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The Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database, published by Thomson Scientific/ISI, presents an array of data that ranks scientists/health professionals, their individual papers, and the journals in which they are published, as well as countries and institutions that perform scientific research. By using this resource, it is possible to prepare ranked statistical lists. The resource covers 6,000 journals published in both the United States and from international publishers. Users should note that ESI covers scientific information in the broadest possible scope, so this is not just limited to biomedical topics and resources.  相似文献   

以Science Citation Index Expanded数据库作为检索对象,从发文数量、总被引频次、篇均被引次数等方面对军事训练伤研究领域1997—2006年间发表论文居前10位的国家(地区)、机构和作者进行了统计分析,从论文计量的角度反映10年来各国(地区)军事训练伤研究的学术水平和发展动态。  相似文献   

目的:构建2004-2013年糖尿病领域高被引论文主体的合作网络知识图谱,揭示主要作者、机构和国家,分析其合作模式。方法:用可视化软件Citespace绘制2004-2013年糖尿病领域高被引论文的作者、机构、国家合作网络图谱。结果:核心作者是Graham Nichol、SM Grundy和Hertzel C.Gerstein等,团体内部合作密切,团体间合作极少。核心研究机构是Harvard Univ、Brigham&Womens Hosp、Univ Sydney等,大学成为科研的主要力量。最有影响力的发文国家是美国、英国和加拿大,合作十分密切。结论:2004-2013年糖尿病领域高被引论文主体合作模式有单点型、双核型、发展型和完备型4种。基于地缘和机构属性的合作还处于摸索与探索阶段,应进一步加强地域间,高校、医疗机构、事业单位和科研机构间的合作与交流。  相似文献   

Palestine is a small newly established state in the Middle East. The objective of this study was to assess the quantity and quality of research output from Palestine after Oslo peace accords. The data used for this study were retrieved from Scopus database (officially known as Sciverse Scopus). Bibliometric analysis was used to identify the pattern of publication, relative growth rate, authorship pattern, collaborative measures, author's productivity, most prolific authors, and most prolific journals. A total of 3,585 published documents were retrieved from Palestine. A steady increase was observed after 2001. The h-index of the retrieved documents was 57. Fifty-three (1.48%) documents were published in Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, whereas 52 (1.45%) and 49 (1.37%) documents were published in Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology and Asian Journal of Chemistry, respectively. Half of the top 20 journals in which Palestinian researchers had published their articles were un-indexed in Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) web of knowledge. The highest number of documents published by a Palestinian researcher was 79. The main subject area of published documents from Palestine was medicine (717; 20.00%), followed by chemistry (551, 15.37%), and engineering (530, 14.78%). The top countries involved in research collaboration with Palestine were the United States (422, 11.70%), followed by Germany (381; 10.71%), and the United Kingdom (208; 5.83%). There was a significant correlation between number of collaborating countries with Palestine in one hand, and quantity and quality of research activity in Palestine on the other hand. The number of collaborating countries with Palestine increased almost ten-fold from 1995 to 2012. Research output from Palestine showed steady growth since the Oslo peace accords. Research output was high from certain scientific disciplines while was lagging from others. Future emphasis on joint research, international collaboration, and publishing in indexed journals is needed.  相似文献   

The results from analyzing the scientific output of scientists from the Novosibirsk oblast’ are given based on works published in 2005–2009. The analysis was carried out using the data and potential of the Web of Science (WoS) and, in particular, information about domestic and foreign science foundations that supported particular studies, Journal Citation Reports, HistCite software, and certain additional data that included official statistics from Rosstat and involved indicators derived from the journal impact factor and the aggregate impact factor of the WoS knowledge category. The publications by the scientists from the oblast’ were distributed according to 133 WoS knowledge categories. Research in certain trends in 48 WoS knowledge categories carried out in the oblast’ is in no way inferior to and very often is even better than the global science standards. More than 50% of the publications were sponsored by domestic and foreign science foundations: the scientific quality of these works was considerably higher than that of the unsponsored studies. The coauthors of the articles published by scientists of the oblast’ in the period were their colleagues from 83 countries. R & D costs in the Novosibirsk oblast’ are used quite efficiently: in 2009 the publications by the scientists of the oblast’ accounted for more than 9% of the entire amount of works published all over Russia, while internal research and development expenses were only 2.5% of such expenses nationwide.  相似文献   

莫愚  王旭  谢秋红  贾津津  程林 《编辑学报》2015,27(4):405-408
通过Web of Science数据库的“被引参考文献检索”途径,将中华医学会123种非SCI期刊作为国内大量的非SCI科技期刊的代表,统计其刊载文献被SCI期刊引用的情况;以被引文献数量大于50篇作为高影响力期刊的筛选条件,分析其中高影响力期刊的被引文献数量、单篇被引文献最高引用频次、施引文献数量、施引文献最高被引频次以及施引文献的国家地区分布、出版年份分布,从而了解这些非SCI科技期刊的国际影响力.基于这一分析,认为SCI期刊并非是获得同行认可的唯一途径,国内大量的非SCI科技期刊应走“立足国内,面向世界”的发展道路,以踏实做专业领域内有影响力的期刊为目标;同时呼吁国家有关部门能对现行科研评价指标进行调整,鼓励质量上乘的稿件能选择具有影响力的国内期刊发表.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析资源配置对高校科技产出的影响,有助于发现高校增强科技创新能力的着力点。[方法/过程]以新能源汽车产业为例,首先对我国在该产业领域的科技论文和专利产出总体情况进行分析;并将分析结果与车辆工程专业全国排名前10的高校的相关科研产出进行对比,根据对比结果,进一步分析这10所高校人力、经费、科技服务等方面的资源配置对其科技创新产出的推动和影响。[结果/结论]科技服务作为一种无形生产力,在推动科技产出、提升产业核心竞争力方面具有不可或缺的作用,尤其是以图书情报机构为主体开展的各种科技支撑服务。因此,在新经济常态下,面向产业创新提供支撑服务是今后高校图书馆服务国家创新战略的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

Do more distant collaborations have more citation impact?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Internationally co-authored papers are known to have more citation impact than nationally co-authored paper, on average. However, the question of whether there are systematic differences between pairs of collaborating countries in terms of the citation impact of their joint output, has remained unanswered. On the basis of all scientific papers published in 2000 and co-authored by two or more European countries, we show that citation impact increases with the geographical distance between the collaborating counties.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]学术成果被国际临床指南引用,作为追踪学术成果应用到临床实践的一种重要指标,已用于多个国家科技评价中衡量医学研究影响力。但我国尚未有研究探讨医学领域研究成果被临床指南引用情况及论文特征。[方法/过程]本研究以呼吸病学领域为例,采用专家咨询法确定国际临床指南,通过背对背方式对论文被指南引用性质和研究类型进行注释,应用文献计量法对引用情感、引用论文的年龄、研究类型等被引论文特征进行分析。[局限]本研究仅分析了成功被临床指南引用的论文,而已经发表的与分析指南所涵盖的主题潜在相关但未在临床指南中引用的论文数量尚未得知。[结果/结论]结果发现临床指南引用的论文知识周期中值时间为4年,93.55%为临床研究,100%为正面引用和中性引用,13.86%发表在影响因子在10分以上的期刊,51.49%被基金资助,63.89%为国内合作。本研究所揭示的指南引用论文特征将为提高我国临床医学研究影响力提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

目的:通过对2009年SCI收录浙江省论文情况的统计分析,揭示浙江省的科技研究现状及发展趋势,为规划浙江省科研工作提供依据。方法:以Web of Knowledge为数据来源,统计2009年SCI收录浙江省科研人员发表论文的地区分布、文献类型、机构和单位分布以及主要期刊分布、发文期刊影响因子等及其排序。结果:浙江省科研人员发表论文的期刊影响因子较低,发表在影响因子10以上期刊论文数量少。科研能力最强的是高等院校,其次是依托于各医学院校的附属医院。结论:2009年SCI收录浙江论文数量较往年有所增长,但发表论文期刊的影响因子较低,同时存在各地区、各机构科研水平发展的不平衡。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the current state of gold Open Access (OA) in India based on papers published in the Web of Science indexed journals. It specifically focuses on research output published in OA journals and examines the difference between gold OA and general research output for papers authored by Indian researchers. In order to analyze the Indian contribution of gold OA literature and compares with other countries, Web of Science?-Core Collection was used. There is an increasing trend of contributing research papers in OA journals by Indian researchers. Among the top 20 publishing countries India ranks 10th place in terms of the general research output, but secures 8th place in terms of gold OA papers. However, India's position in terms of share of gold OA publications is relatively higher than other leading countries of the world. Researchers in India mostly prefer to contribute their gold OA papers in Indian journals rather foreign journals and the proportion of gold OA research output in Clinical, Preclinical, Health, Life Sciences and Physicals Sciences is much higher than other disciplines such as Arts &; Humanities and Social Sciences. Since most of the research output in India is published in local journals, the study suggests further analyses of publications which are not published in Web of Science indexed journals.  相似文献   

科研合作是促进科学生产的一种重要形式,探讨不同机构之间的科研论文合著情况,可以有效把握机构合作的整体现状与特征,有助于提高机构合作的绩效。本研究基于2010-2015 年Web of Science 数据库图书情报学领域期刊发表的论文,构建我国图书情报学领域Top15 高产研究机构的合作网络,综合运用文献合著率、合作多样性、合作稳定度、合作绩效等度量指标,分析了机构合作的主要特征及指标间的相互影响。研究发现:我国图书情报学领域的论文数量总体上呈现增长趋势但论文影响力相对有限,香港地区的科研机构在国际上学术认可度领先于大陆地区的科研机构;科研机构间的合作对象不断拓宽、合作密度不断加强、合作论文产出不断提升成为我国近年来图书情报学领域发展的显著特征;国际化的合作团队、多元的合作对象和稳定的合作关系可以为科研机构带来更多的科研成果产出,提高其学术影响力。  相似文献   

高影响力作者的机构分布模式研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
高影响力作者是一个科研机构科研产出的主要力量,因此对作者的机构分布规律的研究是进行科研机构评价的主要内容之一。以ESI(Essential Science Indicators)的学科分类和机构与作者排名算法为参考,以Web of Science的基础数据作为数据源,通过对作者和科研机构之间关系的深入分析发现,在研究所涉及的4个学科中,总体上80%左右的高影响力作者就职于总被引排名前1%的机构。基于机构分层的作者分布分析结果显示,三个层次的高被引机构所拥有的高影响力作者的比例均维持在比较稳定的水平。在此基础上,提出以机构拥有的高影响力作者的比例为指标的新的机构评价方法。  相似文献   

An analysis of 393 papers published by Indian social scientists and included in Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) indicates that most of these papers are published in Indian journals. Some of the papers are directly related to problems faced by Indian society. A major share of the papers are in low impact journals and have a low citation rate. Anthropology, psychology and psychiatry are the strong areas in social science research in India.  相似文献   

国外科学数据影响力研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的/意义] 旨在分析国外科学数据影响力的研究内容与存在的问题,为我国在该领域的研究提供参考。[方法/过程] 以国外相关重要机构研究及项目成果调研为主,以Web of Sciences、Google Scholar数据库文献调研为辅,采用文献追溯方法,试图对国外科学数据影响力研究状况进行调研、梳理与总结。[结果/结论] 目前,科学数据影响力研究已经得到国外学术界的关注,其研究内容大致包括科学数据影响力的内涵、类型、关系、相关主体、评价方法五类,但其整体研究仍处于初级阶段。在借鉴国外相关经验的基础上,对我国科学数据影响力未来的研究发展提出培养数据引用意识与文化、加强基础理论研究与特征指标研究的建议。  相似文献   

以中国医院知识仓库期刊全文数据库(CHKD)为统计源,以河北省24家综合性三甲医院为研究对象,选择2001—2005年作为研究时限,应用文献计量学方法对河北省三甲医院论文发表的时间分布、地域分布、核心作者的机构分布等多项指标进行评价研究,揭示各地区、机构、学科及个人的科研产出情况及发展变化规律,为卫生行政主管部门及医院科研管理部门提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this research study is to examine the functionality development of the open source repository system: DSpace. The data on DSpace repositories' implementation practices were collected from the DSpace User Registry during September 2013–March 2014. A total of 545 repositories in the registry indicated specific system function customizations, representing 533 unique institutions from 95 countries worldwide. The findings indicate that U.S.A. and India are the top two countries to have adopted DSpace. The majority of the DSpace digital repositories are created by academic institutions, which indicates a strong representation of academic institutions in the use of DSpace. The major adopted system functions are statistics, Dublin Core Meta Toolkit, Manakin Themes, and language packages. Most DSpace members use the repository system as their institutional and learning resource repositories. The top content types are conference papers, research documents, and learning/teaching materials. The implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

通过美国科学情报研究所(ISI)建立的科技文献数据库Web of Science中的SCI—Expanded数据为依据,对2005—2014年郑州大学发表并被SCIE收录及引用的2937篇论文,从论文数量、学科分类、文献类型、来源出版物、合作机构、通讯作者及论文资助情况等10个方面进行了统计与分析,通过定量数据从侧面反映了郑州大学近几年的科研和学科发展,以期为学校的学科建设和科研绩效评估提供数据参考和支持。  相似文献   

运用文献计量学的方法,选取2004-2013年《中国图书馆学报》中的1272篇学术论文作为研究对象,从载文量、被引情况、核心作者、核心机构、引文期刊及被引期刊等方面进行统计分析,旨在从侧面反映近十年我国图书馆学研究的一些特点和发展规律。  相似文献   

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