2007,(4):35-36
长期以来,边疆少数民族地区的教师培训只注重普遍性要求,忽视了特殊性,未考虑基础教育在地方民族文化建设中的重要作用,这对发展民族文化多样性极为不利。对此,文章提出了建立适应边疆少数民族地区民族文化发展的基础教育教师培训理念,由此传承和强化边疆少数民族地区的文化特色,推动少数民族文化与现代社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

以在新疆教育学院参加培训的不同专业、不同地区的少数民族双语教师为研究对象,运用定量研究方法对其汉语学习策略现状进行了测量和分析,研究结果表明,少数民族双语教师总体运用学习策略中情感策略使用频率最高,认知策略的使用频率最低;少数民族双语女教师情感策略运用较多;理科学科中数学和物理学科的少数民族双语教师4种策略运用比其他学科的少数民族双语教师低;农村少数民族双语教师4种策略的使用能力较低。为此提出了加强少数民族双语教师学习策略的培训和怎样建立少数民族双语教师汉语学习策略意识的建议。  相似文献   

Following a narrative and biographic approach, in this study, we present the case of an in-service language teacher and her professional learning trajectory in the context of the project ‘Languages and education: constructing and sharing training’. This project aimed at the construction of a collaborative teacher education context for learning and transformation of experiences, views and practices in language education, and involved teachers, teacher educators and researchers. Based on a single case study, the analysis tries to disclose the teacher’s discursive displacements as hints of professional transformation while she reinterprets the learning taking place in the collaborative education process. The signs of change are visible in the way she constructs meanings regarding her professional identity, re-identifies her mission as a language teacher and reconsiders her professional identity. Finally, we reflect upon how collaborative teacher education scenarios may foster teachers’ personal professional learning and renewed self-images.  相似文献   

Cathy Burnett 《Literacy》2009,43(2):75-82
In contributing to debates about how student‐teachers might draw from personal experience in addressing digital literacy in the classroom, this paper explores the stories that one primary student‐teacher told of her digital practices during a larger study of the role of digital literacy in student‐teachers' lives. The paper investigates the ‘recognition work’ this student‐teacher did as she aligned herself with different discourses and notes how themes of ‘control’ and ‘professionalism’ seemed to pattern her stories of informal and formal practices both within and beyond her professional education. The paper calls for further research into how student‐teachers perceive the relevance of their personal experience to their professional role and argues for encouraging pre‐service and practising teachers to tell stories of their digital practices and reflect upon the discourses which frame them.  相似文献   

“The fish becomes aware of the water in which it swims” is a metaphor that represents Yuli’s revelatory journey about the hidden power of culture in her personal identity and professional teaching practice. While engaging in a critical auto/ethnographic inquiry into her lived experience as a science teacher in Indonesian and Australian schools, she came to understand the powerful role of culture in shaping her teaching identity. Yuli realised that she is a product of cultural hybridity resulting from interactions of very different cultures—Javanese, Bimanese, Indonesian and Australian. Traditionally, Javanese and Indonesian cultures do not permit direct criticism of others. This influenced strongly the way she had learned to interact with students and caused her to be very sensitive to others. During this inquiry she learned the value of engaging students in open discourse and overt caring, and came to realise that teachers bringing their own cultures to the classroom can be both a source of power and a problem. In this journey, Yuli came to understand the hegemonic power of culture in her teaching identity, and envisioned how to empower herself as a good teacher educator of pre-service science teachers.  相似文献   

This study is focused on a period that poses several challenges for the development of mathematics teachers’ professional identities and agency: their first year of teaching in schools. During this period, beginning mathematics teachers confront tensions and contradictions among the principles, ideals, and experiences encountered during pre-service education and the demands, and restrictions of their teaching practice in schools. This article approaches this topic by developing an interpretative case study centered on one novice mathematics teacher, Sol. The aim is to describe and understand the development of Sol’s professional identity and agency during her first teaching year. Considering identity development as a diachronic phenomenon, we carry out a narrative analysis of the research data. The findings show that Sol developed her professional identity and agency through a process that gathered together the teaching practices possible inside her school, the positions she could negotiate as a newcomer inside the institution, and the cultural practices and discourses embodied during pre-service education. The results bring to the forefront the profound and tense interactions between the intimate and personal terrain of mathematics teachers and the social and cultural world of the schools where they work. Sol’s case also contributes to understanding the role that a robust pre-service education can play in the development of beginning teachers’ professional identities and in the possibility they could become agents of transformation in their schools.  相似文献   

Yan Fung Mok 《Interchange》2002,33(2):115-138
Facilitative environmental factors, skills and knowledge training, and reflection upon experiences and beliefs are regarded as important in teacher development. The attainment of normative professional identity indicates that a teacher has grasped the principles of skills, knowledge, and beliefs that govern teachers' professional behavior. However, what is neglected is the psychosocial process that brings about internal changes in teachers' growth. This paper argues that the soul behind teacher growth is the self-as-agent in directing a person's growth in fulfilling his or her own personal values and personality. Teachers with self-defining personalities search for congruent environments to nurture their personal values and they engage in generativity tasks to actualize those values. With the success and satisfaction brought about by the accomplishment of their personal values, teachers do not stop at a plateau but will keep pursuing continuous growth.  相似文献   

This case study interpreted the experiences of a teacher as she grew her coaching and mentoring practices by working with preservice teachers and participating in professional development focused on reflective coaching, mentorship, and literacy teaching. We drew on the notion of “becoming” from critical and sociocultural theories in analyzing how she constructed a teaching identity through mentoring, and how her identity enabled her to enact reflective coaching practices. Our findings outline her agentic moves to provide the preservice teacher with reflective support, rather than evaluative critique, in opposition to the surveillance and regulation that characterize many existing teacher evaluation models.  相似文献   

赵康 《学科教育》2011,(2):60-66
教师具有的专业技能是教师专业身份的重要维度,但主要是有关教育活动的效用维度,且主要以技术性和工具性为特征。使"教育"成为可能的层面还必然涉及"价值维度",因而教育价值和教育理想在教师的专业认同中占有不可或缺的角色。教师"使命"背后的教育理想无不与个人价值密切相关。个人价值是个人认同的一个构成维度,所以,教师的专业认同与其个人认同在价值层面应是一致的。如此,教师对教育理想的反思和对其专业认同的理解与她/他对个人认同的理解分不开。哲学家利科对个人认同概念和叙事认同概念的分析,为教师反思其教育理想和理解其专业认同提供了一种可能的学习模式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterise the development of a preservice physical education teacher's professional activity over the course of training interactions with her co‐operating teacher. The student teacher's professional development was studied using a hermeneutic and inductive approach based on the analysis of data from observation and self‐confrontation interviews. The results showed that the preservice teacher's conceptions regarding her teaching developed despite communication difficulties with her co‐operating teacher and that she constructed new knowledge—at times without her co‐operating teacher's awareness—even when she disagreed with him. However, the student teacher's classroom activity did not always change as a result of this new knowledge. The self‐confrontation interviews revealed her construction of knowledge, as well as the reasons for disagreement and her resistance to changing her classroom action.  相似文献   

教师的幸福与幸福的教师   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师的幸福是教师作为人、职业人和教育主体的完整的幸福,是物质性、社会性和精神性的统一,其构成要素包括中等财富、身心健康、人际和谐、高尚德性和发展完满。教师的专业幸福是教师作为教育活动主体的幸福,是教师幸福的重要构成,具有精神性、内生性、关系性与理解性、创造性。具有专业幸福的教师是关怀生命的教师,具有阳光心态的教师,以教育为事业的教师,具有专业自由的教师,富有创造的教师,追求专业持续发展和自我超越的教师。  相似文献   

个人知识管理是一种手段、方法和策略,而教师专业成长则是目的、结果或目标。当代体育教师应把知识管理纳入日常工作和学习中去.它是一种自我成长与发展的必要手段,能有效提高个人信息素养、增强教学能力,促进其成为具有实践智慧的专业化体育教师。  相似文献   

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