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Academic libraries have a long tradition of endorsing and creating written collection development policies to communicate, both internally and externally, their dynamic collection practices. As revealed by a literature search, academic libraries, over time, appear to have abandoned this practice. This article documents how Texas A&M University Libraries embraced the ambitious task of resurrecting written collection development policies and, as part of this process, assessed the current state of collection development, systematically planned for future collection growth, and identified emerging fields of research requiring additional collection support. This process also undertook the integration of collection development into the organizational culture of the libraries. Reflecting on this process, the authors present the case for creating and maintaining written collection development policies in academic libraries.  相似文献   

A survey of medium-sized academic libraries was conducted to ascertain their organizational structure for collection development, and its effect on the activities performed. Two survey instruments were developed, one for chief collection development officers, and one for librarians with collection development responsibilities. The study revealed that librarians defer collection development to other responsibilities and perform few of the activities they feel are desirable for collection development. Librarians in separate collection development departments were less likely to defer collection development to other activities, and performed more collection development activities than their colleagues in other types of libraries. It was recommended that a library of this size locate librarians with primary assignments in collection development in departments established for that purpose.  相似文献   

藏书发展稳态理论评介   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
藏书发展稳态理论评介Abstract:Thesteady-statetheoryforcollectiondevelopmentadvancedbyG.DanielofAmericain1974applieschieflytothecollectio...  相似文献   

Academic health sciences libraries in the United States and Canada were surveyed regarding collection development trends, including their effect on approval plan and blanket order use, and use of outsourcing over the past four years. Results of the survey indicate that serials market forces, budgetary constraints, and growth in electronic resources purchasing have resulted in a decline in the acquisition of print items. As a result, approval plan use is being curtailed in many academic health sciences libraries. Although use of blanket orders is more stable, fewer than one-third of academic health sciences libraries report using them currently. The decline of print collections suggests that libraries should explore cooperative collection development of print materials to ensure access and preservation. The decline of approval plan use and the need for cooperative collection development may require additional effort for sound collection development. Libraries were also surveyed about their use of outsourcing. Some libraries reported outsourcing cataloging and shelf preparation of books, but none reported using outsourcing for resource selection. The reason given most often for outsourcing was that it resulted in cost savings. As expected, economic factors are driving both collection development and outsourcing practices.  相似文献   

高校图书馆的地方文献收藏与公共图书馆有所区别,为更好地制定高校图书馆的方志专藏发展政策,以广州中山大学图书馆为例,对其建馆85年来收藏的方志文献进行抽样统计分析,分别从复本率、出版时间、方志地域分布等方面进行评估,并在统计过程发现不足之处。最后小结高校图书馆地方文献馆藏发展应考虑的因素。  相似文献   

阐述藏书发展政策的涵义,在分析我国高校图书馆藏书发展政策研究状况的基础上,提出了藏书发展政策在高校图书馆的现实意义及如何制定高校图书馆藏书发展政策。  相似文献   

台湾地区大学图书馆馆藏发展政策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过台湾地区的大学图书馆网站获取各大学图书馆馆藏发展政策文件。从制定时间、项目构成、具体内容方面,对政策样本进行分析,归纳了台湾地区大学图书馆馆藏发展政策的特点,指出了其不足以及对我国大陆地区大学图书馆的启示。  相似文献   

民营馆配商占据馆配市场的大半江山,在图书馆藏书建设中扮演着重要角色,是图书馆获取文献信息的主要渠道,是影响藏书建设质量的关键因素之一。研究民营馆配商的生存与发展问题有利于图书馆在文献资源建设上未雨绸缪、科学应对。该文分析了金融危机下馆配市场的发展变化,剖析了民营馆配商在图书馆藏书体系中的地位、面临的困境及对馆藏书建设的潜在负面影响,并提出了图书馆的应对之策。  相似文献   

The article focuses on contemporary problems affecting the collection development programmes of university libraries in Nigeria. The global economic recession of the 1980's is identified as the significant variable for the success and failure of these programmes the world over; hence the treatment of the subject in both a global and national context. At the national level, special examination is made of the financial problems facing Nigerian university libraries and their impact on collection growth and development. While the article agrees that improved budgetary provisions could eradicate the current constraints, it suggests that library co-operative networking should be adopted as a cost-effective option for future collection development in university libraries in Nigeria.  相似文献   

文章选取美国佐治亚大学和南卡罗来纳北部大学的综合性馆藏发展政策、纽约大学的分学科的馆藏发展政策为切入点,从馆藏发展政策的基本内容,馆藏发展政策的特色以及分学科馆藏发展政策的细节制定等,对馆藏发展政策较成熟的美国高校图书馆进行实证研究,以兹对国内高校图书馆在制定馆藏发展政策方面有所借鉴。  相似文献   

复合图书馆文献资源建设策略   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
指出复合图书馆文献资源建设是复合图书馆的基础和核心问题,影响复合图书馆文献资源建设的主要因素是用户需求、文献信息资源结构、信息技术、信息资源出版方式等方面情况发生变化及搜索引擎对图书馆服务的冲击。提出复合图书馆应该从文献资源类型、文献资源管理和加强文献建设评估建设三个方面作出相应调整、补充和完善。  相似文献   

电子信息资源建设策略分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
电子信息资源建设在图书馆整个工作体系中的地位日益重要。图书馆应该制定明确的电子信息资源发展目标及相应的电子信息资源建设策略。  相似文献   

我国公共图书馆专题图书馆建设与发展简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专题图书馆是一种依托于专题文献资源的收藏开展专题服务的图书馆。专题图书馆不同于专门图书馆,两者在组织结构、服务对象、馆藏特征和服务特征等方面存在很大差异。经济的发展激活了公共图书馆发展的潜力,公共图书馆灵活的服务方式和求变的思路又为专题图书馆的发展提供了舞台。目前我国已经有很多成功的专题图书馆建设范例,随着全民阅读事业的推进和图书馆事业的不断发展,专题图书馆将会获得更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

张欢 《图书情报工作》2016,60(23):55-61
[目的/意义]通过对国外部分财经院校图书馆的馆藏发展政策制定现状进行分析,为我国同类型图书馆提供借鉴。[方法/过程]依据QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)世界大学排名选取样本对象,通过访问其图书馆网站的方式获取其馆藏发展政策并对其内容进行分析。[结果/结论]总结国外财经院校图书馆馆藏发展政策制定的共性、财经特色以及不足,对我国同类型图书馆在资源建设方面和馆藏发展政策制定方面提出建议。  相似文献   

数字图书馆馆藏发展的中外比较   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
数字馆藏发展是数字图书馆发展中的一项重要内容,文章从中外数字图书馆馆藏发展的比较中提出对国内数字图书馆发展的若干意见和建议。  相似文献   

文章对美国大学图书馆在信息资源组织与利用方面的创新与实践进行梳理总结,以期为国内图书馆的资源建设提供借鉴。选取美国顶尖的11所大学图书馆作为考察对象,重点介绍它们在馆藏特色文献数据化、资源多样化收集与元数据整合、数字资源全生命周期管理方面的特色和进展。图书馆在资源服务方面所扮演的角色在不断演变,美国大学图书馆正借助先进的信息生产、存储和传递技术,向着实现信息资源共建、共知和共享的目标迈进。国内图书馆需要关注新兴技术,加强特藏资源开发,促进纸质与数字资源融合,优化数字资源业务流程。  相似文献   

A survey of collection development policies and practices in medical school rare book libraries indicated that only 20% had documented criteria for collection development. The advantages of preparing and maintaining a formal written collection development policy are presented with guidelines for formulating such a policy.  相似文献   

Librarians must make selection decisions for their libraries based on the actual and perceived needs of their clientele. Scholars in any discipline will most likely become aware of new books in their field through the extensive reviews published in scholarly journals. Reviews in ten journals indexed by the MLA Bibliography were examined for content, timeliness, and evaluation of the reviewer, in order to determine if scholarly reviews in literature journals are useful collection development sources. The findings of the study suggest that collection development librarians at large academic libraries should use scholarly journals on a regular basis for collection development purposes, while librarians at smaller academic libraries should use them to supplement traditional trade reviewing sources, such as Choice.  相似文献   

台湾地区的国立中央图书馆台湾分馆、台北市立图书馆、台北县立图书馆、林口乡立图书馆均制定了馆藏发展政策。这些馆藏发展政策的内容包括政策说明、本馆简介、馆藏概述、馆藏资料选择、馆藏资料采访、馆藏维护、对外活动7个方面。我国大陆地区公共图书馆在制定馆藏发展政策时,应借鉴台湾地区的实践经验,研究并拟定政策编制指南,并在具体政策文件中突出电子资源建设和馆际合作等问题。  相似文献   

特色馆藏及特色服务体系,是乡镇图书馆存在和发展的必要条件。面对其资金不足的局限,如何加强乡镇图书馆的特色馆藏以及建立较完善的特色服务体系是乡镇图书馆可持续发展的关键所在。本文就此提出一管之见,以抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

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