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做好大学物理与中学物理教学衔接是帮助学生顺利适应大学物理学习,优化大学物理教学的关键。在分析学生学习大学物理的现状,以及大学物理与中学物理主要区别的基础上,提出大学物理与中学物理教学衔接的方法与途径,即大学物理教学要在绪论课、物理概念和规律教学、物理实验和习题教学4个方面做好大学物理与中学物理教学的衔接。  相似文献   

本文针对高职院校大学物理的教学现状和学生学习基础的各种原因,提出在大学物理的教学方法上应当以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,提高大学物理的教学质量和学生学习大学物理的能力和处理问题的方法。  相似文献   

大学物理课程是工科高校的基础教学内容,大学物理演示实验是大学物理教学的重要组成部分。本文阐述了高校大学物理教学现状,通过分析作者所在高校演示实验的教学情况,探索演示实验的新教学模式,充分发挥其对大学物理教学的辅助作用,优化大学物理教学质量和教学效果,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生科学素养和创新能力。  相似文献   

大学物理实验教学方法探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
总结大学物理实验教学的实践经验,探索大学物理实验教学的现代方法,进一步深化大学物理实验教学改革,提高学生的实践能力和创新能力,培养学生的科学素质。  相似文献   

本文论述了"大学物理"绪论课的作用以及如何组织"大学物理"绪论课,并指出"大学物理"绪论课不但可以使学生认识到"大学物理"课的重要性,也可以提高学生对学习"大学物理"课的兴趣,进而引导学生逐步掌握"大学物理"的正确的学习方法,使学生对"大学物理"课的学习沿着正确的方向发展,这对于提高本科教学质量有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

大学生在中学学过物理课,对“在大学里为何还要学习物理课”这一问题存在疑虑,在学习过程中反映大学物理难学。通过绪论课可以帮助学生解除疑虑,让学生认识到学习大学物理的必要性,帮助学生掌握学习大学物理的方法。本文阐述了什么是物理学、学习大学物理的意义、如何学好大学物理,帮助低年级大学生学好大学物理这门课。  相似文献   

本文分析了在民族院校的大学物理教学现状,讨论了针对少数民族学生大学物理教学改革的必要性。在教学实践中,对少数民族学生在大学物理教学内容和教学方法上进行了改革,将多种教学方法相结合的混合式教学更加完美地应用于民族院校的物理教学中,势必对高校少数民族学生的大学物理教育起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校大学物理分专业教学改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据应用型本科院校大学物理教学现状,提出了大学物理按专业分类教学的改革方案。通过大学物理分专业教学,调动了学生学习大学物理的积极性,实现了大学物理课教学与专业课教学的衔接,为学生进一步学习专业课打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

大学物理是高校理工科各专业面向低年级学生开设的一门重要的专业基础必修课,其重要性不可言喻.但由于大学物理的教学方法及学生基础等多种原因,大学物理的学习效果总体上不能令人满意.本文从大学物理教学中存在的问题入手,探讨大学物理的教学方法和教学手段改进的问题.  相似文献   

徐斌 《家教世界》2013,(8X):210-211
大学物理是高等院校理工科专业的一门重要的公共必修课。大学物理课程学习能够培养学生的科学素养、锻炼学生的思维能力,提高学生分析解决问题能力,具有其他课程不可替代的地位。然而,很多学生都认为大学物理不仅难学,而且学而无用。本文以湖北工业大学为例,分别从学校、教师和学生三个层面就大学物理课程教学现状、存在的问题和改革建议几个方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

论科学的技术的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代科学技术发展的日新月异,科学和技术的相互依赖、相互促进的关系日益明显,出现了科学技术一体化的新特点和新趋势。本主要从科学、技术的含义;科学与技术关系的历史演变;科学的技术化、技术的科学化等方面来加以阐述。  相似文献   

我国科学教育发展历史虽然已历经百年,但至今仍存在不少问题。要在新时期解决科学教育中的诸多问题,必须厘清科学教育中的几个关系性问题:第一,科学与科学教育之间的关系,科学与科学教育分属两个范畴但又相互关联;第二,科学方法与科学教育方法之关系,科学方法是科学研究者做科学之方法,科学教育方法则是指导学生学习科学之方法;第三,科学知识与科学素养之关系,科学素养是科学教育追求之目标,科学知识是其不可或缺的重要内容;第四,科学教育与技术教育之间的关系,随着科学与技术之间相互作用的增强,科学与技术在教育中逐渐走向融合,但现时期科学教育与技术教育仍具有不同的内涵。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of an informal science outreach programme built around theories of identity formation and self-efficacy on middle school girls’ science affinities. A lottery-based, randomised control trial was used to identify programme effects on four science affinity outcomes: science interests, efficacy with science, science attitudes, and science identity. A multivariate analysis of variance demonstrated that programme participants scored higher than their control group peers on weighted composite of post-programme affinity indicators. These results suggest that informal science education may offer a venue through which to support the formation of science identities and efficacy in girls. Implications for including psychosocial support elements into science classroom pedagogy and science education standards are discussed.  相似文献   


Using data from the 2006 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), we explored nine aspects of science engagement (science self-efficacy, science self-concept, enjoyment of science, general interest in learning science, instrumental motivation for science, future-oriented science motivation, general value of science, personal value of science, and science-related activities) as outcomes and predictors of science achievement. Based on results from multilevel modelling with 4456 students nested within 132 schools, we found that all aspects of science engagement were statistically significantly and positively related to science achievement, and nearly all showed medium or large effect sizes. Each aspect was positively associated with one of the (four) practices (strategies) of science teaching. Focus on applications or models was positively related to the most aspects of science engagement (science self-concept, enjoyment of science, instrumental motivation for science, general value of science, and personal value of science). Hands-on activities were positively related to additional aspects of science engagement (science self-efficacy and general interest in learning science) and also showed a positive relationship with science achievement.  相似文献   

Student views on the nature of science are shaped by a variety of out‐of‐school forces and television‐mediated science is a significant force. To attempt to achieve a science for all, we need to recognize and understand the diverse messages about science that students access and think about on a regular basis. In this work I examine how high school students think about science that is mediated by four different program genres on television: documentary, magazine‐format programming, network news, and dramatic or fictional programming. The following categories of findings are discussed: the ethics and validity of science, final form science, science as portrayed by its practitioners, and school science and television science. Student perceptions of the nature of science depicted on the program sample used in this study ranged from seeing science as comprising tentative knowledge claims to seeing science as a fixed body of facts. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 234–256, 2003  相似文献   


The author sought to investigate the effects of inquiry-based science instruction on science achievement and interest in science of 5,120 adolescents from 85 schools in Qatar. Results of hierarchical linear modeling analyses revealed the substantial positive effects of science teaching and learning with a focus on model or applications and interactive science teaching and learning on science achievement and interest in science. In contrast, science teaching and learning using student investigations and hands-on activities had substantial negative effects on science achievement in the context of other variables. Implications of the findings for educational policy and classroom practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A science achievement model was separately investigated for students in low and high achieving schools (LAS and HAS) in Turkey. Then, gender differences based on variables that significantly contributed to each achievement model were investigated. The student-level variables that were under investigation for multiple regression analyses include attitudes toward science, epistemological beliefs, metacognition, views on science teaching, and socioeconomic status (SES). The science achievement scores of students on a nationwide exam were used to measure science achievement. Both for LAS and HAS, two schools were selected. Results were reported for 241 and 320 students in LAS and HAS, respectively. According to the results, self-concept in science, knowledge of cognition, SES, importance of science, gradual learning, and views on lab work significantly contributed to the science achievement model in LAS. On the other hand, self-concept in science, SES, gradual learning, studying, and learning science in school significantly contributed to the science achievement model in HAS. Results also revealed that girls outperformed boys on knowledge of cognition and importance of science in LAS. Moreover, girls scored higher than boys on gradual learning and studying in HAS. According to these findings, implications for science education were discussed.  相似文献   

This study, drawing on data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007, examined the predictive effects of multiple dimensions of mathematics and science self-concept??positive affect toward mathematics and science and self-perceived competence in mathematics and science??on mathematics and science achievement among 1,752 first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students in Canada. First- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? self-perceived competence in mathematics had positive predictive effects on their mathematics and science achievement. In contrast, first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? positive affect toward mathematics had negative predictive effects on their mathematics and science achievement. While first- and second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? self-perceived competence in science had no significant predictive effect on their mathematics achievement, it had a positive predictive effect on their science achievement. Positive affect toward science had positive predictive effects on second-generation immigrant adolescent students?? mathematics and science achievement, whereas it had no significant predictive effects on first-generation immigrant adolescent students?? mathematics and science achievement. Implications of the findings for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

在大科学下科研组织形式已发生了很大变化,但没有改变科学自由的本质,因而无损大科学的当代价值。从大科学的功用来说,一方面突显了科学的应用性价值,另一方面也突出了科学的责任。中国大科学体制的完善一方面在于决策机制的完善,另一方面有赖于建立合理化的、制度化的、可内化的科学规范系统。  相似文献   

科学本质教学是科学教育的重要目标。科学教科书作为科学教学的核心课程资源,对教师的课堂教学和学生科学本质观的形成发挥着重要作用。本文应用内容分析法对美国《科学入门》教科书中科学本质观的分析表明,该教科书呈现了较为完整的科学本质观;突出科学的实证性、暂定性与发展性;为科学划界,区分科学与非科学;显性呈现关于科学与技术的关系;注重体现社会文化对科学的影响;所呈现的科学观是实践优位的。该教科书呈现的科学本质观能够为我国理科教科书编写提供多方面的启示。  相似文献   

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