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王贤 《图书情报工作》2018,62(11):143-150
[目的/意义]数字学术服务是高校图书馆的发展趋势之一,总结美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校图书馆数字学术服务发展模式,为国内高校图书馆提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]在文献调研的基础上,厘清数字学术的内涵与外延,分析高校图书馆开展数字学术服务的意义,了解目前高校图书馆数字学术服务的进展。采用典型案例分析法和网络调研法,对伊利诺伊大学香槟分校图书馆数字学术服务的发展历程、发展模式、服务保障进行分析和总结。[结果/结论]对国内高校图书馆规划和建设数字学术服务提出如下建议:审视自身服务资源、发现用户需求;评估自我实力、确定服务内容;提升馆员能力、注重合作研究;建设数字资源库、促进数字资源长期保持。  相似文献   

数字学术近年来成为图书馆学术热点之一,受到国内外高校图书馆的普遍关注。文章对印第安纳大学伯明顿分校图书馆的数字学术服务分别从数据服务、数字保存服务、数字馆藏服务、学术出版服务和共享数字化实验室等进行深入研究,并对我国高校图书馆数字学术服务建设提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

珠三角数字图书馆联盟的创新性与实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着珠江三角洲地区的快速发展,珠三角出现了多个数字图书馆,但受限于体制与版权法等诸多因素,造成了公共、高校、科技三大系统图书馆数字化资源购置重复,使用范围受限,利用率极为低下。为了解决这种情况,提高资源利用率,节约经费,在广东省文化厅、财政厅、教育厅、科技厅的领导下,广东省公共、教育、科技系统图书馆强强联合,建成珠江三角洲数字图书馆联盟。这一组织的成立,在六方面实现了创新,并且通过近一年的实践,取得了突出的社会效益,改善了珠三角地区数字化资源的建设与使用现状,实现了建立联盟的初衷。  相似文献   

SAN技术及其在高校图书馆网络中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江涛 《晋图学刊》2004,(4):33-35
高校图书馆拥有大量重要的数字资源,如何保障数据的安全,提高数据网络传输能力显得尤为重要。本文就SAN(存储区域网络)技术在高校图书馆网络中的应用谈了自己的看法。  相似文献   

高校数字图书馆知识服务能力评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校数字图书馆知识服务能力评价受服务内容、特点和数字图书馆固有特性等因素的影响,而各影响因素不能都以定量的形式体现。文章以定性分析和定量分析相结合的思路,采用层次分析法确定指标体系及权重,给出了高校数字图书馆知识服务能力的评价方法,并进行了评价验证,较好地解决了高校数字图书馆知识服务能力的评价问题。  相似文献   

在分析网格技术及高校图书馆发展趋势的基础上,阐述了用网格技术构建高校数字图书馆的必要性和可行性,论述了构建高校数字图书馆过程中必须解决的一些关键问题,讨论了建设基于网格技术的高校数字图书馆的实际意义.参考文献8.  相似文献   

做笔记是一种读书治学的方法,在数字时代,数字笔记管理工具软件逐渐成为高校图书馆的常见工具软件。针对高校图书馆中的各种数字笔记管理工具,介绍如何利用其进行笔记撰写和管理。  相似文献   


This article presents the findings of a case study that examined user navigation in a large-scale digital library in the context of academic use. Using the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) as a case, the study explored user navigation and understanding of a distributed model of large-scale digital libraries. The DPLA model involves two- or three-step navigation pathways. Most study participants could navigate the DPLA distributed, multilayered system effectively. This study found some confusion among the participants when they must move through a three-step process to locate digital objects provided by a metadata aggregator service hub. The study participants also pointed out the advantages of a distributed model in collocating digital resources and connecting users to a wide range of digital libraries.  相似文献   

我国高校图书馆合作数字参考咨询服务问题和对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京大学图书馆为代表的我国部分高校图书馆大都经历了由参加全球合作数字参考咨询项目QuestionPoint到建设并加入本土化协作体系CVRS的转变。该文从这一转变入手,考察了我国高校图书馆合作数字参考咨询服务的现状,在结合北京大学图书馆用户问卷调研结果的基础上剖析其发展中所普遍存在的低知晓率、低使用率、缺乏沟通反馈和功能利用不充分等四大问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文主要分析了在数字环境发展状况下,高校图书馆网络学术资源开发与利用的内容和形式,指出了高校图书馆网络学术信息资源建设中需注意的问题。  相似文献   

文章对国内外高校图书馆服务于智库的现实情况进行了研究性梳理,从数字学术支持的功能定位、服务内容和主要形式等角度对美国、英国和加拿大等国图书馆数字学术支持模式进行分析,了解高校智库对图书馆服务的需求,探索我国面向高校智库的图书馆数字学术支持服务模式,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

高校图书馆数字文献资源读者利用状况分析及其对策   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
张谦  陈大庆 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(3):204-207
通过对高校图书馆数字文献资源整体状况的分析,以及对部分高校图书馆的读者抽样调查和采访,得出目前高校图书馆数字文献利用率不容乐观的结论,并提出改变现状的探索性对策。  相似文献   


In library user experience (UX) literature, physical and digital spaces are often studied separately. In academic libraries, different stakeholders often control and operate the logistics of each set of spaces. Additionally, library UX studies seldom consider the physical experiences of users beyond the borders of library websites or buildings. Our survey of 37?U.S. academic library websites found that 97% had some kind of digital representations of physical spaces – predominantly floor plans. A content analysis of those floor plans found that many were poorly designed, and identified two specific themes: non-accessible content and a lack of comprehensive information to facilitate the user journey. This paper offers several recommendations for building more accessible digital representations of physical spaces for the library website. These trends and recommendations are intended to be instructive for managers of library websites and elucidate larger themes about academic libraries.  相似文献   

Cooperative organization has been proposed as a means to improve the usefulness of virtual libraries. Information interchange among library and other academic applications is often hindered by the lack of application interoperability. This hindrance may be overcome through the development of standards that allow for digital libraries to exchange and share information with other applications. The Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) launched its Theses and Dissertations Bank (BTD) in 1995. BTD is possibly the first online academic digital library of theses. From a digital document repository, BTD evolved into a system that combines bibliometry and informetry features. BTD is used by students and faculty in their research activities, but also by decision makers from industry and academia. They use it, respectively, to search for specialists and to measure interest and knowledge interchange among PPGEP research areas. This article presents the history, features, and development prospects for the BTD project. The integration of BTD with other academic applications, especially those of the Brazilian national science and technology platform, is emphasized.  相似文献   

以CALIS为依托,以山西省高校图工委所在地山西大学图书馆为基础,建立山西省高等学校科技文献资源保障系统。内容包括:数字化图书馆公共数据中心,学科文献信息中心,采编中心,特色学科文献数据库,培训基地,馆际互借服务系统等。通过建设,形成一个以网络互连互通,资源高度共享,服务功能完备,服务效益明显的山西省高等教育科技文献保障体系。  相似文献   

四川省高校图书馆联盟构建策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈欣  万彤 《图书情报工作》2011,55(9):97-137
首先对四川省高校图书馆的现状和优势进行分析,提出建立四川省高校图书馆联盟的目标是实现省内高校图书馆的资源联盟、服务联盟和知识联盟。从建立联合目录、数字资源联合采购、组建学科文献中心、组织开发特色数据库、加强服务共享和积极开展业务培训六个方面详细讨论构建联盟的具体内容,最后探讨以完善的管理体系和专业的技术支撑作为实现机制。  相似文献   


Rather than create a collection solely to support distance learners, libraries should consider the needs of all customers when developing a digital library. The acceptance of digital libraries is dependant upon the conversion of resources to an electronic format that is easy to use and is fully searchable. While electronic journals are widely accepted by most academic library customers, the delivery of online books has had a very different acceptance rate. Rather than support the sequential reading of books, electronic books are commonly used to find information and can be particularly well-suited for reference purposes. This article will provide insight into the history of e-book models and evaluate the usage statistics of a large electronic book collection in an academic library.  相似文献   

从细节看美国高校图书馆的服务   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对美国大学图书馆的环境和布局、服务以及馆际互借等细节之处的介绍,体现了美国大学图书馆以人为本的服务理念的无处不在,希望能对我们高校图书馆的服务起一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

关于当前高校图书采购工作的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对当前高校图书采购工作的形势、任务、存在的问题进行了分析,提出了增加购书经费、加强图书数字化建设、提高图书质量和采购人员素质等建设性意见。  相似文献   

Cooperative organization has been proposed as a means to improve the usefulness of virtual libraries. Information interchange among library and other academic applications is often hindered by the lack of application interoperability. This hindrance may be overcome through the development of standards that allow for digital libraries to exchange and share information with other applications. The Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) launched its Theses and Dissertations Bank (BTD) in 1995. BTD is possibly the first online academic digital library of theses. From a digital document repository, BTD evolved into a system that combines bibliometry and informetry features. BTD is used by students and faculty in their research activities, but also by decision makers from industry and academia. They use it, respectively, to search for specialists and to measure interest and knowledge interchange among PPGEP research areas. This article presents the history, features, and development prospects for the BTD project. The integration of BTD with other academic applications, especially those of the Brazilian national science and technology platform, is emphasized.  相似文献   

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