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This paper identifies evidence that significant procedural learning can emerge from process approaches to teaching writing, including from the transition of pupils’ writing from draft to revision. It shows how writing schemes that use an underlying process framework to structure learning, give pupils ownership of their own writing and exploit the resources of classes as learning communities can enable pupils to learn how to write more effectively, and in some cases to discover what they want to say through the process of composition. The paper draws on this and other work to set out a number of implications for teaching and classroom practice.  相似文献   

应用写作课堂教学具有特殊性,同时也具备课堂教学的共性。构建项目教学法指导下的《财经写作》课程体系,是实现写作课堂教学成效的必要保证。以建构主义学习理论和情境学习理论为构建财经应用文写作课程项目教学新体系的理论依据。新的教学体系强调:以实际工作为行动导向,以具体情境为项目,以学生为主体组织教学活动,以多途径解决问题的方式来拓展学生思路,做到学生在学习理论的同时,深入参与到具体实践锻炼中,在实践中促进学生理论和综合能力提高。  相似文献   

汉字是汉语的书写符号系统。少数民族学生学习汉语时,汉字学习是一大难题。论文通过对少数民族学生的作业、听写、作文等语料进行调查分析,探讨学生在汉字学习中产生的书写偏误及其与正字法的关系,以求进一步解决汉字教学中的一些问题。  相似文献   

马占金 《天津教育》2021,(7):143-145
作文教学一直是初中语文教学的一个难点,也是学生和家长经常提到的一个难题,那么我们在实际教学当中,就需要注重培养学生作文写作的技能技巧,一步一个脚印地去培养学生的写作能力。一篇作文从开始构思到最后的修改文稿,这中间的过程非常复杂,其中作文结尾的写法很有讲究,一般情况下学生的作文在结尾的时候才能够揭示主题,表情达意,彰显作文的中心思想。因此在作文训练当中,培养学生作文结尾的写作方法技巧,也是作文教学的一个重点内容,让学生掌握基本的结尾写作技巧,逐步提高学生的写作能力。  相似文献   

尚文香 《天津教育》2021,(2):148-149
作文写作练习,是小学语文教学中的一个难点。在小学作文训练中,首先要告诉学生作文的基本思路,先打好作文的腹稿,然后进行写作,最后修改加工成型,这三步非常重要。这种作文的基本思维过程,在教学中发现很多教师不去讲解,这是作文教学的一个失误。作文的写作训练,重点在于训练学生完整的作文过程,然后进行写作方法的指导,这样就能提高他们的写作水平。  相似文献   

Communication skills are a significant contributor to an individual's success in the workplace. Unfortunately, students often have trouble expressing their ideas in written form and the poor quality of students’ written work often impedes the learning process. This pilot study investigates the use of online writing studios within a quality improvement methods course and the impact of this intervention on students’ writing competency and perceptions about the writing process. The impact of this approach on student performance is evaluated within and across semesters using comparative statistical analyses. Results show that students who participated in online writing studios performed better (i.e., at least one rubric level higher) on their final written assignments for the course compared to students who did not, and that this approach is associated with improved students’ perceptions about the writing process. This research suggests that the use of online writing studios within a content‐specific course can incrementally improve students’ writing competency over the course of one semester, and can positively affect the learning of written communication skills and change students’ perceptions about various aspects of the writing process.  相似文献   

牟爱鹏  孙明磊 《教育研究》2012,(1):130-133,137
英语写作教学长期以来注重成果教学,在很大程度上忽略了学生写作过程。调查研究发现,成果教学法与过程教学法的实际效果存在统计学意义上的显著性差异。教改实验表明,网络环境下大学英语写作的过程教学法对提高学生写作能力非常有效,而计算机和网络教学平台的广泛使用为实现写作过程教学提供了环境支持。写作过程教学能够促进学生的反思性学习,增强学生自主学习的意识,故课堂教学与网络辅助教学有机结合有利于提高学生写作水平。  相似文献   

曹春果 《天津教育》2021,(2):144-145
在小学语文学习中,阅读和写作是两个非常重要的版块,这两方面对于学生之后的学习和发展会产生很大的影响。现笔者结合具体实例谈谈小学语文教学中阅读与写作教学的有效融合:其一,结合人物形象,提升学生的写作能力;其二,结合文体特点,培养学生的写作兴趣;其三,结合课文内容,训练学生的写作技巧;其四,结合课文插图,培养学生的表达能力。  相似文献   

写作学习中普遍存在学生因缺少对真实情境的体验而难以唤起写作兴趣的问题,如何改善学生的情境体验和情感参与成为改善写作学习效果的关键。在基于球面视频虚拟现实(SVVR)技术构建的体验式写作学习环境中,通过融入体验式学习理念与引导策略,设计了包含具体化经验、反思性观察、抽象化概念、评价与修正四阶段的写作学习活动,并将其运用于教学实践。实证分析结果表明:除思维创新性外,基于SVVR的体验式写作学习环境对学生写作的主题契合性、结构完整性和语言表达具有促进作用,并能够提升学生的情感参与水平;在SVVR的支持下,高情感参与水平的学生有更佳的写作表现,特别是在作品的结构完整性、语言表达与思维创新性上;相较于传统写作学习环境,在基于SVVR的体验式写作学习环境中,学生的阅读习惯与写作成绩间呈现出更强的相关性。可见,SVVR支持下的体验式学习有助于促进学生的情感参与和阅读积累向写作能力的迁移,实现对写作学习效果的提升。同时,有必要强化基于SVVR的智能交互和多感官体验,并将其与教学过程有机整合。  相似文献   

“互联网+”背景下,线下教学方式受到冲击,学生接收信息方式和学习方式更加自主化,派生出了新媒体应用文本。从发展机遇来说,应用文写作需求变大的同时也带来了海量学习资源。但是,学生规范性表述能力的下降给教学观念与思维带来的挑战也不容忽视。为此,应通过构建网络教学平台来打通线上、线下应用文写作教学渠道,充分利用互联网素材推进教学内容改革,充分借鉴翻转课堂推进教学手段革新,充分借鉴慕课、微课推进教学方式改革,重视过程性考核推进管理模式改革,进而提升高校应用文写作教学水平。  相似文献   

This article reports on a small-scale case study involving all English teachers of junior classes in a rural high school in New Zealand. The Head of English had been involved in Writing Project professional learning, designed in accordance with principles and practices that can be found in a number of countries, especially the United States. The researcher was alerted to the Head’s instigation of a school-wide writing competition and the implementation across all classes of a poetry writing unit, and set out to explore the extent to which Writing Project practices had been ‘seeded’ in this context through the actions of the Head of English. All teachers were interviewed and the data thematically analysed using a social constructionist lens. Results showed that while some direct influence occurred, ‘seeding’ was actually a diffused phenomenon and likely to be facilitated by five factors: management structure, dissemination processes, leadership style, staff relationships and teacher disposition.  相似文献   

我国大学生学情状态与影响机制的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用整群分层抽样的方法,使用自编量表对全国23个省、直辖市和自治区52所高校的92122名大学生进行学习观、课堂体验、学习方式和学习收获的调查。结果显示:我国大学生的学习观、课堂体验、学习方式和学习收获偏正面,但还存在着许多需要进一步改善的地方。大学生的学习观和课堂体验既直接影响学习收获,也通过学习方式间接影响到学习收获。学习观、课堂体验和学习方式对学习收获的影响在不同类型高校中存在差异。根据大学生学习情况调查与指标结构分析的结果,提出如下对策与建议:转变大学生学习观和学习方式,强化大学生的多维学习体验;进一步提升教师的教学能力,促进大学生多维途径的互动;深化高等学校课程教学改革,全面提高大学生的学习成效;实行分类管理,形成高校各自的办学理念和风格;建立全国高等学校分类教学质量评估系统,持续实施国家大学生分类教学质量监测。  相似文献   

毕节试验区中职学校应用文写作的教学,目前存在诸多问题,主要是:教学设施落后,学生基础差,对应用文写作没有多大兴趣,教师教学方法单一、枯燥,导致教学效果不理想,大多数学生学了之后不会灵活运用。可以循着“提高硬件水平;努力激发学生的学习积极性;改进教学方法;更新教学效果检查及评价方法”的思路开展实践和探索。  相似文献   

吴艳珍 《天津教育》2021,(1):134-135
随文练笔在提升学生语文核心素养上占据重要地位.然而,在当下随文练笔这一重要语文教学方法并未得到高效运用.面对一些教师的不理解、不重视和不认真,必须明确随文练笔的"随"与"不随"的区别,让学生在学习语文时真正做到工于阅读、逸于写作,不断提升效率与兴趣.  相似文献   

大学英语写作是重要基本技能之一,然而通过对大学英语进行课堂观察,发现学生的写作能力较差。因此,为提高学生的写作能力,以温州大学为例,结合计算机辅助语言学习和自主学习理论,对网络写作教学模式设计和实施进行探讨,并提出相应的建议,对于提高大学生英语写作教学水平具有一定的创新性和实践意义。  相似文献   

马春燕 《天津教育》2021,(9):149-150
新课改这对小学语文教师提出了新的要求,语文教学需要与时俱进、实现自身的变革。阅读、写作作为语文学科的重要学习模块,教师必须注重阅读和写作教学两者的结合,在阅读训练中加强知识的输出训练,从而帮助学生们生成写作智慧。本文结合笔者教学过程中的具体案例,对如何在小学语文阅读教学中生成习作智慧这一问题阐述几点自己的看法,以供其他教师借鉴。  相似文献   

张德刚 《天津教育》2021,(4):139-140
众所周知,语文写作能力和语文阅读能力都是初中学生语文学习过程中至关重要的两项学习内容。阅读和写作贯穿了学生整个语文学习时期,两者相辅相成并共同提高,学生的语文能力才能稳步提高并达到一定水平。本文就初中语文阅读教学中引导学生学习写作的有效策略进行探究。  相似文献   

Many of the current approaches used in teaching and learning in engineering education are not the most appropriate to prepare students for the challenges they will face in their professional careers. The active involvement of students in their learning process facilitates the development of the technical and professional competencies they need as professionals. This article describes the organisation and impact of a mini-conference and project work – the creation of a software product and its introduction in the market – aimed at the development of professional competencies in general and writing skills in particular. The course was evaluated by assessing the students’ perception of the development of a number of professional competencies through a questionnaire completed by 125 students from two consecutive year groups. The results indicate that the project work and the mini-conference had a positive impact on students’ perceptions of the development of professional competencies.  相似文献   

钟梅红 《天津教育》2021,(1):140-141
小学语文中的作文教学引起了人们的重视,通过写作文既能培养学生的想象力,也能促进他们语文素养的提高.因此为了促进小学生的全面发展,教师更应该把握语文写作的环节培养小学生的想象力,提高小学生的思维能力.本文主要探讨了小学生的写作现状和写作对小学生想象力培养的影响以及培养学生想象力的措施.  相似文献   

Understanding the goals for learning is fundamental to students’ success as writers. We investigated how Year 6 students in New Zealand experienced, understood and responded to goals during a writing unit. The study took place over seven weeks. Data were gathered through interviews with two teachers and six student participants; field notes from lesson observations; informal chats with students; and the collection of teacher documents, resources and student artefacts. Student selected goals, success criteria and rubric statements served as points of reference for a number of writing experiences. Findings indicated that the discourses underpinning students’ goals and the way they were framed resulted in the checking, highlighting, adding and ticking off of elements of persuasive writing. It was concluded if writing is to be understood and practised as an art rather than a technical activity, goals for learning need to address the more substantive aspects of the genre and the writing process.  相似文献   

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