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Through a qualitative content analysis of a purposive sample (the 2010 finalists of the Canadian Governor General's Literary Awards in both French and English), this study investigates what information can be gleaned from the book-as-object using peritext as a research tool. Using the theories of Gérard Genette, who defined the paratext, and Pierre Bourdieu, this research posits that paratextual utterances serve as an expression and tool of the cultural realm of publication and can be used for informational purposes in library and information science (LIS) research and practice. Findings indicate that the peritext is a rich source for gathering information about authorship and publishing as it reveals contextually relevant information, shares the author's informational tools, constructs the author, markets titles, and provides relevant information for specific age groups and genres. Discussion centers on the impact for libraries and the LIS community, with a focus on readers' advisory.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对国际学生信息素养测评2013框架的解读,深入挖掘国际学生信息素养测评的必要性,分析导致学生信息素养水平差异的各种影响因素,以期为我国学生信息素养测评提供有益借鉴,为我国信息素养教育指引正确方向。[方法/过程]主要采用文献研究法、比较分析法,对学生信息素养测评的内容框架、背景框架、测评对象、测评工具、测评方法和测评结果进行分析比较。[结果/结论]研究得出国际学生信息素养测评2013框架体现了鲜明的时代特征,可为国内外中学生信息素养标准的制定提供借鉴;更加关注信息素养背景信息,强调信息技术作为一门学科领域而不仅是工具,推动了各国信息素养教育的发展。  相似文献   

This article discusses the implementation of a media literacy program in a college classroom in the form of an extended critique and analysis of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Students’ decoding of Disney’s messages and their resistance to critique of the film are analyzed using four areas of research: audience research, media literacy, critical pedagogy, and psychology’s cognitive dissonance theory.  相似文献   

数字素养是数字时代的必备技能。为帮助世界各国加强数字素养教育质量监测,有效利用研究成果改进学习并缩减数字鸿沟,联合国教科文组织研制了数字素养全球框架。系统分析数字素养全球框架的研制动因、研制过程、内容及特点并总结相关启示,可以为我国数字素养研究与实践提供参考。面对数字化的持续影响,我国的数字素养研究应因地制宜,开发本土化数字素养框架,采用理论与实证并重的研究范式,推动企业深度参与数字素养研究,采取面向未来能力需求的数字素养提升策略。  相似文献   

数字素养是数字化时代用户应具备的核心素养之一。本文通过对相关研究的整理、归纳与总结,深入剖析用户数字素养内涵,在对国外高校图书馆用户数字素养理论研究和教育实践分析的基础上,提出高校图书馆开展用户数字素养研究框架模型,包括明确用户数字素养需求、界定数字素养概念范畴、量化数字素养能力评价体系、构建高校图书馆数字素养教育模式,以期为我国高校图书馆开展具体的用户数字素养教育提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to report on how Web 2.0 tools in an online information literacy instruction course aligned with ACRL's Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. A qualitative case study was undertaken on an online graduate course related to information literacy instruction. Data collected included: course activities, assignments, emails, online discussions, and surveys. The educational theory of constructivism and its adherence to reflection, active learning, and social interaction was used to find patterns in the data. Activity theory provided a framework for data analysis and interpretation related to the patterns of activities that took place while students used each Web 2.0 tool. Web 2.0 was found to enhance all five information literacy standards. These standards related to collaboration, information organization, creativity, discussion, and technology education.  相似文献   

阐述信息素养的概念及其在医学领域的发展,分析加强健康信息素养教育的必要性,通过分析国内外健康信息素养理论与实践研究的现状,结合当前我国公众健康素养以及健康信息素养研究存在的问题,指出E时代健康信息素养教育的服务理念和服务对象、内容及措施,提出要学习和借鉴美国等发达国家在健康信息素养教育和公共卫生管理方面的先进理念、经验教训,突破基本健康知识与技能的局限,将健康信息素养注入到公众健康素养干预的研究之中,积极探索提高全民健康素养的新思路和新方法,提高全民健康素养水平。   相似文献   

[目的/意义]美国ACRL颁布《高等教育信息素养框架》,采用来自教育学的阈限概念理论与方法,构建新媒体环境下的信息素养教育。由于对阈限概念思维模式和教学方式的陌生感,阻碍了信息素养教育者对《框架》的深度认知。[方法/过程]针对上述问题,应开展以下工作:①阐述阈限概念的本意;②阐明阈限概念方法的操作原理;③勾稽信息素养教育引入阈限概念的背景;④分析《框架》阈限概念的实质含义和具体运用。[结果/结论]掌握《框架》阈限概念可以改变学习者的思维境界,对《框架》阈限概念思维的理解可以改变传统信息素养教育的教学模式。  相似文献   

One can hardly be considered knowledgeable of uses and gratifications theory without being familiar with the work of Alan M. Rubin. His advancement of our knowledge about the centrality of the individual in the media uses and effects relationship has inspired numerous scholars to add to the body of knowledge guided by uses and gratifications research. The breadth of Rubin's work in this regard is extraordinary, but his devotion to clarifying central concepts of uses and gratifications in his audience-centered research should also be recognized. Rubin's pioneering studies in uses and gratifications remain as benchmarks for scholars seeking to understand electronic media and how engaged audiences relate to media content.  相似文献   

Cable in the Classroom (CIC) is the cable industry's education foundation and has been active in the fields of media and information literacy for more than fifteen years. This article explains media literacy and its connection to information literacy, details CIC's work in these areas, and describes related resources available on CIC's Web site (http://www.ciconline.org). Finally, the article examines digital citizenship, a new term encompassing teaching youth about Internet safety, media and information literacy, and digital ethics that is generating attention in education policy circles.  相似文献   

In designing digital literacy content for marginalized demographics, we need to garner local resources to structure engaging and meaningful media experiences. This paper examines the socio-cognitive implications of a novel edutainment product in rural India on learning, stemming from an e-development initiative funded by Hewlett-Packard. This product encapsulates a multiplicity of media forms: text, audio and visual, with social-awareness folk themes endemic to the locality. It uses the karaoke ‘same language subtitling’ feature that won the World Bank Development Marketplace Award in 2002 due to its simple yet innovative application that has proven to have an impact on reading skills. The product strives to combine cultural regeneration, value-based education, incidental literacy and language practice through entertainment. The paper investigates how this product addresses engagement and empowerment simultaneously, based on elements such as emotional appeal, multimodal stimulation, interactivity, contextual content and local representation. This is useful for practitioners and scholars interested in the design of novel edutainment content for international, underrepresented demographics.  相似文献   

互联网用户协同创作与内容共享的活动系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于内容开放共享的互联网用户协同创作活动采取异步异地的工作模式、共享控制的管理模式以及实时反馈的协作策略。采用活动理论的研究框架和分析方法构建了互联网用户协同创作与内容共享的活动系统模型,并逐步分析其活动要素、子系统以及活动结构。定义并描述了主体、客体、社群三个核心要素,工具、规则、角色三个媒介要素,以及生产、消费、协作和交流四个子系统,将活动过程分解为消费、生产、反馈与协作、冲突与协调四个阶段并深入分析了各阶段的结构特点。基于动态流程分析,描述了社群结构中用户的角色分化现象,并推演出被动用户、外围贡献者、核心贡献者、异常用户、社群参与者五种角色类型。图3。表2。参考文献29。  相似文献   

从普适技能到嵌入实践——国外信息素养理论与实践回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪70年代,在信息技术迅速发展和信息资源日益重要的背景下,信息素养概念产生。随后,美国图书馆界率先将书目指导业务转型为信息素养教育,信息素养也成为图书馆情报学的重要研究领域。本文主要依据国外信息素养领域文献及其他相关文献,对信息素养概念、理论、实践的演进进行了比较全面的分析和总结,旨在为国内同仁从全局角度理解国外信息素养领域的各种变化,提供线索和洞见。研究发现:国外信息素养领域对早期信息素养概念进行了四种不同性质的修正及两次颠覆性改变,引进和发展了多种相关理论,包括各种流派的建构主义学习理论、各种批判理论和实践理论,实施了不同路径的信息素养教育实践;这些相互影响的发展变化导致了三种信息素养范式的出现:普适技能范式、情境化能力范式和嵌入实践范式。通过对已有范式的反思,本文提出未来信息素养研究和实践应将培养持久的信息获取利用习惯纳入考量范围。  相似文献   

活动理论框架下的合作式信息素质教育活动系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张莉 《图书情报工作》2013,57(18):73-79
从教育学和心理学的视角出发,基于活动理论的分析框架,围绕主体的学习活动、学习对象、学习工具、学习共同体等核心要素,对合作式信息素质教育活动系统进行理论分析和系统框架构建,在此基础上开展相关的教学活动设计研究,以期丰富信息素质教育的理论体系,创新教学模式,提升教学效果,更有效地培养学生的自主学习、独立思考、批判性思维和创新能力。  相似文献   

This study looks at Spike Lee's Malcolm X as an important text in understanding Afrocentric perspectives that challenge the ideological stereotypes of mainstream Hollywood film. Malcolm X intervenes between Lee, the filmmaker, and the powerful media industry and is emblematic of the larger discussion of hegemonic and counter-hegemonic views in media culture. This film is not only an interesting case study but a significant part of an ongoing cultural discourse that is as relevant now as when Malcolm X lived. The relevance of this essay lies in its contribution to the discussion of media perspectives with a focus on furthering media literacy. It aids the viewer in understanding the social discourse surrounding a mediated racist ideology and the ongoing cultural work of social equality in the United States. This research finds that in the continuing struggle over media representation, Lee's film is an instrument of media politics, controversy, and commercialization.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 移动图书馆场景化信息接受情境影响着用户信息需求,而用户信息需求源于其自身综合素养与解决目标问题能力的势差。在微媒体、自媒体、全媒体的时代,深入研究移动图书馆场景化用户信息需求及其特征,挖掘用户信息需求规律是移动图书馆信息服务的核心和关键。[方法/过程] 将移动图书馆视为一个系统,从系统论的视角出发,研究用户的场景化信息需求内涵、要素和特征。在此基础上,以社会认知理论、用户满意度理论和自我调节理论为基础,对移动图书馆场景化信息需求规律进行总结,并运用日志挖掘的方法对用户场景化信息需求规律进行实证。[结果/结论] 在移动图书馆场景中,对单个用户而言,不同用户的信息需求或具有链式、支链、树状和网状等不同的优势,但对用户群体而言,其信息需求具有严格按照"链式-支链-树状-网状"的趋势递进。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]传统的信息素养教育强调检索技能和方法,联合国教科文组织近年来提出的"媒介信息素养"(简称MIL)概念,首次将媒介素养和信息素养融合形成复合型概念,对目前媒介融合环境下的信息素养教育有着指导性意义,明确提出和媒介素养融合的思路和策略,有利于提高信息素养教育的人文性和社会性,突破学科的局限性,探索新的跨学科结合点,实现创新和发展。[方法/过程]通过归纳分析近年来有关媒介素养和信息素养比较研究的成果,结合国内外的媒介信息素养理论和实践,尝试提出媒介素养和信息素养融合的途径。国内信息素养教育应融合媒介素养教育,实行参与式教学,革新在线课程,建立学科之间融合交流的平台,加强国际合作交流,发挥图书馆的中介作用,实现从技能型向素养型教育的转化。[结果/结论]信息素养教育需要避免单纯的技术至上的取向,将技能学习和媒介信息解读能力结合培养;与媒介素养结合是趋势所向,媒介信息素养概念的提出,拓展了信息素养的学科视野。  相似文献   

张玲 《图书情报工作》2011,55(1):105-109
在科学素养导航图的启发下提出信息素质导航图的概念,分析信息素质导航图的组成、功能以及研究基础。抽取、划分、关联知识单元是信息素质导航图的研究基础;分析用户典型工作任务是绘制信息素质导航图的基础条件。信息素质导航图可以成为人们提高信息素质的有力工具。  相似文献   

元素养:美国高等教育信息素养新标准前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
元素养是一个面向Web 2.0环境的综合素养框架。在剖析元素养的内容、模型和培养目标的基础上,分析美国高等教育信息素养标准面对的新学术形势,以及元素养在概念整合、社交媒体、信息协同生产、元认知和素养教育等领域所进行的改进,为中国高校的信息素养标准研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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