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The recent initiatives from the Clinton administration and Congress to “reinvent government,” to “develop electronic information services,” to “better manage information technology” (IT), and to “improve access to electronic government information,” certainly is welcome. But policymakers need to go beyond the proposals and develop specific program initiatives and implementation strategies if such goals are to be realized. The realization of these goals will require a range of new educational program initiatives to retrain and retool government officials, especially those engaged in information resources management (IRM).If these initiatives to reinvent government are to occur successfully, the administration and Congress must create a major program initiative—with adequate financial support—to revamp the educational programs that support IRM. Simply put, the changes occurring in both information technology and in managing that technology are outpacing many government officials' ability to respond in a planned and coherent fashion. Moreover, the existing infrastructure to develop Federal IRM education and training is fragmented and poorly supported, lacks clear policy direction, and desperately needs updating and reconceptualization.  相似文献   

All public values (transparency, accountability, civic participation, and collaboration) of open government could be difficult to achieve without administrators' good implementation. This paper raises concern that perceived risks to OGD accountability lead to undesired strategic resistance. Using a nation-wide government survey data of Taiwanese public servants, this study empirically tests for differences in OGD behaviors between two types of perceived risks (individual accountability vs. organizational accountability). Results find the existence of perceived risks to accountability in the process of data release and positive effects on inducing strategic workaround when implementing OGD policies. These findings shed light on the understanding of practices of open government and contributes to knowledge of administrative behavior.  相似文献   

The release of government data in an open format is broadly expected to generate innovation and economic value. However, despite the emerging public notoriety of this issue, literature is still scarce regarding the commercial application of open government data. The main goal of this study is to understand how firms use open government data to create value. More specifically, we aim to identify what types of use are currently in place and which industries are more prominent in exploiting open government data. Building on the analysis of a dataset of 178 firms that use open government data across various industries in the U.S. we find twelve different atomic models. Additionally, our findings suggest that the way in which open government is used to create value is contingent to the firms' activities. Supported by robust empirical data, we anticipate that our research produces practical insights to entrepreneurs as well as firm managers in deriving value from public datasets, and equip government officials with relevant evidence for advocacy and policy-making.  相似文献   

This research on government information policy's effects on use and users of government information considered social scientists' use of information from Canada's central statistical agency, Statistics Canada. Using a triangulated methodology, the investigation focused on Canadian mid-1980s federal cost-recovery and restraint initiatives which applied to government information. The case study revealed Statistics Canada's response to the initiatives. Bibliometric research objectively documented policy effects on use of statistics sources, examining Canadian social science journal articles in five disciplines. Textual examination revealed use of Canadian and foreign governmental and nongovernmental statistics sources over the years surrounding policy implementation. An author survey supplemented bibliometric findings. Higher prices and increased electronic data dissemination by Statistics Canada were confirmed, however bibliometric analysis indicated no significant change over time in use of statistics sources. Survey respondents expressed unhappiness with the price increases, but did not change sources used. Many (in 1995) still used paper products rather than electronic ones, a finding which provides baseline data but which does not reflect the more recent explosion in Internet use.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]大数据时代背景下,政府数据开放共享成为必然趋势。政策作为政府数据开放共享进程中的"助推剂",发挥着至关重要的作用。对我国城市群政府数据开放政策进行研究,分析城市群政府数据开放政策的特点及不足,为城市群政府数据开放政策提供改进建议,促进政策的协同执行。[方法/过程]从政策工具、政策目标、政策力度3个维度构建分析框架,以23项成渝城市群政府数据开放政策(218条政策细则)为样本,对每个政策进行文本编码,统计描述样本编码结果。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,成渝城市群政府数据开放政策的结构特征表现为命令型、激励型政策工具使用偏多,能力建设型和系统变化型政策工具使用偏少;政策目标着重于数据层面的政务数据开放共享和大数据应用,对于智慧政府建设目标重视程度不够;政策力度总体与政府数据开放趋势变化较为一致,但有待加强。因此,政府数据开放政策需要全面综合运用4种政策工具,同时协调政策目标的结构,加强政策力度,推动政府数据开放的系统发展。  相似文献   

Open government data (OGD) policy differs substantially from the existing Freedom of Information policies. Consequently OGD can be viewed as a policy innovation. Drawing on both innovation diffusion theory and its application to public policy innovation research, we examine Australia's OGD policy diffusion patterns at both the federal and state government levels based on the policy adoption timing and CKAN portal “Organization” and “Category” statistics. We found that state governments that had adopted OGD policies earlier had active policy entrepreneurs (or lead departments/agencies) responsible for the policy innovation diffusion across the different government departments. We also found that their efficacy ranking was relatively high in terms of OGD portal openness when openness is measured by the greater number of datasets proactively and systematically published through their OGD portals. These findings have important implications for the role played by OGD policy entrepreneurs in openly sharing the government-owned datasets with the public.  相似文献   

This study examines US and South Korean journalists' use of sources and their perceptions of source credibility in covering the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear ambitions. In particular, this study analyzes the relationship between journalists' perceptions of source credibility and the media's source use in terms of the aggregate and individual levels. Results of content analysis of US and South Korean newspapers are compared with data from a survey of US and South Korean journalists who covered the six-party nuclear talks. Government officials are dominant sources in media coverage of the talks because of their high level of accessibility and credibility. US and South Korean journalists assigned the greatest credibility to government officials of their own country. The two groups showed significant differences in their perceptions of credibility of South Korean officials, North Korean officials, Japanese officials, and Japanese experts. Moreover, this study finds that individual journalists' perceptions of source credibility were as strongly correlated with their individual use of sources as with the news media's aggregate use of sources. Implications of the findings are discussed in the context of media sociology, in particular gatekeeping.  相似文献   

This paper presents a benchmark proposal for the Open Government and its application from the open data perspective using data available on the U.S. government's open data portal (data.gov). The benchmark is developed over the adopted Open Government conceptual model, which describes Open Government through data openness, transparency, participation and collaboration. Resulting in two measures, that is, one known as the e-government openness index (eGovOI) and the other Maturity, the benchmark indicates the progress of government over time, the efficiency of recognizing and implementing new concepts and the willingness of the government to recognize and embrace innovative ideas.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]政策是开放政府数据生态系统中至关重要的要素。对开放政府数据政策的研究成果进行述评,为我国开放政府数据政策制定提供政策方案,同时为深入开展政策研究提供参考和指南。[方法/过程]采用文献调研法,对开放政府数据政策相关的研究进行系统梳理和归纳,在此基础上对现有研究进行全面评价并提出未来研究方向。[结果/结论]研究表明,目前我国开放政府数据政策的研究主要集中在开放数据政策环境研究、开放数据政策制定和执行三个方面。现有研究的局限具体表现在:注重国外经验性研究,对我国政策的研究较少;研究较为零碎和抽象,缺乏系统性和具体性。未来应就开放数据政策内容体系特别是数据资产管理政策、政策执行的协调机制、参与机制和监督机制,以及现有政策的适应性等进行深入研究。  相似文献   

Open government data has led to public policy innovation in pursuit of various expected benefits. One of the intended goals of open data innovation to improve transparency and accountability. However, our current understanding of open data innovation and its ability to generate transparency and accountability is limited, particularly with regard to empirical evidence. In this paper, we describe how a state agency redesigned its organizational processes around visualization tools and how such efforts helped bridge the transparency-accountability gap by enhancing the understandability and usability of open government data. We conclude that open data innovation does not stop with the adoption of an open data policy, but rather involves an ongoing cycle of improvements through which the organization responds to its various stakeholders' use of open data, thereby increasing usefulness of those datasets and, subsequently, improving overall accountability.  相似文献   

The number of migrant farmer workers in China has increased so rapidly that they can't be ignored anymore as a vulnerable group in the coming information society. This study formulates a theoretical framework on the process of seeking for government information online and employs a method of questionnaire survey to investigate the information needs of migrant farmer workers and their behavior of using e-government service. The findings drawn include inconsistency of information seeking behaviors with information needs, and conditions of transfer from potential users of e-government services to actual users, such as information literacy, IT environment, the influence of social networks, the operations of government websites, and targeted services. Several policy recommendations are presented based on these findings, including improvements in the workers' information capacity, construction of special e-government programs aimed at such workers, and enhancement of public library systems and government service offerings to this target group.  相似文献   

This study sought to define factors that influence bureaucrats' decisions on whether to grant information disclosure requests. Whereas previous studies of this issue focused mainly on factors related to the work of a specific government agency, this study expanded that focus to include information-related and environmental factors, drawing on blame avoidance motivation theory, street-level bureaucracy theory, and principal–agent theory. Decision-tree analysis revealed that, while various factors influenced public officials' disclosure decisions, Information-related factors were the most influential, and blame avoidance was a stronger motivator than realizing public interests. Therefore, a crucial point for successful implementation of an information disclosure system is to prevent in advance the interference of blame avoidance motivation in the release of information.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of the open data project in the Chicago area. The main purpose of the research is to explore empowering potential of an open data phenomenon at the local level as a platform useful for promotion of civic engagement projects and provide a framework for future research and hypothesis testing. Today the main challenge in realization of any e-government projects is a traditional top–down administrative mechanism of their realization itself practically without any input from members of the civil society. In this respect, the author of the article argues that the open data concept realized at the local level may provide a real platform for promotion of proactive civic engagement. By harnessing collective wisdom of the local communities, their knowledge and visions of the local challenges, governments could react and meet citizens' needs in a more productive and cost-efficient manner. Open data-driven projects that focused on visualization of environmental issues, mapping of utility management, evaluating of political lobbying, social benefits, closing digital divide, etc. are only some examples of such perspectives. These projects are perhaps harbingers of a new political reality where interactions among citizens at the local level will play a more important role than communication between civil society and government due to the empowering potential of the open data concept.  相似文献   

卢智增 《图书情报工作》2010,54(13):124-147
分析《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》在实施过程中存在着公开意识不强烈、规则界定不明确、公开程序不规范、公开内容不具体、公开方式不丰富、救济方式不力等现实困境,挖掘产生困境的4个根源,并在此基础上,从5个方面深入探讨完善我国政府信息公开的有效路径:加强教育,增强政府官员的民本思想和公民的维权意识;完善立法,建构科学协调的制度规范体系;广辟信息公开渠道,拓宽信息公开范围;设立具有权威性的国家政府信息公开协调机关,确保信息公开渠道畅通;强化信息公开工作的内部考评和外部监督,确保公民权利的有效救济。  相似文献   

An extensive research literature concludes that, in the United States, mainstream media tend to present a remarkably narrow, homogenous and centrist conservative view of political life that tends to support maintenance of the status quo. This is often attributed to heavy media reliance on government officials, leaders of political groups, and large bureaucratic organization as routine, predictable sources of information. In this context, it is important to understand how explicitly partisan publications construct their accounts of public affairs that provide citizens with alternatives to this perspective proffered by the dominant media. A content analysis of 25 years of 2 of America's leading partisan magazines, the conservative National Review and the liberal Progressive, provides data that raise questions about the extent to which information sources do influence the partisanship of media content.  相似文献   

Caregivers of older adults with dementia face significant challenges associated with their care recipients' condition and with their own mental and physical wellbeing. Qualitative research data were collected via interviews with caregivers who participated in the African-American Alzheimer's Caregiver Training and Support (ACTS) research project. Analysis of these data with a focus on information use indicated that participating caregivers' information use environments were shaped by key individuals, settings, and information sources. These included the ACTS counselors, ACTS intervention guidebook, fellow caregivers, use of a personal calendar/datebook, and the identification of key problems and development of goals to help ameliorate those problems. CBT groups fostered sharing, synthesizing, and validating information about dementia caregiving and dementia care resources; the ACTS CBT guidebook served as an important physical touchstone of reliable and portable information. Understanding the specific needs, behaviors, and constraints of African-American caregivers is important to the future development of information components of tailored, depression–reduction interventions.  相似文献   

Based on a content analysis of evening newscasts by the three television stations in Taiwan, this study examines the patterns of news sources selection and presentation in television news. The results of this study show that television news relies heavily on government officials who are primarily middle‐aged men in executive positions located in the capital city of Taipei. These findings suggest that the central government officials in Taipei appear to be the primary definers of social reality. TV news portrays only a very limited view of the society. In conclusion, this study suggests that with the management and content tightly controlled by the state, Taiwan's television news consists primarily of official rituals.  相似文献   

探索政府开放资料在台湾的发展现况:研究发现政府机关在其信息公开发展已经成熟之际,更持续地进一步施行更为全面的政府资料开放,相关主管机关已经在法制层面开始规划研拟,以逐步完成政府开放资料环境之整备;实证数据显示,政府开放数据实行对于政府信息增值有直接的影响,可以协助公众更有效率地获取政府数据与信息以从事增值应用,并减少公众在使用政府信息增值时所面对的困难;研究建议政府从法令规范、开放数据平台、开放数据面向、技术与格式标准、开放数据的推广与授权使用机制之6个方面,推动政府开放数据政策的落实。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探讨政府数据开放中公众参与的理论模式,旨在指导政府部门有效实现公众参与数据开放的政策目标,以及推进政府数据开放中公众参与议题的研究进展。[方法/过程] 采用文献分析法、逻辑分析法和案例分析法,同时以公众参与阶梯理论作为分析工具,构建并实证政府数据开放中的公众参与模式。[结果/结论] 政府数据开放中的公众参与可从理论层面构建为告知型参与、咨询型参与、合作型参与和授权型参与4种模式,其核心涵义分别是政府向公众传达信息、政府咨询公众意见、政府与公众平等合作、政府与公众共同治理。这4种政府数据开放公众参与理论模式一方面在政府意图、主导力量、信息流动、公众信息知晓度和公众自治程度方面存在明显的特征差异,另一方面从国内外政府数据开放公众参与实践案例中获得良好的经验支持。  相似文献   

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