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西方商业电视的经营意识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当今国际电视产业市场上 ,唱主角的无疑是西方商业电视媒体。这并不是一种偶然现象或历史的偏爱 ,而是缘于他们强烈的商业经营意识。商业经营意识有非常丰富的内涵 ,本文简要分析了其中对中国电视媒体有借鉴意义的五种经营意识  相似文献   

香港的商业电视比较发达,目前主要由两家无线电视台和若干家有线电视经营机构组成,其性质一律为持有政府经营牌照的商业电视。  相似文献   

隋代政府制定与实施了一系列的商业经营与商品贸易管理政策,来保证商业活动规范,为其商业的繁荣奠定了的基础,促进了封建经济的发展。其后唐朝商业的富强与繁荣,也在一定程度上取决于隋代政府的商业管理制度。  相似文献   

满红阳 《今传媒》2016,(3):137-138
本文讲述大连东关街老商号的历史印记,还原20世纪初东关街的"商业街"原貌;剖析老商号的经营理念,深度挖掘出东关街的商业文化中所渗透出的人本思想;通过与现代商业经营的对照,凸显出人本思想的重要性,启示现代商业经营要更加注重人文关怀,切忌因经济利益而忽视社会责任.  相似文献   

司马迁的《史记》记录了范蠡在治国和经商中的重要思想,留下许多很有价值的经商理论。文章就《史记·货殖列传》中范蠡商业经营理论进行了专题研究,并结合相关历史文献,进一步深入分析论述了范蠡的商业经营观及其产生的深远意义。  相似文献   

如何发展以及如何经营,是当前专业出版活动面临的突出问题。解决这些问题的关键,是需要专业出版的经营者拥有正确的商业理念和科学的商业逻辑。拥有正确的商业理念,可以解决专业出版究竟如何发展以及走向何方的问题;而科学的商业逻辑则可以解决专业出版究竟如何具体经营的问题。  相似文献   

连锁经营作为商品经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是把现代化大生产的原理应用于商业流通领域的一种便民利民的商业经营和组织形式。它于90年代初被我国沿海地区和大城市的流通企业所接受。我国现在的图书连锁经营最初就是从商业连锁店逐渐发展起来的。据1995年对北京、上海两地连锁店经营图书的情况调查,他们是从增加企业的文化品位,方便群众的角度出发来经营图书的,所经营的图书品种不多,以  相似文献   

论商业文献资源开发利用的现状和对策傅丽君(湖北商业专科学校)1商业文献资源开发利用现状近几年来,国内贸易部所属商贸院校图书馆紧密结合商业经济发展的需求和实践,已建立起商贸系统的文献收藏体系和文献保障体系,基本上满足了教学、科研、行政管理和经营对文献的...  相似文献   

由于当前杂志发行量的萎缩、网络对杂志的冲击、广告额的下降以及经营重心的逐渐转移,美国杂志出版商越来越注重品牌的建设和经营,在经营层次上超越"发行售卖""广告售卖",进入了更高级的"品牌售卖"阶段.本文力图收集美国第一手资料,结合前人的研究成果,综合分析研究美国商业类杂志的品牌延伸,概括其延伸方式和策略,希望对我国商业类杂志的经营有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

在新闻侵权案例增多的今天,媒体对所发布商务信息的真实性倍加小心,以避免侵犯他人名誉权,但内容真实也可能侵权,这就是反不正当竞争法中的“商业诋毁”。在大众传播迅猛发展的今天,经营对竞争对手的商业诋毁大多是通过媒体进行的,而媒体往往忽视了相关法律规定,常与经营共同走上被告席。下面我们看看什么是商业诋毁,以及媒体应当承担什么样的责任。  相似文献   

基于电子商务的网络信息空间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建一个简单的基于电子商务的网络信息空间的分析框架并讨论它的主体和层次,还围绕信息传递的各种机制着重分析各个信息主体在特定环境下的利益动机和行为方式。  相似文献   

网络环境下企业竞争的信息保障   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
网络环境为企业竞争带来了新的机遇和挑战。网络环境下的企业竞争的信息需求包括对竞争对手信息、竞争环境信息、竞争战略信息的需求。企业网络环境下竞争的信息保障手段,主要是建立企业竞争情报系统(CIS)和开发利用互联网络系统。参考文献10。图1。  相似文献   

基于共链分析图形化描述纸业企业竞争地位   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
假定两个企业网站的共链频次可以视作这两家企业相似性的一个度量。既然相似或相关的企业之间存在竞争,那么共链数据就可以用来描绘企业的竞争地位。选择36家纸业公司,从雅虎和雅虎中国上搜集到这些公司的共链数据,利用多维尺度分析法描绘出这些公司在纸业各个产品组中聚类关系图,绘制出社会网络图,用凝聚子群分析中的K-核分析出其隐含的子结构。从雅虎和雅虎中国上搜集的共链数据,可反映出全球市场和中国市场的情形,以上结论可以揭示出企业在这两个市场中的竞争地位。  相似文献   

International business dictionaries, both comprehensive and specialized, in English and in foreign languages, are basic requirements in business reference collections. However, very little has been written about them in standard business reference bibliographies and resource guides. This article exlplores the development of international business lexicography, leading up to a discussion of modern international business dictionaries, including their characteristics, acquisition, and availability in electronic format. An appendix of recent titles is attached.  相似文献   

Currently the literature examining formal business information literacy (BIL) instruction and graduate business students focuses on the collaborative efforts between individual librarians and business school faculty members to bring information literacy into the classroom. This article argues that all graduate business students need formal BIL instruction to succeed in their studies and as business leaders. The unique decade-long collaboration between Hofstra University's Axinn Library and Frank G. Zarb School of Business is examined.  相似文献   


The “Business Research Platforms” chapter describes the Web sites of business libraries at ten top business schools, ranked on research output by faculty. Highlights of each site are included.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify technological trends in academic business librarianship. Forty-five job advertisements were collected over a 5-year period spanning from 2007 to 2012. Ten technology skill categories were identified, and the frequency at which the skills appeared in the job advertisements was measured. This article also includes a discussion about the impact of technology on business librarianship and recommendations for academic business librarians and employers.  相似文献   


Geospatially referenced data is gaining popularity as a format for primary data in business, but few business libraries offer GIS services. This paper can be used as a guide for business librarians seeking to implement GIS services for patrons. First, a brief introduction to GIS is presented. Then, major implementation issues are highlighted and literature sources are presented for each. Discussions include the incorporation of GIS education into business curricula, GIS software choices, and WWW sources of geospatially referenced data sets and information. Finally, suggested readings are included in the appendix.  相似文献   

Most business law faculty agree that their students should be exposed to outside reading in order to broaden their understanding of course materials, better relate the law to practical business situations, and become aware of future trends in the legal environment. For these reasons, many business law teachers send their students to the library to research and write reports using various source materials, including cases outside the textbook, historical background material on the various areas of the law and current journals and newspaper articles. For those teaching at large universities with well-stocked libraries, the choices of research sources are many and varied. However, for those teaching at small universities or community colleges, the choices may be quite limited indeed. Often, at the smaller schools, business law teachers may be given a very limited budget and allowed to order only a few books a year. The question arises, then, for the business law teachers at smaller schools: "What are the most important research sources to have in their libraries?" If a priority list could be drawn up, those business law faculties would be able to use the little library money they do have in a more beneficial way. This article will discuss the library materials which business law teachers feel are necessary as resource tools, and the order of priority in which they should be acquired. The information supporting this article will be acquired by a survey of randomly selected teachers of business law in AACSB-accredited schools.  相似文献   

Martin Mayer's About Television (New York: Harper & Row, 1972 —$10.00)

Feedback: A Survival Primer (New York: The Network Project, 102 Earl Hall, Columbia University, 1972—donation requested, paper)  相似文献   

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