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随着现代高科技在图书馆的应用,以及网络环境下用户要求的变化,馆员将从原来比较单一的角色转变成为信息过滤、中介人、导航员、网路管理员、知识工程师五种角色,表明图书馆员将是一种全新的职业。  相似文献   

吴江文 《视听界》2008,(1):51-52
一、“嫁接”的几种形式明星广告我们并不陌生,但直接将影视角色嫁接到广告中还是近年才出现,其基本手法就是将广告内容与影视角色融为一体,给消费者的感觉是广告本身就是某影视片的一部分。  相似文献   

图书馆员的角色变化与继续教育之我见   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着社会和科技的进步,图书馆员的角色发生了巨大的变化,继续教育将成为弥合图书馆员角色差距的桥梁,而将现代网络技术应用于图书馆员的继续教育:更有利于此项工作的开展。  相似文献   

(一)新闻工作以报道新闻,传播思想,再现社会生活为已任,他必须善于驾御自己在不同场合中所充当的各种角色身份。尤其是广播电视媒介的传播,往往以形象、真实的画面将观众带到新闻现场,如果把握不好自己的角色身份,就可能发生超越自己职责和身份的言行,直接影响传播效果。电视新闻传播主体角色误区常常表现在以下几个方面:  相似文献   

我国已出版的新闻学论著,可以说是很多了,特别是改革开放以来的20多年间,更出现强劲的势头,新著竞出,繁盛喜人。可是,以“传媒的角色”这类论题写书为文的,我还是第一次看到。记得数年前,读到吴庆棠先生的新著《传媒角色论———新闻传媒角色与个性风格》的书稿时,就为书中的新闻学研究的新观念、新思路所吸引,留下深刻印象。当然,新观念的出现,总是有其历史渊源的。以往的论著,在新闻论述中,也常使用“角色”这类概念,有的更将某类报纸定性(如说“晚报姓晚”),从“角色”这一视角进行理论探讨,这些都是很好的思想资源…  相似文献   

新时期读者服务工作的创新   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
面对新时期读者服务环境的挑战,图书馆应力求在读者服务的领域,内容、思路、角色等方面有所创新,不断将读者服务工作推向深入。  相似文献   

随着网络时代的来临,传统的图书馆正在向现代图书馆转变。图书馆将面临一场新的变,图书馆员的角色也将产生转变。  相似文献   

电视节目主持人作为公众人物,他们的角色特征具有典型性、代表性和示范性。因此,主持人角色在传播媒介的作用下呈现为受众的潜意识的心理参照系,当这种比照符合受众拟定的理想角色,主持人角色将得到受众的认同、赞许和褒扬。反之,如果是错位甚至相悖的,那么角色将遭到受众的批评、反对和否定。本文拟对电视节目主持人现状进行探讨。  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆长角色的社会学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从社会学角度阐述了高校图书馆馆长角色的内涵,提出高校图书馆馆长角色应定位于决策、管理、服务,认为高校图书馆馆长可通过提高馆长角色的认知水平、确立馆长角色的科学发展理念、培养馆长角色的组织管理能力来扮演其馆长角色、履行其馆长职能。  相似文献   

电视新闻节目拒绝主持人黄匡宇电视新闻的播音,是电视台发挥喉舌作用,将新闻节目内容准确传播出去的重要环节。在电视台播音桌前出任这一环节工作的角色,我国大陆称之为“播音员”,国际上统称为“主播”;在新闻现场采访播报新闻的角色,国内外都称之为“记者”。应该...  相似文献   


Technology-related organizations have several important leadership roles to play in creating an environment to nurture a successful transition of libraries into the new roles they will play. Among these roles are helping to create standards and protocols, advocacy, mentoring, creating heroes, and underwriting leadership training for new members of the profession. The willingness to take a leadership role presents several potential traps, which must be avoided diligently, through humility and vision.  相似文献   

The Management & Economics Library at Purdue University began a major physical and conceptual renovation four years ago. The conceptual renovation involves a rethinking of library faculty and staff roles and responsibilities based on the library's and university's strategic directives. The LearnLab space is being used as a springboard to create new partnerships, to implement our new roles, and to transform the perspective of an academic library's present capability. This article will highlight the variety of opportunities that have arisen by leveraging the LearnLab space.  相似文献   

信息技术的迅速发展,给图书馆管理带来空前的挑战,由传统的文献管理向知识信息管理转变已不可避免。在这一转变过程中,图书馆员的传统角色也将发生变化,基于知识信息管理的专家系统,正是其发展前途所在。  相似文献   

This essay explores how the broadcasting industry and its audiences have responded to the introduction of new broadcast technologies, including color TV, UHF TV, VCRs, AM stereo, and stereo TV, and asserts that broadcasters and audiences have complementary roles in determining what will be introduced and accepted. The authors argue that broadcasters and government—as the representative of community and audience interests—need to play roles in setting standards for new technology based on the principle of promoting efficiency.  相似文献   

Among the factors which will influence the emerging roles of medical libraries will be the changing needs of the medical scholars who use them. The effectiveness of the medical practitioner will be determined to an increasing extent by his capacity to mobilize information with a rapidity sufficient to permit its application in day-to-day decision-making. The practice of medicine is becoming an increasingly academic pursuit. The library and the librarian will, therefore, become more directly involved in the practice of medicine, and the library will be a more crucial resource in providing superior patient-care. Changes in undergraduate and continuing medical education will make new demands on the library. These and other related developments will create new functions, new problems, and new opportunities for the librarian.  相似文献   

The roles of hospital librarians have evolved from keeping print materials to serving as a focal point for information services and structures within the hospital. Concepts that emerged from the Integrated Academic Information Management Systems (IAIMS) as described in the Matheson Report and the 1994 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) standards have combined to propel hospital libraries into many new roles and functions. This paper will review the relationship of the two frameworks, provide a view of their commonalities, and establish the advantages of both for hospital librarianship as a profession.  相似文献   

Library as place: results of a delphi study.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: An expert consensus on the future of the library as place was developed to assist health sciences librarians in designing new library spaces. METHOD: An expert panel of health sciences librarians, building consultants, architects, and information technologists was asked to reflect on the likelihood, desirability, timing, and impact on building design of more than seventy possible changes in the use of library space. RESULTS: An expert consensus predicted that the roles librarians play and the way libraries are used will substantially change. These changes come in response to changes in technology, scholarly communication, learning environments, and the health care economy. CONCLUSIONS: How health sciences library space is used will be far less consistent by 2015, as space becomes more tailored to institutional needs. However, the manner in which health sciences libraries develop and deliver services and collections will drastically change in the next decade. Libraries will continue to exist and will provide support for knowledge management and clinical trials, provide access to digital materials, and play a host of other roles that will enable libraries to emerge as institutional change agents.  相似文献   

Over the course of the next twenty years libraries will be undergoing significant retooling so that they can move beyond their traditional roles and become the manager of the medical center's information network. As libraries automatic, the role of the medical librarian will change. To manage the change with ease librarians must begin now to equip themselves, their libraries and their clientele to function effectively in the new environment. Developing formalized instructional programs that link individuals to information and to systems that provide those individuals with personal memory extenders and lifelong learning supports will be among the librarian's top priorities.  相似文献   

图书馆必须在新的环境下,进行角色、职能的变化,调整新的岗位,优化组织设施,加快业务重组和变革的步伐,摆脱图书馆的生存危机,这一切都要依托克服组织惰性。图书馆是一个有着长久的寿命、规模宏大、组织稳定的组织,但是它一旦形成并达到习俗化程度,对曾经是丰富多彩的管理思想缺乏恰如其分的变革,一些宝贵的思想观念长期以来不能占据主导地位,新的观念不能大行其道,旧的观念却时时困扰人们。因此只有克服图书馆的组织惰性,激活图书馆员在工作中应有的能动性和创造性,才能延长图书馆的寿命,提升其生存能力。  相似文献   

Abstract This informal essay explores the changes natural history and science museums may encounter as their purpose, foundation, and patronage evolve from this histroical era to the next. The historical circumstances—scientific, social, and economic—that brought forth the great museums of the world no longer exist. In their place is a new public context that shifts attention from museums whose business is objects to organizations whose business is information. At the same time, the economic‐survival mechanism of museums is shifting from grand philanthropy to innovative development programs and market‐sensitive commercial endeavors. Meeting the needs of the next generations of visitors and cultivating the next generation of funders will not be simple. Massive changes in the social fabric of the nation will soon demand new kinds of institutions that play new roles in society. Museums that meet this challenge will not simply be competing with other sectors of society for public attention and funds. Future success will require the fundamental reinvention of museums so that their purpose is obvious and their mission is clearly aligned with the needs of future generations.  相似文献   

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