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随着时代的发展,环境在不断的发生着变化,环境保护和生态平衡的问题更加突出,环境意识的教育也更加重要,需要在中专地理教学中不断渗透。中专地理教师在对学生讲解自然和人文的基础知识以后,还要培养学生的环境保护意识,掌握人类活动和环境保护的密切联系,实现环境保护和地理教学的高度统一。  相似文献   

学科大观念是我国当前基础教育课程改革的基本理念之一。学科大观念居于学科的中心位置,是问题解决者对学科核心概念心理化的结果。从“教学设计”的角度来看,建构地理学科大观念的目的在于启发教师更好地帮助学生将地理概念与已有经验及真实世界建立联结。从这个角度出发,提出中学地理学科大观念建构路径的五环节操作性框架:分析地理情境、提炼地理核心概念、与经验建立联系、叙写地理学科大观念和发展地理学科大观念的内容进阶。这一操作性框架可以用于指导中学地理教师建构适合自己教学实践的地理学科大观念。  相似文献   

Evidence from an ethnographic study of three secondary school geography departments in England is drawn on to describe aspects of the relationships between examination boards and school subjects. This paper focuses on one department, in ‘Town Comprehensive’, and the argument is illustrated through a discussion of observed lessons with a teacher in this department. Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) have recently announced that examination boards may continue to endorse commercially available teaching resources. The argument presented in this paper extends possible areas of ‘risk’ identified beyond those they currently consider. Specifically, it is argued that chief examiners play multiple roles in the recontextualisation of knowledge, holding substantial power over school subjects. The strong role of accreditation as a rationale is argued to restrict knowledge taught in school geography to horizontal discourses, limiting students’ access to powerful knowledge.  相似文献   

陈春燕 《天津教育》2021,(6):81-82,85
高中是学生学习生涯中重要的阶段,读图是高中学生必备的地理学习能力之一,引导学生读图、认图、画图,可以在有限的课堂教学中尽可能地强化学生对地理知识的理解力和记忆力。本文从核心素养的角度出发,结合高中地理学科对学生提出的学科素养要求,着重探讨了高中学生地理读图能力的培养策略,希望能够对广大地理教育工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

Recent academic debates on the geography curriculum for schools have highlighted the need for more focus on how knowledge is socially produced. While this may help to bridge the gap between the school curriculum and epistemological developments in academia, it is unclear how such theoretical frameworks can improve pupils' learning about the world. In this paper theoretical approaches to knowledge are challenged by considering, from an alternative viewpoint, how pupils themselves act as knowledge producers. Drawing on the holistic educational philosophy informing the Steiner-Waldorf approach to curriculum knowledge and pedagogy, it is argued that subject knowledge needs to suit the way pupils' thinking naturally evolves, giving particular attention to the role that imagination and sense of wonder play in both the cognitive process and pupil engagement. The epistemological status of the pupil in geography education can therefore be enhanced by considering approaches to education that operate outside normal scientific and rational paradigms. This has relevance for the wider debate on more flexible, post-industrial forms of learning.  相似文献   

王丽芬 《成才之路》2020,(5):120-121
阅读在地理教学中尤为重要,是学生获取知识、提升地理素养的重要途径。教师在地理教学中,要注重学生阅读能力培养,以提高地理教学效率和教学质量,提升学生学科素养。文章结合地理教学实践,从图文结合进行阅读、学生自主阅读和教师引导并重、指导学生课外阅读、家校联系等方面,对地理教学阅读策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

Powerful knowledge and geographical education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Michael Young has argued that pupils should be given access to ‘powerful knowledge’. This article examines the extent to which his concept of powerful knowledge is applicable to geographical education, in particular to the study of urban geography. It explores the distinction Young makes between everyday and school knowledge, how this relates to geographical education and to the academic subject of geography. It then considers the extent to which geographical disciplinary knowledge has the characteristics of powerful knowledge. Finally, it raises issues related to curriculum and pedagogy.  相似文献   

胡雨家  张军 《成才之路》2020,(10):26-27
学科教学渗透心理健康教育已经成为当今学校心理健康教育的重要形式之一,地理学科综合性与区域性并存的特点为心理健康教育的渗透提供了可能。文章阐述地理学科教学渗透心理健康教育的重要性,并根据高中地理教材内容特点,提出相应的渗透策略,以培养学生良好的心理素质,实现学生身心全面和谐发展。  相似文献   

遵循新一轮基础教育课程改革对高中地理教学的要求,如今的高中地理教学的方法已经不能满足对高中学生培养的要求。教师要改变自己的课堂教学模式,以适应新课改和社会发展的需求。对分课堂教学模式符合新课改对教学的要求,可以有效地激发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。在实际应用中,对分课堂有提高学生的学习兴趣、激发学生的学习积极性的功效。同时在培养学生的自主学习能力、引导学生的创造力和想象力等方面具有突出的优势。只要合理运用、灵活运用、据实调整,就能提高教学效果。  相似文献   

傅娇娜 《天津教育》2021,(5):118-119
小学阶段的道德与法治教学是一门较为综合的学科,能将思想与知识融合为一,为小学生的道德品质培养打下坚实的基础,有效地树立小学生正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。道德与法治教育能增强小学生对安全的认知,使学生充分掌握保护自己的方法,对小学生树立人生观与价值观有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

张有荣 《成才之路》2020,(3):110-111
人文地理主要研究各种人文现象的地理分布、扩散和变化,以及人类社会活动的地域结构的形成和发展规律。学生通过人文地理学习,可以了解我国人口、资源、环境等基本现状,并建立空间观念。文章根据人文地理的概念和特点,针对初中地理教学过程中存在的问题,具体探讨如何开展初中人文地理教学。  相似文献   

高校地理专业《地球科学基础》课程教学肩负着地理专业基础教育的重任。并以地质科学、大气科学和海洋科学三门地球科学分支为其基本构成。《地球科学基础》课程教学改革应坚持以自然地理教学为中心,在充分保留该课程基本教学内容的基础上,加强与地理专业其它课程之间的相互衔接.形成开放式的课程教学模式。构筑起自然地理专业基础教育平台,积极探索课程教学过程方式方法,如采取师生共同参手的方式(如投标博弈),为教学内容的改革提供参考。  相似文献   

陶艳芳 《天津教育》2021,(9):107-109
在高中诸多学科中,地理是与生活环境关联比较多的学科,学生学好地理知识,不仅是为了应对高考,更重要的是能够在日常生活中应用。对地理教学现状进行分析可以发现,教学中依然存在诸多问题,教学质量不高。基于这一现状,高中地理教师站在教学改革角度上,在教学中应用了情境教学法。本文以基于教学改革视角的高中地理情境教学实施对策为题,对高中地理情境教学实施现状进行了分析,并提出了具体的实施对策。  相似文献   

校外地理课程资源的开发研究在我国地理教育界是一个崭新的课题。以滁州市为例,对滁州市校外地理课程资源的分类状况进行了分析研究,主要分为四类:大众传媒、青少年集体活动场所、学校周围的社区机构和学校附近的自然课程资源。并根据滁州市校外地理课程的实际情况,以最具代表性的琅琊山为例,对校外地理课程资源的利用进行了典型案例分析,对中学地理教学的改革进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

Translation theory has faced criticism from professional translators for adopting an ivory tower stance to the ‘real world’ challenges of translation. This article argues that a case can be made for considering the challenges of translation as it takes place in the school classroom. In support of such an argument the pedagogue as translator is seen to occupy a pivotal position, such that the insights from translation theory, understanding translation as an inter‐linguistic act, can be combined and bridged with the burgeoning field of translation pedagogy, focusing on how the practice of (inter‐linguistic) translation might be taught and learned in the school classroom. Extending the sphere of influence of translation, it is argued that the pedagogue as translator is concerned with teaching pupils in the classroom how to engage in making meaning in their respective subjects. This requires acts of translation from and with something heard or seen with respect to the subject concerned, in order to make into personal knowledge. After an initial presentation of a particular understanding of translation theory inspired by Walter Benjamin's famous essay on ‘The Task of the Translator’, examples of bridging are presented in the teaching of translation skills in two classroom subjects: teaching English as a foreign language and teaching natural science.  相似文献   

在中学地理课中很少有人提出要加强历史地理学的教学,而从地理学的学科特点和中学地理课教学的实践需要看,历史地理学在中学地理课中的渗透不仅是可能的,也是必要的。在中学地理课中如何进行历史地理学的教学呢?对“地理”进行历史联想;历史地图的运用。为此要求中学地理教师参加历史地理学的培训。  相似文献   

‘Gardens for Bellies' [Haver til Maver] is an organic school gardens project at Krogerup farm in Northern Sealand, Denmark, which provides children with first-hand experiences in a natural, outdoor environment. The general intention of the project is to expand children's competences and their knowledge of nature, farming and food preparation. This article draws on a new evaluation of ‘Gardens for Bellies' based on qualitative as well as quantitative studies carried out by education researchers. The evaluation shows very positive learning benefits linked to experience and enjoyment. The outdoor learning programme and environment represents a unique addition to the national curriculum of the Danish state school system, providing the possibility of interdisciplinary and enjoyment-based learning. One of the main conclusions is that the pupils who participate in the ‘Gardens for Bellies' programme develop a desire to learn. A number of the competencies they develop relate directly to the subject of science, as well as other school subjects. Parents confirm the learning benefits and view ‘Gardens for Bellies' as a unique supplement to regular school teaching. The experience dimension and a certain communication of love together with the teachers' passion to show their passion for teaching on site provide one possible explanation as to why the desire to learn is stimulated among the pupils.  相似文献   

基础地理教育改革集中在课程性质及学科地位的重新确定、课程标准的制定和实施、地理学习方式的改变和学习评价方式的发展等四个方面,据此,提出高师地理科学专业课程结构的调整措施:根据中学地理课程设置和培养目标的要求,加强地理基本课程的教学,扩大专业选修课程教学,建立完整的教师职业技能训练课程体系。  相似文献   

中学地理课程改革以人地关系为主线,强调地理基础知识和基本技能,注重地理能力的培养,发展地理思维能力,突出专题地理知识,倡导人与自然的和谐发展。初中地理课程分为地理基础知识、世界地理和中国地理三大板块,高中地理分为自然地理、人文地理、区域地理和地理信息技术三大必修板块和七个各有侧重的选修板快。  相似文献   

高中地理教材创新与高师旅游地理课程建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经改革创新后的我国现行全日制普通高级中学地理教材,在思想观念,学科体系和学科内容等,都显示出了强烈的时代特色和实际应用价值。超脱服务于基础教育的高师旅游地理课程可以此为借鉴,应在可持续发展理论指导下,对其教学思想观念,学科体系框架和学科内容等方面,进行全方位,广角度的改革与创新,以适应21世纪高校对大学生素质教育的需要。  相似文献   

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