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学校学业乐观是教师群体对教与学的积极信念与态度及由此形成的良好学校氛围,由注重学业成就、教师集体效能感以及教师对家长和学生的信任这三个协同作用的成分构成。与社会经济地位、学生先前的学习成就等因素相比,学校学业乐观更能稳定而显著地预测学生的学业成就。学校学业乐观概念的提出及结构成分的确立源自积极心理学、学校组织行为学、教育心理学等多学科的理论与实证研究的支持。  相似文献   

教师信念与教师教学行为有着紧密联系,随着时代的发展,教师信念变得愈加重要。在此背景下,探讨教师信念于国、于民、于己的重大意义,继而分析了教师信念的构成要素。简单来说,爱构成了教师信念的基石,高境界构成了教师信念的途径,实践构成了教师信念的原料,环境构成了教师信念的保证,只有四个方面有机配合,才能保证构成完整的教师信念。  相似文献   

李霞在《教师教育研究))2012年第3期上撰文认为,信念、态度、行为是教师文化建构的三个维度。  相似文献   

从文化生态的角度来看,"双师型"教师发展是一个文化生态过程;其培养目标在于形成一种"双师"文化,即坚定尊重技术技能的教师职业教育信念、形成走近企业实践的教师态度、塑造行动导向传递技术技能的教师行为。基于此,"双师型"教师培养需要确立一种整体性发展的"双师型"教师文化价值观,创设基于团队的合作型组织文化,构建"学术文化、企业文化和教师文化"相融合的跨领域文化环境。  相似文献   

一、教师文化与班级管理风格1.教师文化人们普遍认为,教师文化是教师群体在长期的教育教学实践中形成与发展起来的价值观念和行为方式,它包括一个学校内教师团体所共有的信念、价值观、态度、习惯以及行为规范等,代表着学校的文化状况,是学校精神的体现。  相似文献   

课程内容的构成要素、组织原则与结构形式是新课程改革的核心问题。它表征了教师教什么、怎么教,学生学什么、怎么学。课程内容由知识、技能和情感、态度与价值观等要素构成;它应遵循“连续性”、‘‘顺序性”和“整合性”三个组织原则。为使各种要素有效呈现,宜采用纵向与横向、逻辑与心理、直线与螺旋等结构形式编排。从而构建“体现时代精神的课程体系”,使课程内容成为素质教育的真正载体。  相似文献   

一、教师的教育思想观念教师的教育思想观念是指教师对教育现象及其规律的基本认识以及在此基础上所形成的教育态度、教育信念及其行为倾向。它主要包括教育理论知识、教育态度和教育理念三个部分。1.教师的教育理论知识包括现代教育科学中各门学科的知识,它是构成教师教育素质的认知基础。它主要包括教育学原理、心理学、中外教育史、教师学、教育法学、德育原理、教学论、教育评价学、教育管理学、教育卫生学等。2.教育态度是指教师对教育和教育工作的认知、情感和行为上的心理反应倾向,是教师教育行为的心理准备状态。它主要包括教师对教…  相似文献   

越来越多的国内外研究者认识到教师信念会影响甚至决定教师的教学行为。基于美国临床心理学家George Kelly的个人构建理论本文确立了信念的渊源及含义,并梳理了国内外外语教师信念研究,尤其是国外对外语教师阅读理解的信念研究,而国内对教师信念的实证研究急需加强,最后作者为国内英语教师信念研究指出方向。  相似文献   

任运昌 《班主任》2006,(10):18-20
班级文化是教师和学生所持有的共同信念,以及由信念支配着的行为方式和处世态度的总和.班级自治文化是班级文化的一种,它区别于其他班级文化的关键在于,师生共同持有并支配其行为态度的基本信念是:学生乐于自主管理,善于自主发展,能够在班级生活中充分发挥主体性并实现有效的自我超越与创新.班级自治文化可从多个层面来理解.从内容上讲,它既有物质的,也有精神的;既有制度的,也有行为的;既蕴含在教室的桌椅摆放、标语张贴、墙报绘制等物化形态之中,也蕴含在班风、集体舆论、规章制度等精神文化形态里面.从性质上讲,班级自治文化属于学校的隐性课程,对学生具有潜移默化的正面引领作用.从功能上看,班级自治文化实际上是班级管理的一种特色、方法和途径,它凭借学生的自主管理这一主要媒介深入到每一个学生和教师的心灵,渗透于整个班级和学校的文化氛围之中.  相似文献   

信息技术教师的教育信念形成因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程改革能否落实到信息技术课堂教学中的关键,是信息技术教师是否拥有与新课程的教学理念相一致的教育信念。而分析影响信息技术教师教育信念的形成因素,是找到促进信息技术教师教育信念变革的有效策略的本源性保证。文章构建了信息技术教师的教育信念与其形成因素之间的关系模型,并对文化环境、教育培训、自我反思等因素进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

教育改革的关键因素是教师文化的变革,是教师价值理念、行为方式的综合变革。教师团队建设,是建设优质教师团队、促进学生发展和学校内涵发展的重要路径,这已成为教育界的共识且日益得到广泛的关注,教师团队建设在实践中也形成了多种模式。要加强教师学习共同体的建设,真正发挥教师发展学校的重要作用,打造一支学习型的教师团队,真正形成教师和学校共同发展的合作型教师文化。  相似文献   

Teacher attitudes toward inclusion of English Learners (ELs) in the mainstream classroom have primarily focused on explicit beliefs as accessed through observation, case studies, and self-report surveys. The authors explore implicit mainstream teacher beliefs about ELs using the newly created Implicit Association Test–EL, with correlations to explicit beliefs being made using the English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) Students in Mainstream Classrooms: A Survey of Teachers’ Explicit Beliefs survey. Findings from the IAT–EL indicate a slightly negative implicit belief about ELs from 197 respondents. Implicit and explicit beliefs about ELs were not significantly correlated, which is in keeping with current Implicit Associate Test (IAT) literature.  相似文献   

This study explored the beliefs about student engagement in mathematics of three Year 5 and 6 teachers, focusing on the shifts that occurred during a 10-week intervention. Data obtained from teacher surveys, interviews, video-recorded workshop observations and artefacts from teachers’ classrooms reveal variations in their reactions to the professional learning experiences. Teacher responses were mediated by personal and contextual elements including teacher efficacy beliefs, teacher confidence in mathematics and their conceptions of student engagement. Theories of teacher conceptual change are used to account for variations to teacher beliefs.  相似文献   

This study examines how various teacher characteristics and contextual factors are related to early primary teachers’ beliefs about mathematical teaching and learning and teachers’ attitudes toward their own learning of mathematics. A total of 396 early primary teachers across Nebraska participated in the study. Teacher characteristics and contextual factors were grouped into four sets: teacher professional background, teacher mathematical knowledge for teaching, teaching contexts, and students’ experiences. Multiple regression analyses were conducted with each set of predictors separately, as well as with all four sets together. The results showed significant relationships between teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching and teacher-centered beliefs, motivation in learning mathematics, and anxiety toward learning mathematics. Teacher certification level, the number of college math courses taken, and perceived support from colleagues and administrators were also related to some aspects of teachers’ mathematical beliefs and attitudes. The findings suggest the potential role of teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching in improving teachers’ mathematical beliefs and attitudes.  相似文献   

This study describes the design and use of a valid and reliable instrument to measure teacher candidates' attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and science and the teaching of those subjects. The instrument, Attitudes and Beliefs about the Nature of and the Teaching of Mathematics and Science, was developed for the Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation (MCTP), a statewide, standards‐based project in the National Science Foundation's Collaborative in Excellence in Teaching Preparation (CETP) Program. We report on two applications of the instrument: (a) a contrast between MCTP teacher candidates' and non‐MCTP teacher candidates' attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and science as they initially encountered reform‐based instruction in their undergraduate courses, and (b) a landscaping of how the MCTP teacher candidates' attitudes toward and beliefs about mathematics and science evolved over a 2.5‐year period. In support of current reform in science and mathematics teacher education, we determined that over an extended period the MCTP teacher candidates' attitudes and beliefs moved substantively and significantly in the direction intended. However, we also found that the non‐MCTP teacher candidates in the same reform‐based courses did not mirror this improvement in their attitudes and beliefs about mathematics and science or the teaching of those subjects. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 713–737, 2002  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a Local Systemic Change (LSC) initiative (N = 216) at Year 2 in a 5‐year plan. Key questions were: What is the extent of school and teacher involvement?; What is the impact on teacher preparedness, attitudes, and beliefs?; and What is the extent of institutionalization? The model of professional development used shared leadership (Lead Teachers & Study Groups) along with workshops in inquiry, content, and assessment. All teachers averaged 81 hours of participation by the end of Year 2; LTs averaged 161 hours. Longitudinal and episodic data were collected using multiple instruments, including Horizon Research Teacher Survey (Baseline and Year 2), SG and Lead Teacher surveys (Year 1 and Year 2), Context Beliefs About Teaching Science and Classroom Observation Protocol (Year 2). Gains in teachers' practices, beliefs, and professional culture (collegiality and department chair support) were measured at significance levels of .05. The results indicate that sustained and intensive professional development influences individuals and school culture. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 3–24, 2005  相似文献   

In this study, academic optimism as an individual teacher belief was investigated. Teachers’ self‐efficacy beliefs were measured using the short form of the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale. One subtest from the Omnibus T‐Scale, the faculty trust in clients subtest, was used to measure teachers’ trust in students and parents. One subtest from the Organizational Climate Index was used to measure academic emphasis. Pupil Control Ideology was used to measure teachers’ beliefs about classroom management. Constructivist teaching subscale of the Teacher’s Belief Survey was used to measure teachers’ instructional beliefs and practices. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Scale was used to measure teachers’ citizenship behaviour. Life Orientation Test was used to measure dispositional optimism. The findings indicated that teachers differed in the extent of their academic optimism. The findings also indicated that teacher’s sense of academic optimism is positively and significantly related to student‐centred teaching, citizenship behaviour and dispositional optimism. The findings further indicated that student‐centred teaching beliefs, dispositional optimism and citizenship behaviour emerged as significant predictors of individual teacher’s academic optimism. Lastly, the findings revealed that teaching phase is the only teachers’ biographical variable that is a significant predictor of academic optimism.  相似文献   

This study examined pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge of history of mathematics and their attitudes and beliefs towards using history of mathematics in mathematics education based on year level in teacher education program and gender. The sample included 1,593 freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior pre-service middle school (grades 4–8) mathematics teachers from nine universities in Turkey. Data were collected through Knowledge of History of Mathematics Test and Attitudes and Beliefs towards the Use of History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education Questionnaire. Results indicate that pre-service teachers have moderate knowledge of history of mathematics and positive attitudes and beliefs towards using history of mathematics. Their knowledge scores increase as the year level in teacher education program advanced. Males’ knowledge scores are significantly higher than females’ scores in the first 2 years. This situation reverses in the last 2 years, but it is not statistically significant. Pre-service teachers have more positive attitudes and availing beliefs towards using history of mathematics as they progress in their teacher education program. Females have greater attitudes and beliefs mean scores than males in each of the years. The results indicate that the teacher education program may have enhanced the pre-service teachers’ knowledge of history of mathematics by related courses. However, the moderate knowledge scores indicate that there is a need for revision of these courses. The pre-service teachers’ positive attitudes and beliefs towards using history of mathematics stress the importance of teacher education program in order to prepare them for implementing this alternative strategy in the future.  相似文献   

This paper discusses beliefs about teaching and learning chemistry. The sample includes chemistry student teachers and in-service teachers from Jordan, Turkey, and Germany. Two test instruments were used to investigate (student) teachers’ beliefs. A qualitative instrument was used to explore Beliefs about Classroom Organization, Beliefs about Teaching Objectives, and Epistemological Beliefs. A quantitative instrument was added to evaluate participants’ beliefs concerning the Nature of Good Education. The results show that Jordanian chemistry teachers and teacher trainees held the most traditional, teacher-centered, and transmission-oriented beliefs, while the German sample showed the most modern beliefs toward teaching and learning. Turkish (student) teachers evidenced more moderate beliefs, which tended to be between the two extremes, but that could still be positioned more closely to the traditional way of thinking. The results are discussed in the context of chemistry teacher education in the three respective countries.  相似文献   

Preservice early childhood educators begin postsecondary programs with established beliefs about children, children’s learning, and their roles as future educators. The present study examined 26 first-year students’ beliefs about children, classroom practice, and guiding children’s behavior. Participants completed the Teacher Beliefs Q-Sort (Rimm-Kaufman, Storm, Sawyer, Pianta, & La Paro, 2006) at three time points over the course of their first year of studies. We compared responses across the three time points to explore whether the students’ beliefs changed over time. Findings are presented under three main themes: 1) beliefs about children; 2) beliefs about classroom practice; and 3) beliefs about behavior management. Overall, findings reveal that for all three themes, at each time point, practices that are most characteristic of the participants’ beliefs are child-centered, whereas beliefs that are least characteristic of their beliefs are teacher-directed. To support students’ application of theory to practice, they should be given opportunities during their studies to voice, explore, and critically examine their beliefs in relation to philosophies and teaching approaches.  相似文献   

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