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美国的研究生教育国际化战略意识突出,教育政策法规及时跟进,广泛实行弹性学制;英国的研究生教育采取自由多样的授课模式和严格的考核制度,重视跨学科的综合研究。借鉴英美两国的研究生教育经验,我国高校应牢固树立国际化教育理念,加快推进研究生教育的培养模式改革,完善教育法律法规,切实推行并推广弹性学制;可尝试推进培养模式和授课模式的灵活多样化,整合跨学科、相关学科和新兴学科课程。另外,我国香港地区的研究生教育也有以下经验值得大陆借鉴:一是树立国际化的培养思想与教育理念;二是提升教师与学生的国际化水准;三是推行研究生教育体制改革与学科创新;四是设立与国际接轨的配套设施以及研究生质量评估体系。  相似文献   

随着我国教育的不断改革,全国各大高校不断扩招,深化创新创业教育的改革,完成人才培养,实施创新,创业的教育方针和政策已经成为必然,而对创新创业教育进行科学的评价也成为一种需求,建立起创新创业教育的价值导向,质量标准,评价方式.同时,分析高校研究生毕业后的就业问题,人才流动等问题,如何促进研究生的社会就业机会.本文基于推拉理论的视角分析影响研究生进入社会就业的推力和拉力的因素,从而进一步的结合我国研究生进入社会就业的现象,提出了研究生创新创业教育评价机制协同推拉体系建设,进一步提升研究生创新创业教育的水平与质量.  相似文献   

In a recent paper on gender inequality in higher education Buchman and DiPrete (2006) assume that the decrease in the gender gap in college completion in the US can partly be explained by changes in the allocation of familial resources in favour of women. However, they do not test this hypothesis empirically. In this paper I examine the effects of sibling sex composition on the graduation of women in more detail by analysing data from the German Life History Study. I assume that resources are the key issue to explaining the effects of sibling configuration on educational attainment. Tertiary education is a good case for testing sex composition effects due to the unequal distribution of resources between and within families, because the direct costs and opportunity costs of higher education are relatively high compared to those of earlier educational decisions. Accordingly, I expect that working class daughters are most likely to be disadvantaged if they are raised with brothers. The empirical results show that in fact, not the presence of a brother as such hinders educational attainment of sisters, but older brothers have a negative influence on their sisters chances of graduation. In accordance to the hypothesis, this effect is stronger for university graduation than for graduation at Fachhochschule. For social class differences in sibling effects it turns out that working class daughters are particularly less likely to graduate compared to service class daughters if there are older brothers in the family.  相似文献   

This article considers the counter-intuitive observation that some of the wealthiest nations can feature low tertiary graduation rates (e.g. Austria, Germany, and Switzerland). It also considers the observation that many countries with high tertiary graduation rates show low levels of social equity, while many countries with low tertiary graduation rates show high levels of social equity. These observations are considered through the lenses of institutional perspectives, and specifically welfare and production régime theories. The analysis elaborates on educational attainment, patterns and key aspects of economic functioning and development, and educational attainment patterns and their relationship to social inequality.  相似文献   

在“维护国家和民族统一的教育空间”思想的引领下,俄罗斯于2001年在5个联邦主体首次实行了国家统一考试,这标志着其高等学校招生考试制度改革的开始。国家统一考试是由俄罗斯联邦教育部为公共教育机构11或12年级的学生组织的完全中等教育阶段的毕业考试和升入高等学校的入学考试,由联邦教育部组织人员统一命题,在规定的时间、地点同时进行。此次改革分区域、分阶段进行,同时保留了部分高等学校自主招生的权力,为高等教育的发展留下了广阔的空间。  相似文献   

Growing accountability pressures, accompanied by a lack of readily accessible measures of institutional performance, have led to an increasing focus on graduation rates. Although previous research has illuminated myriad factors influencing students’ likelihood of educational success, it has not paid adequate attention to how state contexts may shape student outcomes. I build on the small but growing body of research exploring the role of state characteristics in facilitating student success in higher education. Controlling for a range of state and individual attributes, I examine how one aspect of the state context––the distribution of enrollments in 2 vs. 4-year public institutions––is related to bachelor’s degree attainment of students attending public 4-year colleges and universities. The results suggest that the larger the proportion of students attending community colleges in a state, the higher the probability of bachelor’s degree attainment at public 4-year institutions. This appears to be a product of student sorting: the presence of community colleges facilitates sorting of students into higher education in a way that is associated with higher degree completion at public 4-year institutions. These findings have important implications for research on student outcomes and policies aimed at evaluating the performance of public 4-year institutions.  相似文献   

Learning disabled youth in the Child and Young Adult samples of the NLSY79 are more likely to graduate from high school than peers with the same measured cognitive ability, a difference that cannot be explained by differences in noncognitive skills, families, or school resources. Instead, I find that learning disabled students graduate from high school at higher rates than youth with the same cognitive abilities because of high school graduation policies that make it easier for learning disabled youth to obtain a high school diploma. The effects of these graduation policies are even more remarkable given that I find evidence that learning disabled youth have less unmeasured human capital than observationally equivalent youth as after high school they are less likely to be employed or continue on to college and earn less than their observationally equivalent non-learning disabled peers.  相似文献   

Despite the trend toward increased enrollment of minority graduate students in universities, low retention and graduation rates continue to be a problem. Many universities operate at status quo, without making efforts to accommodate to the needs of minority students to help them continue their studies and finish graduate degrees. Rather than making an effort to help students become part of the culture, these universities expect the student to change to fit the institutional academic environment. This article describes the development, implementation, and assessment of the Graduate Mentorship Program (GMP) in the School of Education at the University of California-Berkeley, which addresses this critical issue and provides a support system for students who come from varied backgrounds. In the article, we discuss the unique structure of the organization and the principles and implementation mechanisms by which GMP functions. Finally, we provide an assessment of the program and the challenges it has faced throughout its life span.  相似文献   

One of the most troubling issues facing policymakers and educators at all levels is the educational attainment of students in at-risk circumstances—in broken homes, in poverty, in criminal environments, and so on. Educators in elementary and secondary schools have attempted to decrease the drop-out rates and increase the academic success of these students, and higher education personnel have struggled to recruit and retain them through graduation. In both settings, a consistent finding is that a student's educational plans or aspirations play a pivotal role in actual attainment. As noted by Schmit and Hossler (1995), in a 9-year longitudinal study, "plans made during ninth-grade [high school graduation, enrollment in a college or university, or entrance into the workforce are stable across a student's high school career" (p. 25).  相似文献   

To illuminate how within-family differences in achievement may emerge, this study examined sibling experiences in middle childhood as predictors of sibling differences in college graduation. First- and second-borns from 152 families reported on their experiences with siblings and parents at ages 11.80 (SD = 0.56) and 9.22 (SD = 0.90), respectively, and on their educational attainment at about age 26. Significant childhood predictors of sibling differences in college graduation status included low sibling warmth, fathers’ differential time spent with siblings, and perceived unfair differential treatment by parents. Findings suggest long-term implications of early sibling dynamics for educational attainment and provided novel insights into families’ role in achievement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is some factor or set of factors which will predict the probability of graduation from doctoral programs. This study concentrated on two areas: (a) the factors available to the selection committee when the students apply for admission into graduate programs, and (b) those factors emerging after admission, resulting from the students' meeting program-imposed requirements for graduation. Data were collected from the file of each student admitted to the doctoral program in Educational Administration. The results of the study indicated that program variables are more important than admission variables in predicting graduation. and the technique of Path Analysis is highly recommended to study the problem of student progression through graduate departments.  相似文献   


Entrepreneurship education in the strongly emerging market of Malaysia was examined throughout the country’s 20 public universities. A broad based interview process amongst multiple stakeholders profiled educational policies as well as revealing shortcomings in practice. Observers noted that students showed a preference for salaried jobs after graduation rather than setting up their own businesses, despite participation in entrepreneurship classes and programmes. Policymakers indicated that curricula had deficiencies despite their hype. Passive lectures were far more common than more interactive methods. It is suggested that if Malaysian universities are to promote entrepreneurship education in an effective way, they must address these issues.


高校人才培养质量,是学校生源、教师教学、学生学习、满足社会需求等综合质量的反映,毕业率是教学质量的衡量标准之一。以985高校本科生毕业率来看,年均保持在90%以上,仍有近10%的本科生未能如愿毕业。笔者以某985高校学院本科生学籍数据为依据,从教学模式、培养方案、教师团队、学生自身等四个方面对未毕业原因进行剖析,从心理健康、学业管理、教学改革、管理创新等四个方面高校教务管理问题分析对本科生毕业率的影响,提出提高本科毕业率的措施和建议,为提升行业人才培养质量提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined the effect of taking a learning strategies course on grade point average, retention, and graduation rate of 351 first-year students over their first 4 terms in comparison with 351 matched non–course takers. The course taught 4 learning strategies and 8 substrategies to help students overcome procrastination, build self-confidence, take responsibility, learn from lecture and text, prepare for exams, write papers, and manage their lives. First-year students who took the course in their first term had statistically significantly higher grade point averages in each of their first 4 terms. They also demonstrated statistically significantly higher retention rates and were six times more likely to be retained. In addition, they had statistically significantly higher graduation rates than did their matched controls. In particular, graduation rates were 50% higher for students initially in academic difficulty. These findings reveal the value of teaching learning strategies to first-year students by means of a structured course based on educational psychology. This research holds potential importance for other universities and colleges seeking to improve the performance and persistence of first-year students.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the enrollment responses of traditional undergraduate students to the introduction of government-provided tuition subsidies, but far less attention has been devoted to the elasticity of demand for graduate education. This paper examines how the tax code and government education policies affect graduate enrollment and persistence rates along with the ways in which students fund their graduate education. Our empirical methodology is based on exogenous variations in the availability of an income tax exemption for employer-provided tuition assistance for graduate courses. We find that graduate attendance among full-time workers age 24–30 is higher when the tax exemption is available, mostly due to higher persistence in public universities and vocational course work. The use of employer aid for individuals enrolled in full-time and public part-time graduate programs also increases. We present some evidence that universities may adjust tuition to capture part of the incidence.  相似文献   

随着新的中小学《音乐课程新标准》的推出,对高师音乐教育人才的培养模式提出了新的挑战。针对高师音乐教育的现状,必须加强对高师音乐专业学生的人文素质的培养,加大高师音乐教育专业的教学改革力度,使高师音乐教育专业的学生毕业后能更好地为中小学音乐教育服务。  相似文献   

Two out of three Swiss and foreign students enrolled in Swiss higher education institutions pass their final examinations and graduate before leaving their universities, or so was the conclusion of a study undertaken of 9,800 persons born in 1956. Those programmes of study leading to specific careers have higher success rates than those for which professional opportunities are less precise, like programmes in musicology and in art history. The statistics accumulated on the one‐third who have not graduated indicate among other things that very few (3%) can be qualified as perpetual students. Some have prolonged their studies by taking interdisciplinary courses or by changing study subjects or universities. Others arc still enrolled because they began their university studies having worked several years after their high school graduation. Many of the students in these categories will eventually graduate. Of the actual drop‐outs, few are outright failures. Some have simply continued their studies outside Switzerland; others have entered employment, having acquired the necessary practical knowledge‐specialists in computer science, for instance. A few will re‐enroll and graduate. Some students leave because of personal or financial crises. Finally, however, one cannot deny that the process of selection continues throughout the whole period of one's formal education, including university studies.


This paper exploits idiosyncratic variations in school cohorts’ gender composition to investigate the short and long-term effects of school peers’ gender. Using French administrative data over the 2008–2012 period, it shows that the proportion of female peers’ in middle school not only affects students’ contemporaneous performance but also influences their subsequent educational attainment. More specifically, a larger share of girls among school peers increases girls’ test scores, reduces their dropout rates and increases their probability to graduate from high school several years later, especially in the scientific track. By contrast, it increases boys’ probability to attend a vocational school and decreases their high school graduation rate. I find suggestive evidence that these effects partially operate through a negative effect of opposite-gender peers on students’ school behaviour and through an adjustment of teacher behaviour based on the gender composition of the classroom.  相似文献   

College retention is a concern for educational institutions and researchers. This concern is particularly acute in engineering for reasons including workforce shortages, economic competitiveness, social justice, and socioeconomic equity. This study presents the evaluation of co-enrollment density (CeD) for engineering students at eight medium and large American public universities over 24 years. CeD is a novel metric estimated using enrollment records that may predict retention in 4-year bachelor of science programs in engineering. Graduation and persistence were fitted to CeD with logistic regression. Students in denser co-enrollment clusters—high CeD—tend to graduate more than their classmates in less dense neighborhoods—low CeD. The regression models predict graduation with odds ratio intervals 95 % CIs [3.24, 4.81] and area under the receiver operating curve [0.76, 0.80]. CeD is more sensitive to students who do not persist, particularly after the first year, so CeD’s cut-off points may be indicators for dropouts' risk.  相似文献   

地方高等院校承担着吸纳本省生源的责任,而毕业于地方院校的学生也大多就职于高校所在地,这是当地社会经济发展所需人力资源的重要保障。通过对近10年来江西农业大学招生和各专业发展情况的分析发现,随着办学水平的不断提升,地方院校招生稳步发展,热门专业是适应社会需求的新兴专业,而传统优势专业与特色专业建设有待加强。上述情况表明,地方高校未来承担的主要任务依然是培养本地学生,服务于地方经济发展,因此,在学校发展的过程中,应注重热门专业与特色专业的平衡发展,保持地方高校可持续发展。  相似文献   

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