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整式的乘除是 本章的重点,而幂的运算是整式乘除的基础,熟练地运用幂的运算性质进行幂运算,对今后与之相关的数与式运算,代数式的恒等变形等有着深远的影响。  相似文献   

整式的乘除运算是研究数学的基础内容,更是历年各地中考的必考知识点,现把整式的乘除运算的常见考点归类说明如下.供同学们学习时参考.  相似文献   

2要点剖析2.1基本概念表示数与字母的乘积的式子叫做单项式:单独的一个数或一个字母也是单项式.几个单项式的和,叫做多项式.单项式和多项式统称为整式.2.2整式的乘除运算整式的运算包括整式的加减运算和乘除运算.其中整式加减运算的基础是去括号和合并同类项,实质是去括号,合并同类项.对于整式的乘除运算学生要做到:  相似文献   

在八年级数学上册“整式的乘除”教学中,幂的运算是整式运算的基础。整式的乘除,实质上就是根据运算法则进行幂的运算与有理数的运算,因此学好幂的运算是整式乘除教学的关键。关于幂运算的性质是在有理数的基础上进行讨论和学习的,它既有对有理数知识的系统性概括,又能完成从数到式的抽象。八年级学生对于运用抽象字母运算接触还不多,会感到比较难以理解,因此它也是本单元教学上的一个难点。结合自己多年的教学经验,我认为在幂的运算性质的教学中必须落实好好以下三个环节。  相似文献   

数学是人类智慧的结晶。数千年来,数学就一直用它简洁的数学符号、神奇的数学公式、严谨的数学证明、精确的数学运算,构筑自身的壮观和美丽。然而,值得一提的是,数学中还有很多不起眼的“规定”。比如,混合运算中先“乘除”后“加减”的运算顺序;字母和数字相乘时数字在前,并且省略乘号,等等。看似“约定俗成”的“规定”.背后有没有合理...  相似文献   

向量是近代数学中重要的、基本的概念之一,在中学数学中,它是沟通代数、几何与三角函数的一种工具,向量由大小和方向两个量确定,大小反映了数的特征,方向反映了形的特征,因此向量是集数、形于一身的数学概念,是数学中数形结合思想的典型体现,向量可以象数一样进行“运算”,向量内容已成为数学高考必考的新的双基内容,同时也是三角等知识的交汇点,很多同学对于一些向量题不知从何入手的主要原因是解向量题缺乏“运算”思想,要让向量算起来。  相似文献   

加减运算是算术运算的基础,儿童学习加减运算是一个复杂的过程。运用儿童学习加减运算的特点进行数学教学,对低年级数学教师来说是很重要的。一、儿童学习加减运算的基础儿童加减运算能力的发展与10以内数概念的获得和发展有着密切的联系,初步数概念的发展为儿童学习加减运算提供了基础。 1.在认识10以内数的过程中,儿童获得了加减  相似文献   

在小学数学教学中,使儿童正确理解数学概念,是掌握数及其运算的性质、法则、公式等基础知识的前提,是提高学生计算能力、逻辑思维能力和空间观念的重要基础。因此,加强数学概念教学,是提高小学数学教学质量的重要一环。按照儿童认识规律讲解数学概念数学概念是比较抽象的理性知识。对于年龄小、生活经验少、认识能力低的儿童来说,学习它是有一定困难的。为了解决这个矛盾,小学数学概念  相似文献   

三年级数学教学质量不高,学生学习成绩大幅度下降的原因是什么呢?我认为主要有以下几方面:其一,三年级是小学数学教学中的关键年段.这一阶段涉及内容多,难点多,坡度大.三年级学生的认数范围从万以内扩大到多位数,数的概念更加抽象;数的运算从一位数乘除多位数,扩展到两、三位数乘除多位数,并要求掌握四则运算的理论知识;计算能力的训练内容由口算、笔算发展到珠算;应用题从简单的两步应用题扩展到较复杂的两步应用题和三步复合应用题.这就对学生的抽象概括  相似文献   

有理数乘除运算是初中数学的重要内容之一,是进一步学习数学和其他学科所必需的基础.但在平时运算过程中,同学们常在不知不觉中误入歧途,导致结果错误.下面列举几个易错点举例剖析,希望能带给同学们一  相似文献   

课程、教师、学生作为数学教育的核心要素,反映到数学教育改革中,既是一项复杂的社会现象,又是一项复杂的系统工程.认为数学教育研究和改革应落实学术规范与行为规范;数学课程建设应突出数学化的基础知识和基本技能,加强数学能力和数学理性精神的培养; 数学教学过程应促使学生对数学问题或实际问题产生质疑、兴趣和好奇心.改革的关键是:既要解决好教师的数学修养,又要发挥教师在数学教学过程中的教学艺术创造性.  相似文献   

小学阶段的数学知识主要包括应用题和加减乘除,对于小学生而言这些知识是比较枯燥的。因此为了提升课程质量,教师在教学中必须要不断优化小学数学课堂设计。基于此,本文主要介绍了优化小学数学课堂教学的重要意义,而且提出了优化小学数学课堂设计的有效策略,希望可以给有需要的人提供参考意见。  相似文献   

函数图形的运算除迭加外 ,还应有相乘、相除和乘方的运算 ,若一函数是由几个基本初等函数加、减、乘、除和乘方运算而成的 ,那么它的图形就可以采用几何画法而得到  相似文献   

数学创新能力的涵义与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
培养学生数学创新能力是当前数学教育的一个重要目标.数学创新能力的涵义可以从潜在的认知过程和显现的认知结果两个角度做出分析,数学创新能力的评价可以依据两条粗略标准,采用3种具体方法,从6个基本途径切入,这些对于我们认识和评价学生数学创新能力有着重要的借鉴和启示作用.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates differences in the process of mastering the four basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) between Flemish and Chinese children from Grade 3 till Grade 6 (i.e. from 8 to 11 years old). The results showed, firstly, that Chinese students outperformed Flemish students in each grade but that difference in addition, subtraction and division skills between the groups decreased as grade increased. Secondly, the levels of mastery of the four skills varied between Chinese and Flemish students. Multiplication was relatively easier for Chinese students than for their Flemish peers as compared to the other skills (that is, the gap was larger). Third, low achievers experienced comparable learning difficulties in both countries, and higher achievers demonstrated their greater ability early on.  相似文献   

From classifications of word problems in international discussion of elementary mathematics instruction as well as from conceptual elaborations of didactical analyses in Germany, a classification of semantic structures of one-step word problems involving multiplication or division is proposed, comprehending four main classes: Forming the n-th multiple of measurers, combinatorial multiplication, composition of operators, and multiplication by formula. This classification is more comprehensive and differentiated than the classifications of Vergnaud (1983), Nesher (1988), and Bellet al. (1989) — aiming at a better assignment between diverse contextual circumstances and conceptual demands of mathematics and at compatibility with the well-known semantic structures of addition and subtraction word problems.  相似文献   

Strategy flexibility, adaptivity, and the use of clever shortcut strategies are of major importance in current primary school mathematics education worldwide. However, empirical results show that primary school students use such shortcut strategies rather infrequently. The aims of the present study were to analyze the extent to which Dutch sixth graders (12-year-olds) use shortcut strategies in solving multidigit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems, to what extent student factors and task instructions affected this frequency of shortcut strategy use, and to what extent the strategies differed in performance. A sample of 648 sixth graders from 23 Dutch primary schools completed a paper-and-pencil task of 12 multidigit arithmetic problems, designed to elicit specific shortcut strategies such as compensation. Based on the students’ written work, strategies were classified into whether a shortcut strategy was used or not. Results showed that the frequency of shortcut strategies ranged between 6 and 21% across problem types, and that boys and high mathematics achievers were more inclined to use shortcut strategies. An explicit instruction to look for a shortcut strategy increased the frequency of these strategies in the addition and multiplication problems, but not in the subtraction and division problems. Finally, the use of shortcut strategies did not yield higher performance than using standard strategies. All in all, spontaneous as well as stimulated use of shortcut strategies by Dutch sixth graders was not very common.  相似文献   

本文从当下数学教学价值缺失的理性应对、"快乐做主人"校本理念的现实召唤、数学本体的回归与彰显、作者个人数学教学经验的哲学思辨这四个方面阐述了"让学生做快乐的数学思想者"理念提出的缘由;接着阐释了"让学生做快乐的数学思想者"的教学特质,即儿童性、科学性、开放性、丰富性、深刻性、创新性;最后结合具体课例介绍了作者在"让学生做快乐的数学思想者"方面的初步实践。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of addition and subtraction practice embedded within a word-problem intervention for Grade 3 students experiencing word-problem difficulty. Students (N = 448) were randomly assigned to one of two variants of a word-problem intervention or a business-as-usual comparison condition. Within the word-problem interventions, students participated in targeted addition and subtraction fact and computation practice for approximately 3 minutes of each 30-minute session across 47 intervention sessions, but also continually practiced addition and subtraction through word-problem solving. At posttest, students who participated in the intervention demonstrated improved single-digit addition and subtraction performance as well as improved double-digit addition and subtraction performance. At follow-up in Grade 4, persistence of effects was only identified for double-digit addition. Considering addition and subtraction are foundational to many other mathematics skills, addition and subtraction practice serves as an important component of mathematics intervention.  相似文献   

The number line is often recommended as an aid for the teaching of whole number addition and subtraction. The possible stages in young children's use of the aid are described, as is their ultimate outgrowing of this aid.Number line diagrams are also used in diagnostic and achievement test items to assess the understanding of whole number addition. This practice is discussed and criticised with the aid of the empirical findings of the second NAEP. Finally the wider role of number line diagrams in mathematics teaching is outlined.  相似文献   

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