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On November 17, 1998, three individuals were detained by local police in Lubbock, Texas for attempting a pigeon drop scam in a Wal Mart parking lot. The three suspects were the head coach, an assistant coach, and the husband of the head coach from the visiting Hampton University women's basketball team. The three were eventually proven innocent and released, but not before a crisis involving racial overtones had been initiated. The case study explores the crisis management responses of Texas Tech University and Lubbock, Texas and the implications for the study of crises involving race.  相似文献   

国外图书馆危机预案制定现状及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对危机预案的概念和国外图书馆危机预案制定现状进行简要介绍的基础上,对牛津大学图书馆、澳大利亚国家图书馆、哈佛大学图书馆等图书馆的危机预案进行分析,提出值得我国图书馆借鉴的地方,包括实现预案的体系完整与容易获取、实现人事分工的明确与沟通渠道的畅通、实现与其他部门危机预案的相互协调、重视灾后关键业务的迅速恢复和预案的定期调整等方面。  相似文献   

国内图书馆危机管理案例分析之"信师事件"   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
图书馆在其发展过程中不断面临各类危机的影响,通过结合危机管理的阶段理论,对“信师事件”中信阳师范学院图书馆在危机事件中的行为进行分析,总结了其在应对危机的态度、危机中的沟通交流、行业协会对图书馆危机事件的协调引导作用、媒体公共关系管理等方面的成功做法,更加明确国内图书馆危机管理实践的发展状况,为国内图书馆有效地开展危机管理提供一定的理论和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

This research explored how University of Cincinnati football fans used Facebook to manage a social identity threat arising from head football coach Brian Kelly leaving the school to become the head coach at the University of Notre Dame. A thematic analysis of 717 wall postings in the “Get Out of Our City Brian Kelly” Facebook group was conducted. Results revealed that fans responded to this social identity threat in the following ways: (a) rallying, (b) stigmatizing, (c) victimization, (d) intimidation, and (e) degradation. The results suggest that social media sites are prime vehicles for sports fans to collectively manage social identity crises. Social media enables fans to perpetuate messages that elevate group distinctiveness, minimize in-group issues, and derogate out-group members.  相似文献   

Using qualitative interviews, the study explored pedagogy and emotional responses of undergraduate and graduate teaching faculty during and after the Boston Marathon bombing crisis. The study interviewed nine undergraduate and graduate faculty members who were teaching across six Boston area universities and colleges when the Boston Marathon crisis occurred. Results found instructors felt a responsibility to emotionally respond to students during the crisis by acknowledging the crisis and highlighting resources in the classroom. The study further found that instructors often maintain curricular structure and invoke the crisis as a teaching tool to manage the classroom dynamic post-crisis. Limitations, directions for future research, and practical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

图书馆危机的成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在高风险社会,审视图书馆面临的危机,积极制定危机管理方案,既是图书馆发展的战略考虑,又是图书馆生存的战术思量。本文论述了危机、图书馆危机及图书馆危机管理的基本涵义与特征,并对图书馆危机的类别与成因作了相应的探讨。  相似文献   

This study examined an organization’s crisis communication strategy (i.e., crisis response strategy and technical translation strategy) on social media and the public’s cognitive and affective responses. Twenty crisis communication messages posted by Foster Farms regarding a salmonella outbreak and 349 public responses were analyzed. The results showed that a technical translation strategy generated more public acceptance of the message and more positive emotions than a crisis response strategy. A crisis response strategy generated more public rejections of the message and more negative emotions than a technical translation strategy.  相似文献   

本文从“感受”这一新的角度解析危机,将危机分为三大类,提出要在处理危机中坚持以人为本。品牌危机处理靠打官司不是上策,对感受到的真实危机需要妥善处理;对感受到的虚假危机需要区别对待处理;对未感受到的真实危机需要提高警惕,未雨绸缪。  相似文献   

This investigation employed two case studies of post-crisis discourse to describe an alternative to apologia as the primary rhetorical stance following organizational crisis. The authors identify three themes of this discourse; strong commitment to stakeholders, an immediate and unequivocal commitment to rebuild, and crisis as an opportunity for renewal. Conclusions are offered regarding the directionality of post-crisis discourse, crisis as a force for organizational renewal, the importance of emphasizing possibilities over issues of cause, blame, and culpability and the role of C.E.O. discourse in framing the meaning of crisis. Implications for enactment, for image restoration theory, and for improved crisis management are offered.  相似文献   

构建适应危机管理的图书馆组织文化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组织文化和危机管理是图书馆界研究的热点。文章论述了图书馆组织文化和图书馆危机管理的内涵、研究内容,并对两种理论进行了比较。认为二者可以结合起来,共同发挥作用,提出构建具有危机管理能力的图书馆组织文化,从精神层、制度层、物质层提出了一些将图书馆危机管理思想融入图书馆组织文化的途径和策略。  相似文献   

The concept of the sojourner has been studied in a variety of contexts, such as business, education, and international aid. However, there is as yet no communication research on the topic of the crisis sojourner. Consequently, the goal of this study was to explore experiences of crisis sojourners to determine what they perceive as effective and ineffective communication in intercultural settings. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 emergency responders who deploy internationally following events such as the earthquake in Haiti or the Fukushima meltdown. Results showed crisis sojourners from this population were aware of cultural differences and highly alert to the emotional and physical pain of those they were attempting to assist. Furthermore, they were cognizant of cultural norms and had a strong desire to respect local values. These results yield implications for individuals who work as crisis sojourners, and questions about the need for intercultural crisis communication education for those who face such situations routinely.  相似文献   

This study examines if and when spokespersons of an organization in crisis can express their genuine emotions as opposed to appearing rational. The impact of emotional (sadness) versus rational message framing on perceptions of an organization in crisis is studied by means of a 2 (crisis timing strategy: ex-antecrisis timing strategy vs. ex-postcrisis timing strategy)×2 (message framing: rational vs. emotional) between-subjects factorial experimental design with 168 participants. The findings first show that organizations can restore their reputation in times of crisis better by means of an ex-antecrisis timing strategy than by means of an ex-postcrisis timing strategy. In addition, the study illustrates that an ex-antecrisis timing strategy leads to more effective use of organizational message framing. In the case of an organizational self-disclosure, expressing sadness as a discrete negative emotion results in a better postcrisis reputation than rational message framing, whereas no impact of message framing is found for an ex-postcrisis timing strategy. Finally, the results indicate that organizations can benefit from allowing their spokespersons to express sadness because consumers will consider them more sincere.  相似文献   

试探危机管理五力模型在图书馆危机管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据图书馆危机管理的理论方法,分析了企业危机管理五力模型在图书馆危机管理中应用的可行性,初步探讨了图书馆危机管理五力模型的组成,并对这五种力进行了分析研究.  相似文献   

图书馆危机公关的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在危机处理中,危机公关在争取舆论支持、重塑形象等方面有着重要作用。本文提出图书馆在开展危机公关活动中态度比方法更重要,并提出了四项危机公关的应对策略。  相似文献   

在介绍危机有关概念和基本原则的基础上,对国内外图书馆危机的研究现状进行了分析,并指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

网络社群在危机信息传播中发挥着越来越突出的平台与渠道作用,危机事件被迅速和广泛地传播,影响被成倍放大.影响网络社群危机信息传播的因素很多:危机事件类型及其与人们切身利益的相关度、危机信息的不确定性、网络社群的人群结构及信息结构特征、网络社群群体的行为及认知等.分析识别这些影响因素,可为危机信息决策者制定危机信息传播的应对决策提供科学指导.  相似文献   

高校图书馆服务危机管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆服务危机表现为:供不应求的矛盾日益凸显,服务主客体间的摩擦日益升温,不确定因素的威胁日趋频发。本文通过分析高校图书馆服务危机的成因,提出高校图书馆服务危机管理三大策略:一是实行危机信息管理,预防服务危机;二是推行馆员情绪管理,化解馆读矛盾;三是开展危机公关,化危机为契机。  相似文献   

基于危机管理理论的图书馆战略规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前许多图书馆战略规划只把重点放在进攻型战略上,忽视了图书馆内外部的危机,导致战略规划难以适应来自危机的影响。本文引入危机管理理论,从危机管理理论与图书馆战略规划的内在联系入手,以战略规划制定流程为立足点,探讨基于危机管理理论的图书馆战略规划的制定特点和方式,以其丰富图书馆战略规划的理论研究,弥补战略规划忽视危机的缺陷,确保图书馆在动态竞争环境中更具有生命力。  相似文献   

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