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This study presents a ranking of 182 academic journals in the field of artificial intelligence. For this, the revealed preference approach, also referred to as a citation impact method, was utilized to collect data from Google Scholar. This list was developed based on three relatively novel indices: h-index, g-index, and hc-index. These indices correlated almost perfectly with one another (ranging from 0.97 to 0.99), and they correlated strongly with Thomson's Journal Impact Factors (ranging from 0.64 to 0.69). It was concluded that journal longevity (years in print) is an important but not the only factor affecting an outlet's ranking position. Inclusion in Thomson's Journal Citation Reports is a must for a journal to be identified as a leading A+ or A level outlet. However, coverage by Thomson does not guarantee a high citation impact of an outlet. The presented list may be utilized by scholars who want to demonstrate their research output, various academic committees, librarians and administrators who are not familiar with the AI research domain.  相似文献   

Since a successful institutional repository will contain a higher percentage of the contributors' materials, we implemented a system to upload faculty publications more effectively to our academic library's institutional repository. This article acts as an explanation of that system, in the hopes that other scholars or libraries can implement similar systems to increase the popularity of their own institutional repositories. Our method enables a maximum level of materials inputted with minimal required effort from faculty or scholars. We utilize student workers and the resources of the institutional repository manager to get materials uploaded. The success of this method is indicated by the increase in articles that have been uploaded to our institutional repository; as a result of the implementation of this program, the number of publications in our university's institutional repository by these authors has increased 174 %.  相似文献   

Framing has become one of the most popular areas of research for scholars in communication and a wide variety of other disciplines, such as psychology, behavioral economics, political science, and sociology. Particularly in the communication discipline, however, ambiguities surrounding how we conceptualize and therefore operationalize framing have begun to overlap with other media effects models to a point that is dysfunctional. This article provides an in-depth examination of framing and positions the theory in the context of recent evolutions in media effects research. We begin by arguing for changes in how communication scholars approach framing as a theoretical construct. We urge scholars to abandon the general term “framing” altogether and instead distinguish between different types of framing. We also propose that, as a field, we refocus attention on the concept's original theoretical foundations and, more important, the potential empirical contributions that the concept can make to our field and our understanding of media effects. Finally, we discuss framing as a bridge between paradigms as we shift from an era of mass communication to one of echo chambers, tailored information and microtargeting in the new media environment.  相似文献   

对已有图书馆学学术成果的系统整理出版,一方面是对有价值的图书馆学研究成果的系统编纂和保护,为后人的研究提供基础性资料;另一方面是图书馆学学科自尊和学术自信的体现,反映了图书馆学学科的历史发展和图书馆学人的学术贡献。进入新世纪,图书馆事业日渐繁荣,图书馆学人认为有必要对已有的图书馆学学术成果进行系统整理,先后整理出版了百年系列、文库系列、史料系列与其他个人文集。通过系统整理已有图书馆学学术成果,可以更好地继承和发扬图书馆学学术研究的优良传统,促进图书馆事业和图书馆学研究的健康繁荣发展。  相似文献   

We analyzed serial citations in 72 marine biology master's theses as well as the ranking data of aquatic science serials from six global serial citation metrics, to assess serial use by marine biology graduate students from two perspectives. From 1,035 unique serials, a core of 123 titles was identified and evaluated for access. Citation ages averaged 13.5 years, with 27% of serial citations dated prior to 1996. Students cited serials from disciplines beyond marine biology, demonstrating broad title dispersion compared to several other studies. Recommendations are offered for future investigation to develop a stronger understanding of graduate students’ use of the library's serial collection.  相似文献   

“礼赞共和国——庆祝新中国成立70周年科技成就科普展”是中国科技馆2019年精心策划打造的一个主题展览,是利用科技馆独特的科普展教形式和手段进行科技成就展示宣传的成功尝试。本文通梳理展览策展思路,剖析了该展览在选题、展览目标、内容规划、布展和展品设计等方面收获的经验,希望在“建设创新型国家和世界科技强国”国家战略背景下,为今后拓展科技馆展示科技成就的思路提供一些参考。  相似文献   

The problem of how to rank academic journals in the communication field (human interaction, mass communication, speech, and rhetoric) is one of practical importance to scholars, university administrators, and librarians, yet there is no methodology that covers the field's journals comprehensively and objectively. This article reports a new ranking methodology based in empirical criteria. The new system relates independent measures of the prestige of the field's doctoral departments to information about where faculty members from those departments have published scholarly articles. This new approach identifies the field's most influential journals as those that more frequently publish the work of the field's top scholars and programs as perceived by their peers. This system was used to compute prestige weights (P-weights) for 65 communication journals. P-weights were found to be strongly correlated with ISI Web of Science journal impact factor scores and can be used to identify an overall prestige hierarchy for communication journals as well as prestige rankings by subject specialty.  相似文献   

Web 2.0应用的兴起,推进了情报学科由"文献组织"向"知识组织"演化.网页标签作为重要的Web 2 0应用之一,已经成为大众组织知识的常用途径.然而,现有的标签排序方法难以有效满足知识组织的需求.本文在三核协同标签模型的基础上,充分考虑标签和用户、标签和标签、标签和文档之间的关系,提出了一种结合HITS和随机跳转的标签排序方法.该方法利用高质量标签和高质量用户之间的相互加强关系,根据标签之间的相似性来找出高质量相关标签,有效提高标签排序的质量.在Delicious数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法能较大提高标签排序的准确度.  相似文献   


The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), a unit within the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, is the world's largest social science data archive. The data sets in the ICPRS database give the social sciences librarian/subject specialist an opportunity of providing value-added bibliographic information. Access to the data sets is by membership in the consortium. This article gives an overview of the ICPSR database and of other services provided by the ICPSR, including sample usage statistics and reports. Research has shown that use of electronic resources, such as that provided by the data sets of the ICPSR, leads to an increase in publications by scholars. Librarians from a variety of disciplines—economics, political science, education, sociology, criminal justice, and social work—can help their researchers use the ICPSR's data sets to help further the goals of social science.  相似文献   

p 指数运用于人才评价的有效性实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
h指数用于高发文、高引用的学者评价是有效的,但对低发文、高引用的学者进行评价存在缺陷,且数值易于雷同,不易区分。p指数在学者研究绩效评价方面具有同h指数相一致的维度,它不仅考虑学者的被引次数(C),而且考虑学者的研究质量指标——平均被引率(C/N)。以图书情报与文献学科领域49位专家为例,对比分析专家的发文量(N)、被引次数(C)、平均被引率、专家h指标、g指数、p指数,并进行相关性分析。结论:p指数优于现有的h指数、g指数,更具有评价的合理性,应在更大范围内进一步使用。  相似文献   

刘俊丽  蒋持平 《编辑学报》2012,24(6):597-599
介绍在钱学森、周培源等著名力学家和广大力学工作者的关心和支持下,力学综合性期刊《力学与实践》科普特色栏目的建设历程。以创栏20周年的《身边力学的趣话》栏目为重点,回顾科普栏目建设的艰辛和成果,以及为贯彻国务院《全民科学素质行动计划纲要》所作的努力。  相似文献   

30余年农业科普期刊研究述要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周国清  王小椒 《编辑学报》2012,24(5):409-413
农业科普期刊是服务农村、农民、农业的"先锋战士",对社会主义新农村建设、农民素质提高、农业经济发展具有独特的作用,自20世纪70年代末以来逐步引起研究者的关注。研究者紧跟中国改革开放和文化体制改革的步伐,对其进行了多角度、全方位、立体式的研究,形成了明确的研究轨迹和时代特征,产生了一批研究成果;但对30余年来各界研究者研究农业科普期刊的状况进行分析,发现依然有一些问题值得深入探讨和专题化研究。  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs, who would like their students' ideas represented in these pages, are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Brigitte Burris is a graduate student at Drexel University's iSchool and also works as a librarian at the University of Pennsylvania. At a time when many librarians hope for the expansion of open access to scholarly resources, Burris here proposes a method of adding attributes to articles in institutional repositories in order to increase faculty members' incentive for depositing their scholarly articles.


The iSchool at Drexel's Master of Science in Library and Information Science, MS(LIS), is the second oldest program of its kind in the nation, and one of just 56 ALA-accredited programs. More technologically oriented than other programs, the MS(LIS) prepares graduates for a wide variety of positions including academic librarian, knowledge management specialist, systems librarian, digital librarian, Web developer, and competitive intelligence analyst. The 2009 edition of U.S. News & World Report's “America's Best Graduate Schools” rated the MS(LIS) program 11th in the nation overall, with specialties in information systems and digital librarianship ranking fifth and sixth, respectively. The iSchool at Drexel's faculty has been nationally recognized, ranked by Academic Analytics, a third party company benchmarking academic excellence, as 8th in the nation for scholarly productivity.  相似文献   

选择科普人才、科普场地和科普经费三个表征指标,专利申请数量、新产品销售收入作为衡量国家创新能 力的重要指标,基于2006—2014年面板数据,采用灰色关联分析法定量分析这些指标与国家创新能力的关联性。结果 表明:科普经费与国家创新能力的关联性最强,科普场地的个数与面积次之,科普人才与国家创新能力关联度最低  相似文献   

随着科技服务业在推动我国经济转型发展过程中扮演的角色越来越重要,越来越多的专家、学者开始关注 如何更好地将科技服务与区域产业特色有效结合,从而促进地方经济快速高效发展,但是多集中于北京、上海等大城 市研究,对三线、四线中小城市研究不足。本文结合宏观环境分析法(PEST)的方法理论,从政治、经济、社会、技术 四个纬度对淄博市科技服务业面临的宏观发展现状及环境进行简要剖析,找出存在的问题,并结合淄博市实际情况提 出了相应的行业发展对策建议。  相似文献   

当前科技博物馆普遍存在展览水平不高、传播形式单调、拘泥于知识、有形式没内涵等问题。本文依据科技史、科技哲学、博物馆学的研究成果,结合教育学、心理学及传播学等理论,探讨一种基于科技藏品、利用各种媒体手段加强体验和认知的情境式传播方法。科技发展的历史不能重演,但透过情境对科技藏品的展示及其内涵的传播,可以让人们追根溯源,了解科技产生的背景、发展脉络、带来的变化,以及关键人物对科技的贡献等,让人们感受到科技文化的力量,从中受到启发,对未来科技充满向往。  相似文献   

于杰 《编辑学报》2019,31(4):357-360
回顾《计算机辅助工程》创刊以来坚持推动我国计算机辅助系统自主创新发展、应用和交流的历程,介绍与中国科学院院士钟万勰等志同道合的专家学者合作以来的主要工作。认为科技期刊人应不忘办刊是为了推动我国科技发展、建设科技强国、服务经济建设的初心,以家国情怀肩负起责任担当,努力让广大科技工作者把优秀论文发表在祖国的期刊上,把论文刻在我国现代化建设的丰碑上。  相似文献   

This study uses citation data and survey data for 55 library and information science journals to identify three factors underlying a set of 11 journal ranking metrics (six citation metrics and five stated preference metrics). The three factors—three composite rankings—represent (1) the citation impact of a typical article, (2) subjective reputation, and (3) the citation impact of the journal as a whole (all articles combined). Together, they account for 77% of the common variance within the set of 11 metrics. Older journals (those founded before 1953) and nonprofit journals tend to have high reputation scores relative to their citation impact. Unlike previous research, this investigation shows no clear evidence of a distinction between the journals of greatest importance to scholars and those of greatest importance to practitioners. Neither group's subjective journal rankings are closely related to citation impact.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a study of publishing behaviour among a group of Arab scholars in social science and humanities disciplines. The paper also investigated the number of Arab scholars who are publishing in predatory journals and the reasons that drive them to select these journals to share their scholarly findings. The study adopted a mixed methods approach. Eighteen journals that were categorized as predatory journals were scanned to find the number of Arab scholars who published in them. Then, a questionnaire was sent to Egyptian and Saudi scholars as they were found to be the top Arab contributors in these journals. The questionnaire was followed by semi‐structured interviews to gain an in‐depth understanding of the publishing behaviour. The data showed that many Arab scholars prefer publishing in predatory journals as these journals are easier and faster. The results also indicate that there is a need to raise the awareness of the harm that predatory journals can cause to the scholars and how they can avoid these journals. This study was conducted with social science and humanities scholars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The publishing behaviour may differ in other scholarly disciplines and other Arabic countries.  相似文献   

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