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一、树立公民意识小学阶段的德育工作,必须渗透公民教育,以符合儿童特点的方式让孩子了解基本权利和责任。具体表现为:被平等尊重的权利:现代教育的核心理念是以人为本,强调营造平等、和谐的师生关系,对儿童充分尊重,如尊重其生命权利、参与  相似文献   

“儿童优先”,就是在教育过程中,一切应以儿童需要与儿童特点为根据,以儿童发展为本;在教育体系中,高度重视早期启蒙教育,强调打好做人的基础;在社会系统中,将为儿童成长服务列为“优先”地位,营造全社会都来关心儿童成长的良好氛围。在“儿童优先”理念观照下的现代儿童观,必须突出人的因素,必须突出儿童的地位、权利、价值等一系列根本性问题。  相似文献   

儿童作为未成年人,许多权利应该在家庭中实现(如获得抚养的权利等).因此,要保障儿童的权利,必须关注儿童在家庭中的生活状况.  相似文献   

悲剧中的人和人的悲剧──从子君的悲剧看现代妇女的解放张景华《伤逝》是鲁迅唯一的一部以爱情为主题的小说,作品反映了小资产阶级知识分子涓生、子君为了争取个人应有的生活和生存权利苦苦挣扎,结果又被生活吞噬的悲剧.它的审美意义在于不仅描写了主人公肉体的被毁灭...  相似文献   

传统观念中,儿童只是法律保护的客体,是成人社会既定目标的“加工”对象。然而,在民主、法制的新世纪,儿童首先是权利的主体,对儿童的保护和教育必须基于对其权利的尊重和张扬;儿童教育必须是一种权利教育。  相似文献   

简论中国儿童福利   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代儿童福利具有普遍性、发展性和社会性的特征与功能。建立在马克思主义儿童观基础上,以中国传统文化为内核的中国现代儿童福利观包括从社会功能出发与从儿童权利出发两种基本观念。以现有的国力和发展水平,中国儿童在整体上享有的福利表现出相对充分的特征,并逐渐走向法制化和社会化。但中国儿童福利事业必须纳入社会发展总体布局中予以特别重视,才能适应形势发展需要  相似文献   

<正>幼儿园教育应尊重幼儿的人格和权利。现代儿童观指出,在教育活动中必须把儿童看作是具有独立人格的人,是生活在社会中的现实的人,是具有主观能动性的人,必须尊重儿童的人格,维护儿童做人的尊严,促进儿童积极主动地实现自己的人生价值。要尊重儿童意见的原则,凡是涉及儿童本人的事,必须认真听取儿童的意见,任何大人都不要自作主张。作为新教师,我带的是小班,这个年龄段的幼儿常常出现各种矛盾。而我缺乏解决幼儿矛盾问题的经验,常常苦恼于幼儿的  相似文献   

一、引言 儿童作为权利主体,在享受权利和确定如何实现权利的过程中应该扮演积极的角色,他们的意见和声音必须受到聆听和认真的对待。要保证儿童在研究中的真正参与,最好的方法是让儿童成为研究的参与者(Pole,Mizen&Botton,1999)。[第一段]  相似文献   

就近入学:是权利还是义务   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
就近入学是我国义务教育阶段的基本政策,其根本宗旨在于保障儿童、少年的就学权利,是对政府行为做出的必要规范,但并非学生及其家长必须履行的责任,或必须作出的行为。义务教育阶段的免费、就近、平等受教育应是一个整体,都是为了保证居民子女享有平等地接受教育的权利,因此,择校是学生与家长维护平等受教育权利的正当要求;限制择校是为了维护社会公正、保障施教区内儿童、少年的就学权利。义务教育的标准化均衡化是顺利推行就近入学政策的关键。  相似文献   

毫无疑问,孩子需要纪律约束。在某些时候,纪律约束甚至被证明是一种必要的措施。在任何情况下,作为管理儿童群体的教师必须要认识到儿童的需要,并且要平衡个体权利与集体权利之间的冲突与矛盾。但是对于教师来说,理论上的理解并不能保证良好的纪律、秩序的出现,许多...  相似文献   

教师学术权利在大学章程中具有重要地位,不仅是大学章程建构的逻辑起点和价值重心,而且是大学章程的终极追求。不同大学章程中关于教师学术权利的规范,在形式和内容上既有一致性也有差异性,所以我们需要相互借鉴,取长补短,丰富和发展教师学术权利规范体系。在大学章程的修订完善中,应以大学理念和法治要义为指导,进一步强化学术权利的地位,丰富学术权利的内容,完善学术权利的制度、组织和程序保障,健全学术权利的救济机制,使大学章程真正成为教师学术权利保障的利器。  相似文献   

作为五四运动时期中国青年运动的杰出领袖,李大钊一直关注青年问题,他以极大的热情唤起青年的觉醒,鼓励青年要投身社会,树立政治理想,以劳工为师,在实践中成长,培养坚韧不拔的精神,成为改变社会的有生力量。李大钊还为青年争取权利,关注青年的身心健康,较早提出了青年全面发展的主张。李大钊的青年观对于当今青年的健康成长仍具有重要的时代意义。  相似文献   

儿童观是成人关于儿童观念的总和,与教育观之间的关系极为密切。本文分时段对西方数千年以来的儿童观,包括古代、近代以及现代的儿童观作了全面的考察。在古代,儿童被视为父母的附属品,漠视儿童的地位及权利。进入近代后,以卢梭为代表的新儿童观引发了儿童观及教育观的革命。20世纪后,以杜威为代表的儿童中心主义的儿童观占据主导地位。总体上看,儿童观的历史演进与人类文明的发展步伐基本同步,一直处在动态的发展过程之中。  相似文献   

作为礼仪文明社会所推崇的社会规范仪式,现代礼仪更加简约、直接,同时也存在着表面化、程式化、快餐化、功利化等诸多弊端。而古代礼仪以德为核心,更加注重内心修养,在促使人去自省方面的独特优势也是现代礼仪难以匹敌的,古代礼仪中的自省能提高自身修养,规范个人行为,维护社会秩序,其自我约束的内涵对现今构建社会主义和谐社会具有深远的影响和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

现代社会中,对公民基本权利的侵害不仅来自公权力行为,还有私法行为。因此,宪法基本权利条款能否发生私法上的效力,以保障公民基本权利的问题成为近年来学术界关注的一个焦点。文章试图对基本权利的私法效力问题所涉及的逻辑前提、规范依据、现实土壤等方面进行分析,以期能够找到问题的初步解决方案。  相似文献   

This paper foregrounds pedagogy in the realisation of children’s rights to non-discrimination and serving their best interests, as articulated in the UNCRC. Drawing on a mixed methodological study of teachers in 12 schools it does so through exploring teacher pedagogies in terms of how they 'think', 'do' and 'talk' pedagogy, conceived as their pedagogic 'habitus'. Findings confirm contradictions between teachers’ ideals and their practice that is significantly mediated by the socio-cultural context of their schools, gender and presence of migrant children. Especially striking is that neither social justice concerns nor children’s rights explicitly emerge in their narratives, in turn influencing how they ‘do’ pedagogy with different groups of children. This contradiction is understood as a dialectical process of re/action influenced by structures, policies and the exercise of power in local contexts. The UNCRC provides a generative mechanism within which to hold government to account for the impact of policies, especially in challenging contexts. To be realised in practice, however, it also needs to be embedded in teacher habitus, shaping their dispositions toward children’s rights to non-discrimination and serving their best interests in education.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the possibilities that information technology and mass media offer to learning environments of children and grown‐ups, and in what way they are different from the reality a decade ago, inside and outside school. It takes into consideration the norms valid in learning in schools, including the teachers’ role, and looks into how they coincide with or contradict the modern technological possibilities. In the rapid changes of society and values, the school should serve many ages, children and adults, which would require a greater variety of jobs than at present. Understanding the value of one's own language and culture does not come through isolation; it comes through learning about different societies and cultures, through considering, comparing and categorizing. The article discusses several practical examples from the recent experiences of Iceland.  相似文献   

The state's commitment to educating all children can be framed as a matter of human capital development, or the economic benefits accrued to individuals and society as a result of educational attainment; it can be framed as a matter of capabilities, or the development of functionings that enable human flourishing; and it can be framed as a matter of rights. In this essay Sigal Ben‐Porath considers the relative merits of the three approaches, elaborating the implications each of these different frameworks has for the education of children with disabilities. While the capabilities approach, which arises from and relates to the rights approach, is sensitive to the needs of individuals with disabilities (more than the human capital approach is, in any case), Ben‐Porath concludes that a rights framework can best express through educational policy the state's commitment to the education of all children, regardless of ability.  相似文献   

White Paper 5's aim is to provide South Africa's children with a solid foundation for lifelong learning and development. Children need to be nurtured and developed holistically for them to participate efficiently in their democratic society. However, South African students continue to perform poorly in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study compared to other African countries. Contributing factors highlighted by research on this poor performance include students' lack of foundational knowledge. Hence, mathematics stimulation for young children has been suggested as a prompt intervention towards improving mathematics performance. This paper therefore evaluates the preparedness of practitioners who work with 3–4-year-olds as resources for facilitating mathematics stimulation, availability of mathematics stimulating resources and daily planning for mathematics stimulation. The findings of this paper indicate that mathematics development of children younger than five years is loaded with many inequity factors and continue to exclude the majority of black children. This paper recommends professionalisation of the early childhood education with emphasis on quality provisioning that can be achieved through norms and standards that are monitored continuously in all formal and informal settings that provide early childhood education.  相似文献   

超常儿童教育深受教育价值观的影响。在以功利至上为特征的教育价值观影响下,我国古代、现代超常儿童教育在目的与方式上都呈现了难以克服的偏差。人本主义教育思想的兴起,促进人的发展观正逐渐成为我国教育价值观的核心,而我国未来超常儿童教育特征也势必会从外在的功利追求走向儿童自身权利的实现。  相似文献   

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