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重复率低却存在抄袭的稿件,其原因可能为单一的检测系统存在漏洞,新发表的论文上传数据库存在时间差,作者对稿件的有意识“修饰”,以及网络时代造假手段多样化.为此,文中提出以下措施:使用多种数据库进行文字检测,从查重报告中发现问题,建立有效的审稿专家数据库、网站教育和警示,充分利用网络资源,加快稿件处理进程,增强编辑的责任意识等,以利于更好地防范学术不端行为.  相似文献   

避免科技论文重复发表和一稿多投的机制与实践   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
针对科技期刊界论文重复发表和一稿多投问题较为突出的情况,建立了在稿件送同行专家评审前进行查重和在稿件刊登前再查重的机制.经过1年多的实践,避免了60余篇属重复发表或有抄袭嫌疑稿件的发表,并对一稿多投有所抑制.  相似文献   

杨春华 《图书馆论坛》2003,23(3):141-142
通过对一例弄虚作假、以抄袭论文申清查新被发现的案例分析,提出了科研管理、稿件刊登和查新咨询工作中应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

每一次给《西藏日报》投稿,我都会收到如此回复:1.为了执行西藏日报社党委关于稿费方面的规定,对于因缺少通讯地址而无法寄送稿费的作品,本编辑室原则上不予刊用;2.一旦发现有抄袭等行为的投稿者,本报不但永不刊用其人的稿件,而且要追究相关责任.  相似文献   

黄锋  辛亮  韦轶  黄雅意 《编辑学报》2021,33(3):289-291
针对读者邮件举报2篇文章存在抄袭的学术不端问题展开调查分析,确定文章出版性质.通过文章版面调查发现,两篇文章内容有90%以上的重复率,涉嫌整体剽窃学术不端.其中,一篇投稿时间较早而稿件出版时间稍晚,另一篇投稿时间较晚而稿件出版时间略早,一时没有确凿证据判断2篇文章谁剽窃谁,但从知识产权获得原则上对先出版者更为有利.相关文献调查发现,投稿时间早而出版时间晚的文章存在更早的出版记录,进而确定投稿时间晚而出版时间早的文章存在剽窃学术不端;进一步调查发现,投稿时间早而出版时间晚的稿件出版记录为内部非正式出版,后来该文投到《应用数学和力学》获得正式出版,并拥有相关知识产权.厘清2篇文章的出版性质后,进而提出学术不端处理建议.  相似文献   

张海燕  张和  鲁翠涛 《编辑学报》2017,29(2):168-171
以《肝胆胰外科杂志》编辑部2015-01-2016-07发现的疑似代写代投的86名作者的基本信息及其所投的93篇稿件为研究对象,分析发现:这些稿件的作者信息量少,部分作者手机号码与单位归属地不符,邮箱、用户名、密码呈以“作者姓名+后缀”批量化命名,与作者沟通也有较多疑点;稿件学术不端检测重复率虽低,但一稿多投现象严重,数据经不起推敲,某些特殊格式也有迹可循.通过对作者基本信息进行审查,编辑特别是初审编辑可以尽早发现代写代投稿件,提高工作效率,减少人力、物力和财力损失.  相似文献   

利用AMLC对《重庆大学学报》自2010年6月至2011年5月收到的163篇环境类论文进行检测,发现文字重复率≥5%的稿件有52篇,文字相似比集中在5%-40%。逐篇分析发现:有29篇存在学术不端行为,主要表现为引而不注和拆分论文;文字相似比较高部分通常为引言和结果分析与讨论,而环境工程应用案例因其特殊性而被抄袭的概率较小。指出AMLC检测的局限及特点,并有针对性地给出了编辑可采取的对策。  相似文献   

因特网学术资源及其在编辑初审中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾莉  吴惠勤  黄晓兰  宾仁茂 《出版科学》2007,15(5):21-22,58
介绍因特网主要的学术资源以及如何利用网上学术资源辅助编辑进行初审.编辑借助这些学术资源可以评价稿件的创新性,寻找对口的审稿专家,辨别作者的学术态度,减少抄袭及剽窃现象,了解作者的研究方向等.  相似文献   

吴丽 《新闻传播》2013,(12):209
原稿重投、自我抄袭、抄袭网络、抄袭教辅是编辑经常遇到的情况,本文就英语教辅类报纸编辑如何有效避免这样的"问题稿件"提出了一些可行性的办法,以期有效遏制此类现象的发生。  相似文献   

正1.稿件应具有原创性、科学性、知识性、资料性和实用性,论点明确、论据可靠、数据准确、逻辑严谨、文字通顺。2.论文3000-8000字符数为宜,来稿请使用word排版,并请注明作者姓名、单位、学历、职称、通讯地址、邮编、电子信箱、联系电话等,本刊使用邮箱投稿,邮箱地址见封底。3.论文的基本要素齐全,文章标题、作者姓名、摘要、关键词、注释或参考文献、作者单位等。4.所投稿件请保证文章版权的独立性,无抄袭、署名排序无争议、请勿一稿多投!  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To systematically review published literature on the role of reflection in the library and information science sector. To identify examples of good practice and to investigate the reported contribution, if any, of reflection by library and information workers as part of their professional practice. METHODS: Free text searches (reflective or reflection* or reflexion*) were conducted for English language papers on the Library and Information Science Abstracts (lisa) bibliographic database in two phases; in March 2004 for literature dating from 1969 to 2003 and between 2004 and 2006 in January 2006. Thirteen papers met the inclusion criteria and were coded and analysed using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Two categories of reflection exist: analytical and non-analytical. These focus on events in the recent and distant past. Non-analytical reflective accounts generally adopt a retrospective tone in reporting on multiple events over a number of decades. In contrast, analytical accounts of reflection focused on single events and attempt to understand the relationship between past experiences and how this might impact on future practice. CONCLUSION: From the examples of reflective practice identified, greatest personal and professional benefit is reported when time is given to considering the implications of past events on future practice, that is, analytical reflection.  相似文献   

Scholarly publishing scams and predatory journals are emerging threats to academic integrity. During the last few years, the number of bogus journals has dramatically increased, defraud authors by promising fast review and prompt publishing. The current research investigates the contribution of Iranian researchers in predatory open-access journals in 2014. In this research, a total of 21,817 articles published by 265 journals from Beall’s list of predatory standalone journals were investigated. Although Beall’s weblog was taken offline on January 15, 2017, data was collected between January and March 2016 when his weblog was accessible. Results of the study revealed that Iranian researchers have contributed to 1449 papers from 265 journals, ranked this country as having the second largest contributor after India. Surprisingly, institutions with the highest share of publication in predatory journals are among the most reputable and well-known universities of the country. Un-vetted papers published in predatory journals can hurt individuals’ reputation and be a base for future low-quality research in Iran and other world countries. To avoid being victimized by questionable journals, researchers should be more familiar with scholarly publishing literacy skills to recognize and avoid publishing scams.  相似文献   

Suppose there is a scientist that writes a paper for a peer-reviewed journal. How likely is it that a natural disaster will terminate, change, suspend or discontinue some aspect of this editorial process? To answer this question, the aim of present study was to determine the effects of a natural disaster on progress in materials science research. The Tsunami event in Japan and materials science are well suited to serve as a case study for both the development and application of a system to evaluate the Academic Research Output immediately after a natural disaster. In particular, the analysis focused on the short-term impacts of Japan's triple disaster – earthquake, Tsunami, and nuclear accident (11 March, 2011) – on the Academic Research Output in materials science subject from three different areas: Sendai (Miyagi Prefecture), Tsukuba (Ibaraki Prefecture) and Kyoto (Kyoto Prefecture). The last one has been used as an internal reference standard (normal/non-disaster situation) for the comparison. A geographical cluster-based study was conducted between 09 February and 10 April 2011. Consistent with the hypothesis that a disaster might slow down knowledge production, the conclusion showed that the Japan's triple disaster strongly influenced the Academic Research Output of papers in the selected field of science. Using statistical data, these findings show that the number of submitted papers and the cumulative number of authors contributing to the field of materials science decreased immediately after the March 11th events in the areas affected by disaster.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从内容差异来探索论文未被引规律,不仅是论文未被引现象研究的重要内容,也有利于扩展基于内容的引文分析方法范畴。[方法/过程]以CSSCI作为来源数据库,以图书馆情报与文献学为样本学科,依据该学科学者的h指数分布特征随机选择200名学者作为样本对象,下载其1998-2015年的所有被收录论文数据;下载样本学科1998-2015年的所有收录论文数据,并离析出对应被引论文、高被引论文的相关数据;以6年为时间窗口,将发表后1-3年内被引的论文定义为被引论文,其余的为未被引论文;析取未被引论文、被引论文、学科整体论文及高被引论文的关键词,按关键词频数从高到低排序,选取排序前50的关键词构成关键词向量,计算关键词向量的内积、欧几里得长度和余弦相似度。[结果/结论]图书馆情报与文献学领域在21世纪初形成较为稳定的研究内容体系,其未被引论文与学科整体论文、被引论文、高被引论文的内容相似度都较低,表明研究内容对论文未被引有重要影响。  相似文献   

与中文学术期刊相比,英文学术期刊对于审稿专家的遴选既有共性又有特性.如何快速、有效地将一些具有中国特色研究领域的稿件送达国内同行专家评审值得深入思考.以《重庆大学学报》(英文版)为例,分析2014年6月-2015年3月国内审稿专家的审稿行为,指出英文学术期刊在选择审稿专家时需首先考虑英文水平和年龄2个主要因素,同时综合其他因素,优先选择审稿周期短、审稿质量高的专家.  相似文献   

目的:通过对F1000医学版收录文献的分析,从专家视角确认医学期刊的价值。方法:按照所属期刊、年度,统计分析F1000医学版截至2011年11月收录的被推荐文献,根据各种期刊每年发表的文献总量计算各种期刊、各年度的推荐比并排序。结果:F1000医学版共推荐文献27960篇,新英格兰医学杂志被推荐文献801篇,排在首位。按推荐比排序与按推荐文献量排序,结果相差较大。结论:F1000医学版总推荐文献数量较少,能够帮助读者以最短的时间获取有价值的文献信息。推荐比与被推荐文献数量均可作为评价期刊的重要依据。  相似文献   

为了探索科技期刊对森林生态学研究热点的响应特征,利用“森林生态学+碳循环”和“恢复生态学+森林”2个专题的检索词,对截止到2006年12月31日的《中国期刊全文数据库》进行全文检索,并对检索出的论文分成试验研究类、业务指导类和综述类等3类。检索结果表明,这2个专题的论文分布可分为3个阶段:1993年以前,1994-2000年和2001年以后。在这3个阶段,试验研究类论文与业务指导类论文之比分别为0,〉0~1和〉1;在报道这2个专题的期刊中,大约有10%的期刊发表了50%的论文;随着研究热点的形成,参与报道的期刊逐渐增多。根据这些结果,提出了研究热点论文的组织和报道中的一些启示。  相似文献   

The aim of this research study is to examine the functionality development of the open source repository system: DSpace. The data on DSpace repositories' implementation practices were collected from the DSpace User Registry during September 2013–March 2014. A total of 545 repositories in the registry indicated specific system function customizations, representing 533 unique institutions from 95 countries worldwide. The findings indicate that U.S.A. and India are the top two countries to have adopted DSpace. The majority of the DSpace digital repositories are created by academic institutions, which indicates a strong representation of academic institutions in the use of DSpace. The major adopted system functions are statistics, Dublin Core Meta Toolkit, Manakin Themes, and language packages. Most DSpace members use the repository system as their institutional and learning resource repositories. The top content types are conference papers, research documents, and learning/teaching materials. The implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

To explore the citation evolution of papers published in the same year but different month, we selected papers from a discipline (physical geography), a subject (diabetes: endocrine and metabolism) and a journal (Journal of Biological Chemistry) published in 2005 as research objects. These papers were divided into six groups according to the difference in publication month, and we analyzed citations to these papers for the 9 years after publication. The results showed that within 5 years after papers from physical geography were published, the overall differences in citations of papers in different groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05); after that, the differences were not statistically significant. Within 5 years after papers from diabetes (endocrine and metabolism) were published, the overall differences in citations of papers in different groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05); thereafter, the differences were not statistically significant. Within 7 years after papers from the Journal of Biological Chemistry were published, the overall differences in citations of papers in different groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05); thereafter, the differences were not statistically significant. Citations of papers followed the same pattern irrespective of discipline, subject or journal: citations of papers published in the same year but different month were obviously different in the first few publishing years, but as time went on, only the difference in publication month in a calendar year did not affect the papers' longer‐term citation.  相似文献   

介绍了国内目前利用SCI进行科研评价的现状,指出了过分倚重SCI论文数量评价学术成就的局限性和片面性,提出了在避免科研不端的前提下增加医学院校和医院SCI论文数量的4种思路,包括寻找SCI论文新的增长点、发表多种栏目的SCI论文、开展国内外科研合作和创办SCI期刊。  相似文献   

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