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高校文科学报审稿机制的科学化问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
审稿不力是导致当前高校文科学报质量下滑的主要原因之一。为保证和提高高校文科学报质量,抵制学术失范和学术不端行为的发生,就必须从强化学报编辑对"三审制"的认识、建立以编辑为主导的审稿决策机制、实行学科专家复审和专职主编终审、建立审稿专家数据库、实行专家匿名审稿、缩短审稿时滞、有效运用现代信息技术甄别稿件等方面进一步完善审稿制度,使审稿机制科学化。  相似文献   

高校学报审稿程序的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学报作为反映高校教学、科研成果的学术理论刊物,其内容一般包括多种学科.编辑工作是整个刊物出版工作的中心,审稿则是编辑工作的中心环节,是保证学报质量的关键.针对高校学报来稿中普遍存在的问题、学报审稿中存在的问题和审稿流程存在的问题,优化设计了责编初审、专家外审、责编复审、主编终审的审稿流程,使得对来稿的处理趋于合理.  相似文献   

高校学报审稿制度是学报质量控制的重要保障,学报审稿制度内涵是什么,认识上和实践中存在着很大分歧,分歧的焦点是评判论质量的主要。一种审稿制度是以责任编辑为主体批评论质量,另一种审稿制度是以审稿专家为主体评判论质量。两都存在不足之处。以专家审为核心,初审、复审、终审相互联系,相互补充,相互参照的审稿制度,是比较公正、科学、合理并且具有时效性,经济性的高校学报审稿制度。  相似文献   

科技学术期刊的审稿过程一般包括:编辑初审、专家复审和主编终审,即"三审制".审稿工作是期刊编辑出版流程中的重要步骤,处于核心地位,对学术期刊的编辑出版质量具有决定作用.只有做好期刊的三审工作,并顺应形势的发展,注入新的活力,才能保证期刊的学术质量.  相似文献   

高校学报编辑快速处理稿件的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高校学报编辑在选择审稿专家方面存在的问题,从编辑素质、编辑初审和查找审稿专家方面展开讨论,提出了一种基于网络搜索引擎和中国期刊网查找审稿专家的方法。利用该方法,学报编辑可以很快找到合适的审稿专家,从而缩短了审稿时间。  相似文献   

加强审稿是学术期刊的风格及质量得以保证的前提。传统的三审制无法保证期刊的质量,使人情稿、关系稿泛滥。双向匿名专家审稿机制的引入克服了传统三审制的弊端,但在大部分学术期刊的实际工作中却流于形式或操作不当。重视匿名审稿专家的遴选,建立动态的匿名审稿专家库,强化稿件的登记管理及初审,加强稿件的复审及重视主编的终审是使双向匿名专家审稿制度发挥应有作用的重要保障。  相似文献   

高校学报是反映学术成果、动态、争鸣等的重要园地,工作在高校学术期刊的责任编辑除了基本的编辑出版责任外,还有相应的学术责任。在审稿流程中,责任编辑容易忽视自己的学术责任,初审敷衍,复审依赖专家,终审漠不关心,导致学术判断力日趋下降。责任编辑应认识自己在审稿中应尽的学术评价,把好“初审关”,优化专家复审程序,结合专家的审稿意见,提高自身的审判能力和协调能力,发挥自身在审稿流程中的主导作用。  相似文献   

许多专科学校的学报编辑工作,不能认真执行和坚持“三审制”,这其中的原因有:编辑认识偏颇;编辑能力、人力严重足;人情稿和权威稿的干扰;滥用责任编辑、放弃把关和编辑的角色主体不确立。专科学校的学报编辑工作要坚持“三审制”,必须强调做好几项工作:一审工作要做扎实、有高素质的编辑;二审和三审要审到实处;加强稿件发排前的二审和三审工作,增加编辑含量;提倡编辑的审稿对话。  相似文献   

为提高稿件质量和学术水平,结合《中国油料作物学报》近年来的编辑实践,阐述审稿流程中,增加学术论文退修后送专家“复审”流程的必要性,认为三类稿件需要复审,特征是:一,选题有重要意义,数据翔实可靠但分析不当,稿件质量有可能修改复审加以提高;二,结果与分析部分表述有偏差,需要修改和完善;三,结论存在争议,需要修改文字表述或完善数据和结果,合理展开讨论。指出增加复审流程存在提高成本、延长出版时滞等问题。提出提高编辑的专业素养、准确领会专家的审稿意见、做好与作者和专家的沟通、写好退修信等都对提高复审质量和稿件质量有帮助。  相似文献   

三审制是保证期刊学术质量的审稿制度。为落实三审制,编辑部在认识高校学报三审制内涵的基础上,归纳出具有鲜明性和可操作性的三审目的与内容,并给出了具体的三审工作流程,为提高学报学术质量提供了保证。  相似文献   

在马克思主义中国化的不同阶段,中国读者选取了马克思主义哲学中的不同理论。中国读者对马克思主义哲学的阅读是一种随着时代变迁的政治性阅读;读者在依附与创造之间存在一种辩证法;不仅存在创造性阅读,也存在教条式阅读。我们一直在重读马克思。  相似文献   

Reading is an essential activity for learning at university, but lecturers are not always experienced in setting appropriate questions to test understanding of texts. In other words, their assessments may not be ‘constructively aligned’ with the learning outcomes they hope their students to exhibit. In examination conditions, questions may be set with insufficient time for re-reading available texts, thus drawing more on students' powers of recall than on deeper learning and comprehension. Previous research has been undertaken on reading comprehension generally, but no research has yet explored the interaction of factors such as text availability (re-reading of texts), text layout, question type and respondents' language background. This study explores the correctness of 50 participants' responses to a set reading task based on an expository text, and participants' confidence in giving those answers, in relation to four factors: the effects of question type; text availability; text layout; and language background. The main findings are that non-native speakers of English have more difficulty and less confidence in answering implicit questions and that reviewing the text has a significant effect on response correctness for implicit questions. The form of text layout did not show a significant effect, however. Our results have implications for lecturers who set readings and questions for comprehension and others who use reading comprehension as part of their ‘hidden curriculum’. Further research in this area is required to determine more precisely the effects of language background.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effect of reading purpose on students’ processing behavior during a reading comprehension test. In a repeated measures design, sixty undergraduates answered multiple-choice (MC) reading comprehension questions in a condition with no overarching goal for reading and in an alternate condition where the same students were first provided with the goal of summarizing the text before answering MC questions. Results from eye tracking analysis showed that when students read and answered questions without an overarching goal, they spent much less time reading the passages before answering the questions, more time re-reading the texts while answering the questions, and more time on parts of the text that were not necessary to answer the questions. We conclude that providing examinees without an explicit goal for reading may inadvertently encourage a “search for the answer” reading process, rather than on building a coherent mental model of text content.  相似文献   

匿名审稿是目前各高校学报采用的审稿制度,该文探讨为实现学术公平,在网络时代如何实现匿名审稿方式。信息化网络化的发展会使高校学报的匿名审稿发生重大的变革,彻底改变原有的工作方式和手段,极大地提高编辑部的工作质量和工作效率,缩短学报论文的发表周期,从而更好地实现学术公平。  相似文献   

时下"核心期刊"的流行,导致高校图书馆出现很多种地方院校的学报很少有借阅甚至是无人问津的怪现象,这实在是读者借阅观念上的误区。其实无论是"核心期刊"还是非"核心期刊"都有可读的一面,尤其是普通类学术期刊和各级各类大学学报,对于刚刚踏上学术研究道路的大学生、研究生和广大青年教师来讲,更具有借阅的价值。  相似文献   

This paper brings together data on national policies for improving reading achievement with student reading outcomes according to the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009 data. It is based on a two‐step analysis. Firstly, the prevalence of national policies for improving reading achievement (i.e., specialist reading teachers, national tests for identifying individual learning needs and curriculum guidelines on reading comprehension strategies) is described in 32 European countries. Secondly, a three‐level regression analysis is performed in order to assess the relative impact of the analysed national policies. The results indicate that the provision of reading specialists for providing targeted support to students with difficulties and advice to teachers seems to be the most important measure. Moreover, central level regulation by education authorities can be an effective way to assure the right to a reading specialist for every student in need.  相似文献   

论学术期刊出版成本分摊制度的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国市场经济的建立和发展,学术期刊投资主体发生变化,导致了学术期刊办刊经费的短缺。建立学术期刊出版成本分摊制度,有利于解决目前我国学术期刊经费不足的问题。学术期刊出版成本分摊要求学术期刊主办单位和论文作者所属机构共同承担学术期刊出版过程中所产生的费用,当前所采用的主要是收取版面费的做法,但遭受到了论文作者的非议。要避免各种负面影响的产生,使学术期刊健康发展,在建立同行专家审稿制度的基础上收取审稿费则不失为一种折衷的办法。  相似文献   

本调查针对目前一部分特教教师淡漠读书的现象,采用问卷法和访谈法调查特殊教育教师阅读专业书刊的情况,结果显示特教教师普遍缺乏积极主动的阅读兴趣;影响特教教师阅读意识的因素有教师的专业素质不高、缺乏完善的对特教教师阅读的质量监督评价系统、教师缺乏较强的成就动机、教师工作负担重、专业书刊少等.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 103 articles from journals/periodicals related to science education submitted to the author over a period often years. This study sought to determine which journals/ periodicals were most popular, as indicated by frequency of reportings. It, secondarily, attempted to verify or refute the paucity of research data currently available related to journal/ periodical reading patterns on the part of teachers, specifically those in secondary schools. Finally, it attempted to study reading patterns within specific secondary school teaching areas, about which this author was unable to find any research. The findings indicated that there were several popular science education-related journals/periodicals. American Biology Teacher, the Journal of Research in Science Teaching and Science Education were the top three journals/ periodicals reported. Most of the findings of earlier research were confirmed.  相似文献   

数字出版是出版业发展的必然趋势,改变了出版流程、存储介质、发行及阅读方式、编辑功能等。高校学报应积极面对信息技术革命带来的变化,抓住契机,实现跨越发展。当前,学报数字化存在的突出问题是数字化程度不高、数字出版平台建设落后、人才匮乏。为了推动数字化进程,学报出版单位必须切实转变观念、优化资源、改变管理体制、加强人才队伍建设。  相似文献   

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