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我国台湾地区暨南国际大学1999年开始招收成人教育学专业研究生,在十几年的探索与发展中,逐步形成了注重学生个性化发展的课程设置、理论与实践相结合的人才培养方案、以学生为中心的灵活的授课形式、多元化的评价体系、立足本土面向国际的培养视野以及专业化的师资队伍的培养特色,对我国大陆研究生培养过程中的课程体系、教学模式、教育视野、评价办法与师资建设等方面提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

日本文部科学省为适应社会经济变革、以学生"生存能力"为培养目标的教育改革以及培养教育领域高层次专门人才的要求,在各大学设立了教师教育研究生院。其教师培养课程体系的基本框架包括两部分,即确定以实践能力为核心的教师教育培养目标和由必修课程、学科领域的选修课程及学校现场的教育实习构成的研究生层次的教师教育课程体系。其借鉴意义在于,研究生层次的教师教育应以培养"实践能力"为目标,应强化实践性、应用性课程内容。  相似文献   

略论社会科学研究生培养问题——兼谈学位制度的改革   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国的学位制度需要改革,要加强博士生的培养。社会科学有自己的特点,培养方式应根据学科的不同而有所不同。研究生的培养,要抓住招生、课程、学术活动、选题、开题、论文写作几个环节。对博士生应有更高、更远的要求,应立足于培养该学科某一领域的带头人。  相似文献   

日本高中的课程采用学科和科目相结合、学分制等设置方法,对学生综合素质的培养有很大促进作用。针对我国高中目前素质教育落实情况不佳的现状,通过采取对比的方法,分析其对我国高中的课程设置的启示,即应考虑学生需求,力求课程设置多样化、弹性化以及实行学分制,并在此基础上提出我国高中课程设置应注重实践能力、加强法制化建设等建议,力求提高我国高中素质教育的水平。  相似文献   

This study examines an innovative model program for the mentorship of diverse graduate students entitled the Inter-Ethnic/Interdisciplinary Mentoring Institute for Graduate Education (i.e., Mentoring Institute), which was established by the Graduate Student Diversity Programs in the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Virginia (UVa). The Mentoring Institute was created to promote an inclusive environment for graduate students from diverse backgrounds as well as to provide support for and increase the number of students of color who successfully matriculate and graduate from UVa. A comprehensive program evaluation was conducted that assesses the mentoring experiences of UVa graduate students who participate in the Mentoring Institute. The evaluation data reveals how graduate students’ involvement in the Mentoring Institute has positively impacted their academic and social experiences as well as their feelings of connectedness to UVa's professional community. The evaluation also assesses ongoing activities, professional trainings, workshops, and other support mechanisms provided for graduate students by the Mentoring Institute. In all, graduate students who participated in the Mentoring Institute evaluation indicated that the program has contributed significantly to their academic success, social well being, and feelings of connectedness to the UVa graduate school community. This study should particularly benefit administrators, faculty, students, and higher education professionals who are interested in multicultural graduate student development at predominately White institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

2020年高考英语天津卷两次笔试试题践行高考评价体系的考查要求,通过选择适切的语篇和设计指向学科素养的问题,精心设置情境。教师在教学中应依据高考评价体系和课程标准,加强主干知识的教学,提升学生语言运用能力,培养学生的思维品质,促进学生形成创新意识,培育学科素养。  相似文献   

美国的研究生教育国际化战略意识突出,教育政策法规及时跟进,广泛实行弹性学制;英国的研究生教育采取自由多样的授课模式和严格的考核制度,重视跨学科的综合研究。借鉴英美两国的研究生教育经验,我国高校应牢固树立国际化教育理念,加快推进研究生教育的培养模式改革,完善教育法律法规,切实推行并推广弹性学制;可尝试推进培养模式和授课模式的灵活多样化,整合跨学科、相关学科和新兴学科课程。另外,我国香港地区的研究生教育也有以下经验值得大陆借鉴:一是树立国际化的培养思想与教育理念;二是提升教师与学生的国际化水准;三是推行研究生教育体制改革与学科创新;四是设立与国际接轨的配套设施以及研究生质量评估体系。  相似文献   

从教学督导角度看,凡参与教学活动的各方均应参加研究生课程教学评价活动,建立由“学生评教”、“教师自评”、“督导评教”和“行政评教”构成的“四位一体”课程教学评价体系和运行机制,有利于实现科学、合理、公正的研究生课程评教目标,有利于促进研究生课程教学质量和水平的提升。  相似文献   

学前混龄教育是近年来教育研究的热点和难点之一。文章对中国幼儿园混龄教育的相关文献进行了梳理,研究发现:混龄教育课程建构的理论依据研究较缺乏,课程目标设计注重共性目标、层次目标和异龄互动目标的结合,课程内容的选择强调综合考虑全体幼儿发展的普遍性需要和各年龄阶段幼儿发展的个性化需要。课程实施突出实行多样化和灵活性的教育途径和具体组织形式。课程评价坚持课程方案评价、实施过程评价与课程效果评价三位一体的评价体系。研究认为,以后还需要加大对幼儿园混龄教育课程体系的研究力度,重视幼儿园混龄教育课程的园本化探索,关注农村幼儿园混龄教育的课程建设。  相似文献   

This article describes the resumption and development of graduate education in China since the end of the Cultural Revolution, the death of Mao Tse-tung, and the rise of a new Chinese leadership headed by Deng Xiaoping in 1976–1977. Based on field research conducted in China in 1980 and 1981, statistical documentation provided by Chinese education officials at national and local levels, and other primary and secondary source material, this study explores admissions patterns and statistics, admissions requirements, examinations and the continuing controversy in graduate enrollment, the stress on enrollment in science and engineering specialties, the different types of institutions training graduate students, the graduate curriculum and academic dissertations, the new Chinese academic degree system and the methods for conferral of degrees, and teaching and research employment patterns. The study stresses the interrelationship of graduate programs and educational and political debate within China since the mid-1960s, and the important problems Chinese graduate programs and educational administrators face in continuing the development of graduate education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine rural school district administrators’ satisfaction with distance education in the United States and to identify factors that may contribute to their satisfaction. Telephone interviews were conducted with administrators in randomly selected rural districts across the country. Analyses revealed that students’ preparation in their study and computer skills as well as the use of synchronous delivery formats were related to administrators’ satisfaction with distance education. Results imply that students’ study and computer skills should be addressed as needed and, when feasible, synchronous delivery formats used in order to possibly bolster districts’ satisfaction with and effective use of distance education.  相似文献   

美国在研究生教育发展过程中构建了一套完整独立的研究生培养体系,通过侧重学生素质综合评价的招生录取制度、促进学生全面发展和综合能力的课程设置以及层层考核的学位审核制度等先进经验培养了大批高素质人才。文章以哈佛大学等三所美国大学高等教育学专业硕士研究生招生录取制度、课程设置和学位审核制度为例进行对比分析,可以在一定程度上揭示美国硕士研究生教育的办学特色和优势,并为我国研究生教育改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前我国研究生培养主要采用导师负责制,以课程学习及跟随导师团队完成科研项目和学位论文为主。由于激励措施不足等原因,研究生参与创新创业类活动的积极性较低,研究生的创新意识、创新思维和创新能力都有很大的提升空间。因此,有必要建立一种兼顾导师培养、学院创新训练以及创新成果激励三位一体的研究生创新能力多级联动培养机制,以达到提高研究生创新能力的目标。  相似文献   

中关理工大学研究生教育课程设置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪国家间的竞争是科技和人才的竞争,担负着发展高新科技、培养高级专门人才的研究生教育,特别是理工大学研究生教育,必须不断地通过改革创新来适应社会发展的需要。其中课程设置作为研究生培养中的关键,更值得研究。比较研究我国与美国理工科研究生课程设置存在的问题与成功的经验。可以为改进我国理工科大学研究生课程体系提供些许建议和对策。  相似文献   

随着我国教育的不断改革,全国各大高校不断扩招,深化创新创业教育的改革,完成人才培养,实施创新,创业的教育方针和政策已经成为必然,而对创新创业教育进行科学的评价也成为一种需求,建立起创新创业教育的价值导向,质量标准,评价方式.同时,分析高校研究生毕业后的就业问题,人才流动等问题,如何促进研究生的社会就业机会.本文基于推拉理论的视角分析影响研究生进入社会就业的推力和拉力的因素,从而进一步的结合我国研究生进入社会就业的现象,提出了研究生创新创业教育评价机制协同推拉体系建设,进一步提升研究生创新创业教育的水平与质量.  相似文献   

通过对广西6所高校研究生德育工作的调查研究,表明高校研究生德育工作取得了一定成绩,但是现状不容乐观,仍存在许多亟待解决的问题,需要重视网络环境下研究生德育工作,采取积极构建研究生网络德育体系,研究开发研究生德育管理信息系统,壮大专兼德育工作队伍,加强对网络活跃群体的重点引导等对策和措施。  相似文献   

While quality in education has long been a significant issue, definitions of quality are often taken for granted rather than argued for, allowing the possibility that the criteria used by researchers and planners to judge quality may differ from local stakeholders’ perspectives, particularly regarding the place within quality education of the knowledge, culture and language of non-dominant groups. However, there is an accumulating convergence of research that calls for assessments of quality in education of non-dominant linguistic and cultural groups that engage local stakeholders’ understandings. This paper presents a recent study that attempts to do this, investigating the perspectives of students, parents, teachers, and administrators in Sunan Yughur Autonomous County, a multiethnic, multilingual district in rural Gansu, inhabited by several nationalities. Over one hundred participants in three schools were asked what was important for children to learn in school; including what aspects of local (minority) knowledge, culture and language should be taught as part of school-based curriculum. The study found three educational visions in local schools: regular urban education; Chinese-medium, multicultural education; and bilingual, multicultural education. The study also found that stakeholders support the latter vision, which reflects society’s actual cultural and linguistic pluralism, as well as much research on quality education for non-dominant groups. The paper concludes with a call for a comparative approach, both domestic and international, towards the investigation of quality education of non-dominant groups in China.  相似文献   

为保证工作过程导向职业教育课程开发的质量与效果,首先必须对其进行准确定位,这就涉及课程开发的取向问题。工作过程导向职业教育课程目标应以学生的综合职业能力和人格培养为取向,课程内容应以工作过程知识和学生的经验知识为取向,课程实施应采用相互适应取向和课程创生取向,课程评价应采用过程评价取向和主体评价取向。  相似文献   

美国、法国与德国的研究生教育历史悠久,很多办学经验是值得借鉴的,秉承培养科研人才的办学宗旨使得这些国家的研究生具有较高的含金量.我国目前的教育状况已经在一定程度上脱离了这个宗旨,部分学生的硕士或博士学位获得目的并不是为了从事科研事业,并且学位论文的质量也非常令人堪忧.研究生教育中存在诸多问题:学位变成敲门砖;教育中存在马太效应;教育过程严进宽出;教育模式一成不变;课程设置与社会需求不对称;科研精神不断弱化.为了改变这种现状,就需要不断完善研究生的教育制度,在净化科研队伍的过程中保证研究生的质量,使得传统的科研精神得以传承  相似文献   

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