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贵州省中专数学教研会暨换届选举会于99年10月2日至4日在安顺财校举行,全省五十三所中专校的75名代表参加了会议,出席会议的还有特邀代表四川中专数学学会理事长周世武同志。会议得到了省教委职教处的关心和支持,得到了安顺财校的支持和热情接待。  相似文献   

<正>2013年,中国多地紧锣密鼓地设计高考改革的方案,10月份先有"英语退出高考"之说,11月又有了"数学退出高考"的设想。这些并非仅仅是决策者的构思。网上的民调显示,有大约九成网民支持英语退出高考,有近75%的网民支持数学退出高考。熟悉中国网络情况的人恐怕都知道,这些网民,往往  相似文献   

数学问题解决是自20世纪80年代以来国际数学教育研究的热点之一,它作为一种新的教学思想和观念,代表着一种新的教学方式,正在成为国际基础数学教育发展的方向.我国的数学教育要改变教学封闭的状况,要适应时代的要求,必须将生动的现代生活内容融人数学教学,必须提供更多的问题情景支持教学活动,中国的数学教育需要把问题解决引入数学课堂.笔者力图就数学问题解决如何进入中国中学数学课堂,怎样与我们的教材相结合,怎样与我们的教学实际相结合,探索一条有中国特色的数学问题解决教学之路.汲取西方数学教育的新思想,继承中国传统教育的精华,在实践中逐渐形成自己的教学思想体系、内容体系、目标体系和系统的教学方法.  相似文献   

2023年8月11—14日在呼伦贝尔学院隆重召开了第十一届中国数学会数学史分会学术年会暨第十届数学史与数学教育学术研讨会.此次会议选举产生了第十一届理事会,分享并讨论了中国传统数学的现代学术价值和教育价值、西方数学及中西数学的传播与交流、数学教育史研究、数学文化及其融入数学教学研究.此次会议不仅为中小学数学教学提供了指导性的资源支持,同时对当今数学教育改革和优秀人才培养具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

19世纪中叶,中国出于富国强兵的需要,全国开始了创办现代学校教育的运动,数学教育的现代化也由此开始.美国由于其在世界上的杰出数学成就,成为中国学习的榜样之一.早期的教会学校和教会大学模仿美国数学教育的课程与教育模式,一批熟悉西方教育体系的美国传教士在中国的学校教书并参与管理,发挥了奠基的作用.庚子赔款及由此带来的近40年的向美派出留学制度,使得中国近代一大批教育精英及数学人才得以培养,这批留美学生在中国数学教育的现代化中做出了杰出贡献.美国学术与教育界从多个方面给予了中国数学界以支持与帮助,中国的数学教育才得以快速转向,现代数学教育在中国扎根、开花、结果.与先进国家保持交流和开放是数学教育发展的必要条件.  相似文献   

关于中国古代数学教育的几个问题及思考朱水根著名数学史家严敦杰先生曾经指出:“中国古代凡通过国家数学考试及格,受了好几年数学教育的人,没有一个在数学上有所造诣。”①这是一个发人深省的问题。在世界数学发展史上,中国古代数学占有极为重要的一席,涌现了许多卓...  相似文献   

中国历来有重视数学教育的传统。清代末期,即最后的半个世纪(1860—1911年),中国对数学教育的重视程度前所未有。笔者在此介绍了几位数学家对数学重要性的认识,对数学教育内容的三种看法,列举了当时开展数学教育、研究的专门机构。  相似文献   

中国近现代数学在世界处于什么地位呢?一些人叹息中国数学落后于国外,甚至夸大其词。事实上,我国近现代数学工作者在一些方面已经作出了突出成就,吴文俊院士和他的数学机械化研究就是其中的杰出代表.2000年,吴文俊院士获得首届国家最高科学技术奖.2006年,他获得了被媒体誉为“21世纪东方诺贝尔奖”的香港邵逸夫数学科学奖.  相似文献   

由国际数学教育委员会(ICMI)支持,筹备已久的东亚数学教育会议将在1998年8月在韩国教育大学举行.东亚各国将有上千名数学教育工作者出席,大多为中小学教师.在世界上,东亚数学教育有自己的传统和优势,也有一些弱点.中国的数学教育和东亚的许多国  相似文献   

2008年8月将在墨西哥举行四年一届的国际数学教育大会(ICMI-11),届时中国作为2012年ICMI-12的申办国之一,将进行“中国数学教育国家展示会”,为世界全面展现中国数学教育的状况.张思明从1993年开始进行数学教学模式的探索和改革,十几年来,形成了有我国特色的数学课题学习的相关理论.他力图通过课题学习改变学生的学习方式,让学生在课题学习的过程中体会怎样提出问题、怎样发现问题、怎样做学问,通过课内外创设的“微科研”环境,让学生的个性和创造力得到发展,  相似文献   

清代的翻译会通思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清代翻译会通思想在多方面不断丰富和发展:会通领域由天文历算、科技翻译到制度译介;会通手段由合译、广译、转译到独译;会通方式由"入吾学之型范"、以中会西到中西互相会通;会通目的由超胜到寻求富强,再到维新救亡;会通心理由"中学西源"到"中体西用",再到"体用不二"。  相似文献   

Early competencies in reading, mathematics, and science are associated with later school achievement and adulthood socioeconomic status. This cross-sectional study examined how fundamental domain-general capacities, including language, spatial, and self-regulatory skills, together relate to competencies in reading, mathematics, and science in young Chinese children. A total of 584 Chinese children aged approximately six years were tested individually on their language (receptive vocabulary), spatial (spatial perception, spatial visualization, and mental rotation), and self-regulation (behavioral regulation and working memory) skills, as well as their academic competencies in reading, mathematics, and science. The results showed that vocabulary, spatial, and self-regulatory skills were all associated with Chinese reading, mathematics, and life sciences, whereas only vocabulary was related to earth and physical sciences. The relation between vocabulary and formal mathematics and that between mental rotation and life sciences were found to be stronger in boys than in girls. The findings suggest that foundational domain-general skills may provide the building blocks for children’s academic competencies.  相似文献   

There is a need to identify students' early attitudes toward mathematics and science to better support their long-term persistence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. Seventh graders from a nationally representative sample (N = 2,861) were classified based on their responses to questions about their attitudes toward mathematics and science using latent class analysis. Four distinct groups of students that differed in terms of their attitudes were identified. There were relationships between attitudinal group membership, demographic characteristics, mathematics and science achievement, and STEM career attainment. Females and underrepresented minorities were more likely to be in the positive attitude group. However, despite these early positive attitudes, females and underrepresented minorities were less likely to be employed in a STEM career some 20 years later. Information about student interests organized in this manner can be used to better target specific interventions to support and encourage persistence in STEM careers.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between students' (N = 229) concepts of size and scale and students' achievement in science and mathematics over a 3-year period. Size and scale are considered one of the big ideas in science that permeates disparate science and mathematics content areas, yet little is known about the relationship between students' conceptualization of size and scale and students' achievement in science and mathematics. The study used a modified panel longitudinal design to follow the same class of students over a 3-year period. The goal was to explore whether understandings of size and scale are related to achievement in mathematics and science. Results indicated a strong positive significant relationship existed between students' understanding of size and scale and students' science achievement in grades 5 and 8. There was a positive significant relationship between students' concepts of size and scale and students' mathematics achievement in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8. An examination of the relationships is included as well as a discussion of the integration of crosscutting concepts into science and mathematics instruction as a way to support deep learning.  相似文献   

围绕高职高等数学的基本内容,通过Matlab在数学教学过程中的应用举例,论述了Matlab辅助教学既增强学生对数学的兴趣,又培养学生利用计算机软件及当代最新科技成果的意识,让学生从实验中去学习、探索和发现数学规律。同时,也为高职学生进一步学习专业课程打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

对我国当前幼儿园数学教育政策的反思   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文尝试比较了新中国成立后不同时期的幼儿园数学教育政策,在纵向比较中总结当前政策有关幼儿园数学教育目标、内容和方法等方面规定的特点,并对这一政策背后的理论基础及其适宜性进行了反思。  相似文献   

利玛窦具有很丰富的数学知识背景,他以他的数学才能和语言天赋,在中西方数学文化融合方面做出了杰出的贡献,对中国近、现代数学的萌芽与发展产生了深远影响.利玛窦在肇庆既传播了欧氏几何,也传播了“非欧几何”.他所传播的“西方现代数学”及其所获得的效应,确立了他以数学来赢取中国民心的学术传教思想,为他后来在中国系统地传播“西方现代数学”奠定了坚实的基础.利玛窦与中国士大夫合译了许多西方数学名著,不仅引入了新的数学体系,而且引入了新的数学思想和方法(包括几何公理化思想),使中国传统数学焕发出了生机与活力,开创了中西方数学文化融合的纪元,推动了中国近、现代数学与数学教育的萌芽和发展.  相似文献   

著名数学家吴文俊对中国古代数学的深入研究,揭示了中国数学在世界数学史发展中的独特作用和贡献。他突破了西方中心主义的数学史观,指出中国古代数学的机械化的算法体系是不同于西方公理化的演绎体系的数学发展主流,澄清了人们对中国古代数学的误解。同时吴文俊针对数学史的研究提出了历史主义原则并示范了中西对比方法,为重建我国传统数学做出了重大贡献。在此基础上,导源于我国传统数学的思维方式的数学机械化理论的创立为中国数学的复兴开辟了一条切实可行的有效途径,成为开拓中华科学自主创新之道的先驱。认真深入地研究吴文俊数学创新的成功范例,将会对我们今后继承历史和发展未来提供有益启示。  相似文献   


Advanced mathematics and science coursetaking is critical in building the foundation for students to advance through the STEM pathway—from high school to college to career. To invigorate students’ persistence in STEM fields, high schools have been introducing applied STEM courses into the curriculum as a way to reinforce concepts learned in traditional mathematics and science classes and to motivate students’ interests in a long-term pursuit of these areas. The author examines the role of taking applied STEM courses early in high school on taking advanced mathematics and science courses later in high school. The results suggest a positive link between early applied STEM coursetaking and later advanced mathematics and science coursetaking—one that is delineated by specific type of applied STEM course and by individual-level demographic characteristics. The findings of this study thus support policymakers and practitioners’ efforts to expand the STEM curriculum beyond traditional subjects. Continuing to do so may be one way to expand the number of students persisting in STEM.  相似文献   

The lack of females entering STEM careers is well documented. Reasons for the gender gaps at all stages of the educational pipeline include both internal factors such as self-concept and external factors such as the influence of parents, media, and educators. Using latent growth curve analysis and nationally representative longitudinal survey data, this study compares differences in the relationship between a critical external factor (perceived early parental support), student mathematics and science achievement trajectories, and persistence in STEM career by gender. Mathematics and science trajectories were positively related to STEM career persistence for males and females. Perceived early parental support was related to growth in mathematics achievement for males but not females. There was no relationship between early perceived parental support and growth in science achievement for either males or females. These findings indicate differences in the relationship between parental support, achievement, and career persistence depending on content area and gender.  相似文献   

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