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以学习投入为中介,构建高职学校环境对学生学习成果影响的模型,通过验证性研究发现,学校环境和学习投入对学习成果具有重要的影响,其中,教师教学对学习成果的影响效应包括部分中介效应和部分直接效应,学习支持条件对学习成果的影响效应为完全中介效应。鉴于此,建议高职教育改革应从宏观思维走向微观设计,关注学生学习情感和认知培养,以提升学生学习投入水平;强化教师教学能力培养,提高教师教学有效性;以学生为中心,加强学习支持条件建设。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the causal impact of an upper secondary curriculum reform in Sweden that increased students’ course-taking flexibility in year 2000. In the most popular upper secondary program, it led to a significant decrease in mandatory mathematics requirements. Using administrative Swedish data, we estimate the causal impact of the reform on tertiary education outcomes and expected earnings using a differences-in-discontinuity identification strategy. The method compares students born immediately before and after the cutoff date. The inclusion of students born in neighboring non-reform cutoff years enables us to disentangle the school starting age effect from the unconfounded effect of the reform. We find no negative effects of the reduced mathematics requirements. Rather, we find a positive effect of the reform on students’ probability of enrolling in, and earning a degree from, tertiary education. Our heterogeneity analysis suggests that relatively disadvantaged students were not negatively affected by the reform.  相似文献   

In an attempt to reform high schools and prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed for the 21st century, educators and policymakers have turned to programs that combine career and academic pathways. One such program, Linked Learning, has taken up the reform challenge by relying on technical adjustments, rearranging students’ schedules, and integrating career technical education (CTE) with a set of courses that support students’ eligibility for their state and university college system. Linked Learning has attempted to avoid the pitfalls often associated with an earlier vocational education model. This article reports findings from a year-long study of eight schools in five districts whose district leaders and principals have placed Linked Learning at the core of their platform for school reform. Interviews with these educators reveal that while changing the structure of students’ course schedules offered some advantages for students, school principals were challenged to keep their academic and career promises. This qualitative investigation has shown that to understand reform challenges it is essential to examine the broader school, district, and state context in which the reform is embedded. Both structural and cultural considerations must be addressed if high school reform is to more effectively support students.  相似文献   

吴新锋 《天津教育》2021,(3):120-121
我国新课改明确指出,当前面向初中生的教育应以提高他们的综合素质为主,在教学中教师除了应重视知识教学内容,还要不断创新教学方法,提高学生的自主学习能力,培养学生对学科内容的兴趣,做到学以致用。所以,全面提高初中学生的素养已经成为我国教学的未来发展方向,我国的初中教育工作者应利用科学的手段完善教学方式。在初中阶段数学教学中应用体验式教学法,能有效培养学生学习能力,符合初中阶段学生的心理特点以及我国新课改的相关要求。  相似文献   

随着新一轮课程改革的逐步开展,初中英语课程评价关注学生综合语言运用能力发展的目标仍存在诸多商榷之处,如以“教”评“学”,注重教师“预设”,对课堂“生成”关注不力;形成性评价对学生个体的差异性、多样性关注不够;以中考为轴心,全面性及公平性凸显不足。有鉴于此,应采取构建“以学定教”的初中英语课堂教学评价模式,注重“三维目标”“不走样”地落实;注重形成性评价对学生个体的差异性、多样性的关注;切实推进中考改革,促进教育公平等策略及措施,促进初中英语课程评价的顺利实施,并做好初、高中英语教学、评价的衔接。  相似文献   

缺乏坚实的社会基础和充分的社会支持,是学校德育变革成效不彰的根本原因。社会环境与社会生活是学生道德发展最真实的场域,是一切学校德育变革的逻辑前提。社会发展的道德需求与道德期待是学校德育变革的重要动力支撑。学校德育变革必须置身并充分考量社会发展、社会环境、社会资源之于学生道德发展及学校德育的深刻影响,深入理解并认真对待社会发展对学校德育变革的时代要求与动力支撑,积极拓展社会资源的德育价值及其支持路径,充分考虑并合理利用社会生活对学生道德成长的滋养,从其赖以依存的社会系统中寻找资源、方案、路径与突破。  相似文献   

This case-based study of two school reform efforts in the USA examines how the process of inclusive education works for SEN students and the extent to which these students and their teachers feel as though they are an integral part of school reform. At its heart, this study focuses on three central questions. Do the philosophy, process, practices and organizational structures of these school reform movements promote inclusion for all students? What is the impact of the schools' practices and principles on individual students? What conditions and contexts best promote inclusion, and which ones act as barriers to successful inclusion? The schools in these two school reform movements provide powerful examples of how changes in school organization, climate, curriculum and instructional strategies build on the strengths of students, staff and community to create optimal learning results for all students. In this study, the perception of pedagogical and political ‘gaps’ between school effectiveness reform agendas and inclusive education reveal a narrow, rational-technical view of reform. The hope for the future is that the growing efforts in support of inclusive education within the broader socio-political and constructivist school reform movements, exemplified by the schools in this case study, will become an influential counter-force for social justice and disability-rights' action in schools everywhere.  相似文献   

戴文英 《天津教育》2021,(3):99-100
随着新课程改革的不断深入,小学数学教师也应转变传统的教学观念,创新数学教学方法,以达到新课程改革对小学阶段数学教学目标的新要求。小学阶段的数学教学能为学生未来更好地学习数学知识打好理论基础,在这一段时间内培养学生的良好学习习惯能使学生的学习达到事半功倍的效果。因此抓住这一关键期对学生进行教育,对帮助学生形成数学思维、提高学生运用数学知识解决实际问题的能力有重要作用。基于此,本文将研究在新课改背景下小学数学教学方法的几种创新形式。  相似文献   

We estimate the effect on primary school students’ achievement of a Brazilian policy that changed the entry age into first grade from seven to six years old. Before the policy, a typical child spent up to three years in pre-school, and four years in primary school. The reform reorganized the system so that pupils would spend two years in pre-school (at ages 4 and 5) and five years in primary education. The timing of national tests and of the incremental process of implementing the reorganization allowed us to use a DDD approach to make causal estimates of its effect on student achievement. The reform increased 5th grade students’ mathematics scores by 0.10 SDs and reading scores by 0.12 SDs over student gains in untreated schools. These effects are robust across various treated cohorts, and across alternative samples of schools.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a larger research project that provides insight into the attitudes of high-school students who were taught using different types of mathematics curricula when they were in middle school. A total of 44 12th-grade students from 10 high schools in the same urban school district were interviewed. Eighteen (41%) of them had been taught using a reform curriculum in middle school and 26 (59%) had been taught using a more traditional curriculum. Using Di Martino and Zan’s three-dimensional model for attitude, we found that the high-school seniors who had been taught using the reform curriculum in middle school harbored attitudes toward mathematics that differed significantly from the attitudes of those who had been taught using a traditional curriculum in middle school. Our analysis of the student interviews culled seven themes that provide fine-grained information about the students’ attitudes toward mathematics. Significantly greater percentages of reform students than traditional students had a relational Vision of mathematics as opposed to an instrumental Vision; however, there was no significant difference between the proportions of reform and traditional students who had a positive Emotional Disposition toward mathematics or a positive Perceived Competence in mathematics.  相似文献   

运用科学的方法和手段,深度分析教育舆情,有利于实现教育决策的科学化、预见性、民主性和可行性。基于教育满意度舆情调查数据及网络舆情数据,进行北京市中高考改革舆情研究,结果发现:公众对北京市中高考改革的总体满意度较高,少数人对中高考改革现状不够满意,认为中高考改革在减轻学生课业负担、开放性实践活动的学生评价、改革方案的科学性以及制定过程的严谨性、相关配套措施的跟进等方面还有待进一步完善;在网络舆情上,公众对课业负担、学生发展、教育公平等关注度较高。建议进一步完善政策,确保公平公正、科学合理;加快落实相关配套措施,协调推进考、招、教同步改革;充分关注学生课业负担,促进学生健康成长成才。  相似文献   

自制问卷对昭通市中小学教师进行调查,结果表明:昭通市中小学教师对昭通市基础教育课程改革持认可态度;对学生学习方式转变持积极的认同和接受态度;昭通市中小学教师的教学评价观有待于提高或转变。在进一步的课程改革中需要根据我市教育实际水平,制定切实可行的课改方案,切实加强教师培训,努力提高教师实施新课程的素质,并建立切实可行,促进学校发展、教师发展、学生发展的评价体系。  相似文献   

Numerous initiatives by private philanthropies and the US government have supported school size reduction policies as an educational reform intended to improve student outcomes. Empirical evidence to support these claims, however, is underdeveloped. In this article, we draw on information from a longitudinal dataset provided by the Northwest Evaluation Association covering more than 1 million students in 4 US states. Employing a student fixed effects strategy, we estimate how a student’s achievement changes as (s)he moves between schools of different sizes. We find evidence that students’ academic achievement in math and reading declines as school size increases. The negative effects of large schools appear to matter most in higher grades, which is also when schools tend to be the largest.  相似文献   


The study that is the subject of this paper tested the effects of EDI (explanation-driven inquiry) on students’ redox conceptual understanding and their misconceptions. Two classes of 119 10th grade high school students were involved. Two groups of students in the same school were chosen. One class that was taught by EDI teaching was set as the treatment group and another class that received conventional teaching was set as the control group. Students’ conceptual understanding was measured by a standardised instrument, and the students’ misconceptions were compared. The analysis of covariance showed that EDI teaching had significant effects on students’ redox conceptual understanding, and the results of the chi-square test demonstrated that students’ conceptual understanding level was improved by using EDI teaching. Also, after comparing the two groups of students’ misconceptions of redox, the results indicated that the students’ misconceptions changed toward deeper conceptual understanding in the treatment group that used EDI. Finally, some suggestions were made on how to implement EDI in the classroom.  相似文献   

大工程观教育理念是着力提升学生的工程素养,着力培养学生的工程实践能力、工程设计能力和工程创新能力。南华大学对人才培养模式的思索、改革和实践,能够进一步加强学生的工程教育。  相似文献   

李承斌 《天津教育》2021,(8):112-113
在今天新课程改革的教育环境下,广大教师受到了素质教育理念的影响,将阅读视作了践行素质教育理念的重要内容。基于此,作为一名新课改背景下的小学语文教师,我们应仔细思索新课改下的教育理念,创设出能够发挥学生阅读主动性的教学策略,从而培养学生自主阅读书籍的良好习惯,达到丰富学生知识储备、提升学生文化修养以及小学语文阅读教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

Collaborations between the K-12 teachers and higher education or professional scientists have become a widespread approach to science education reform. Educational funding and efforts have been invested to establish these cross-institutional collaborations in many countries. Since 2006, Taiwan initiated the High Scope Program, a high school science curriculum reform to promote scientific innovation and inquiry through an integration of advanced science and technology in high school science curricula through partnership between high school teachers and higher education scientists and science educators. This study, as part of this governmental effort, a scientist–teacher collaborative model (STCM) was constructed by 8 scientists and 4 teachers to drive an 18-week high school science curriculum reform on environmental education in a public high school. Partnerships between scientists and teachers offer opportunities to strengthen the elements of effective science teaching identified by Shulman and ultimately affect students’ learning. Mixed methods research was used for this study. Qualitative methods of interviews were used to understand the impact on the teachers’ and scientists’ science teaching. A quasi-experimental design was used to understand the impact on students’ scientific competency and scientific interest. The findings in this study suggest that the use of the STCM had a medium effect on students’ scientific competency and a large effect on students’ scientific individual and situational interests. In the interviews, the teachers indicated how the STCM allowed them to improve their content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and the scientists indicated an increased knowledge of learners, knowledge of curriculum, and PCK.  相似文献   

遵循新一轮基础教育课程改革对高中地理教学的要求,如今的高中地理教学的方法已经不能满足对高中学生培养的要求。教师要改变自己的课堂教学模式,以适应新课改和社会发展的需求。对分课堂教学模式符合新课改对教学的要求,可以有效地激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。在实际应用中,对分课堂有提高学生的学习兴趣、激发学生的学习积极性的功效。同时在培养学生的自主学习能力、引导学生的创造力和想象力等方面具有突出的优势。只要合理运用、灵活运用、据实调整,就能提高教学效果。  相似文献   

Recent attention to youth activism for school reform reveals positive student outcomes. Yet educators may object to the use of social actions in schools, diminishing opportunities for these benefits to accrue. This paper analyzes educators’ conceptions about the proper exercise of student voice within schools and how these coincide with activists’ tactics for school reform. The qualitative investigation rests on interviews with principals, teachers, community organizers, and students—all touched by a community-based program that encourages urban youth to organize and transform their schools. The paper seeks to bridge the perspectives of educators and activists in ways that enhance acceptance of a more robust role for students in school life.  相似文献   

提高教育质量、注重内涵发展是我国当前和今后教育改革与发展的核心任务。其中,学生培养模式是影响教育质量提升的关键环节。但目前我国各级各类学校的学生培养模式尚存在一些突出问题,如培养目标定位不清、课程内容繁难偏旧、教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式相对落后、学生培养质量保障制度不健全等,离实现教育内涵发展的要求尚有较大差距。学生培养模式转变是一项系统工程,牵涉到多重利益主体,其中教师、学校和政府是影响学生培养模式转变的最重要的责任主体,因此,学生培养模式的转变必须从教师、学校和政府三个层面着手进行。  相似文献   

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