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The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been mandated to “acquire and diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word. …” With this authority the department has taken advantage of continuing advances of communications and computer technologies by initiating several programs related to the electronic dissemination of agricultural information. For example, the Foreign Agricultural Service has begun testing the release of agricultural trade leads through the University of Nebraska's AGNET computer‐based network. The Agricultural Marketing Service disseminates updated market data on more than 150 farm commodities over its leased wire market news network; the system has 140 terminals linked by some 14,500 miles of leased wires. Additional projects described in the article include a pilot project to deliver market news information to farmers via public television, programs testing the electronic marketing of livestock, and the electronic mail network operated by the department's Office of Governmental and Public Affairs.  相似文献   


International trade in information technology involves political, economic, and military factors that are highly interrelated, making U.S. policy formulation a complex process which requires extensive data on foreign and domestic policies and technological capabilities. An analysis of U.S. policy for controlling the reexport of high‐technology goods provides an example of this interdependence. Four primary points are emphasized throughout the paper: (1) there seems to be only limited appreciation of how different issues get entangled in the international arena; (2) the data on which to base policy decisions regarding information technology do not exist in a readily available and usable form; (3) there is little understanding of the technological status and policy support for information technology in other countries; and (4) the people needed to analyze international developments and policies in the information technologies are not being trained.  相似文献   


In 1985 the Department of Household Sciences conducted research on Dutch households that use information technologies for domestic purposes. This research was part of a six‐nation research programme and was supported by the FAST‐II research activities of the EEC, and the Agricultural University of Wageningen. The use of three types of information technology was surveyed: home computer, Videotext, and Teletext. Analysis of the finding indicates the types of households likely to benefit from information technology in the future and groups households into three classes according to their attitudes to information technology—productivistic, hobbyist, and socially committed.  相似文献   


Like other technical changes, the new information technologies have inspired hopes and fears. The optimists celebrate the “technologies of freedom” and their potential for growth and autonomy, the enhancement of skills and culture, the elimination of unpleasant and boring tasks (Pool 1984). On the other hand, the pessimists fear dehumanized work, growing unemployment, and bureaucracy, with unavoidable threats to privacy (Mosco 1987; Robins and Webster 1983).

In the communication and development debate, similar polarized attitudes are to be found. The technological optimists of the so‐called “modernization paradigm” claim that the transfer of information technologies to the developing world will spectacularly enhance the process of development. Commentators arguing from within this paradigm point out that the transfer of appropriate information technology can contribute to the creation of new social structures that will adequately respond to the needs of the developing world. At the other extreme, however, we have the technological pessimists, “the Luddites of the Information Revolution” (Tehranian 1985, 21). Proponents of this perspective perceive the transfer of information technology as necessarily reinforcing existing structures and thus exacerbating politico‐economic dependency and the loss of cultural identity.

In our opinion, both positions possess partial truths. However, both are based on inadequate theoretical foundations—erroneous conceptions of the nature of technology and its relationship vis‐à‐vis society, and a misunderstanding of the concept of development. Consequently, the policy implications of each approach are less than helpful. Building on what we consider to be a more apt conceptual framework, the central argument of this paper is that the transfer of information technology can play a role, albeit limited, in the development process.  相似文献   

梁流涛  曲福田  诸培新  马凯 《资源科学》2008,30(10):1525-1532
构建了农户兼业对土地利用行为及其效率作用机理的分析框架,并在此框架下以经济发达地区的农户调研数据为基础,利用分组比较分析、单因素方差分析、数据包络分析(DEA)等方法分析不同兼业类型农户的土地利用行为和土地利用效率的差异。研究结果表明:兼业类型对农户土地利用方式和行为的选择有显著的影响,不同类型农户的投入行为、施肥行为、土地利用程度、土地经营规模存在很大的差异,从总体上说,兼业农户的资本投入、劳动投入、化肥施数量、土地利用程度等方面低于纯农户,在兼业农户中二兼农户又低于一兼农户;同时,不同的土地利用行为又导致了不同类型农户的土地利用效率的差异,从DEA效率来看,一兼农户略大于纯农户,并且二者都远远大于二兼农户,这说明农户适当进行兼业经营有利于土地利用效率的提高, 当兼业程度达到一定程度时就会影响土地利用效率。  相似文献   

This article uses a carefully screened patent database in automobile emission control technologies and a detailed regulatory action analysis to examine firms’ innovation in response to U.S. technology-forcing auto emissions standards enacted between 1970 and 1998. The study finds that under the performance-based technology-forcing (PBTF) auto emissions regulations, both automakers and component suppliers innovated and introduced more advanced emission control technologies for automobile applications. The study also shows that stringent PBTF regulation temporarily induced domestic U.S. firms to become more innovative than foreign firms that operated in the local U.S. market during the early phase of the regulatory regime. Findings of this research strongly imply that government intervention in the form of technology-forcing regulation can drive firms to invest in technological innovation.  相似文献   


A critical success factor for businesses in the twenty‐first century will be their ability to meet the environmental demands for complex coordination of action and rapid adjustments to volatile markets and global competition. Business teams are effective mechanisms for addressing the need for dynamic, flexible organizations that can effectively cope with complexity and turbulence.

Business teams are not a new phenomenon, but there is a new element in the equation: the use of information technologies (IT) to leverage team effort. Information technologies can enhance team performance through support of interaction processes by providing two types of functionality: coordination support and task execution support.

An agenda for action for moving forward a team‐based organization and use of information technologies for support of business teams is provided.  相似文献   

陈宏伟  穆月英 《资源科学》2022,44(6):1196-1211
政策激励和价值感知是影响农户节水技术采纳行为的重要方面,分析二者对农户节水技术采纳的影响有助于提升节水技术采纳率、实现水资源可持续利用。本文基于冀鲁豫1188个粮食种植户调查数据,运用双变量Probit模型分析政策激励和价值感知及其交互项对农户节水技术采纳行为的影响,并揭示农户节水技术采纳行为的代际差异和规模差异。研究发现:①政策激励和价值感知显著促进农户采纳农艺和工程节水技术,对同时采纳两种技术的影响由高到低依次为政策补贴、经济感知、农技宣传、适用感知、环境感知和灌溉水价。②价值感知在政策激励对农户节水技术采纳行为的影响中发挥调节效应,农技宣传、政策补贴、灌溉水价对农艺和工程节水技术采纳行为的激励作用均受到经济感知的影响,农技宣传能够激励高环境感知农户采纳农艺节水技术、高适用感知农户采纳工程节水技术,灌溉水价有助于高适用感知农户采纳农艺节水技术。③政策激励和价值感知对农户节水技术采纳行为的影响存在代际差异和规模差异,老一代农户、规模农户的节水技术采纳行为受到政策激励和价值感知各变量的显著影响,农技宣传、适用感知显著促进新生代农户采纳工程节水技术,小农户节水技术采纳行为主要受到农技宣传、政策补贴和适用感知的影响。④农技宣传、政策补贴与灌溉水价在影响农户节水技术采纳行为的过程中存在互补效应。鉴于此,本文提出应强化政府在节水技术推广中的作用,注重提升农户价值感知水平,加强对新生代农户和小规模农户的政策倾斜。  相似文献   

基于7省2 293个农户的调查数据,分析长期农户、有务农经验的返乡农户和无务农经验的返乡农户在农业生产规模和参与技术培训方面的差异。结果发现,三种类型农户在务农年限、年龄、受教育水平及富裕程度等实际农业生产决策人特征和家庭特征上均存在明显差异。无务农经验的返乡农户的耕地规模显著大于其他两类农户,且该差异主要体现在适合大规模种植的农作物面积上。同时,无务农经验的返乡农户参与技术培训的积极性更高,但是不同类型农户的技术需求存在差异。  相似文献   


Information and communication technologies have transformed the nature of scientific communication. This article examines the suitability of print, microform, online, and CD'ROM technologies for providing access to scientific serials by Third World scientists. Findings from an investigation of the technological and institutional options available to the scientific information system of Sri Lanka, a small country with a poor telecommunications infrastructure, are reported. Online is found most appropriate, principally due to the presence of a small number of scientists with a broad range of interests which makes the fixed‐price regimes of the other modes disadvantageous. Policy responses, including the setting up of an online information bureau to gradually build up domestic and international communication levels to justify the introduction of internal and external data communication facilities, are discussed. The recommendations are user‐centered and emphasize the need for continuous monitoring of technological and market options and flexibility of response on the part of peripheral players in the information market.  相似文献   

The study examines selected roles of the information sector in the national economy. Among the findings are the following: (1) the information sector conducts relatively little international trade, in comparison to its domestic activity. Roughly 12% of U.S. exports are attributable to the information sector; over 97% of the sector's output is sold within the U.S.; and the sector's exports account for only a small fraction of 1% of GNP. (2) The historical pattern of employment shows that the portion of information workers has risen from 8% of the U.S. work force in 1870 to 41% in 1970. Relatively little of this growth is the result of new technological innovations such as telephones, radio, television and, more recently, computers. Rather, the growth of public and private bureaucracies, which now total 26% of our total work force, largely explains the growth of the sector. (3) Unemployment within the information sector has consistently been lower than in either the manufacturing or agricultural sectors of the national economy. (4) Since 1967, the high technology elements of the information sector, such as electronic components, computers and telecommunications equipment have experienced appreciably less price rise than has the economy as a whole. However, over the same time period, the service elements of the sector, including finance and insurance, education and medical care, have experienced greater rates of inflation than has the economy as a whole.  相似文献   


The information age is bringing about a change in the world division of labor. Many of the great trading cities that arose during the Industrial Revolution as shipping, railroad, and financial centers are now facing new challenges, challenges brought about by global telecommunications. Information technology and the changing nature of business and government offer new opportunities and threats to these and other cities as they strive to acquire or retain treasured economic activity. Telecommunications and computation capacity are among the tools cities can use as they vie with one another for this commerce.

This study describes how U. S. cities are affected by these trends and summarizes some of the key technological and policy issues involved. Several case studies are reported, which show the various strategies used by large cities such as New York and Boston, progressive Midwest cities such as Omaha, and small cities such as Heathrow, Florida. Some preliminary principles of success are adduced.  相似文献   

李家辉  陆迁 《资源科学》2022,44(12):2470-2486
随着网络化、信息化、数字化的发展,以数字金融为代表的新兴金融服务模式在缓解农户借贷约束、信息约束以及风险分担等方面具有显著优势,对农户采用绿色生产技术具有重要作用。本文基于陕西省粮食种植户的微观调查数据,利用变异系数法测量农户绿色生产技术采用程度,运用内生转换回归模型,通过搭建反事实框架,实证分析了使用数字金融对农户绿色生产技术采用程度的影响和作用机制。研究发现:①使用数字金融能够显著提升农户的绿色生产技术采用程度,具体表现为在反事实假设下,使用数字金融的农户若未使用数字金融,其绿色生产技术采用程度将下降0.164;未使用数字金融的农户若使用数字金融,其绿色生产技术采用程度将提高0.222。②异质性分析表明,数字金融使用程度越深,其对农户采用绿色生产技术的提升效果越大;数字金融对文化程度较高、家庭收入较低、种植面积较大农户采用绿色生产技术的提升效果更大。③机制分析表明,数字金融能够通过提高借贷可得性、信息可得性和风险承担水平促进农户采用绿色生产技术。本文研究结论可在一定程度上为农业绿色生产技术推广提供新的视角和路径。  相似文献   


Since access to knowledge is a critical source of political and economic power, the new telecommunications technologies pose a challenge to business, government, and the academic community as well as private persons. The individual and social uses of the most recent technological applications in this field are explored in this paper; problems related to the harnessing of these advances to individual information needs and some of the policy issues generated by the new technologies are also discussed.  相似文献   


The management of our households and the way we spend our leisure time has been greatly influenced by the introduction of various household technologies in the 1980s and 1990s. This paper compares the extent and rate of adoption of selected household products in Australian households. The diffusion of colour television sets, video cassette recorders, compact disc players, microwave ovens and personal computers into various types of households during the 1980s and 1990s was examined. This study found that different types of Australian households adopted new technology at different rates. The levels of ownership of various household technologies were highest for households with children. In general, one-adult households were slower to adopt new household technology when compared to other types of households. This paper speculates as to why one-person households are slower to purchase the latest in cooking and entertainment technology.  相似文献   

We develop natural language processing techniques to identify the creation and impact of new technologies in the population of U.S. patents. We validate the new techniques and their improvement over traditional metrics based on patent classification and citations in two case-control studies. First, we collect patents linked to awards such as the Nobel prize and the National Inventor Hall of Fame. These patents likely cover radically new technologies with a major impact on technological progress and patenting. Second, we identify patents granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office but simultaneously rejected by both the European and Japanese patent office. Such patents arguably lack novelty or cover small incremental advances over prior art and should have little impact on technological progress. We provide open access to code, data, and new measures for all utility patents granted by the USPTO up to May 2018 (see https://zenodo.org/record/3515985, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3515985).  相似文献   

罗建利  郭红东  贾甫 《科研管理》2019,40(5):120-133
农民合作社的治理结构和农业技术创新的异质性特征,决定了合作社的技术创新禀赋独特。本文利用8个典型案例,从合作社的技术获取模式和技术溢出两个维度构建了合作社的技术创新模式:包括草根社会创新、草根商业创新、引进社会创新和引进商业创新。在此基础上,从可持续发展视角,利用三重底线原则,比较每种创新模式的经济绩效、社会绩效和环境绩效,并提出了相应的政策倡导。本文的研究为合作社的技术创新模式选择提供了理论基础和经验借鉴,为政府制定农业技术创新政策提供了重要的指导和借鉴意义。同时将草根创新分为草根商业创新和草根社会创新,进一步深化了草根创新的理论内涵。  相似文献   

We examine how the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), a recent U.S. government science and technology (S&T) program launched in 2000, affects the nature of university research in nanotechnology. We characterize the NNI as a policy intervention that targets the commercialization of technology and a focused research direction to promote national economic growth. As such, we expect that the NNI has brought about unintended consequences in the direction of university–industry knowledge flows and the characteristics of university research output in nanotechnology. Using a difference-in-differences analysis of U.S. nanotechnology patents filed between 1996 and 2007, we find that, after the NNI, U.S. universities have significantly increased knowledge inflows from the industry, reduced the branching-out to novel technologies, narrowed down the research scope, and become less likely to generate technological breakthroughs, as compared to other U.S. and non-U.S. research institutions. Our findings suggest that, at least in the case of the NNI, targeted government S&T programs may increase the efficiency of university research, but potentially do so at a price.  相似文献   

The adverse economic impacts of the 1962 Kefauver-Harris Amendments to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act have transformed the U.S. pharmaceutical industry. The key elements of this transformation include declining rates of innovation, huge increases in R&D costs and risks, lowered profitability, and an erosion of U.S. technological leadership. U.S. pharmaceutical firms must develop new, creative R&D strategies in order to cope with this complex and demanding environment. U.S. firms have responded to more stringent domestic regulation by sharply increasing both foreign R&D expenditures and initial clinical testing of new chemical entities at foreign locations.New patterns of project selection strategies have begun to emerge in the 1970s. As the total number of R&D projects has been cut back, pharmaceutical firms have focused resources on those disease areas with the highest epidemiological importance. To cope with the increasing riskiness of drug R&D firms have shifted dollars from research to development. Pharmaceutical firms are also likely to alter their strategies for discovering new drugs. As firms reduce explorative, basic research, more structured, engineering approaches will receive increased emphasis. Because individual drug companies are likely to have reduced capacity for originating drugs within their own laboratories, competition among firms for access to new compounds and research ideas is likely to in tensify.  相似文献   

外来职业农民和本地农户种植多样性差异及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫梦露  钟太洋 《资源科学》2018,40(9):1752-1761
种植多样化是传统农户应对农业风险冲击的有效策略,而外来职业农民驱动下的农业转型发展可能会与本地农户种植多样性存在差异。为分析不同类型农户种植多样性差异及影响因素,本文利用2015年在江苏省南京市通过农户问卷调查获得的393份有效样本数据,以农户种植作物种类数为指标测度种植多样性,采用Poisson(泊松)回归模型进行实证检验。结果表明:① 不同类型农户种植多样性存在显著差异,在保持其他变量不变的情况下,外来职业农民的种植多样性比本地农户少17%;② 种植面积是影响种植多样性的重要因素,种植面积每增加1hm2,种植多样性降低2.7%左右;③ 其它影响农户种植多样性的因素还包括农业生产决策者的年龄、农户地块总数和农户住地到主城区的距离:在保持其它变量不变的情况下,农业生产决策者的年龄每提高1岁,种植多样性提高0.9%左右;农户地块总数每增加1块,种植多样性提高4.6%左右;农户住地到主城区的距离每增加1km,种植多样性提高0.8%左右。  相似文献   

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