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Since 2005, Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) is the standard by which United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) evaluates world cultural heritage site suitability. The sites worthy of UNESCO preservation as well as the parameters used to demonstrate OUV are diverse. Our study focused on the uniquely distinguished rural landscape sites and the OUV parameter of integrity. Integrity however, is an elusive concept for which UNESCO provides no definitional protocol, and for which the scientific community objects to a static or pure historical interpretation. Given this, our work aims to analyse the concept of integrity and how it can be used to preserve the heritage of rural landscapes. After reviewing the UNESCO approach, we focused on the international scientific debate on the meaning and application of integrity. We designed and conducted a comparative study of UNESCO rural landscapes selected from the 2011 World Heritage List. Documents describing the historical, rural, and agro-ecological features of each of the fourteen rural sites were analysed. From this, several historical and ecological parameters were chosen as “values to have” and several socio-economic and management parameters were chosen as “values to maintain” to assess the integrity of each landscape. Our results found integrity to be a value of both cultural and natural landscapes and that it is key to site identity. We demonstrated that UNESCO assigns a high value to the following parameters: historical features, traditional crops and local products, land-use and agricultural practice permanence, and the presence of architecture related to agricultural activity. Finally, we found the relationship between culture and nature to characterize best the integrity of a rural landscape, rather than nature or culture alone.  相似文献   

历史文化名村名镇建设除了景观保护与建设外,还应关注名村名镇的声景营造。声景营造对当地历史文化的传承保护有着特殊的作用和意义。声景大致分为自然声景和社会人文声景。对社会人文声景的主要层面、现状以及创新实践手段进行探讨,归纳出历史文化名镇名村声景营造的可行路径。  相似文献   

This article examines the extent to which demographic and socioeconomic characteristics influence the decision to visit and the number of visits to museums, art galleries, historical monuments, and archaeological sites. Using ordered probit models based on data for 350,000 adults in 24 EU countries, we find that the likelihood and number of such visits depend mainly on per capita household income, education, labor market status, and country of birth. Attained characteristics such as education and income have remarkably similar positive effects on cultural participation across the countries in our sample, while the effects of age and gender are both weaker and less consistent across countries. We conclude that cultural distinctions along the lines of socioeconomic attainment are stable even in very different country contexts with varying cultural policies and economic conditions. We discuss the way these results inform three research topics: identification of the characteristics of visitors to museums and historical sites in order to attract new audiences; the effect of public spending on culture on accessibility to cultural sites; and cross-national variation in cultural stratification.  相似文献   

The design approaches of new exterior additions to historic buildings have been among the ongoing debates in the field of architectural conservation. The aim of this study is to develop an assessment method, which can be used to determine the compatibility in architectural expression of the new addition in relation to the characteristics of a historic building. This method is based on the architectural analysis, which includes environmental relations, building-lot relations, mass relations and the facade composition of the historic building both before and after the new addition in relation to the value of a historical building. In this study, a selected group of historic buildings in ?zmir, Turkey with new exterior additions was analysed with regard to their exterior architectural characteristics in order to evaluate the compatibility of the new addition, by employing the use of contemporary conservation principles. The importance of this study is to guide architects to form the basis of a decision for developing an integrated approach in designing new additions in the course of the actual design process. On the other hand, the proposed method can be evaluated as a contribution to the emerging field of heritage impact assessments as well as scientific assistance to local governments to criticize specific projects of cultural heritage assets submitted for appraisal. Analysis results showed that the value of the historic building should first clearly be identified and a new addition should bear the identity of its own period. However, instead of altering the scale or form of the historic building, a new addition should complement and contribute to the sense of proportion, disposition and historical pattern.  相似文献   

在国际化程度越来越高的今天,建筑的地域性特征被逐渐淡化,民族传统文化和地方特色建筑的收集整理、保护传承、展示利用显得日趋重要.黄淮交汇文化区乡土石砌民居作为一种极具地方特色的民居形式,自身营造技艺和其风俗特征,都是当地的宝贵历史财富.对于文化区乡土石砌民居的研究,以历史资料和实地走访为基础,系统梳理该区域乡土石砌民居的...  相似文献   

Benefit transfer refers to the transfer of economic values from a primary valuation study (study site) to a site where we need to conduct policy analysis (policy site). Due to the considerable costs and time required to conduct primary valuation studies, using benefit transfers to estimate the values for sites not yet valued is likely to attract policy interest. While benefit transfer is being increasingly applied in studies on environmental goods, its application in the field of cultural heritage resources is rare. The unique nature of these public goods, and differences in the size and demographic characteristics of the affected populations lead to a significant risk of benefit transfer providing irrelevant estimates for cultural heritage. In this study, we compared the results of two contingent valuation (CV) studies involving historic temples in Thailand and Vietnam, tested the validity and reliability of benefit transfers between the two sites, and explored the possibilities and difficulties in such transfers. We found that the error in transferring unadjusted mean willingness-to-pay (WTP) ranged from 46% to 129%. Adjustments for differences in purchasing power parity (PPP), income level and income elasticity between the sites substantially increased rather than decreased transfer errors in many instances. Function transfers did not perform better than unadjusted unit transfers. These results suggest that there are other important factors – possibly physical, cultural and institutional variables – that need to be taken into account in explaining the differences in WTP for cultural heritage aside from the usual income and socio-economic variables captured in CV studies. Until we are able to identify these other factors and measure their impacts, the potential policy use of benefit transfer in the case of cultural heritage goods remains limited.  相似文献   

This study explores the potential of conjoint choice experiments for planning decisions on urban sites. We elicit people's preferences for regeneration projects that change the aesthetic and use character of specified urban sites. We use a split-sample design with two sets of regeneration projects. The first entails hypothetical transformations of an actual square with an important cultural and historical dimension. The other consists of hypothetical transformations of an abstract square which we try to make as close as possible to the former in all respects, except for its cultural and historical dimension. Each regeneration project is defined by aesthetic and use attributes. Our results suggest that individual choices are explained by the attributes, andthat the marginal utilities are significantly different across projects forthe actual and the abstract square.  相似文献   

The survey of materials constituting the buildings of the ancient city centre of Naples and of their decay typologies was carried out. Reports were entered in a database which enabled us to draw two thematic maps in a digital format: one of materials and lithotypes, and one showing weathering. On this basis, quantitative evaluations of the lithotypes were carried out. The research pointed out that the use of different lithotypes was mainly as a result of their availability and/or ease of exploitation. Furthermore, the importance of the preservation of the quarrying sites was stressed, both for their historical and cultural interest and, above all, for possible forthcoming provisioning finalized to restorations. The analysis of the results, made on a geo-mineralogical basis, as well as the thematic maps, gives a basic tool which will be very useful to those professionals involved in preservation of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Budget constraints at the local government level towards the provision of public goods have fuelled interest in the voluntary contribution and provision point mechanisms. However, due to their public nature, these mechanisms are not without problems. The literature shows the presence of free riding and socially inefficient contribution levels. This paper experimentally tests the effect of cultural and historical information pertaining to heritage houses in Penang, Malaysia, on public contributions for their conservation. This paper considers a standard linear one-shot four-person public good game and the decision of the subjects being to contribute either to a private or to a public account. We devise 4 treatments: a Control treatment, a treatment where subjects are provided with cultural and historical information pertaining to the heritage houses, a treatment that includes a contribution threshold, and finally a treatment that combines the use of cultural and historical information with the contribution threshold. The main finding shows that 60–75 % of the subjects contributed more than what they believed others in the same group would contribute when they were provided with the pertinent cultural and historical information. Most of the subjects contributed less than their belief, while 75–77 % cooperated ‘selfishly’ in treatments without the information. These findings are in agreement with the literature, namely that contributions are higher in treatments with a contribution threshold. Moreover, the combination of a contribution threshold and cultural information could encourage more pro-social behaviours.  相似文献   

Historic St. Mary's City located in rural southern Maryland, marks the 17th century British Colonial capital of the State of Maryland. As with most cultural heritage sites, Historic St. Mary's City can be classified as possessing public goods-type characteristics, and as such, welfare benefit estimates must utilize non-market valuation techniques. To date, the primary valuation methodology used for cultural heritage sites research involves stated preference methods. This study is one of the first to employ a revealed preference methodology, the zonal travel cost model, to estimate the consumer surplus welfare measures of a cultural heritage site. We analyze three years of visitor sample data to compare three functional forms of visitor demand. The average of the annual individual consumer surplus measures ranged from approximately $8.00 to $19.26, depending on the functional forms used. When aggregated to the total number of individual paid visitors, the average annual benefit estimates range from approximately $75,492 to $176,550.  相似文献   

The analysis of environmental risk in historical cities facilitates the development of conservation strategies that can minimize the deterioration of historical heritage sites. Risk maps built with GIS software provide information about the probability of the main hazards in a region, and is a very useful tool to identify, evaluate and prioritize the restoration budget of a city in order to manage preventive conservation. In this paper, new methodologies are applied based on the vulnerability matrix and its relationship with static and structural factors, climate conditions, air quality and social agents. This technique has some obvious advantages in the application of risk analysis for cultural heritage conservation, such as the capability of simultaneous risk assessment and geographical references. The vulnerability study implies an on-site diagnosis analysis and requires an adapted protocol for archaeological heritage. The validation of this methodology was carried out in the historical town of Merida (Spain) with a GIS application (ArcGIS software), where the main monuments of this UNESCO World Heritage site were studied.  相似文献   

Today's restoration and preservation of cultural heritage is an important task because of its historical significance, symbolism, and economic benefits. Decision makers or executors often encounter with taking decisions on which heritage is prioritized to be restored within the limited budget. However, very few tools are available to determine appropriately restoration priorities for the diverse historical heritages, perhaps because of a lack of systematized decision-making aids. This paper proposes an alternative decision support model to prioritize restoration needs within the executable budget. The model is constructed on stochastic analytic hierarchy process (S-AHP) and knowledge-based experience curve (EC); the former requires the input data to be random variables for interpreting probabilistically the ranks of the prioritized heritages and the latter reflects quantitatively the contribution of experts’ knowledge to weighting significant criteria in carrying out an assessment of restoration urgency. The application of 14 cultural heritages in Korea has been conducted, and the results are analyzed to illustrate the model's efficiency.  相似文献   

The spectral capability of satellite QuickBird imagery for the identification of archaeological marks linked to the presence of buried remains is here discussed for two medieval archaeological sites in the South of Italy. The considered test sites present complex topographical and morphological features, typical of many medieval settlements, which make archaeological prospection with any remote sensing technologies difficult. Results from the performed investigations showed that the satellite QuickBird imagery can be a valuable data source for reconstructing the urban shape of buried settlements up to single building scale. Such analyses can be useful for detecting locations and extracting features of archaeological sites especially prior to any excavation work and for increasing the cultural value of historical sites.  相似文献   

大运河苏北区域层面的空间认识与架构不仅关系到自身人居生态特色打造,更关乎文化带建设的整体格局.通过对苏北水文化景观格局形成过程及成因的分析,建立苏北水文化与大运河文化的认识统一性.苏北水文化景观系统是以大运河开凿、维系为引擎,经历漫长历史进程形成的.大运河以及与之有着密切关联的水利、聚落、农业等遗产以及水系、历史地貌要...  相似文献   

北京老城胡同是道路交通体系的重要组成部分,胡同区域天然就是"小街区、密路网".机动化的发展在方便胡同居民出行的同时,也产生了一些不利的影响,对胡同交通的研究应以协调现代化生活与历史文化保护为目标.在梳理北京老城胡同现状的基础上,总结交通出行特征,对目前存在争议的胡同交通功能定位、在城市道路体系中的地位、交通管理问题进行...  相似文献   

2017年设立雄安新区以来,中共中央、国务院先后颁布了多项指导性政策,为白洋淀地区规划建设提供了基本依据.白洋淀作为华北地区面积最大的淡水湖,是雄安新区生态环境保护的重中之重.水乡文化遗产作为白洋淀地区特有的历史文化积淀,面临诸多威胁,亟须进行全面的保护及更新.通过对白洋淀历史文献的整理、《河北雄安新区规划纲要》的解读...  相似文献   

Given the civic and social commitments of urban local bodies in developing countries, renovation and maintenance of all heritage buildings and sites is a financially non-viable proposition. Urban planners, therefore, need to take decisions on which heritage sites are to be protected (either in their original form, or with suitable modifications that permit commercial use without destroying their architectural integrity) and the sites to be pulled down, ensuring more efficient land use. Such selection can generate considerable dispute between policy makers and various stakeholders unless the selection process is transparent, consistent and incorporates views of stakeholders. The difficulty in creating an analytical framework to be used for grading is the multiple (often qualitative) attributes of heritage sites. How to combine the performances of heritage structures with respect to these attributes into an aggregative index is a major concern for urban planners and conservationists. This paper argues that the Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) method may be a relevant method for grading heritage sites. The application of this method is illustrated for several heritage buildings in Calcutta, India.  相似文献   

Various authors have stressed the need for an adequate archiving and preservation policy of audiovisual material, given its cultural, historical, juridical, social and economic value. In view of the sustainable preservation of audiovisual material, the opening up of the archive is seen as a real challenge. Various aspects, such as requirements concerning formats, metadata standards and legal implications, need to be taken into account. Furthermore, different types of users should be able to consult the archive in a user-friendly way, a factor which should not be neglected. This article studies and discusses the current situation in Flanders regarding the digitisation and disclosure of the Flemish audiovisual cultural heritage, comprising the audiovisual material in the archives of different Flemish institutions, including broadcasters, (post-) production companies, government institutions and cultural organizations. Based on 45 qualitative interviews, a SWOT analysis is created to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats concerning the digitisation and disclosure of the audiovisual archive. Moreover, this environmental analysis includes some recommendations concerning the future preservation of this audiovisual cultural heritage.  相似文献   

通过多个历史文化名城的相关保护规划文本、地方保护条例(办法)以及地方规划编制技术导则的分析,对历史文化风貌区的地方实践进行总结。"历史文化风貌区"较历史文化街区具有更丰富内涵与复杂性特征,保护规划过程中应注意识别"历史文化风貌区"中出现的新类型与内部价值要素,在探索和完善地方历史文化遗产保护体系的前提下,秉承不同于历史文化街区的保护思路,探索差异化的、量体裁衣式的历史文化风貌区保护方法。  相似文献   

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