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仅仅阐释经典、繁琐考证是治学的误区 ,是埋葬天才的坟墓。这正是中国传统学术文化的悲剧所在。“第三种批评方法”倡导独立的思想和学术品格 ,可谓医治传统痼疾的良药  相似文献   

This paper assesses the efficacy of importance-performance analysis with only “own” brand performance data. A unique meta-study of 80 college choice surveys involving 55, 276 respondents was conducted. Even though the “own” brand performance data were gathered with a relative rating scale, the results indicate that the average brand was viewed as being above average on all determinant buying factors. This finding illustrates the need for competitive benchmarks to assess fully “own” brand performance. The implications of these and other findings for the conduct of importance-performance analyses are assessed.  相似文献   

“读思达”教学法是一种实现学习中心和体现素养导向的教学法,是推进育人方式变革的重要抓手。它是一种普遍适用于各学科各学段的教学法,是各学科教学的共性要求和共同法则。阅读对应于认知输入,思考对应于认知加工,表达对应于认知输出,阅读、思考、表达是学生学习的本质、本体和核心。“读思达”教学法具有科学性、继承性、系统性和实践性,是一种能够帮助普通教师教好普通学生的教学法。读、思、达三者是个有机的整体,它们是你中有我、我中有你,同时又是相对独立、相互制约的关系。  相似文献   

The authors assessed the effects of using “none of the above” as an option in a 40-item, general-knowledge multiple-choice test administered to undergraduate students. Examinees who selected “none of the above” were given an incentive to write the correct answer to the question posed. Using “none of the above” as the keyed option made items much more difficult (d = ?1.11). Furthermore, 45% of the time that examinees correctly selected “none of the above,” they wrote either a wrong answer (19%) or no answer (26%), and rescoring items to deny credit in these cases caused item discrimination to fall (d = ?0.35). Thus, when “none of the above” is the keyed option, credit earned by examinees with knowledge deficiencies can make items appear to have more discriminatory power than is actually the case. The authors recommend that “none of the above” should not be used as an option in multiple-choice items.  相似文献   

性骚扰的存在是一个不争的事实。然而什么叫“性骚扰” ,怎样从法律技术上对之予以确认 ,并有效地予以制裁与惩罚 ,无论理论上还是实践中都是一个正在困扰着司法工作者、亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

关于韩愈的“不平则鸣”说,历来的解释框架有“不平则鸣”说远绍孔子“诗可以怨”的说法;又有“不平则鸣”说“与庄学中的‘自然’观有内在联系”的说法;而大多数的论者则认为它是屈原、司马迁“发愤”说的延续。其实,以上说法都尚未涉及一个重要的认知视野,即韩愈因何种因素而感到“不平”。本文在考察韩愈文本之后得出结论:韩愈“不平”之标准就是儒家之“道”,即为“道”之不行而鸣不平。这就决定了韩愈“不平则鸣”说属于文学工具论(“载道”说)的范畴,并非是屈原、司马迁“发愤”说的延续。  相似文献   

In most medical schools, summative practical examination in Anatomy usually takes the format of a “steeplechase” (“spotters” or “bell ringers”) conducted in the gross anatomy laboratory using cadaveric material and prosected specimens. Recently, we have started to administer similar examinations online using the quiz facility in WebCT? and Moodle?. This article chronicles how we conceived and developed this method within the peculiar nature of our medical school setting. Over a five year period, practical summative examinations were organized as “steeplechase” online. The online examinations were administered using WebCT? and later Moodle? learning management software. Assessment “objects” were created from the materials available for anatomy teaching. These were digital images of cadaveric materials, radiological, and prosected specimens. In addition, short video clips of 30 seconds duration demonstrating muscle action were produced. These objects were optimized for online viewing and then uploaded onto the learning management software. A bank of questions (multiple choice or short answer type) was then created and linked to the assessment objects. These were used in place of the steeplechase in the computer laboratory. This method serves a crucial purpose in places like ours where continuous availability of human cadavers is impossible. Although time consuming initially, once questions are setup online, future retrieval, and administration becomes convenient especially where there are large batches of students. In addition, the online environment offers distinct advantages with regards to image quality, psychometric analysis of the examination and reduction of staff preparation time compared to traditional “steeplechase.” Anat Sci Educ 4: 115–118, 2011. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

如果指示代词“那么”、“那般”、“那样”的前面有摹状喻词“像”与其搭配使用,就组成了能表达比喻义和对比义的比况结构。从句语功能讲,“那样”结构与一般比况结构相似,“那么”和“那般”结构则有很大不同。  相似文献   

《瓦城上空的麦田》这部小说继续并深化了鬼子对底层民众的灵魂苦难的执著书写。“麦田”是其中一个值得深思、富有象征和隐喻意味的意象。它与“瓦城”、“警察”、“法律”等意象相对应,以寓言的方式凸显了乡村与城市的二元对立之中人性的失落与寻找。  相似文献   

作为“得”字句的一个小类 ,“主事居后‘得’字句”具有重要的句法语义特点。从语篇角度出发来进行考察 ,可以发现该句式的典型式为 :P ,V1得NV2 ,P是不容忽视的组成部分。该句式在语义上表达的是一个致使关系串 ;在语用上具有保持话题同一性的功能。这种句式意义和语用功能 ,正是“主事居后”的决定因素  相似文献   

学习“三个代表”的重要思想 ,必须坚持理论联系实际的马克思主义学风。要深入把握“三个代表”重要思想的理论根据和实践根据 ,更要研究怎样切实有效地实践“三个代表”。  相似文献   

“据形系联”是《说文》部首间相互系联的主导方式 ,“据意系联”只是起辅助作用的次要手段。“据形系联”首先以一“基本形”部首将数个部首联为一组 ,而在前后两个以“基本形”联成的部首小组之间 ,许慎往往有意识地安排一个兼具前后两个“基本形”的部首居中 ,起衔接过渡作用。《说文》五百四十部基本就是通过这种方式串联在一起的。  相似文献   

正确认识和理解“以德治国”思想的科学内涵,是实施“德治”与“法治”并举的前提和基础。社会主义的“德治”不同于封建时期的“德治”、“礼治”和“人治”,提高全体社会成员的道德水准,让广大群众自觉遵守社会道德规范,倡导精神文明,是社会主义“德治”的宗旨所在。在社会主义条件下,国家法律与社会道德在本质上一致,“德治”与“法治”并行不悖,二者相辅相承,彼此促进。  相似文献   

Now you've done it — agreed to give a workshop or presentation. The self-doubts begin. “I don't know anything more than they do.” “I'm not good in front of a group.” “What if they ask a question I can't answer?” All of the above are common concerns presenters have about themselves and their skills.  相似文献   

句法分析中,“V个VP”结构常以其独特的结构特征吸引专家、学者们的注意。他们的研究视点大多聚焦在“个”的性质上,而对“VP”的重视不够,即使在论述“个”时也是说法不一。从“具体与抽象”、“指称与陈述”等方面的分析,可以看出“个”字的性质日益边缘化且在与“VP”搭配中存在“游移”这一现象。  相似文献   

采用文献资料综述研究方法,在对体育教师已有的认识和国内外教师专业化成长研究的基础上,从体育教师专业化成长有利于《体育与健康》课程的科学实施和健康成长,对体育课程与教学论等方面的完善和创新起了积极的作用,笔者探讨了现阶段体育教师专业化成长对《体育与健康》课程标准实施的影响,最终使体育教师专业化成长与《体育与健康》课程的实施达到双赢的目标.  相似文献   

经典的“沉默螺旋”理论为很多典型事件提供了分析依据,然而,构成“沉默螺旋”这一假说的三个命题设定都带有一定的假设性,且是在传统的大众传播环境中阐发,有其局限性。在当下网络传播环境下“沉默螺旋”理论的“新变”成为众多学者探讨的焦点,文章将从该理论基础命题出发,并结合实例分析该理论在网络传播环境下的发展变化,为网络传播的舆论监督和引导提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

陇东方言中助词“得来”、“得”跟普通话中助词“得”相比较具有不同的用法,它们不但做助词,而且还凝固成词。本文就陇东方言中“得来”、“得”的语法现象做了一定的探讨。  相似文献   


The responses of three groups of teachers to a rating task in which they were asked to indicate how many of their pupils were “bright”, “above average”, “below average” and “dull” were compared. In two of the groups, teachers had been provided with test information based on performance on nationally standardized ability and attainment tests. In the third group tests had been administered but no results were provided.

No differences between the groups were found in terms of the extent to which teacher ratings of ability levels correspond with mean ability test scores. In addition, teachers, irrespective of the group to which they belonged, were found to display a tendency to place more pupils in the above average categories than the below average categories. Finally, no support was found for an hypothesis which suggested that test information would differentially affect the ratings of teachers of classes with pupils who were typical and untypical with respect to age.

The fact that the correlation between mean ratings and mean test scores were found to be fairly high in all three groups (they ranged from .51 to .60) suggests a reason for the failure of test information to impact on teachers’ judgements. The degree of agreement between teachers and tests that the correlations reveal means that there is less scope for a convergence of ratings on tests to occur than might otherwise be the case.  相似文献   

作为齐梁时代优秀作家的吴均,其诗文以“清拔而有古气”的独特面貌为世所瞩目,但“清拔有古气”的内涵到底是什么,学术界还涉及不多。本文试加分析,并进而探讨其内在本质。  相似文献   

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