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航海模型竞赛项目中的竞速艇F1E 艇和ECO 艇是同一种类型的滑行艇,由于它们的比赛规则不同,所以艇型设计也有所差异。为了提高航海模型F1E、ECO 项目的运动技术水平,本文从研究当今世界航海模型发展趋势、项目特点出发,对F1E 艇和ECO 艇竞赛特点及艇型特性进行了分析研究,提出了新的艇型设计方向。  相似文献   

在前期质性研究的基础上,编制了赛艇运动员专项知觉运动技能问卷,并采用项目分析、探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析等量化研究手段,对该概念模型进行检验。结果显示,赛艇运动员专项运动知觉技能包括自身状态知觉运动技能、艇状态知觉运动技能、桨状态知觉运动技能3个维度;自身状态知觉运动技能包含自身用力知觉和自身体能知觉2个子维度;艇状态知觉运动技能包括艇速知觉运动技能、艇平衡知觉运动技能、艇身状态知觉运动技能和滑座运动状态知觉4个子维度;桨状态知觉运动技能包括划桨效果知觉运动技能、划桨动作调控能力、桨频知觉调控能力和桨力知觉调控能力4个子维度。量化研究检验的赛艇运动员专项运动知觉技能概念模型与前期质化研究结果基本一致,问卷信效度良好,具有一定的理论和实用价值。  相似文献   

近几年来在国外的划船器材(賽艇)結构方面,有很大的改变,提高了划进速度,使划动更为方便。1956年十六届奥运会上,意大利队注意改进了四人无舵手和四人有舵手賽艇的器材,以完全另一种坐位来代替一般划船运动員的坐位,这种坐位具有某些优点。旧式坐位的1号桨手至4号浆手交错地安置在船的两侧,当这两侧运动員用力不均等时,賽艇会偏离前进的直线,即使力量A—A_1和B—B_1之间相等,方向相反,但是力臂a和σ(两浆着力点的距离)  相似文献   

在水下运动中,英国产生了一种潜水摩托艇运动。这种艇的外周是橡皮充气胶囊。未下潜时可象橡皮艇一样浮在水面上。当把充气胶囊中的气抽到储气瓶中后,艇即下沉潜航。需要上浮时,储气瓶再为胶囊充气。该艇所使用的动力是蓄电池电动推进器。运动员必须身着潜水袋具,并用  相似文献   

摩托艇运动是军事体育航海运动中的项目之一。它的动力是采用悬挂式或固定式的汽油柴油机或喷气机装置。它的种类繁多,基本上可分为舷外运动艇,舷外竞速艇等类型。最小型的摩托艇只重五十公斤左右,较大的则重达一千二百公斤以上。摩托艇的航速很高,限定重量的喷气式发动机艇时速可达四百六十公里。我国目前所开展的悬挂式汽油发动机的单人摩托艇时速在七十至一百公左里右。  相似文献   

对1996年亚特兰大奥运会上使用的两种4人皮艇的阻力性能,在拖曳水池作了试验研究,对阻力的成因进行了分析,并对中国女子4人皮艇500 m比赛未能取得奖牌的原因、成绩进行了初步的探讨。试验表明:皮艇的阻力性能有别于常规的商用船型和高速艇,有其特殊的一面;两种艇的阻力性能也有较大的差别,艇的阻力主要成分是摩擦阻力,造成艇阻力性能差异主要是剩余阻力。其阻力性能的好坏对运动成绩有着一定的影响,对于比赛用艇的选用来讲,艇的阻力性能是必须考虑的重要因素。  相似文献   

赛艇是一个或几个桨手运用其肌肉力量,坐在舟艇上背向艇的前进方向,通过桨的简单杠杆作用来推动舟艇前进的运动。其项目特点要求运动员不但有胜人的体能,而且要具备先进的划桨技术。完善的赛艇技术动作是优秀运动员的必要条件之一,也是取得优异成绩的保  相似文献   

通过对全运会男子皮艇比赛资料的分析发现:国内男子皮艇运动有着向奖牌集中、强队垄断金牌、兼项队员更多的趋势;同时具有项目整体水平发展不一、多人艇较单人艇成绩提高幅度要大的特点;男子皮艇运动员在1000m项目上个体能力提高较慢、运动员之间能力差距较大。结合访谈调研分析发现要提高国内男子皮艇运动的水平需要在单人艇1000m项目上进行突破,并对速度结构和兼项等训练理念进行新的认识。  相似文献   

李晓浦  魏文仪  裘艺 《体育科学》2006,26(11):62-66,74
采用双机同步二维摄像法对参加2005年全运会预选赛的12名男子优秀运动员在500m单人艇比赛时的途中划过程进行了现场拍摄,并且运用自行研发并与摄像方法相适应的皮艇运动专项解析软件对所拍的图像资料进行解析。运用理论和统计学方法分析了途中划的划桨技术,拟揭示国内单人皮艇500m优秀运动员途中划的技术动作的运动学特征,以期从理论和解析数据两方面探究提高途中划划桨效果的皮艇技术的改进方向。结论:双机同步二维摄像方法和专项分析系统使用效果良好;根据拉桨过程中桨获得推进力的主要来源,整个拉桨阶段可分为入水升力推进时相、阻力推进时相和出水升力推进时相;拉桨时艇速的变化特征是分析划桨效果的重要依据之一;随速度的提高,后拉划距减小;最大艇速出现时刻前移和速度下降率增大,阻力作用于艇和桨的相对时间延长;在出水升力推进时相,减小划桨的水平速度,加大垂直速度,加大出水角,将更有利于提高艇速和划桨效果。  相似文献   

采用SIMI MOTION运动分析系统对中外优秀500 m单人划艇运动员的划桨技术进行运动学分析.研究结果表明:中国优秀艇的划桨节奏与国外优秀艇存在非常显著性差异,我国优秀艇拉桨阶段的时间与回桨阶段的时间比例为1.4:1,而国外优秀艇的拉桨阶段的时间与回桨阶段的时间比例为2.1:1;国内优秀艇途中划阶段采用的是大划距中低桨频技术,国外优秀艇采用的是中低划距高桨频技术;500 m单人划艇项目的成绩与桨频的相关性大于划距;国内外优秀艇的桨叶入水角度和出水角度较为一致,平均入水角度在55°左右,出水角度在35°左右.建议中国优秀单人艇适当地提高桨频,减小回桨阶段时间比例,优化一桨节奏,提高每桨划船效果.  相似文献   

通过有关皮艇训练文献资料分析,对皮艇专项力量训练系统化提出一个理论框架,在训练工作上的参考。结果表明:各种力量素质训练的主次关系和训练方法的专项化是确定训练内容的依据。而训练方法的专项化是皮艇专项力量训练的有效前提。  相似文献   

During competition, kayak athletes must optimally adapt to environmental factors (e.g. wind, waves) to achieve peak performance. However, the ability to adapt to such perturbations has never been assessed in kayak paddling. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evaluate the local dynamic stability in sports technique of youth sprint kayak athletes. In a cross-sectional study, 14 healthy male athletes were recruited from an elite youth sprint kayak squad. During an incremental kayak ergometer test, mean power, heart rates and local dynamic technique stability of hands, arms, trunk and paddle were registered and the association with the athletes 2000?m free-water times were estimated using mixed models. The 2000?m free-water performance significantly predicted the paddles (p?=?.037) local dynamic stability whereas no association was found for the trunk or the upper extremity kinematics. In conclusion, kayak athletes with high-performance capability over 2000?m paddling depict high local dynamic technique stability. This emphasizes the importance of a stable technique for advanced kayak skills, especially regarding paddling movements.  相似文献   

皮划艇项目的训练监控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借鉴国内外皮划艇训练实践和科研成果,综述了最大摄氧量、无氧阈、力量指标、机能指标、乳酸和心率在皮划艇训练监控中的应用,为皮划艇的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

为探究静水皮艇200nm能量供应特征,文章选取了29名青少年皮艇运动员在测功仪上进行200 m比赛的模拟(40 s).通过采集受试者气体代谢和血乳酸数据,并按Beneke等人提出的计算方法进行能量代谢的计算.结果表明,静水皮艇200 m三大供能系统的供能比例分别为39.4%(无氧无乳酸)、28.8%(无氧乳酸)和31.8%(有氧).静水皮艇200 m前10 s能量供应主要来自无氧无乳酸系统,第10~20 s(或30s)能量供应主要来自无氧乳酸系统,有氧供能对于最后10~20 s的运动能力有重要意义.我国目前对静水皮艇200 m的认识低估了有氧供能的重要性.静水皮艇200 m能量代谢的时序特征可以作为制定训练计划和评价运动能力的重要生物学基础.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the differences between groups of elite canoe slalom athletes based on the class they paddle in and the strategies they use in competition. Canoe and kayak footage was recorded using three cameras and analysed using lapsed-time time-motion analysis. Analysis was undertaken on the ten fastest competition runs for men's kayak and canoes and women's kayak for the 22-gate semi-final/final course at the 2005 canoe slalom world championships. Comparison between the categories of paddlers revealed that despite canoe paddlers taking significantly (P < or = 0.05) fewer strokes than kayak paddlers, they were not significantly slower than men's single kayak paddlers with respect to their run times and only significantly slower between 4 of 22 gates. Results revealed also that paddlers using different turn strategies (spin vs. pivot) had significantly (P < or = 0.05) different split times for the gates before and after the execution of the manoeuvre. For a paddler this means that their individual strategy could be analysed and compared with those of others to determine if alternate strategies would be beneficial to their performance.  相似文献   

A 12 week kayak training programme was evaluated in children who either had or did not have the anthropometric characteristics identified as being unique to senior elite sprint kayakers. Altogether, 234 male and female school children were screened to select 10 children with and 10 children without the identified key anthropometric characteristics. Before and after training, the children completed an all-out 2min kayak ergometer simulation test; measures of oxygen consumption, plasma lactate and total work accomplished were recorded. In addition, a 500m time trial was performed at weeks 3 and 12. The coaches were unaware which 20 children possessed those anthropometric characteristics deemed to favour development of kayak ability. All children improved in both the 2min ergometer simulation test and 500m time trial. However, boys who were selected according to favourable anthropometric characteristics showed greater improvement than those without such characteristics in the 2 min ergometer test only. In summary, in a small group of children selected according to anthropometric data unique to elite adult kayakers, 12 weeks of intensive kayak training did not influence the rate of improvement of on-water sprint kayak performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that upper body aerobically trained athletes (kayak canoeists) would have greater left ventricular wall thickness, but similar left ventricular diastolic chamber dimensions, compared with recreationally active and sedentary men. Ultrasound echocardiography was used to determine cardiac structure and function in highly trained kayak canoeists (n = 10), moderately active (n = 10) and sedentary men (n = 10). The septal and posterior left ventricular walls were approximately 0.2 cm thicker in kayak canoeists (P < 0.05), and left ventricular mass was 51% and 32% greater (P < 0.05) in canoeists than in the sedentary and moderately trained participants, respectively. There were no differences in left ventricular chamber dimension, suggesting that the kayak canoeists had a concentric pattern of left ventricular adaptation to aerobic upper body training. Scaling the data to body composition indices had no effect on the outcome of the statistical analysis. There were no differences in resting Doppler left ventricular diastolic or systolic function among the groups. Ejection fraction was lower in the kayak canoeists, but the magnitude of the difference was within the normal variability for this measurement. Thus aerobically upper body trained athletes demonstrated a concentric pattern of cardiac enlargement, but resting left ventricle function was not different between athletes, moderately active and sedentary individuals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the differences between groups of elite canoe slalom athletes based on the class they paddle in and the strategies they use in competition. Canoe and kayak footage was recorded using three cameras and analysed using lapsed-time time–motion analysis. Analysis was undertaken on the ten fastest competition runs for men's kayak and canoes and women's kayak for the 22-gate semi-final/final course at the 2005 canoe slalom world championships. Comparison between the categories of paddlers revealed that despite canoe paddlers taking significantly (P ≤ 0.05) fewer strokes than kayak paddlers, they were not significantly slower than men's single kayak paddlers with respect to their run times and only significantly slower between 4 of 22 gates. Results revealed also that paddlers using different turn strategies (spin vs. pivot) had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different split times for the gates before and after the execution of the manoeuvre. For a paddler this means that their individual strategy could be analysed and compared with those of others to determine if alternate strategies would be beneficial to their performance.  相似文献   

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