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在成人医学高校开展《医用物理学》的教学,由于学科本身难度大,而学生文化基础知识薄弱、学习时间少,学生为了应付考试,死记硬背,缺乏学习的主动能性动意识,被动学习.为了解决上述矛盾,对成绩评价进行了改革,改变以往由单一闭卷考试决定学生成绩,为闭卷考试加学生撰写的小论文两部分成绩来确定.  相似文献   

李杰 《中国科教创新导刊》2014,(5):143+145-143,145
论文分析了冶金工程专业工艺类课程传统考试方式的弊病,提出了从重视理论考试转向理论与实际应用结合并重、从重知识考核转向知识与工程实践能力和综合创新能力并重的考试改革思路,采取了将平时成绩纳入期末课程成绩的评定、降低闭卷考试在期末课程成绩中的比重、加强实践教学环节的考核等方法.  相似文献   

《普通生态学》是生物类和环境类等专业的一门重要的专业基础课,具有理论性强、涉及多学科知识交叉等特点。为了激发学生的学习兴趣和主动学习的积极性,我们将课程论文评价纳入生态学理论教学成绩评价体系。文章主要在课程论文内容选择、题目拟定和批改机制等方面做了一些实践探索,实践结果表明,将课程论文写作纳入高校生态学理论教学成绩评价体系,对于提高学生专业理论课程学习的兴趣,促进其主动学习专业知识具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

食品化学是食品专业的一门专业基础课,具有理论性强、涉及多学科知识交叉、注重反应机理分析等特点,是食品专业学生最先接触到的食品专业课程。为了激发学生的学习兴趣和主动学习的积极性,将课程论文评价纳入食品化学理论教学成绩评价体系中。本文主要在课程论文评价体系建立、题目拟定和成绩评价等方面做了一些实践探索。实践结果表明,将课程论文写作纳入高校食品化学理论教学成绩评价体系,对于提高学生专业理论课程学习的兴趣,促进其主动学习专业知识具有一定的积极意义。当然,该评价体系在具体的操作过程中还存在一些问题,还需在评价体系的客观性、充分调动学生主观能动性和授课教师督促指导以及效果评价等方面做进一步的完善。  相似文献   

本文通过对《项目管理》课程考核方式进行改革前后的几组成绩进行统计分析,证明了卷面考试结合平时成绩的效果要优于课程论文考核的效果。考核变化后的学生成绩分布更加符合正态分布,基本反映了学生的真实学习情况。考核变化前后的几组成绩的方差分析表明卷面考核和课程论文考核的结果差异显著,而卷面考核之间不存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

食品分析是高校食品科学与工程专业和食品质量与安全专业的一门核心课程,实践性与技术性非常强。传统的以单一闭卷考试方式为主的课程成绩考核模式已不能与其相适应。鉴于此,本文结合实际该课程近年来的教学经验与体会,重点从成绩考核环节对该课程的教学模式进行了改革方法的探讨。主要方式为:变闭卷考试、主客观题目结合为开卷考试、以主观题为主,强调、考查、增强学生对所学知识活学活用的能力;增加了实验基本技能考核,旨在锻炼学生的实际动手能力;增加了文献查阅考核,以培养学生的学习与科研能力。  相似文献   

《税法》课程是许多高校会计专业的一门核心课程,多数高校对该课程的考核评价一般采取平时成绩和期末闭卷考试成绩进行,考核评价方式较陈旧。本文分析《税法》课程在考核评价中存在的问题,针对这些问题提出更科学合理考核评价模式,正确评价学生的学习效果,达到以考促教、以考促学,实现教考并举,最终提高教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

传统闭卷考试无法真正培养学生实际动手解决问题的能力,针对《统计技术》课程的特点,作者尝试采用期末理论考试、期末实践考核和平时考核三者相结合的方式来评定学生学习本课程的成绩。通过对本课程考试理念的改革和创新,使学生实现从死记硬背到灵活掌握、提升能力、学会学习的转变,推动并促进高职教育教学改革的不断深入。  相似文献   

何颖  刘婷 《教书育人》2007,(8):82-83
一、法学专业传统教学方式的弊端 1.传统课堂教学方式单调、枯燥,考核方式单一法学专业学科理论性、逻辑性强,与社会生活联系紧密。基于上述特点,传统的“灌输式”课堂教学形式单调、内容枯燥,很难调动学生的兴趣和主动性。课程实施过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练。学生成绩考核的方式单一,大多采取必修课闭卷考试,选修课做作业和论文的方式。[第一段]  相似文献   

"结构化学"课程考试方法研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在"结构化学"教学实践中,我们探索了一种"考试内容突出理论联系实际,采用期中、期末闭卷考试加课程论文作为学生学习总成绩"的考试评价方式,在闭卷内容方面侧重思路分析,降低数学推导难度,增加应用性题目,并增加课程论文的考试方式,提高学生的学习积极性,培养学生查阅文献、分析问题、综合运用知识解决问题的能力,培养学生的创新能力和综合素质,从而达到提高教学质量的效果.  相似文献   

Courses preparing students for interviews commonly held in organisations often form part of the curriculum of senior secondary, higher, university, and in‐service education. In these courses, students are prepared for their future work practice. Assessment of student performance after attending such a course requires a different assessment method from the traditional written examination. In this article we describe the construction and evaluation of simulations. The results of an investigation into their quality show that they are reliable in terms of measures of internal consistency and inter‐rater reliability. However, it turned out that a student's score is highly dependent on the content of the interview. We found support for the simulations’ construct and content validity. Although the simulation is not an efficient instrument, its benefits are high: students are stimulated to do their best in practising for the interviews, and weaknesses in students’ performances will be detected so that remedial teaching can be offered.  相似文献   

"海洋数据处理与可视化"涉及的知识面广泛,传统的闭卷考试考核方式只能完成对某些知识点的考查,并不能实现对学生实践能力的考查。因此,作者在"海洋数据处理与可视化"教学过程中实施"大作业"+"全过程"考核评价,希望能建立一种有效的学业评价模式,调动学生学习"海洋数据处理与可视化"的积极性,提高教学质量。本方法也可应用于类似课程的实践。  相似文献   

Differential adoption of study approaches within individual students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been claimed that the study approach adopted by a student will vary dependent, in part, upon the nature of the learning task at hand. The same student will change approaches from one task to another. The prime evidence for this claim seems to derive from two sources; reports from interview studies, and questionnaire studies comparing separate groups of students enrolled in different courses. In the present study questionnaire responses were collected from students asked to report comparatively on their learning approaches in two course units taken concurrently, and on their perceptions of how those same two units had been presented. The general support which was indeed found for the approach versus learning context claim was thus qualitatively different to, and genuinely strengthened, that from interview studies and that from between-groups studies. Moreover, relationships found between marks and both approach and learning context, within each compared course unit, provided support for a context to approach to performance model of influence.The research reported in this paper was supported from the recurrent funds of the Higher Education Advisory and Research Unit, Monash University.  相似文献   

Assessment of students’ communication skills after a course in counselling, in which the students are prepared for work practice, requires another assessment method than the traditional written examination. In this paper we describe the construction and evaluation of simulations. The results of an investigation into the quality of the simulations show that they enable objective assessment of students’ mastery of skills in the situation which is simulated. In order to achieve generalisable scores, i.e. scores which indicate how well a student will perform in counselling interviews in general, more than one simulation has to be administered. Although the simulation is not an efficient instrument, its benefits are high: weaknesses in students’ performances will be detected so that remedial teaching can be offered, and clinical practice can be preserved for counsellors with a less than sufficient ability in counselling skills  相似文献   

The 161 students enrolling in a beginning psychology course were taught using a variant of Keller’s personalized instructional procedures. Course material was divided into twelve units and complete mastery of the material in each unit was demonstrated with a short written examination and a brief interview conducted by a more advanced student. Students could progress through the course material at their own rate. Data are reported on the number of students who withdrew from the course, when they withdrew, and characteristics of their performance prior to withdrawal. For students who completed the course, data on rate of completion of course requirements and level of mastery of course material are presented. Furthermore, student evaluation of various facets of the course are summarized. Of special interest is the finding that student test evaluators were rated as a very favorable feature of the course, and that there was no apparent distinction made between graduate-student and undergraduate evaluators. This suggests that the instructional manpower pool might be extended through the careful use of undergraduates in the college classroom.  相似文献   

Objective testing techniques, such as multiple-choice examinations, are a widely accepted method of assessment in gross anatomy. In order to deter cheating on these types of examinations, instructors often design several versions of an examination to distribute. These versions usually involve the rearrangement of questions and their corresponding answer choices. This study will determine whether the distribution of different versions of an examination affects student performance in a lower division anatomical science course. Students who receive the original version of an examination may be at an advantage over those that receive a shuffled version of an examination because of the systematic tendencies that go into examination construction. This study concludes that the shuffling of questions and answer choices to produce multiple versions of an examination does not affect student performance.  相似文献   

Relating students?? evaluations of teaching (SETs) to student learning as an approach to validate SETs has produced inconsistent results. The present study tested the hypothesis that the strength of association of SETs and student learning varies with the criteria used to indicate student learning. A multisection validity approach was employed to investigate the association of SETs and two different criteria of student learning, a multiple-choice test and a practical examination. Participants were N?=?883 medical students, enrolled in k?=?32 sections of the same course. As expected, results showed a strong positive association between SETs and the practical examination but no significant correlation between SETs and multiple-choice test scores. Furthermore, students?? subjective perception of learning significantly correlated with the practical examination score whereas no relation was found for subjective learning and the multiple choice test. It is discussed whether these results might be due to different measures of student learning varying in the degree to which they reflect teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

The use of student evaluation of teaching (SET) to evaluate and improve teaching is widespread amongst institutions of higher education. Many authors have searched for a conclusive understanding about the influence of student, course, and teacher characteristics on SET. One hotly debated discussion concerns the interpretation of the positive and statistically significant relationship that has been found between course grades and SET scores. In addition to reviewing the literature, the main purpose of the present study is to examine the influence of course grades and other characteristics of students, courses, and teachers on SET. Data from 1244 evaluations were collected using the SET-37 instrument and analyzed by means of cross-classified multilevel models. The results show positive significant relationships between course grades, class attendance, the examination period in which students receive their highest course grades, and the SET score. These relationships, however, are subject to different interpretations. Future research should focus on providing a definitive and empirically supported interpretation for these relationships. In the absence of such an interpretation, it will remain unclear whether these relationships offer proof of the validity of SET or whether they are a biasing factor.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to see if a relationship existed between American College Testing (ACT) scores (i.e., English, reading, mathematics, science reasoning, and composite) and student success in a computer applications course at a Mississippi community college. The study showed that while the ACT scores were excellent predictors of success, the ACT scores did not predict nonsuccess. Inclusion in the nonsuccess group is only slightly accounted for in the models by use of either ACT composite score or ACT subscores; therefore, there must be other factors that affect the student outcome in the course. However, the odds ratio indicated that for every one point of increase in ACT composite score, a student is 18% more likely to be successful in the computer applications course. Likewise, a student is 11.9% more likely to be successful in the computer applications course for every one point of increase on ACT science reasoning score.  相似文献   

Educators have long debated the usefulness (or otherwise) of final examinations; a debate that has typically revolved around the relative merits of closed-book exams, open-book exams, take-home exams or their substitution by some other assessment format (eg, project work). This paper adds a new dimension to the debate by considering how the final examination assessment instrument might be enhanced through harnessing the power of technology, more specifically, how the learner experience of the final examination might be made more authentic and, in the process, more constructively aligned with stated learning outcomes. The authors report on the latest findings of an ongoing research project evaluating the effectiveness of 'open-book, open-web' (OBOW) examinations delivered by an online university, vis-à-vis a closed-book, invigilated alternative. Earlier research had indicated that the OBOW model receives the strong endorsement of students in a number of respects, most particularly the quality of the learning outcomes.  相似文献   

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