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写作是语言运用能力的反映,更是人文素养的重要体现。剖析初中学生英语写作所体现的思想内容,对学生核心素养发展及品德教育具有现实意义。本研究基于北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心区域教育质量监测项目的测试数据,分析48份初中学生英语写作样卷,揭示学生在语用意识与语言礼仪、国际视野与跨文化理解、尊重与自重、学习态度与兴趣以及学习策略与自我效能等方面存在的问题,并提出教学与评价建议,以期为学生核心素养及品德教育提供启示。  相似文献   

张妮 《学苑教育》2019,(1):49-49,51
英语学科核心素养主要体现在对学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力方面的培养。写作教学是高中英语教学的一个重要组成部分,是培养和展示学生英语学科核心素养的一个重要途径。文章旨在通过读写结合的教学实践,探索学科核心素养与写作教学的融合与提升,并结合教学实例提出有效的写作教学策略,从而提高学生的英语写作能力和英语学科的核心素养。  相似文献   

<正>初中英语教学包含英语写作教学,并且写作教学对于作为一门语言学习课程的英语来说有着非常重要的作用。写作教学的开展不仅能够切实有效地提升学生的英语写作能力,还能够帮助学生将英语课堂中所学到的基本英语知识在写作中得到充分应用。在新课程改革中核心素养的倡导对英语写作教学提出了更多的要求。本文主要分析了核心素养对初中写作教学的  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的推进,英语作为一种国际通用语言,应用范围愈加广泛,各阶段对于英语教学的要求也更加严格。英语语言能力是英语学科核心素养的重要内容,是学生对语言知识理解能力及运用能力的体现。文章就核心素养背景下,初中学生语言能力培养策略进行了分析,以期能够为今后教学提供参考。  相似文献   

《教育部关于全面深化课程改革落实立德树人根本任务的意见》提出了核心素养这一概念,指出研制与构建学生核心素养体系是推进课程改革深化的关键环节(教育部,2014)。修订的《高中英语课程标准》(待颁布)将英语学科的核心素养归纳为语言能力、文化品格、思维品质和学习能力四个方面。作为语言表达的一种重要形式,写作通过书面语言传递信息、表达情感,写作的完成涉及学生的语言能力,思维品质及文化品格,能显性的体现学生的英语学科素养。本文将以9年级上册第三单元的task教学为例探讨初中英语写作教学中英语学科核心素养的培养。  相似文献   

英语学科核心素养包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力四大学科核心素养。对于核心素养如何落实,许多老师通过不同途径做了尝试。阅读和写作在英语学习中占着重要地位,也是学生语言能力的重要体现。本文旨在探讨以读促写的教学模式,探讨采用读写结合的必要性和如何实践以读促写教学模式,以提高学生的英语运用能力和英语学科核心素养。  相似文献   

陆玲 《教师》2021,(9):53-54
英语学科核心素养主要包括语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力。英语写作能力是学生英语学习能力的体现。文章结合支架式理论与高中英语以读促写教学模式,利用阅读文本搭建写作支架,通过写作教学实例分析,以阅读带写作,以写作促阅读,引导学生变被动输入为主动吸收,把语言知识、语篇结构和情感思维结合起来应用于写作,最终掌握英语写作技能。  相似文献   

写作教学是英语教学的重点和难点,教师通过学生的英语写作,能够了解学生的英语语言技能掌握情况及语言综合运用水平,所以成为教师教学过程中十分注重的部分。本文将结合当前高中英语写作教学现状,分析核心素养培养在高中英语写作教学中的意义,提出应该通过激发学生英语写作兴趣、创新学习活动模式、坚持教师素养培训等方式,确保学生在高中英语写作学习过程中核心素养不断提高,希望能对其他教师有所帮助。  相似文献   

写作能力是英语学科核心素养语言能力维度和思维品质维度的综合体现,属于学生英语综合运用能力。文章归纳总结了高中生在写作中的常见错误,并在此基础上对高中英语写作教学策略提出了一些优化建议,以期落实核心素养的培养目标,有效提高高中生的英语写作能力。  相似文献   

张灵 《考试周刊》2023,(5):115-118
英语读后续写是提升学生英语表达能力的关键要素,同样是提高英语核心素养要求下课程目标的重点。针对当前高中英语写作教学方式存在的不足,教师应该深入探究英语阅读与后续写作的价值,调整教学模式,进一步提高学生的英语阅读与后续写作水平。所以,探究核心素养环境下的高中英语阅读与写作教学模式尤为重要,优秀的英语读写水平有利于提升学生的英语语言习得能力、口语表达能力、文化素质等整体素养。  相似文献   

中小学生体育学科核心素养是体育能力、行为、品德与情感的融合体,系统培育应遵循其认识向度与应然进路。研究发现,“接受一反应”与“同化一顺应”是其形成机制。保障制度之殇与教师的观念之惑,是阻滞体育核心素养培育的主要因素,也是检视学生体育学科核心素养培育现状、改进中小学体育教育的题中之义。面向未来,应从完善顶层设计、激发学习内驱力、提升教学效率、生成教育合力等角度寻求中小学生体育学科核心素养培育的实践突破,全面深化对中小学生体育学科核心素养的理论认识、系统优化中小学生体育学科核心素养培育的现实生态。  相似文献   

人文教育是立德树人的首要工程,在当前核心素养教育改革的进程中,人文教育的核心就在于提升学生的人文素养。其中,中小学生人文素养的培养是人文教育的基础和关键,但目前鲜有系统研究涉及。基于此,本文首先在对人文素养内涵与价值定位认识的基础上,着重从核心素养视角出发探讨我国中小学生人文素养的结构维度,提出人文素养的结构包括人文积淀、人文情怀和审美情趣三大关键成分。其中,人文积淀是人文素养形成的前提和基础;人文情怀是人文素养的动力系统,是人文素养的最高层面;审美情趣是促进学生人文素养提升的重要途径。其次,本文结合当前教育政策、发展科学证据、国际经验借鉴和质性调查分析,研制出我国中小学生人文素养发展的具体表现水平。最后,本文旨在为核心素养改革下中小学生人文教育提供借鉴和启示,包括深刻理解人文素养内涵、探索人文素养评价指标体系、加强中小学人文素养研究与培养实践等。  相似文献   

For Malaysian adolescents, writing in English covers various forms and serves a range of purposes. Outside the formal school context, students engage in more personalized forms of writing. This paper examines one such form, namely, the writing of short messages, using a sociocultural perspective of literacy as a social discursive practice that implicates identity construction. This paper draws on a larger qualitative study which looked at school and personal writing by a class of Form 4 (Year 10) students in an urban school in Malaysia. Data were taken mainly from student interviews and students’ written products during six months of fieldwork. Findings from the study showed students’ informal writing involved new hybrid forms of English and included the use of a mixture of short forms, “Penang English” and Net English. This study has implications for the English literacy education of Malaysian high school students learning ESL while immersed in a contemporary digital and Internet culture.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of a Spoken Word Education Programme (SWEP hereafter) on young people’s engagement with poetry in a group of schools in London, UK. It does so with reference to the secondary Discourses of school-based learning and the Spoken Word community, an artistic ‘community of practice’ into which they were being inducted. It focuses on what happened when secondary students, already enculturated into school Discourses about learning (in their English lessons especially), learned about new ways of being readers, writers, listeners, and performers through the SWEP Discourse. The paper draws on qualitative data collected during the first three years of programme development to consider how an introduction to the social practices of this artistic community appeared to influence 11–18 year old students’ attitudes to poetry study, discussion, writing, and performance both in school and beyond the parameters of traditional secondary school learning.  相似文献   

With the development and advancement of social and cultural communication between China and other countries in the world,the second language education is very popular with Chinese people.And usually,it will take the young for nearly16 years to learn a second language,especially English.Most of them learn English from primary school until university.Besides having routine English classes at school,they also pay extra time and money to learn English in their spare time in many training companies.And now,English education has already become an industry in China and some training companies such as New Oriental English,are familiar to common people.And a crucial problem is that,after so many years of hard work,most of them are even having basic writing difficulties.The systemic and effective teaching method of writing in a second language education in China is being researched.This thesis attempts to cultivate the students’subjective initiative in second language education activities,raise the students’learning consciousness,and enhance their lasting interests in learning so as to reach the goal to improve the students’writing ability in second language education.  相似文献   

英语学习的目的在于培养学生的听、说、读、写、译五种综合能力。具备良好的听力技能不仅是提高说、读、写、译四种学习技能的关键步骤和重要环节,更是实现语言学习者良好交际的保证。为了适应社会发展对人才的需求,也为了将来学生在工作、生活和学习中的可持续发展,在英语教学中必须重视学生听力能力的培养与提高。  相似文献   


Writing is critical for college and career readiness, yet secondary students in America are not good writers (National Center for Education Statistics, 2012). Unfortunately, researchers know relatively little about secondary students’ writing skills, and even less about their digital writing. In this study, we explored prior computer use, keyboard activity during writing, and their relations to writing achievement using the 8th grade 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress writing assessment, the first national computer-based writing assessment for U.S. secondary students. We found that prior computer use predicted students’ writing skills directly (0.08) and indirectly (e.g., keypresses, 0.14) via keyboard activity during the test. We found differential effects for certain groups including current English learners and disadvantaged students. We also found a small positive interaction effect of prior use and keypresses on writing. That is, the benefits of prior computer use for school writing and the value of students’ additional keypresses on writing achievement were amplified when both were present.


学生核心素养的发展需要转变传统的教师知识结构,需要构建可引领学生的深度学习与合作学习的新教师素养。欧盟、美国以及新加坡等国际组织和国家的教师核心素养内涵和框架的比较研究可为我国教师的专业发展提供有益启示。促进学生核心素养发展的教师核心素养是知识、技能与价值的复杂融合,其核心是教师需要成为反思性实践者,其构建是一个终身学习的过程。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between students’ demographic background and their experiences with writing at school, the alignment between state and National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) direct writing assessments, and students’ NAEP writing performance. The study utilizes primary data collection via content analysis of writing assessment prompts and rubrics and secondary analysis with NAEP data through hierarchical linear modeling. Results indicate students from states with writing tests more similar to the NAEP do not perform significantly better than students from states with writing tests less similar to the NAEP. Rather, student demographic characteristics, including gender, ethnicity, SES, disability status, and English learner status significantly predict NAEP writing performance, as do factors related to frequency of writing across subject areas, frequency of writing for varied purposes, frequency of writing process use, and computer use in writing. The implications of the findings for writing instruction are discussed.  相似文献   


Due to limited exposure to the reflective genre, students experience cognitive, psychological and linguistic issues that prevent them from producing proficient reflective pieces. This study investigated how these issues could be addressed through modelling, the 6 + 1 traits writing rubric and blended learning. The study reports on the experiences of 37 participants in the fourth year of secondary schooling at an all male school in Trinidad and Tobago. Change in a regional examination syllabus which introduced a focus on the reflective mode and reflective writing had implications for teaching and learning. Through one cycle of a practical action research project using an embedded quasi-experimental design, an intervention to address cognitive, psychological and linguistic issues was implemented. Quantitative data were collected using a pre- and post-test and a Writing Attitude Survey (WAS). Qualitative data were gathered through student journals and students’ formative writing assessment artefacts. The intervention succeeded in positively changing students’ dispositions towards reflective writing, developing students’ reflective writing and addressing text organization issues. This research is significant for teachers and students where intentional reflection and reflective writing are competencies that can enhance critical thinking and metacognition and potentially lead to personal, intellectual and professional development.  相似文献   

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