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目的考察中学生体育锻炼与其学业自尊的关系中自我效能感的中介作用,为探讨中学生体育锻炼对其学业自尊的影响提供依据。方法采用《体育活动等级量表》、《青少年自尊量表》和《一般自我效能感量表》对475名中学生进行问卷调查。结果 1)中学生体育锻炼与学业自尊(r=0.308,p<0.05)、自我效能感(r=0.207,p<0.001)呈正相关。2)自我效能感在体育锻炼与学业自尊中起部分中介作用(β=0.007,r=0.098,p<0.05),自我效能感在锻炼强度与学业自尊之间起部分中介作用,在锻炼时间、锻炼频率与学业自尊之间起完全中介作用。结论 1)中学生体育锻炼能够提高其学业自尊水平,但不同等级的运动量,不同体育能力的中学生对其学业自尊的影响存在差异。2)自我效能感在中学生体育锻炼对其学业自尊的影响中起中介作用。  相似文献   

环境、自我效能感与中学生锻炼态度的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以社会认知理论和计划行为理论为基础,考察环境与中学生锻炼态度的关系。采用量表法对1 200名中学生进行测试,结果表明:(1)中学生身体锻炼态度男生优于女生,初中生优于高中生。(2)自我效能感是预测中学生身体锻炼行为态度、行为控制感及行为意向的重要因子,环境因素可以通过自我效能感对身体锻炼的行为态度、行为控制感及行为意向产生影响。(3)学校环境通过自我效能感对中学生锻炼态度影响效应小于社区环境和家庭环境,社区环境通过自我效能感对中学生锻炼态度影响效应最大。  相似文献   

针对存在问题对大课间体育活动进行改革,设计八极拳大课间体育活动干预方案以提高中学生参加大课间操的积极性和锻炼效果.以吉林省长春市200名中学生为实验对象,进行十六周的运动健身干预方案实验教学.结果表明:八极拳活动干预对中学生的心血管系统、身体柔韧性具有非常明显的促进作用,对中学生的平衡能力、腹部肌肉力量(女)和减少腹部脂肪厚度具有较好的促进作用,对中学生的身体锻炼价值的认识能力有非常明显的提高,对中学男生的心肺功能、身体柔韧性有非常明显的促进作用,对减少腹部皮脂厚度也有较好的效果;对中学女生的心肺功能、身体柔韧性、平衡能力以及腹部脂肪厚度的减少具有非常明显的促进作用,对于女生的握力和腹肌力量的提高也有积极的促进作用,提高了女生对自身身体动作能力价值的认知与评价水平.  相似文献   

体育活动自我效能感主体作用机制分析及其培养对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用班杜拉自我效能感理论,分析学生参与体育活动过程中自我效能感的主体作用机制。指出:自我效能感通过学生在参与体育活动中的选择过程、思维过程及情绪反应,影响着学生参加体育活动态度、自我认知评价及行为表现,直接决定着学生活动时的内部动机。提高学生自我效能感有利于培养学生终身体育意识和形成正确的自我认知评价。并针对如何培养提高学生自我效能感提出合理有效发展对策。  相似文献   

提升大学生身体活动和有氧体适能水平,促进大学生身心健康,是建设健康中国的必然要求。以甘肃省6所高校的1188名大学生为调查对象,采取问卷调查的方法进行朋友支持身体活动量表、自我效能感量表、身体活动问卷和有氧体适能的测试,运用相关分析、逐步回归分析和结构方程模型对朋友支持、自我效能感、身体活动和有氧体适能之间的关系进行探讨。研究发现:1)朋友支持正向预测大学生身体活动和自我效能感;2)自我效能感在朋友支持与身体活动之间起中介作用;3)朋友支持通过两条路径即朋友支持→身体活动→有氧体适能和朋友支持→自我效能感→有氧体适能来提升大学生的有氧体适能。建议:1)学校可组建各种体育社团,组织以朋友为基础的各类比赛,鼓励朋友相互激励参与体育锻炼,充分发挥朋友支持系统提升自我效能感和身体活动来促进有氧体适能;2)改善大学校园体育锻炼环境,使大学生熟练掌握多项运动技能,锻炼环境的可达性、运动技能的可选择性可有效增强大学生参与体育锻炼的自我效能感,进而促进身体活动和有氧体适能。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等方法研究初中生主观锻炼体验、身体自我效能感和体育参与之间的潜在关系,以期为中学体育课程改革和体教融合政策的落实提供实践依据。研究结果显示,初中生的主观锻炼体验水平、身体自我效能感和体育参与程度三个变量间有显著的相关性,三者构建的结构方程模型适配度很高且各路径系数显著,在“主观锻炼体验→身体自我效能感→体育参与”形成的中介路径中,间接效应Bootstrap95%置信区间为[0.038,0.133];直接效应置信区间是[0.208,0.628],两种效应都不包括0,表明初中生身体自我效能感存在部分中介作用。建议在体育教学中,创新体育教学形式,设计趣味性与集体合作类的教学内容,及时对学生的进步予以奖励,促进学生形成舒适的运动情绪体验,进而提高身体自我效能水平,促进初中生形成健康的生活方式。  相似文献   

大学生体育成绩与自我效能感的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑推理法等方法,以300名大学生为研究对象,研究大学生自我效能感的特征以及与体育成绩的相互关系,结果显示:自我效能感与体育成绩成正相关的关系,且体育成绩优秀的学生自我效能水平显著高于体育成绩一般的学生;男生的自我效能感略高于女生;学校类别对自我效能感和体育成绩没有显著影响。回归...  相似文献   

目的探讨课外足球训练对中学生自信心及自我效能感的影响。方法随机抽取西安市商洛中学6个班级学生共计252名为研究对象,随机分为观察组(n=117)与对照组(n=135)。对照组不采取特殊体育训练干预,观察组开展课外足球教学训练16周。干预前后采用儿童青少年自信量表评价自信心,采用自我效能感综合量表(SECS)和身体自我效能感表(PSE)评价自我效能感。结果干预前,观察组与对照组的自信量表、SECS与PSE量表各因子评分比较差异无统计学意义(p>0.05);干预16周后,观察组各自信量表、SECS与PSE量表各因子评分均显著提高(p<0.05),对照组评分无明显变化(p>0.05),观察组评分均显著高于对照组(p<0.05)。结论当前形势下中学生自信心与自我效能不高,课外足球训练有利于提高中学生的自信心与自我效能感。  相似文献   

为了提高中学生身心健康水平,解决目前大课间体育活动时间不足,学生积极性不高、活动强度不够、锻炼效果不佳等问题,对中学生大课间体育活动内容进行了重新设计,以达到全面提高中学生身心健康水平的目的。本研究以吉林省某中学200名学生为实验对象,进行十周的趣味游戏健身干预方案实验教学。结果表明:趣味游戏组合活动干预对中学生的心肺机能、身体柔韧性、下肢力量、奔跑能力、反应能力和减少腹部脂肪厚度具有非常明显的促进作用,对提高中学生情绪调节、人际交往感知具有较好的促进作用;对中学男生的心肺机能、下肢力量、奔跑能力、反应能力的提高具有非常明显的促进作用,对中学男生的情绪调控能力具有非常明显的促进作用;对中学女生的心肺功能、身体柔韧性、奔跑能力、反应能力以及腹部脂肪厚度的减少具有非常明显的促进作用,对中学女生的情绪控制能力和人际交往能力具有非常明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

运用身体自我描述问卷与社会自我效能感量表,了解大学生身体自我与社会自我效能感之间相关关系。结果表明:1)大学生身体自我与社会自我效能感在整体上存在显著相关(R=0.475;P=0.000〈0.01);2)不同学科(文R=0.502;P=0.000;理R=0.441;P=0.000)大学生之间存在显著的相关关系;3)教育(R=0.733)、中文(R=0.695)、生物(R=0.638)、化学(R=0.650)、美术(R=0.521)5个专业具有中度的相关,且均具有显著性;4)不同性别大学生整体被试在0.001水平上均呈现出了显著的相关性。5)体育专业学生具有特殊性。  相似文献   

Three studies are reported of children and youth aged 11–19 years (n?=?3478) examining the nature of beliefs about athletic ability. Drawing on related research in academic, moral and stereotyping domains, development of a psychometric instrument assessing athletic ability beliefs is detailed. Support was found for a multidimensional hierarchical structure that is invariant across age and gender. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a structure comprising two higher-order factors of entity and incremental beliefs underpinned by beliefs that athletic ability is stable and a gift (entity), and is open to improvement and can be developed through learning (incremental). Incremental beliefs, indirectly through a task goal orientation, and entity beliefs directly, predicted self-reported amotivation towards physical education and sport. On the other hand, enjoyment of physical activity in youth was predicted directly by task orientation and incremental beliefs. Predictions concerning the moderating role of perceived competence were not supported. Our findings highlight the importance of ability beliefs and goals in understanding the determinants of physical activity in children and youth.  相似文献   

We examined whether perceived competence moderated the relationships between implicit theories, 2 x 2 achievement goals, and intrinsic motivation for sports and physical activity. We placed 309 university students into high and moderate perceived competence groups. When perceived competence was high, entity beliefs did not predict the performance-avoidance goal; yet when perceived competence was moderately low, entity beliefs did predict this goal. The mastery-avoidance goal had no relationship with intrinsic motivation when perceived competence was high, but had a significant negative relationship when perceived competence was moderately low. Our findings highlight the importance of reexamining the role of perceived competence when studying implicit beliefs and the 2 x 2 achievement goals.  相似文献   

女生参予体育活动已经成为众所关注的问题。考察了运动能力信念、能力知觉和调节方式的关系,并且依据运动能力信念和调节方式的不同,按照愉快、努力和厌烦的水平,确定了三个不同的初中女生的动机模式。为在促进初中女生参加体育活动中考虑运动能力信念和自我决定理论提供了依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of beliefs about gender appropriateness and conceptions of ability on perceived and actual competene and patterns of behavior during practice of the hockey wrist shot. Sixty-eight undergraduate women formed four treatment conditions based on their beliefs about gender appropriateness and conceptions of ability. Four teachers taught across the treatment conditions for a total of 16 learning groups. Data were collected through a three-part questionnaire and from audio-video taping of the entire episode to ascertain the paticipants' competency beliefs, effort, and performance. Gender appropriateness impacted the participants' perceptions of competence and actual performance in the study, while beliefs about conceptions of ability did not produce a significant difference. This study reaffirms that educators must work diligently to combat the stereotypical beliefs many hold with respect to the gender appropriateness of physical activities.  相似文献   

Three studies are reported of children and youth aged 11-19 years (n = 3478) examining the nature of beliefs about athletic ability. Drawing on related research in academic, moral and stereotyping domains, development of a psychometric instrument assessing athletic ability beliefs is detailed. Support was found for a multidimensional hierarchical structure that is invariant across age and gender. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a structure comprising two higher-order factors of entity and incremental beliefs underpinned by beliefs that athletic ability is stable and a gift (entity), and is open to improvement and can be developed through learning (incremental). Incremental beliefs, indirectly through a task goal orientation, and entity beliefs directly, predicted self-reported amotivation towards physical education and sport. On the other hand, enjoyment of physical activity in youth was predicted directly by task orientation and incremental beliefs. Predictions concerning the moderating role of perceived competence were not supported. Our findings highlight the importance of ability beliefs and goals in understanding the determinants of physical activity in children and youth.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the contribution of parental socialization processes and gender to children's interest in physical activity using Eccles' expectancy-value model of motivation. An additional purpose was to examine the nature of these relationships among children of a lower socioeconomic level, a sample that has been underrepresented in pediatric exercise research to date. Fourth- through sixth-grade children (N = 107) from a large metropolitan school district were participants in this study and completed questionnaires assessing attraction to physical activity, perceived physical competence, and perceptions of their parents' physical activity beliefs and behaviors. Multivariate regression analyses revealed a significant relationship between parental socialization processes and children's perceived physical competence and attraction to physical activity. Gender differences were also identified and were primarily related to liking of the exertional characteristics of physical activity and exercise. These findings are consistent with theory and research regarding parental and gender-role socialization during childhood.  相似文献   

以英格兰824名初中生为调查对象,主要考察了在目标定向、行为调节、能力知觉和体育活动参与情况上的年龄和性别差异,并且采用动机变量预测校外体育活动参与情况.研究结果呈现出明显的性别差异,男生有较高的自我定向、自我决定动机和能力知觉.与此一致的结果是男生比女生更喜爱体育活动.对男生来说,自我定向、自我决定动机和能力知觉是参加体育活动的正相关预测指标,而任务定向和无动机与体育活动参与没有关系.对女生来说,任务定向和能力知觉能够积极预测体育活动参与情况,而自我定向和无动机与体育活动的参与有负相关关系.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among sex, body mass index, motor skill competence (MSC), perceived physical competence (PPC), and school-day physical activity in preschool students (N = 34). Physical activity was assessed by steps accumulated during the school day, while MSC and PPC were assessed with the Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd edition (Ulrich, 2000) and the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance (Harter & Pike, 1984). Regression analyses revealed that preschool students' locomotor ability accounted for 21 % (p = .007) of the variance associated with school-day physical activity. The findings support an association between participants' ability to locomote and be physically active. The findings warrant future investigations to examine the relationship between locomotor skills and physical activity behaviors.  相似文献   

Sport ability may be seen as relatively stable, genetically determined and not easily modified by practice, or as increasable with training, work and effort. Using the Implicit Association Test (IAT), the purpose of the present study is to examine whether the practice of a particular sport (swimming or basketball) can influence automatic beliefs about sport ability in these two sports. The IAT scores evidence that swimmers and basketball players automatically and implicitly associate their own sport with training rather than genetics, whereas non-sportspersons have no significant automatic association. This result is strengthened when perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in swimming or basketball are high.  相似文献   

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