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图画故事书与学前儿童的发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
图画故事书是学前儿童阅读的起点,是儿童人生的第一本书.图画故事书通过文字和图画共同传达故事信息,有别于其他形式的语言或视觉艺术,它独特的表达系统比较契合儿童心理特点.同时,图画故事书阅读又是一种复杂的心理过程,需要学前儿童具备大量的知识、经验和策略.因此,对学前儿童的语言、想象、思维、情感、社会化及审美能力发展都具有重要的价值.  相似文献   

图画故事书是学前儿童阅读的起点,是儿童人生的第一本书。当前,图画书对培养孩子的观察力、想象力、审美能力和语文能力方面的积极作用。已得到了人们普遍的认可。但图画书如同一本“生活的百科全书”,它除了对孩子的智力启蒙会产生积极的影响外,对孩子的情感、态度、习惯、性格等非智力方面也有着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

一、图画故事书阅读需要想像力图画故事书的阅读过程就是一个与图画故事书沟通、对话、交流的过程,是调动自己的知识经验理解图画故事,并从中获取信息丰富自己体验的过程。松居直先生认为:“……对于读图画书而言,读书就是读故事,通过图画读懂故事。那么对孩子来说,就是把故事这个眼睛看不见的世界变成在自己心中看得见的画(形象)的能力,也就是一般被称为想像力的能力。如果想像力丰富,人就能看到看不见的东西。图画书与想像力有很大的关系。”(〔日〕松居直著,季颖译:《我的图画书论》)想像是指人脑对原有表象进行加工改造而…  相似文献   

图画故事书是具有明确儿童读者意识的现代儿童文学形式,图画故事书的创作者们所秉持的理念与现代图画书理念是相通的。当代儿童文学研究者所秉持的图画故事书的理念也有与现代图画书非常接近的地方。中国儿童文学历史上一些十分优秀、有特色、有创意的原创图画故事书作品也印证了可以把"图画故事"看成是中国儿童文学现代自觉之后对图画书的习惯性称谓的想法。因此,可以认为图画故事书是中国儿童文学现代自觉之后,对图画书的习惯性称谓。  相似文献   

图文并茂、直观形象的图画书是学前儿童早期阅读最好的读物,是幼儿人生中的第一本书。图画书阅读能激发幼儿阅读兴趣,培养良好的阅读习惯和自觉的阅读态度;可以有效地帮助学前儿童积累和发展早期阅读应获得的"前阅读"、"前识字"、"前书写"三方面的关键经验。图画书是学前儿童早期阅读最重要的载体,选择好的图画书对儿童阅读意义重大。  相似文献   

图画书是学前儿童跨入文学世界的“人生第一本书”。它以图画符号来述说故事,与文字的结合,使其叙事空间更加广袤,具有强烈的趣味性,是学前儿童最主要的读物。创作图画书,必须掌握学前儿童的阅读心理,在激发阅读兴趣的基础上培养良好的阅读习惯。  相似文献   

本研究以新疆学前双语幼儿园384名维吾尔族儿童为研究对象,通过国际通用儿童语言研究工具和汉语语料库研究方法,探讨新疆学前双语教育情境中民族儿童的汉语发展现状。研究发现了学前民族儿童汉语学习呈现不断递升的发展图景,在汉语理解性语义和表达性语义、叙事语言和学业语言,以及汉语平均语句长度等方面逐渐发展的态势,报告了学前民族儿童汉语入学准备的良好前景;根据学前民族儿童汉语语言学习与发展规律,对新疆学前双语教育提出了整合有序的教育模式的建议;同时针对学前民族儿童与汉语为母语儿童之间的汉语语义发展差距,建议新疆学前双语教育重视引入早期阅读理念和图画书资源,为民族儿童的汉语学习构建高质量的语言输入过程。  相似文献   

幼儿图画故事书,被称为学前儿童的"人生第一本书",无论在家庭还是幼儿园,它都很受幼儿的欢迎。但由幼儿自己阅读会受到认知水平和心理特点的局限,所以,成年人来陪伴、指导阅读是比较理想的方式。图画书的赏析和讲读是否具有科学性和艺术性,就显得非常重要了。本文从读图画书需要读什么,教学提问的层次和常见反馈策略以及采用多种手段组织教学三个方面进行了探究,目的是提高幼儿园图画书阅读教学的效率,创造出更和谐的师幼互动情境,有助于幼儿从阅读中得到更多的乐趣,为幼儿养成乐于阅读,善于阅读的好习惯打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

图画阅读理解能力的培养是幼儿园图画书阅读教学的核心目标之一。目标的落实首先需要教师了解不同年龄幼儿图画阅读能力的阶段特征;在此基础上,运用艺术教育基本理论、儿童阅读教学理论尤其是图画书理论探索针对性的教学策略。刺激并活化幼儿的多重感知、混合不同的阅读模式、确立讨论的问题构架、采用特定的符码分析方式,是培养学前儿童图画阅读理解能力的有效策略。  相似文献   

<正>图画书,英文名称"picture book",是一种以图画为主要表现内容和形式的读物。广义的图画书概念内涵丰富、种类多样,有文学故事、科学认知两个分支,包括概念书、字母书、立体书、玩具书等特殊品种。图画书又被称作"绘本",而在中国大陆读者的理解中,等同"绘本"概念的图画书,主要是指儿童图画故事书—"picture story book"—"主要是透过一系列的图画,结合较少的文字或甚至没有文字,以传达讯息或  相似文献   

The present 4-year longitudinal study examined preschool predictors of Grade 1 dyslexia status in a Chinese population in Hong Kong where children started learning to read at the age of three. Seventy-five and 39 Chinese children with high and low familial risk respectively were tested on Chinese word reading, oral language skills, morphological awareness, phonological skills, rapid naming, and print-related skills from age 4 to 6 and a standardized dyslexia test at age 7. Results showed that children of the high risk group performed significantly worse than the low risk group in Chinese literacy, phonological awareness, and orthographic skills at age 7. All the children with dyslexia had word reading difficulties in at least one preschool year. Results of the logistic regression showed that preschool verbal production, syllable deletion, and letter naming were the best predictors of dyslexia outcome at age 7. As in alphabetic languages, preschool oral language skills like verbal production, phonological skills, and print-related skills are the most significant predictors of children’s later reading difficulties.  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济发展进入新时代,童书市场的繁荣与失衡并存。广大家长对于学龄前儿童的阅读资源越来越重视,市场上3-6岁学龄前儿童图书不断涌现,但是动辄上百元的价格和种类繁多等因素限制了优质图书的传播与发展。利用"互联网+"的广泛应用,搭建有质量、有内涵、有特色的共享童书平台,成为社会发展的必然之需。"共享童书"策略就是利用互联网平台,借鉴共享经济思维,推进3-6岁学龄前儿童阅读教育资源的供给侧改革。  相似文献   

Approximately 400 children were first tested at 4, and background factors were ascertained at that time. Further testing included a kindergarten reading readiness test and reading tests at grades 3 and 8. The best preschool predictors of reading were naming tests for boys, and general verbal ability for girls. At the kindergarten level a quantitative test surpassed tests of phonemic awareness and language in predicting reading, for both boys and girls. Family history of learning disability and preschool test behavior contributed to prediction of reading. Effects of birth order were strongest at the preschool level, and handedness had its only effects at that level. Relationships of some factors to reading differed by gender. Socioeconomic status had significant effects only for boys, and a speech delay only for girls. Conclusions were that some background factors may contribute to the preschool prediction of reading, and particularly to the prospective identification of poor readers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to validate (in a socio-constructivist perspective) the relevance of preschool internal predictors regarding reading and writing acquisition in the first year of primary school. This longitudinal study is also a comparative study between the educational systems in France and Germany. Information for the study was collected among 170 children of preschool age. 110 of these children were interviewed a second time in their first year at primary school. Half of these children were French and the other half German. The two groups were matched according to social background, sex and the teaching method used in primary school. The children in both age groups were interviewed individually to assess their reading and writing abilities. The results show a definite interindividual heterogeneity in reading and writing skills as from preschool age. The difference in levels is even more marked in the first year of primary school. This development in a child’s knowledge of reading and writing is closely related to the educational context in which he or she grows up.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated profiles of lexical quality domains in preschool children and the extent to which profile membership predicted reading comprehension in first grade. A latent profile analysis was conducted to classify 420 preschool children on lexical quality domains, including orthography, phonology, morphosyntax, and vocabulary. Regression analysis was used to determine whether profile membership was associated with first grade outcomes across reading comprehension and its components (i.e., listening comprehension and word recognition). Results revealed five profiles of lexical quality which were predictive of all three outcomes in first grade. Children in low lexical quality profiles performed more poorly on the outcome measures than children in the higher lexical quality profiles. Additionally, profile membership did differentially predict later reading outcomes. These results suggest that lexical quality profiles are associated with reading and therefore may offer a means of early identification of children who are susceptible to future reading difficulties.  相似文献   

学前儿童的早期阅读在我国当前学前教育理论研究中日益受到重视,但在实践中,仍然存在很多错误的认识和做法。针对这一现状,本文从五个方面阐释了对学前儿童早期阅读的认识,具体包括早期阅读的意义、早期阅读的目标、早期阅读与识字的关系、早期阅读材料的选择以及早期阅读的实施,以此构建现实中的理性行为。  相似文献   

This paper examines the reading attainments of a sample of Year 2 children who had one of three types of preschool experience. The results of a 4‐year cross‐sectional study of a sample of all Year 2 children (n = 834) from six randomly selected primary schools within one Local Education Authority (LEA) are presented. The children had attended nursery or playgroup or experienced no preschool provision outside the home: they were not matched for social background. Pupils’ scores on The Primary Reading Test (PRT) [France, N. (1981) The Primary Reading Test (Windsor, NFER/Nelson] are compared over the 4 years, as are the reading Standardised Assessment Task (SAT) scores of the last two cohorts. Results are not clear cut. For 3 of the 4 years, the group with no‐preschool experience performed significantly less well than at least one of the other two groups with some type of preschool experience on the PRT. The SAT levels of nursery children were significantly higher than those of the other two groups. Conclusions, based on such a small study, are tentative. It appears that preschool provision has an effect on children's reading attainments and that this is still significant in Year 2. The validity of the SAT is considered as a factor in the relative reading attainments of the three groups.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study of the relation between preschool development and later reading abilities, children with dyslexic parents and/or older siblings were compared to children with no family incidence of dyslexia. Many children from dyslexic families developed reading problems by the end of the second grade, and these poor readers were characterized chiefly by weaker early syntactic and phonological skills and by less frequent exposure to books during their preschool years than the preschoolers who became normal readers. Some implications of the results for etiological theories of dyslexia are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research on the literacy development of children during the preschool years has emphasized the notion of “emergent literacy,” according to authors Kontos (1986) and Teale and Sulzby (1986). According to this view, preschool children learn about reading and writing as they participate in a literate culture. Early social interactions involving print are crucial to children's reading and writing development, according to the Early Childhood and Literacy Development Committee (1986).  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of morphological awareness training delivered in preschool (8 months before school entry) on reading ability at the end of grade 1 and 5 years later (in Grade 6). In preschool, one group of children received morphological awareness training, while a second group received phonological awareness training. A control group followed the ordinary preschool curriculum. The comparison between each training condition and the control condition is quasi experimental, whereas the comparison between the morphological and phonological treatments is randomized at group level. In Grade 1 children in the morphological awareness training group had significantly higher scores than children in the control group on both word reading and text reading measures, but no differences were found between the experimental groups. In Grade 6 children in the morphological awareness training group had significantly higher scores compared with the control group on a latent measure of reading comprehension, whereas the children in the phonological awareness training group did not differ from the controls; although the experimental groups did not differ significantly from each other. The results suggest that early training in morphological awareness can have long-term effects on children’s literacy skills.  相似文献   

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