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G886.219 9800668摔跤常见技术动作开始的发力特征研究=Studyof the features of force breaking at the moment startinga skill in wrestling[刊,中,Ⅰ]/阎间辉,景文,邓兴国,朱富山,王建明,张择田∥体育科学.-1997.-17(4).-35-38表5参2(ZZY)摔跤∥动作∥发力∥特征∥力学分析采用专门研制的捧跤测力装置,对过胸摔、  相似文献   

一、问题的提出在国际式摔跤(古典式、自由式)比赛中,滚桥技术的使用频率越来越高。特别是在摔跤规则更加注重跪撑角斗的情况下,滚桥技术以其易于得到把位,易于发力使用,而被绝大多数运动员所采用。据全国、亚洲乃至更高级别的摔跤比赛情况统计,滚桥的得分率都是很高的,大有得滚桥者,得天下之势。另外,使用滚桥动作的把位也越来越多:如抱腰滚桥、抱胸滚桥、锁单臂滚桥等。但万变  相似文献   

一、前言近年来,我国摔跤运动技术水平有很大提高,古典式摔跤尤其突出,在几次重大国际比赛中取得了较好的成绩。古典式摔跤的进攻技术比较集中,站立摔以过胸和过背为主,而跪撑角斗中的主要进攻技术就是“滚桥”。“滚桥”在比赛中使用次数之多,成功率之高,超过了任何一项  相似文献   

从亚洲锦标赛看我国自由式摔跤存在的主要问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1999年亚洲自由式摔跤锦标赛中外运动员使用技术及得分情况的统计表明:当今自由式摔跤运动员使用的站立技术主要是抱单腿摔、抱双腿摔和压颈转移,跪撑的主要技术是滚桥和骑缠接滚桥,其次是交叉握小腿。鉴于我国运动员被判消极和被警告次数过多,建议平时加大体能训练的力度,加大国内比赛裁判员执法的力度。  相似文献   

摔跤滚桥技术分析及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了滚桥技术的动作结构,通过杠杆原理和稳定角原理对跪撑进行分析。对滚桥技术的训练主要是进行基本功、专项身体素质和约束练习的训练。同时也对滚桥技术的应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

教学目的 了解发力动作特征,从发力姿势开始最后用力动作至铅球出手后的平衡。 游戏和练习 游戏和练习应用不同重量的物体,强调大肌肉群的发力和投掷时正确的出手动作。教学过程 1.介绍器械、安全措施和握法: 将铅球置于中间三个手指的根部,手指微分开;  相似文献   

前言 过胸摔是一种具备全面身体素质的技术动作,它是由腰、臂、腿、组成的一门综合力量的技术动作,在训练比赛中是必不缺少的一项高难技术动作。 掌握过胸摔技术,对于运动员增强主动进攻意识,掌握赛场的主动权,缓解紧张心理思想情绪,具有重要作用,特别是在双  相似文献   

从摔跤规则演变看我国古典式摔跤技术的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对摔跤新规则的特点 ,采用文献资料调研 ,结合九运会比赛执行新规则后的技术效果进行统计和分析。结果表明 :古典式摔跤站立技术的各种手法“转移”和“过胸摔”技术使用率和成功率都高于其它技术 ;古典式摔跤跪撑技术的“滚桥”和“提抱”技术是得分的主要手段 ,跪撑技术是比赛决定胜负的重要手段。预测了我国古典式摔跤技术发展趋势  相似文献   

女子举重运动员抓挺举发力阶段等动肌力的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高速摄影与等动测试相结合的研究方法,对女子举重运动员抓挺举时的等动肌力特征进行探讨。结果显示,抓举发力阶段,提肘动作发生在伸髋结束时,不同关节等动肌力的比值反映了举重发力动作的先后顺序;抓举与挺举上挺发力阶段的最大相关速度与上肢等动测试的峰力矩,平均功率相关指标有显著性相关,而最大速度与等动测试的峰力矩、平均功率指标无相关性。  相似文献   

采用自主研发的摔跤滚桥测力系统结合定点摄像技术和表面肌电采集技术,对10名男子古典式摔跤一级运动员滚桥技术的动力学、运动学、表面肌电特征进行分析。结果显示:①滚桥技术的力量峰值出现在69°,运动员的滚桥技术峰值扭矩可达自身体质量的(2.11±0.64)倍。②右腹外斜肌和右臀大肌的肌肉激活持续时间最长,分别达5.83 s和5.94 s。③右股直肌、右腹外斜肌、右臀大肌分别在0~90°、0~120°、0~180°范围内做功水平显著高于对侧,左背阔肌在0~30°和120~180°范围内做功水平高于对侧。提示:①在滚桥技术初期,假人滚动的力量主要由双腿蹬伸迅速过渡到右腿侧向蹬伸用力、躯干右旋体位下左旋用力、左臂随躯干左旋方向提拉假人用力构成。②30°后,假人滚动的力量主要由右腿髋、膝关节伸展肌群和躯干左旋肌群收缩用力构成,在约69°时呈现滚桥技术峰值力量体位,此后滚桥力量持续减小。③120°后,假人滚动的力量主要由左肩伸展的拉动假人动作和右髋伸展的挺髋动作用力构成。  相似文献   

The muscular patterning of three skilled throwers who were less skilled servers, three skilled servers who were less skilled throwers, and three individuals skilled in both sport skills, was studied by means of electromyography and tri-plane cinematography during performances of the throw and serve. Surface electrodes were used to record electrical activity from two trunk, four shoulder girdle, and four shoulder joint muscles. Regardless of skill level, the nine female subjects used common joint and segment movements and employed, with minor exceptions, the same number of muscles during late preparatory and force production phases in the two skills. However, for the two skills, there were differences in the duration during which the muscles were active. The serve took longer to perform and involved a different sequential coordination of muscular activity than did the throw. Differences in muscle patterning between the two skills were greater during the force production phase in individuals judged to be skilled in both sport skills. The temporal differences between the two overarm skills suggested that, if performers can perceive time differences between 200 to 800 mseconds, then reference to or practice in the throw may not be a good method to gain expertise in the serve.  相似文献   

在标枪投掷技术中,左腿在交叉步及最后用力的衔接中起到引导、制动和支撑的作用.从交叉步和最后用力这两个紧密相连的环节中,对左腿的动作及其意义进行生物力学探讨,从而对左腿在投掷标枪中的作用有充分的认识.  相似文献   

古典式摔跤跪撑技术的趋向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗强 《体育科技》2003,24(1):31-33
对 2 0 0 0年全国古典式摔跤锦标赛跪撑技术进行统计 ,分析古典式摔跤跪撑技术的发展趋向 ,结果显示 :使用跪撑技术成功与否是获得古典式摔跤比赛胜利的关键 ,而在跪撑技术的使用中又侧重于滚桥和提抱这两种跪撑技术动作。  相似文献   

对2006年全国古典式摔跤锦标赛跪撑技术进行统计,分析古典式摔跤跪撑技术的发展方向,结果显示:使用跪撑技术成功与否是获得古典摔跤比赛胜利的关键,而在跪撑技术的使用中又侧重于滚桥和提抱之两种跪撑技术动作。  相似文献   

通过对铅球、标枪、铁饼在最后用力阶段非投掷臂的大幅度接动成绩与小幅度摆动成绩的实验研究,为提高投掷技术的教学、训练质量提供依据。研究结果表明,非投掷臂在《后用力阶段的正确姿势对投掷成绩有显著的影响;铁饼成绩提高最显著,其次为标枪、铅球。  相似文献   

A completely general three-dimensional dynamic model is presented for the motion of basketball shots that may contact the rim, the backboard, the bridge between the rim and board, and possibly the board and the bridge simultaneously. Non-linear ordinary differential equations with six degrees of freedom describe the ball angular velocity and ball centre position. The model includes radial ball compliance and damping and contains five sub-models: purely gravitational flight, and ball-rim, ball-bridge, ball-board, and ball-bridge-board contact. Each contact sub-model has both slipping and non-slipping motions. Switching between the sub-models depends on the reaction force at, and velocity of, the contact point. Although the model can be used to study shots from any point on the court, we here use it to study the sets of free throw release angle, velocity, angular velocity, and lateral deviation angle that result in success (capture), as well as underhand free throws and those using an under-inflated ball. Free throw shots with larger backspin, lower inflation pressures, and underhand release conditions are shown to result in larger capture percentages.  相似文献   


A completely general three-dimensional dynamic model is presented for the motion of basketball shots that may contact the rim, the backboard, the bridge between the rim and board, and possibly the board and the bridge simultaneously. Non-linear ordinary differential equations with six degrees of freedom describe the ball angular velocity and ball centre position. The model includes radial ball compliance and damping and contains five sub-models: purely gravitational flight, and ball – rim, ball – bridge, ball – board, and ball – bridge – board contact. Each contact sub-model has both slipping and non-slipping motions. Switching between the sub-models depends on the reaction force at, and velocity of, the contact point. Although the model can be used to study shots from any point on the court, we here use it to study the sets of free throw release angle, velocity, angular velocity, and lateral deviation angle that result in success (capture), as well as underhand free throws and those using an under-inflated ball. Free throw shots with larger backspin, lower inflation pressures, and underhand release conditions are shown to result in larger capture percentages.  相似文献   

Tennis coaches often use the fundamental throwing skill as a training tool to develop the service action. However, recent skill acquisition literature questions the efficacy of non-specific training drills for developing complex sporting movements. Thus, this study examined the mechanical analogy of the throw and the tennis serve at three different levels of development. A 500 Hz, 22-camera VICON MX motion capture system recorded 28 elite female tennis players (prepubescent (n = 10), pubescent (n = 10), adult (n = 8)) as they performed flat serves and overhand throws. Two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures and partial correlations (controlling for group) assessed the strength and nature of the mechanical associations between the tasks. Preparatory mechanics were similar between the two tasks, while during propulsion, peak trunk twist and elbow extension velocities were significantly higher in the throw, yet the peak shoulder internal rotation and wrist flexion angular velocities were significantly greater in the serve. Furthermore, all of these peak angular velocities occurred significantly earlier in the serve. Ultimately, although the throw may help to prime transverse trunk kinematics in the serve, mechanics in the two skills appear less similar than many coaches seem to believe. Practitioners should, therefore, be aware that the throw appears less useful for priming the specific arm kinematics and temporal phasing that typifies the tennis serve.  相似文献   

短跑起跑技术的探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田径运动中的短跑项目,由于“特定的距离”所限,起跑技术的优劣往往起着非常重要的作用。本文探讨了短跑起跑技术中的如下问题:合理选择起跑技术;起跑时产生的翻转力矩和起动平衡;起跑的反应时和运动员起跑时的注意力;起跑后加速跑的技术。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between lower limb joint kinetics, external force production and starting block performance (normalised average horizontal power, NAHP). Seventeen male sprinters (100 m PB, 10.67 ± 0.32 s) performed maximal block starts from instrumented starting blocks (1000 Hz) whilst 3D kinematics (250 Hz) were also recorded during the block phase. Ankle, knee and hip resultant joint moment and power were calculated at the rear and front leg using inverse dynamics. Average horizontal force applied to the front (r = 0.46) and rear (r = 0.44) block explained 86% of the variance in NAHP. At the joint level, many “very likely” to “almost certain” relationships (r = 0.57 to 0.83) were found between joint kinetic data and the magnitude of horizontal force applied to each block although stepwise multiple regression revealed that 55% of the variance in NAHP was accounted for by rear ankle moment, front hip moment and front knee power. The current study provides novel insight into starting block performance and the relationships between lower limb joint kinetic and external kinetic data that can help inform physical and technical training practices for this skill.  相似文献   

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