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Book clubs and discussion groups provide opportunities for hospital librarians to reach out to staff from all areas of their facilities while introducing them to literature reflecting participants’ personal and professional interests. Librarians presenting these case studies have coordinated local book clubs where topics ranged from titles about the nature of healing, to leadership development, and patient-centered care. Some also included contemporary novels of interest to participants. No matter the setting or scope of material discussed, each group has provided unique networking opportunities for staff to meet others working in various departments of their facilities.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]掌握我国高校图书馆开展读书会活动的现状,分析其发展模式及存在问题,探讨高校图书馆开展读书会活动的有效策略。[方法/过程]通过网络社交媒体调查读书会的规模和数量,结合搜索引擎、相关研究文献、现场观摩及访谈等方法,掌握我国高校图书馆读书会的发展现状。[结果/结论]台湾地区高校图书馆读书会规模可观,发展成熟,仅亚洲大学每学期登记的读书会小组就多达306个。从QQ等网络社交媒体观察,大陆地区高校图书馆读书会(书友会的)仅40余个,处于快速发展的起步阶段,还存在诸多不足。大陆地区高校图书馆应从建立激励机制、强化图书馆学会的引领作用、明确图书馆功能定位等方面着手,促进读书会活动更广泛地开展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]当前国内的公益性民间读书会发展日益兴盛,成为推进全民阅读工程的重要支撑载体.由于民间读书会的公益免费性质,随着读者的增加和活动开展的频繁,其生存环境举步维艰.为此,探索民间读书会与图书馆进行全面合作是最佳选择,目的是解决民间读书会的生存困难,又能使图书馆履行推动社会阅读的责任,让人民群众从中受益.[方法/过程]在调研民间读书会发展现状的基础上,概括总结民间读书会在弥补青年知识短缺、沟通专业学术、培养公民阅读习惯等方面发挥的正能量;揭示民间读书会信息资源匮乏的困境;提出民间读书会与图书馆在场地、人力、物力等方面的合作策略.[结果/结论]民间读书会的发展应得到政府的重视并担纲主导,图书馆服务民间读书会责无旁贷,应为其提供信息资源方面的扶持并共同开展合作,同时要助力民间读书会数字资源共享.图书馆支持民间读书会并与其合作是一项双赢战略,促进双方共同发展成为全民阅读工程的核心力量.  相似文献   

Increased mention of journal clubs in the library literature and the recent creation of clubs at the authors' institutions sparked curiosity about how widespread they are in academic libraries. An online survey announced on library listservs assessed their prevalence and practices. Library journal clubs promote current awareness, analysis skills, group cohesion, and intra-library knowledge, and offer a low-cost professional development opportunity in times of budget difficulties.  相似文献   

关于编辑职业道德的思索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
编辑的职业道德既要符合一般道德要求,又要体现编辑职业的特点。它应当是编辑人员在编辑过程在形成和必须遵守的行为规范的总和。编辑工作中,在处现同国家、社会、作者、同行以及参加编辑活动的其他人员的关系时,应以编辑职业道德为准则。为了保证编辑工作的质量,编辑工作者除了应该具有很好的业务素质外,要加强职来道德修养。  相似文献   

概要地评述馆配市场的历史及发展现状,指出馆配市场目前存在着因高校教学改革带来的压力,馆配商存在非理性无序竞争及诚信缺失等问题。为了应对诸多问题,馆配行业应注重重点出版社及品牌出版社的新产品,实行专业化的服务,加强馆配行业合作,通过多渠道促进馆配工作发展;高校图书馆应该选准馆配商,及时跟进新的采购方式,分散对馆配商的依赖,注重馆配商的服务质量,做好招标工作,客观公正地评价馆配商,同时提高馆员的业务素养等。  相似文献   

曹桂平 《图书情报工作》2014,58(23):102-109
读书会是两岸高校阅读推广的重要手段之一, 台湾高校开展的读书会活动在促进专业文献与经典文献阅读、提升大学生综合素质、提高教学质量和发展壮大学习社群等方面, 已取得显著成效.通过对台湾大学等18所台湾高校推广读书会的情况进行调研, 分析其推广机制、运作机制及推广成效, 指出大陆地区高校推广读书会活动时, 应借鉴台湾经验, 发挥高校图书馆的主导作用, 增强高校图书馆服务保障能力, 建立和完善激励机制, 加强读书会相关理论研究.  相似文献   

无论是外部环境的要求,还是自身生存和发展的需要,图书馆都必须充分利用专业优势,发挥社会教育功能。图书馆可以利用读书沙龙将读者吸引来,通过特有的专业导读优势实现文献阅读价值的最大化。文章着重介绍了经典文学读书沙龙的开展对上海图书馆吸引读者群所做的贡献。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]揭示读书会的独特作用与价值以及当代读书会的发展趋势,以吸引社会给予读书会更多的关注。[方法/过程]通过文献调研和分析,归纳读书会的不同学说、历史演变和主要功能,分析读书会功能的发展趋势。[结果/结论]读书会具有5种主要功能:社会教育的营地、社会交往的平台、阅读推广的实践者、阅读指导的来源和阅读服务的手段,读书会的功能与作用随社会的发展在不断演化。  相似文献   

The curricular reform movement within education has called for the development of critical thinking skills within the academy. At the authors’ university, the outreach librarian has successfully facilitated several face-to-face book clubs with the goal of honing members’ analytical skills and fostering lifelong learning. As a means of expanding this effort to a formal academic learning objective, the outreach librarian was also virtually embedded into the course management system for several business classes. This article discusses a collaborative faculty/librarian use of online course-related book clubs as a tool for advancing higher level critical thinking skills such as evaluation and reflection.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过对当前各类网络化读书会发展现状、读者需求的研究,提出网络化是读书会发展的必然趋势,探讨图书馆读书会网络化建设的新思路。[方法/过程] 利用文献调研法对公共图书馆、高校图书馆、民间等举办的读书会发展现状及热点进行分析,并对读者需求进行问卷调研,以重庆大学图书馆"悦读会"系统建设为例,探讨读书会网络化发展的必要性。[结果/结论] 读书会网络化建设促进了读书会的快速发展,既适应了互联网+图书馆的新发展,又满足了读者需求,是图书馆阅读推广工作创新发展的需要。  相似文献   

Journal clubs are an effective means to increase skills in handling evidence and support the continuing professional development of library and knowledge services workers. This editorial examines the progression of HILJ Club, an online journal club, from an idea to the launch of a dedicated platform. One article is selected per issue of the Health Information and Libraries Journal with an open discussion invited following a brief summary and reflections by a host. Participation in HILJ Club is growing. Future success is reliant on wider engagement, and an invitation is extended to join in the discussions or even host an edition.  相似文献   

广东经济的崛起与图书馆事业的发展   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
文章用大量事实和数据论述了广东经济的发展为广东图书馆馆舍、设备、自动化数字化建设和文献资源建设提供了资金保障,使广东图书馆事业进入快速发展时期,同时也指出广东图书馆事业持续发展需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以现有图书馆借阅记录为基础,结合图书阅读相关性进行深入挖掘,探讨识别借阅场景下图书专业性质量和实现相应个性化图书推荐服务的有效方法。[方法/过程]利用图书的阅读相关性提出图书相关性链接关系,结合图书质量的迭代识别算法来识别专业图书资源。同时利用图书类别相关性链接关系,提出读者用户个性化模式的表达方法,并从长期兴趣推荐和短期兴趣的即时推荐两个方面给出个性化图书推荐策略设计原理和实现方法。[结果/结论]在图书质量识别方面,该方法更易于识别出专业性较强的优质图书资源,适用面比较灵活,也可以在限定图书范围内进行专业图书识别。在个性化图书推荐方面,发现不论长期兴趣推荐方法还是短期兴趣推荐方法,第二类用户的平均推荐命中度要高于第一类用户,在第一类用户中,最高相似度区间(75%以上)和较低相似度区间(15%-50%)的短期兴趣推荐方法的平均推荐命中度要高于长期兴趣推荐方法。本研究通过读者借阅序列分析方法识别专业图书并实现相应的个性化推荐图书方法,有利于改善现有图书馆借阅服务水平和提高读者的满意度。  相似文献   

数字技术的发展为信息检索和共享提供了便捷。对于古籍版本鉴定来说,在完善版本目录和建立书影库的基础上,版本鉴定成果得到整合与共享,用户可以时时处处方便的得到需要的古籍版本信息。与公共图书馆不同,高校图书馆面对的读者更加专业,与科研教学的关系更加紧密。因此,高校古籍工作者应利用数字技术为读者提供更加准确的古籍版本信息。  相似文献   

夏丹 《图书情报工作》2016,60(22):41-47
[目的/意义]研究以馆社合作的方式进行学术图书出版推广服务,以期提升学术图书的出版质量,促进学术交流与科学传播,推动图书馆与出版社的创新发展。[方法/过程]运用文献调研法、网络调研法,系统分析当前学术图书出版推广所面临的危机与机遇,总结学术图书出版推广国内外图书馆与出版社的合作现状及现有合作中存在的问题,提出馆社合作新模式,并探讨二者在新的合作模式中需解决的问题。[结果/结论]从搭建学术图书出版推广一体化平台、开展学术图书出版素养教育、加强数据合作、制定有效的合作政策、建立长期稳定的资金保障体系、建立良好的沟通协调机制6个方面构建馆社合作模式,使合作更深入、更专业、更高效,能积极促进学术研究成果的产生、传播与共享,推进学科发展与学术繁荣。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of blended learning – the fusion of face-to-face and online learning experiences – to implement an effective and culturally sensitive program of professional development in an Australian university working in a developing country. It sought insight into pertinent pedagogical approaches for staff development across multiple locations including across national boundaries. The project demonstrated how learners can develop new capabilities and approaches by building on existing skills and knowledge as they interact in communities of practice. The immediate purpose was to design and deliver a continuing professional education program to meet the needs of librarians working at RMIT International University Vietnam in the context of the demands of the academic community and in the light of the challenge library staff experienced in seeking to meet explicit and tacit expectations. The project ran from late January to mid December 2010. The research questions were: Is blended learning effective as an approach to continuing professional development when working across cultures in a multinational organization?’ and ‘What contribution do face-to-face and online components make to learning outcomes?’ The methodology used was an action learning approach. A 2009 consultant’s report into the RMIT Vietnam Library established professional developmental needs which were further detailed in February 2010 by the project leader from RMIT University, Melbourne using a skills audit. Workshops in Vietnam, visits to Melbourne by several Vietnam staff members, and an online forum were then delivered. Reflective practice and ongoing input from staff were utilized to form a feedback loop to modify the project timing and approaches as needed. Evaluation included participant feedback on workshops, tracking changes in Library services, a customer survey, a project-end survey of participants’ behavioral changes against learning topics as self-reported, and discussion with participants. The authors were actively involved in the project: Julia Leong as project leader and Loc Nguyen as project champion at the Saigon South Campus. Blended learning was found to be effective in meeting continuing professional developmental needs and in promoting positive changes in library service provision. Online discussions were effective for extending existing knowledge, gaining practical hints, and examining attitudes. Face-to-face workshops and visits were more effective for learning new material in a systematic way. It is recommended that consideration be given to applying the blended learning model used in this project to continuing professional developmental work in similar contexts.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):257-271
This study used a controlled experiment to examine the ethical decision-making of 99 professional journalists in the United States to see if they held different attitudes, made different decisions, and used different levels of moral judgment when stories involved children than when they involved adults. It found that these journalists were significantly more concerned with protecting children's privacy, keeping them from harm, and ensuring informed consent than they were for adults. But they did not use significantly higher levels of moral judgment for children than adults, nor did they withhold children's photographs significantly more often than adults'. The journalists in this study believed they were protecting children from harm but did not carry through with those beliefs. It is important that the news media treat children well because having children's voices in news stories is vital to understanding their worlds and reporting on injustices against them.  相似文献   

陈征  张昕 《编辑学报》2016,28(3):217-219
近年来,科技期刊界出现了对中文科技期刊和英文科技期刊不协同发展的质疑.文章分析了深层次原因,阐释了在”互联网+”时代两者协同发展对创新型国家建设的重要意义.并提出了对策:两者要结合各自定位做好长远规划:鼓励中文科技期刊出版机构创办英文科技期刊;建立双语科技期刊数据库,依托其探索中英文科技期刊共同评价的体系;进一步提高中文科技期刊在国际的显示度;提高英文科技期刊在国内的显示度;建立中文和英文科技期刊的沟通机制,组织高水平的交流、培训活动.  相似文献   

文章从新馆员专业成长与发展的角度,阐述了新馆员的环境适应、角色转换、知识应用、能力发展以及社会和图书馆对新馆员的培养和指导计划,宜从导师制模式、集中培训模式、进修研讨模式、个人充实完善模式来完成。  相似文献   

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