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The purpose of this paper is to examine current status, issues, and visions of higher education reform in Korea by focusing on ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21). ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21), is a major higher education reform project initiated by the South Korean government to prepare Korean human resources for the 21st century. ‘Brain Korea 21’ (BK21) aims at fostering world-class graduate schools and high quality scholars by providing funds to higher education institutions. In this paper, societal, economic and educational changes which led to the initiation of BK 21 and its implementation processes are described first. Then, some resistance and controversies against BK 21 are discussed. Major achievements of BK 21 are highlighted and future directions of higher education reform in South Korea are addressed.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand equity issues of international students’ learning in Korean higher education institutions by engaging with the issue of racism and identifies how international students in Korea reshape their learning trajectory and how we could provide equitable and quality education for international students. Espousing a qualitative case study design, six students from different background were interviewed to examine features of perceived institutional racism based on their learning experience in Korea. Major findings showed that internationalization has not been fulfilled in terms of engaging with international students although Korean government and higher education institutions have developed relevant policy to attract international students. This study indicates that Korean universities need to reconstruct their social, cultural, and institutional systems to embrace equity, diversity and inclusiveness to empower international students’ capacity.  相似文献   

The study investigated the stakeholders’ perceptions of South Korea’s higher education internationalization policy. Based on the research framework that defines four policy values—propriety, effectiveness, diversity, and engagement, the convergence model was employed with a concurrent mixed method sampling strategy to analyze the stakeholders’ perceptions. According to the findings, the stakeholders perceived that the government’s internationalization policy to date has contributed to the international competitiveness of Korean universities by and large in a quantitative manner. Their views however signaled that the government should consider the quality and identity of Korean higher education institutions when designing and implementing internationalization policy. Based on the implications that the findings have in the policy context, this study suggested two points for future policy research into Korean higher education internationalization: (1) develop a glonacal definition of world-classness for Korean universities and (2) build up a mixture model of centralization and decentralization for the government-university relations, which encourages internal self-governance of Korean universities.  相似文献   

Two important sets of performance indicators have become established in the United Kingdom: research quality ratings and teaching quality ratings. The research quality ratings and, to a lesser extent, the teaching quality ratings, influence the level of government funding provided to higher education institutions. This paper considers the correlation between the two ratings and the possible consequences of policies that reshape the higher education sector by concentrating research resources in a limited number of institutions. Comparisons are made between quality assurance/assessment approaches in the United Kingdom and those in the United States.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the Korean government’s policies for building world class universities (WCUs) and their implications for Korean higher education institutions. Primarily through an extensive literature review, but also through a discussion of field interviews and the experiences of one of the authors as a public official in education policy making, this study examines the Korean government’s policies to establish WCUs, as well as the outcomes and consequences of these policies. Using the framework suggested by Salmi (The challenge of establishing world-class universities. The World Bank, Washington, DC, 2009), the study seeks to answer the following research questions: (a) What policies has the Korean government implemented to build WCUs since the late 1990s? (b) How has the government’s quest to build WCUs transformed the Korean higher education system? Specifically, how have HEIs in Korea responded to the policies implemented? (c) What issues and challenges has the Korean higher education system confronted in its quest to build WCUs?  相似文献   

1945年韩国光复之后,韩国高等教育特别是私立高等教育迅猛发展,取得令人瞩目的成果,并形成具有韩国特色的私立高等教育体系。韩国私立高等教育享有国、公立大学一样的法律地位,成为韩国高等教育的重要组成部分。韩国私立高等教育不仅规模大,而且其质量可与国、公立大学媲美。  相似文献   

Along with the “massification” of higher education in China since the late 1990s, the issue of quality and excellence appeared at the top of China’s higher education agenda. Since faculty evaluation of teaching is one of the major approaches adopted by China’s higher education sector to pursue quality and excellence, it is valuable to examine the effectiveness of faculty evaluation of teaching practices adopted by the Chinese higher education institutions (HEIs). Study of current literature reveals some similarities and differences between the faculty evaluation of teaching policies and practices between Chinese and American higher education sectors. This paper examines the specific practices adopted by some top-tier Chinese HEIs and American elite colleges and universities, summarizes and analyzes the major differences and similarities of faculty evaluation of teaching practices between these two countries’ top-tier HEIs, and discusses the applicability of the American models to the Chinese setting of higher education. Finally, a set of best practices regarding faculty evaluation of teaching are proposed for Chinese HEIs.  相似文献   

This article discusses how in South Korea, English-medium international schools, initially established to educate foreign residents, have recently transformed themselves into private providers of global education for South Koreans. The article explains the social, economic and political circumstances under which the South Korean government has allowed this transformation to take place in response to the forces of globalisation as well as to South Korean elites' educational demand. The article argues that English-medium international schools are elite-class reproducing institutions. The role of English, one of the major imperatives of global capitalism, will also be discussed, as this language has been impinging on South Korea's education and labour market.  相似文献   

Korea opened up to foreign intercourse in 1876, when the country concluded its first international treaty with Japan. Similar treaties with European and American nations followed during the 1880s. The period until 1910, when Korea was annexed to the Japanese Empire, saw manifold attempts to reform as well as resistance to these reforms. Against the background of research on the world institutionalisation of education, this contribution analyses the changes that the opening of Korea entailed in the field of education, especially focusing on newly established forms of education. First, modern education was characterised by newly created institutions and curricula. These institutions can be classified according to the actors engaged in their creation, private Korean citizens, foreign missionary actors and the Korean government. Second, new educational discourses and practices characterised modern education in Korea. These new discourses played a central role in negotiating Korean nationalism and in culturally positioning Korea between China and the “West”. Bodily practices were radically changed through uniforms, new hairstyles and military drills. A new system of classroom interaction was introduced to Korea.  相似文献   

英语师资队伍建设是民办高技师资队伍建设的一项重要内容.加强英语师责队伍建设对提高民办高校英语教学质量具有重大意义.当前,民办高校英语师资队伍建设中存在着诸如师资的稳定、数量、结构和科研等方面问题,为此,上至政府,下至学校和英语部门都应直面问题、探析原因、采取积极有效的措施加以解决.  相似文献   

大众化条件下韩国高等教育可持续发展的问题与经验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实现大众化后,韩国面临一系列阻碍高等教育可持续发展的严峻问题,如办学质量偏低、竞争力不强;大学自律能力的欠缺;高等教育财政结构脆弱;以及高校生存危机等.针对这些问题,在多样化的办学体制基础上,韩国政府树立教育先行的高等教育发展观,围绕提高质量这一中心,采取扩大大学自主权,推行特色化办学等措施保障高等教育的可持续发展,并取得了显著的成效.  相似文献   

1994年新南非政府消除种族隔离制度之后,其高等教育发展迅速,其中私立高等院校的数量也有了大幅提高,与此同时,私立高等教育质量问题也受到了人们的关注。为此,南非政府出台了一系列政策和策略,进一步完善私立高等教育质量保障机制,以促进和提高私立高等教育质量。  相似文献   

Learning no longer takes place as effectively as it did before in most current Korean classrooms. Many teachers have voiced concerns about a notably reduced level of students’ interest in and enthusiasm for learning school materials, lack of students’ attention to their lectures, and lack of students’ involvement in classroom activities. This negative change, which has been observed since around 1997, is often referred to as “school collapse” in Korea, meaning classroom breakdown. The paper investigates the factors that have lead to the phenomenon of the school collapse, introduces the 7th National Curriculum as one of the new reform approaches of the Korean government, and makes some suggestions to ensure more autonomy and diversity in classrooms to promote effective teaching and learning.  相似文献   

2007-2012年是辽宁省高等教育由“数量”向“质量”过渡的关键历史时期。这期间,辽宁省高等教育机构发展迅速,高等教育招生总规模适度增长,高等教育在校生规模逐年扩大,高等教育毛入学率快速提升到48.0%。与此同时,高等教育结构调整也取得显著成效,研究生、普通本、专科生培养比例日趋合理。在师资队伍方面,普通高校的生师比略有下降,师资紧张状况得以缓解,师资队伍的学历水平进一步提升,专业技术职务结构进一步优化,高职(专科)院校双师型教师比例显著提高;在办学条件方面,在总量保持持续增长的同时,地方属高校生均办学条件不断得到改善。本文通过基础数据统计分析,以期能为各级教育行政部门和高校在发展战略研究方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Positioning higher education for the knowledge based economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article questions the assumption that increasing competition among higher education institutions is the best method of achieving a strong higher education sector in developing countries. It notes that there has been increasing emphasis on the importance of higher education institutions for sustainable development, particularly because of their importance to the global knowledge economy. For the same reason, the appropriate management of the relationship between the state and higher education institutions is vital to a strong and dynamic future for these institutions. This paper proposes a menu of options for higher education governance, grouped around ‘state-centric’ and ‘neo-liberal’ models of development. The ‘state-centric’ model proposed is based on a variety of examples of high performing Asian economies, in particular, while the ‘neo-liberal’ model is based on emerging trends in higher education management in countries such as Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom. The paper suggests that despite pressure across the globe to encourage a market among universities, this may not always be the most efficient use of resources, or the best way to integrate universities in a country’s drive for economic growth.  相似文献   

The features of Korean higher education development are related to sociocultural tradition (Confucian tradition), the model university ideas, and economic development in Korea. The modern university ideas adopted in Korean are based on the German model which was established by the Japanese colonial government and drawing on the US university model after the World War II. However, the modern university ideas are intertwined with socio-cultural factors and have been embedded in current Korean universities. As well as the western ideas and the Confucian tradition, the growth of Korean higher education has relied upon the rapid growth of the Korean economy. Education development is well aligned with economic development in Korea thanks to government policy initiatives. This framework can be applied in the analysis of higher education development in other countries. Higher education development cannot be solely explained by individual cultural, historical or economic factor. These three factors are interlinked and influence the development of Korean higher education.  相似文献   

In this study, faculty at institutions of higher education in Southern California were surveyed to determine the ways they interpret the effects of globalization dynamics upon their various teaching and research activities. Faculty in the state’s three higher education tiers spoke positively about the intellectual benefits to be gained by exposure to different worldviews made possible by an increasingly diverse faculty and student body. Divisions were noted among the different tiers, however, with respect to their disparate levels of engagement with the private sector. The private sector was seen as having a negative impact upon the public sector’s research agenda while simultaneously being embraced by faculty at the community colleges. Faculty at the research institutions were typically critical of the overarching neoliberal paradigm and spoke in political terms about the ways this largely economic‐efficiency model was reorienting their teaching and research roles.  相似文献   

黄非非 《安康学院学报》2011,23(1):111-113,116
韩国是当今世界教育最发达的国家之一,韩国民众对教育的热情非常高,而这主要得益于韩国政府在保障教师待遇方面作出的不懈努力。韩国中小学教师薪酬制度极大地调动了教师的从教热情,对提高教育教学质量产生了重要影响。本文着重分析韩国中小学教师薪酬制度的特点,以期为我国教育改革与发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

During the past twenty years, higher education institutions in China have gained enormous rights due to both the streamlining of administration and the decentralization of the government. Their legal status has hence changed dramatically. However, the expansion of their rights has also brought about the possibility of higher education institutions profiting by pursuing development. The influence of the market has begun to permeate higher education institutions, and this change has shown some characteristics of induced institutional changes. Accordingly, higher education institutions should be regulated from the perspective of public law, so as to ensure their public nature. __________ Translated by LI Yancheng from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2007, (2): 5–16  相似文献   

韩国高等教育规模的持续扩张引发了教育质量的下降,尤其是近年来随着适龄入学人口的下降,使主要经费来源依赖于学生学费的私立大学开始面临财政危机,它们不得不通过合并与兼并等重组的方式以增强生存能力.政府也通过立法或制定政策促使大学,尤其是私立大学进行重组改革,以提高其竞争优势.  相似文献   

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