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20世纪60年代的美国,新闻学领域的客观性原则受到了前所未有的质疑与挑战,两种全新的新闻报道思潮——新新闻主义和精确新闻学借机横空出世,它们在报道观念和写作手法上,突破传统新闻学的陈规,给当时沉闷的新闻业注入了两股新鲜、异质的血液,在美国乃至西方各国引起震荡。所谓新新闻主义,“是深度报道的另一种深化,一种另类的行动。由于它横跨小说与纪实新闻两大领域,所以它又被称为‘非虚构文学’。”①新新闻主义与精确新闻学都诞生于20世纪60年代的美国。应该说,它们诞生的社会背景是相似的,但这两种新闻报道思潮却表现出迥异的特色,经历…  相似文献   

中国的改革开放与精确新闻报道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精确新闻报道,泛指以各种民意调查结果为新闻的报道,它最早见于1824年的美国报纸。本世纪6o年代末,曾任记者的美国北卡罗来纳大学的新闻学教授菲利普·迈耶首倡现代精确新闻报道之风。这种报道方式,实际上是记者将各种社会调查手段、科学统计抽样方法以及新闻采写技巧融会贯通来报道新闻的方法。这种报道不但能使新闻更加科学,给受众以量化的真实,而且能使新闻更准确、科学地分析和解释各种社会问题和现象,所以,很快引起新闻界的重视。1973年,随着迈耶《精确新闻学》一书的问世,精确新闻学派的形成,精确新闻学课程在新闻院校的纷…  相似文献   

精确新闻报道中的"数字陷阱"及其规避   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精确新闻报道,是指运用社会调查、统计分析等社会科学研究方法和结果来报道新闻,分析新闻事件.这种报道方式始于美国,一诞生就以确切的数据统计和严谨的研究方法给人留下了深刻印象,1973年北卡罗来纳大学教授菲利普·迈耶写作的<精确新闻学>奠定了它的理论地位,20世纪80年代全美几乎所有的新闻院校都开设了"精确新闻报道"的课程.  相似文献   

西方精确新闻学理论的内容及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精确新闻学理论亦被称为精确新闻体、精确新闻报道,是由美国学者、新闻记者菲利普·迈耶在20世纪60年代提出来的。其含义是:记者在采访新闻时,运用调查、实验和内容分析等社会科学研究方法来收集资料、查证事实,从而报道新闻。这一新闻报道理论在20世纪70年代风行于美国新闻界,后传遍世界各国新闻界。80年代,我国新闻界开始运用这种新闻报道理论和方法报道新闻信息。  相似文献   

新新闻主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代的美国,新闻学领域的客观性原则受到了前所未有的质疑与挑战,一种全新的新闻报道思潮——“新新闻主义”借机横空出世,它在报道观念和写作手法上,突破传统新闻学的陈规,给当时沉闷的新闻业注入了一股新鲜、异质的血液,在美国乃至西方各国引起震荡。所谓新新闻主义,  相似文献   

林伟伟 《青年记者》2006,(14):48-48
对于“过去之事,眼前之事,将来之事”,新闻和文学都有自己不同的方式来表现。新闻追求客观、真实,是新近发生的事实的报道,而文学可以是虚构的。历史上,新闻学理论界就新闻报导方式一直在讨论。主流则是以公正、客观的手法去反映社会真实事件。但随着新闻事业的不断发展,新闻的  相似文献   

New Journalism有译"新新闻学"或"新兴新闻学"的,也有译"新新闻写作""新新闻报道"或"新新闻报道文学"的."新集纳主义"是音译,是介于新闻和小说之间的一种写作体裁,意译以"新新闻写作"较好.本世纪60年代,美国文艺评论界流行过"现实与虚构混合"的理论,认为要真正反映现实,最好是用新闻的形式报道真人真事,但可以采用形象化的艺术手法,即用虚构的手法来写,于是兴起了"新新闻写作".这类作品的作者,被称为"新新闻记者"."新新闻写作"是用小说的技巧、文艺的笔法,报告所见所闻,既采用现实生活中的真人真事为题材,又允许作者在描写事实  相似文献   

精确新闻报道的理论起源以及在美国的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“精确新闻学”是美国新闻学的一个流派,因主张运用社会科学的方法和新手段采写新闻,以保证新闻报道的准确和客观而得名。虽然精确新闻报道到20世纪60年代末期,才在迈耶的推动下逐渐受到新闻界的重视,但精确新闻报道的历史,却是源远流长。本文试图从精确新闻在美国的产生和发展历程探讨其理论的起源及背景。  相似文献   

精确新闻报道(precision journalism)是由美国骑士报团的记者梅耶(philip meyer)于1967年首先提出的。1973年,梅耶总结自己的报道实践经验和理论探讨成果,写成了名著《精确新闻学》。书中梅耶提及社会调查法可以成为新闻的来源,正式把社会调查法纳入新闻学的范畴。他指出,在这之前,并非没有人用社会调查法做新闻报道,只是没有系统化罢了。 所谓精确新闻报道,是指记者在采访新闻时,运用调查、实验和内容分析等社会科学研究方法,来搜集资料,验证事实以进行新闻报道的一种报道形式。照梅耶的说法,社会调查法运用在新闻上,能公平地客观地反映调查事件的经过,去除团体偏见和新闻行业的成见,把直观变成真凭实据。  相似文献   

何为深度报道?美国哥伦:亚新闻研究生院的教程中谈到新闻报道的层次时,曾提出“三层报道”概念:第一层报道是事实性的、直截了当的报道;第二层报道是发掘表象背后实质的调查性报道;第三层报道则是在事实性和调查性的基础上所作的解释性和分析性报道,也就是新闻的深度报道。《新闻学大词典》给深度报道这样定义:运用解释、分析、预测等方法,从历史渊源、因果关系、矛盾演变、影响作用、发展趋势等方面报道新闻的方式.[第一段]  相似文献   

本科阶段新闻传播专业文学教育的改革是新闻传播专业教改的重要内容。它要求培育学生的审美与思维能力,使之具有较为深厚的人文精神。相应地,在本科阶段新闻传播专业的文学课程上,应树立文学作品与审美体验的中心地位,调动多元的教学手段,加大写作能力的培养,以及考核方式的改革。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):168-183
The increasing prominence of transparency as a news value warrants discussion over its effects in various forms of media. Literary journalism provides a useful platform to assess the function of transparency because of its position on the margins of mainstream journalistic practice. This paper analyses the function of disclosure and participatory transparency against the truth-claims of a book-length work of literary journalism. It concludes that while transparency is valuable in building a journalist's credibility, significant thought needs to be given to how disclosure transparency interacts with the rhetorical effects of narrative in sustaining the truth-claims made about a text.  相似文献   

方晨 《国际新闻界》2020,(4):134-155
以詹姆斯·凯瑞的讨论为源头,兴起于20世纪70年代的新闻史观变革运动推动了美国新闻史研究走出辉格式的、线性的、进步的传统范式。大卫·诺德延续了凯瑞的新闻文化史路径,将其进一步聚焦到以阅读史为代表的新闻机制史的范畴中。他的《新闻的共同体》重新定义了“新闻”与“新闻史”的内涵,从“生产的共同体”和“接收的共同体”两个维度阐发了北美新闻传统中的共同体精神。他的新闻史研究试图将文学批评、历史学、传播学、社会学等融合在一起,建立一种兼顾人文主义和社会科学的新的关于传播的历史。由于他的新闻史观是地方性的,国内研究借鉴时要注意可行性和合理性。  相似文献   

Germaine Greer’s print journalism forms a significant portion of her archive. It needs to be reassessed and recognised as having equal value to her other types of writing. Greer’s journalism powers much of this major archive and it is important to acknowledge that this archive is as much a journalist’s one as it is the archive of a feminist, a performer or a literary scholar. Greer’s own methodical creation and re-creation of her print journalism legacy into a series of records in the Greer Archive is also an implicit argument for the value of her ‘smalls’. As a recordkeeper, she has gathered up ‘the madwoman’s underclothes’, the hundreds of articles published around the world.  相似文献   

As fake news has become a growing concern since the 2016 U.S. presidential election, attention to journalism history offers a useful means for rediscovering strategies for both fighting fake news and shoring up journalism’s commitment to the truth. This article argues that truth’s value emerges from the conditions under which journalism is produced, both commercial and cultural. Looking at arguments about fake news published in news reports, columns, letters to editors, and advertisements in major metropolitan papers between 1891 and 1919, we recover the particular ways journalists came to define the problem of fake news, arguing that its emergence as a discursive object offered opportunities for conceiving of and articulating practicable responses across the industry. For contemporary practitioners, scholars, and commentators alike, this means that clearly defining and responding to the problem of fake news in ways that are both critical and contextual offer a means for recovering agency in the face of this crisis.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(10):1332-1350
The review of theoretical and empirical studies in data journalism has uncovered different conceptualisations of data journalistic artefacts. This quantitative content analysis of data-driven stories published by European quality news websites Zeit Online, Spiegel Online, The Guardian and Neue Zürcher Zeitung aims to outline universal characteristics of daily data-driven stories and to compare these findings with previous analyses of data stories and acclaimed data journalism projects. Results suggest that daily data journalism stories generally feature two visualisations that are likely to be bar charts. The majority of these visualisations are not interactive whereas maps turn out to be the most interactive type of visualisation. Data journalists rely predominantly on pre-processed data drawn from domestic governmental bodies. For the most part, data-driven stories are reports on political topics paralleling traditional news reporting. The sparsity of collaborative efforts and investigative approaches distinguishes daily data journalism from previous analyses of eclectic and elaborate data-driven projects.  相似文献   

Australian author Helen Garner has written three of the most debated literary journalism texts in Australia in the past 20 years. All book-length, all literary in articulation, all dealing with traumatic legal cases—but all with crucial missing voices. Choosing to write into trauma as both witness and story-teller, Garner creates a certain inter-subjectivity throughout her work: her voice is witness to others’ traumas; and as a character within the texts, story-teller of those traumas. But there is a recurring component of voicelessness in each of the three texts which will be delineated and discussed in this paper, with the principal focus on her latest text, This House of Grief: The Story of a Murder Trial. How does Garner manage to tell the story ethically when the main protagonists refuse her interview? With this absence of voice, is this text still an ethical rendering?  相似文献   

This paper explores data journalism education, with a particular focus on formal training in the higher education sector globally. The study draws on data from: (1) the 2017 Global Data Journalism Survey, to study the state of data journalism education and the requirements in terms of training and (2) a dataset of 219 unique modules or programmes on data journalism or related fields that were curated and examined in order to understand the nature of data journalism education in universities across the world. The results show that while journalists interested in data are highly educated in journalism or closely related fields, they do not have a strong level of education in the more technical areas of data journalism, such as data analysis, coding and data visualisation. The study further reveals that a high proportion of data journalism courses are concentrated in the United States, with a growing number of courses developing across the world, and particularly in Europe. Despite this, education in the field does not have a strong academic underpinning, and while many courses are emerging in this area, there are not enough academically trained instructors to lead and/or teach such interdisciplinary programmes in the higher education sector.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):138-152
In an era of fast and instantaneous journalism and concerns about the deleterious effects of speed, it can be easy to lose sight of the other kinds of journalism being practiced, other temporalities for its production. There has been little scholarly work on slow journalism, so the first aim of this article is, if not to define, then at least to describe some key characteristics of what slow journalism might be. It will look at how the term has been used on blogs, websites, public forums, and in the minimal scholarly literature available. It will also explore some examples by producers who identify with the term to see what slow journalism looks like in practice. The proliferation of independent journalism using Slow as a way of thinking about production suggests that we are witnessing a new alternative emerging in the mediascape.  相似文献   

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