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This paper problematises the concept of cultural competence in teacher professional learning arguing instead for opportunities to develop critical reflexivity in the ongoing construction of a pedagogical cultural identity. In the Aboriginal context within Australia, this research study demonstrates how attaining cultural knowledge, understandings and skills is most effective when professional learning is delivered by local Aboriginal cultural knowledge holders. This research study analyses the New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Connecting to Country cultural immersion programme for local communities and schools. A mixed methods approach, analysing quantitative and qualitative data from questionnaires and interviews, highlights the significant impact this experience has on teachers in building relationships with local Aboriginal community members. Teachers reported learning new knowledge about local Aboriginal people, culture, history and issues that challenged their assumptions, personal and collective positioning and pedagogical approaches to teaching Aboriginal students. Implications from the study identify the significance of privileging Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing in order to realise culturally responsive schooling and empower teachers as critically reflective change agents in their schools. It further identifies the need for significant human and financial investment so that all teachers can engage with this authentic and potentially transformative professional learning experience.  相似文献   


The American health care system is in the midst of unprecedented changes under the name of “managed care,” including preauthorizations for care, cost and outcome accountability, formulary regulations and restrictions, and corporation of multi-professional collaboration. How to prepare practitioners for new responsibilities in such a time of exponential change while preserving professional values and priorities is the rightful concern of mental health educators. This paper identifies and examines some fundamental professional skills as essential criteria for assessing the preparation of social work professionals for the new mental health care environment. They are (1) communication skills, (2) cultural competency, and (3) state-of-the-art treatment. The paper also discusses the manner in which rapid scientific advance, managed-care environments, and changing patterns of practice might test, extend and alter traditional pillars of professional competence. Finally, it is stressed that social work education should prepare professionals to distinguish between constructive and destructive aspects of managed care and should teach the moral imperative to confront harmful practices.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been much comment on the value‐laden and particularly political nature of language and literacy and the manner in which literacy is embedded in particular socio‐cultural systems. It is argued here that the non‐neutrality of literacy is evident in the contemporary positioning of adult language and literacy instruction within the rhetoric of current employment‐related concerns. These concerns privilege a particular vision of the workplace and workforce and these ideas have become embedded in competency‐based language and literacy schemata. In this paper, assumptions regarding the nature of workers’ participation in the ‘new’ workplace in such schemata are identified. In particular, the degree to which the vision of participation, as measured by specified language and literacy competence for the workplace, is likely to be shared by Aboriginal Australians in both remote and settled Australia is considered. Related factors impinging on adult Aboriginal acquisition and demonstrations of language and literacy competence in this context are discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study investigated how the Strengthening Families through Early Care and Education initiative in Illinois (SFI) influenced change in 4 child care programs. Findings indicate that SFI influenced quality improvements through 4 primary pathways: (a) Learning Networks, (b) the quality of training, (c) the engagement of program directors, and (e) the organizational climate at programs. SFI's multilevel model of implementation was key to its effectiveness. Two barriers to improving family partnership practices were identified: lack of cultural competence and a negative organizational climate. Practice or Policy: First, quality improvement and professional development efforts are likely to be more effective in promoting real change when they target multiple levels of the context in and around child care programs. SFI's multilevel implementation approach is a model. Second, quality improvement efforts in the area of family engagement may be more effective when specific attention is given to strategies for creating a supportive organizational climate and collegial relationships among staff. Relationships within programs set the tone for relationships with families. Third, cultural competence requires increased attention to efforts to improve the quality of family partnership practices. A focus on organizational cultural competence may provide the workplace environment necessary to support culturally competent practice among program staff.  相似文献   

The increased number of older adults attributes to a rising need for future professionals to work in gerontology. Understanding the influence of students' career choices is important. A qualitative study was conducted after students' taking a gerontology course to explore students' knowledge and career preference in gerontology. The results were that students reported higher competency in that their knowledge was higher. Although increased knowledge did not necessarily encourage students to choose careers in gerontology, it may have made students more amenable toward accepting working with the aging population in the future. The study offers suggestions on how to increase students' competency level in practice.  相似文献   

本研究以现代大学治理体系建设为背景,通过深度访谈和内容分析,探讨高校行政人员的胜任力及其提升策略。研究提出了高校行政人员胜任力分析模型,将现代大学治理体系构成要素与行政人员个体的胜任力要素,放置在专业化、职业化的维度中考量,总结归纳出7大显性要素、5大隐性要素。研究以此胜任力分析模型为指标,对A大学教育职员“爱岗敬业”奖的部分获奖者先进事迹材料进行内容分析,描绘出绩效卓越的高校行政人员的胜任力画像,发现专业化、职业化水平是胜任力建设的核心目标。最后,研究从加强系统规划、完善培训考核、建立流动机制、形成文化认同4个层面提出了高校行政人员的胜任力提升策略。  相似文献   

Using a qualitative research methodology involving face-to-face and telephone interviews, the researchers explored the construct of compassion in mental health counseling. The construct of compassion has been empirically studied in many helping professions; however, most studies have focused on counselors working with trauma victims in medical settings and large-scale disasters. The sample comprised 16 mental health counselors (i.e., 13 females and 3 males) who were licensed professionals working in the state of Ohio. Three major themes emerged from the data: (a) client population, (b) work environment, and (c) coping mechanisms. Implications are examined in regard to professional and personal wellbeing for counselors.  相似文献   

Taking the Universities Australia report, National best practice framework for Indigenous cultural competency in Australian universities (2011) as the starting point for its discussion, this paper examines the applicability of cultural competence in the design and delivery of Australian Indigenous Studies. It argues that both the conceptual underpinnings and the operationalisation of cultural competence necessitate an over-reliance on essentialised notions of Indigeneity, cast in radical opposition to non-Indigeneity, which negate multiple and diverse expressions of Indigenous identity and lived experience. Thus, this approach perpetuates the very colonialist logics Indigenous Studies should endeavour to overcome. Secondly, it argues that cultural competency's emphasis on non-Indigenous self-reflexivity, broadly consistent as it is with both scholarship and praxis in Indigenous Studies, is represented in some of the literature as uncritical deference to an always-unified Indigeneity, thereby exacerbating the original essentialising impulse evident in the cultural competence paradigm. Therefore, this paper proposes that Indigenous Studies should explore the limits of self-reflexivity, with a view to establishing a genuinely anti-colonial/decolonising praxis that incorporates the capacity to negotiate Indigenous intracultural diversity along with other markers for identity.  相似文献   


This paper draws from a multi‐site qualitative case‐study research project entitled From Policy to Practice funded by the University of Exeter. The research sought to identify the impact that the Key Stage 3 tests would have on the working practices of eight heads of English departments and their staff in mixed maintained comprehensive schools in different regions of England.

The paper begins by presenting the way that the national assessment system has undergone change since its inception, highlighting that the function of assessment is to act as the most significant indicator of a school's performance through government policy that promotes and prioritizes the measurement of pupils’ achievements through each key stage.

The English teachers’ responses to the revisions of the English National Curriculum Programmes of Study are described and the paper documents the thoughts and feelings of these teachers as they had to try to make sense of the changes in their classroom working practices. They are articulate in categorizing those aspects of their pedagogical practice that the assessment process has stifled and those that the assessment process has encouraged. The paper then offers an interpretative analysis of the impact that the externally imposed curriculum and assessment changes have had on the teachers’ sense of being professionals.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept ‘pedagogical cultural identity’ as one that embeds cultural knowledge and lived experience into pedagogical practice. Four narratives were constructed from fifteen in-depth interviews with early career Aboriginal teachers who completed their Aboriginal Studies teaching degree at the University of Sydney. The study found that these teachers enacted their habitus, harnessed their social and cultural capital, and mobilised their relationship building skills in the construction of their professional identity. Significantly, contextual power relations influenced the enactment of a pedagogical cultural identity, challenging assumptions of a presumed identity claim by exploring its potential and limitations.  相似文献   

基于实践共同体能够丰富研究的视角,为理解新型职业农民成长提供理论分析框架和实践指导。在职业实践中,新型职业农民总是处于不同的实践共同体中,并实现动态性成长。新型职业农民成长是一种持续发展且不断学习的历程。在该历程中,实践共同体扮演着重要的角色,有利于新型职业农民获取职业发展的知识与技能,建构职业实践的意义,并实现身份认同。新型职业农民在实践共同体中的成长呈现出的特征:一是在不同阶段所参与的实践共同体性质有所不同;二是在不同阶段参与实践共同体的目标有所不同;三是在不同阶段所参与的实践共同体难度有所不同,呈现出从易到难再到相对容易的态势。然而,参与过程的隔离状态、难以有效寻获所需的共同体和难以实现对话的对称性,削弱了新型职业农民在实践共同体中成长的效果。实践共同体为新型职业农民的成长创设了重要场域,因此应积极培育多种实践共同体,为新型职业农民有效融入提供载体。新型职业农民应根据不同的发展阶段,选择合适的实践共同体。新型职业农民要保持高度的"自我效能感",就需要利用自身的信息和资源,坚持不懈地参与并有效融入。  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of health care practice makes continuing professional development (CPD) essential for health care professionals. Simulation-based training is a CPD activity that is often applied to improve interprofessional collaboration and the quality of care. The aim of this study is to explore simulation as a pedagogical practice for the CPD of health care professionals. Specifically, the study focuses on how a professional development activity, the simulation, is enacted to support interprofessional collaboration and learning. A practice theory perspective is used as the theoretical framework. In this, the professional practice is conceptualised as being embodied, relational and situated in sociomaterial arrangements. Ten introduction and reflection sessions following interprofessional full-scale manikin-based simulations with professionals were video-recorded. The recordings were analysed following a stepwise qualitative collaborative approach developed for the purpose. The key findings suggest that the professional competence activity is enacted and interconnected with and governed by historical traditions of institutional teaching practices as well as simulation practices. Despite the intentions of team and interprofessional training, the institutional teaching and simulation practices constrain and hinder the intended outcomes of professional development in interprofessional collaboration.  相似文献   

职前教师的专业能力培养是高等师范教育的基本任务。教师专业能力具有职业的特殊性,以解决教育教学实际问题为目标导向。《中学教师专业标准(试行)》把教师专业能力划分为六大领域,各领域之间具有相互支撑、相互促进的关系。作为职前教师的师范生需要发挥自身主体性,积极参与学习、实践和反思,指导教师需要为师范生提供支持,为其创设有利于各领域能力成长的学习环境。师范生六大领域专业能力的形成机理各有特点,需要师范生和教师的协同配合。  相似文献   


The paper examines three different strategies for the assessment of competence. The strategies are different because they base their Judgements about competence on different forms and amounts of evidence and they adopt different procedures for obtaining this evidence. Each strategy is illustrated by means of an analysis of an assessment programme in operation. The programmes are drawn from an investigation of competency‐based training programmes in TAFE colleges, industry and various training institutions carried out in Australia and Great Britain during 1992. The analysis brings out the strengths and weaknesses of each strategy as well as the particular problems and difficulties associated with the assessment of competence and the procedures that must be followed to ensure that principles of sound assessment are adhered to.  相似文献   

Special educational needs and disability (SEND) professionalism can be seen as a microcosm of the wider policy arena where traditional policy frameworks of professionalism and bureaucracy are challenged by frameworks of managerialism, consumerism and individual rights and where the neoliberal policy technologies of performativity and responsibilisation challenge and change collaborative working practices and professional identities. The recent introduction of the statutory SEND Code of Practice 2015 in England brings this transformation into relief. An exploratory qualitative interview study highlights how individual professionals respond to, are changed by and sometimes resist these demands.  相似文献   

Indigenous language endangerment is critical in Australia, with only 120 of 250 known languages remaining, and only 13 considered strong. A related issue is the gap in formal education outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people compared with other Australians, with the gap wider in remote regions. Little empirical research exists in Australia to explore the role of developing Aboriginal literacy through bilingual education to address these combined issues. As a ‘shared space’ collaboration between remote communities, government, and scientists, the Interplay Wellbeing Framework and associated Survey were designed to represent community values and priorities in a quantifiable system to inform policy and practice. A cohort of 842 Aboriginal people aged 15–34 years from four remote communities completed individual surveys designed and administered by Aboriginal community researchers. We applied structural equation modelling to this data to understand the role of cultural indicators on education outcomes. Results confirmed the importance of strong relationships between community and schools. Furthermore, learning about culture and learning literacy in ones first language in schools to develop Aboriginal literacy, is established as a necessary step to improve English literacy in remote schools. This suggests bilingual education and strengthening culture and community involvement in schools are necessary to improve both education outcomes and language preservation.  相似文献   

"一带一路"倡议的提出加强了不同国别、不同地区之间的文化交流与合作。基于"一带一路"背景,深度梳理和分析民族院校教师跨文化交际能力的构成维度,从理念、知识、能力三个维度提炼出民族院校教师跨文化交际能力的整合性、贯通性和融合性特征,即将文化主体、文化本体和文化差异的整合理念;将语言、文化和社会信息贯通驾驭的知识基础;将语言基础、文化适应和交际实践融合的实践能力。从文化自信与文化交融的角度审视"一带一路"背景下民族院校教师跨文化交际能力培养的时代呼声,不仅有助于实现民族院校国际化人才培养的目标和深度践行"一带一路"倡议的人文基础,而且能更好地探寻民族院校教师跨文化交际能力培养的实践困境。为突破民族院校教师跨文化交际能力培养过程中出现的跨文化理念淡薄、跨文化知识匮乏、跨文化能力难以形成等困境,结合"一带一路"教育外交的具体实践,从认识层面整合、组织层面革新、政府层面扶持来建构民族院校教师跨文化交际能力培养的具体实践模式。  相似文献   

The amount of resources being poured by Western universities, companies, and governments into creating educational content to be exported (via the Internet) to other cultures is astounding. Those assigned to accomplish this task are left with the great challenge of meeting the needs of learners who come from cultures that are foreign to them, and who often have very different abilities and expectations than originally assumed. This study explores the cultural competence in the lived experience of 12 professionals who have been involved with such efforts. Often they have had to question their assumptions, recognizing flaws in their own thinking and in the organizations that support them, and tried to alter their practice accordingly. Their awareness of cultural differences and the importance and impact of these differences in their practice will be discussed.  相似文献   

Authentic workplace experience is becoming increasingly challenging to provide for students. Simulation represents an effective pedagogical strategy for communication competency development in preparation for, or in lieu of clinical placements/practicums. The case study represents an innovative approach to simulating aspects of a pharmacy practice when insufficient placements were available. Prior to undertaking a three-week placement, a cohort of Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) students (N?=?95) completed two four-hour simulated learning modules (SLMs). Each of the six SLMs addressed interpersonally challenging, commonly experienced pharmacy practice scenarios generated by pharmacists/pharmacy educators. Scenarios, underpinned by the Excellence in Cultural Experiential Learning and Leadership (EXCELL) model, included schemas called Social Interaction Maps (SIMs), and involved interacting with trained actors. EXCELL is an evidence-based, professional development resource centred on learning generic social competencies including participating in a team, refusing a request and giving feedback. Evaluations comprised students’ survey responses collected before, during and after SLM workshops and pharmacy placements, and reflections from workshop facilitators. Students reported significant improvements in their overall communication competencies post-workshops and post-placement. Facilitators rated SLMs as a useful strategy to improve students’ communication competence and workplace readiness. Future curriculum development could benefit from including discipline-specific, interpersonally challenging SLMs using SIMs and actors (where possible) to simulate workplace interactions.  相似文献   


The increasing racial, cultural, and ethnic diversity among the populations attending urban schools poses a significant challenge to providing quality public education. Similarly, few would dispute that, in order to meet this challenge effectively, teachers must acquire the cultural competency for creating productive and inclusive learning environments, building academic capability among all students, and forging solid relationships with students' families and communities. Though this view has become an “official doctrine” among teacher educators, developing cultural competence in actual contexts consisting of urban schools and classrooms has proven a difficult challenge. This article explains a design for this work called Circles of Co-Practice as a system of practice and inquiry to develop cultural competency in partnership activity. The system design and application to the work of urban school-university-neighborhood collaboratives to improve urban education is illustrated with two case instances.  相似文献   

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