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中学生物学教科书中科学素养静态评估模型的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以“科学素养”为主要评价目标,对中学生物学教科书中的“科学素养”的静态评估模型进行研究,制订具体的评价指标体系、评价程序和评价工具,并通过对三套生物学教科书的实证评价研究,验证生物学教科书中“科学素养”的静态评估模型的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

科学素养是当代科学教育的中心概念。科学素养理念在理科课程标准和教科书的落实情况是学术界关注的热点。通过相关文献的回顾,笔者整理出当下以科学素养为视角对"正式课程"分析的两种理论模型:"课程重点"和"课程平衡"。本文对两种理论模型及相关的实证研究进行了介绍、评述与比较,希望为我国科学教育工作者研究理科课程标准和教科书提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

科学课里,我们到底要孩子学会什么?在当下的课堂里,我们是否依然重复着传统式的教学?或者认为只要照着教科书、教学指导用书一路教下去,孩子的能力、科学素养就可以培养出来?当我们对孩子们进行评价时,教科书和各类教辅用书所提供的题库,是否都是学生学到的内容和需要达成的科学素养的内涵?  相似文献   

王财 《考试周刊》2011,(65):182-183
苏教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《生物》,瞄准新课程改革发展的趋势,面向全体学生,从根本上改变传统教科书片面强调知识的系统性,忽视学生全面发展的缺陷,使学生通过义务教育阶段的生物课学习,在知识、技能、问题解决能力、情感、态度、价值观等科学素养方面获得全面的、充分的、和谐的发展。  相似文献   

本文介绍了教科书实验评价法的概念、步骤及特点,并简述了美国学者对特殊教育领域两种历史教科书进行的实验评价,从理论和实践两个层面对教科书实验评价法进行介绍,以期为我国教科书评价方法理论体系的构建提供思路。  相似文献   

刘莉 《考试周刊》2011,(88):194-194
高中新课程教科书涉及许多生物科学史的内容,科学史的引入能够加深学生理解和探究的深度和广度,是提高学生科学素养的高效引擎。新课程标准明确指出:“科学是一个发展的过程。学习生物科学史能使学生沿着科学探索生物世界的道路理解科学的本质和科学研究的方法,学习科学家献身科学的精神,这对提高学生的科学素养很有意义。”因此在日常教学中,教师应该充分利用科学史中蕴涵的知识、技能、情感等多方面的教育素材提高每个学生的生物科学素养,促进新课程理念的贯彻。  相似文献   

文章详细介绍了PISA测试,并主要介绍了2006年PISA科学测评,其重点评价的领域是科学素养,科学素养界定将四个相互联系的特点作了定义;与PISA的评价理念有着类似的内涵,我国科学教育也要求以知识与技能、过程与方法(科学探究)、情感态度与价值观三维目标为依据,全面评价学生的科学素养:阐述了PISA对我国基础教育科学课程评价的几点思考和建议。  相似文献   

科学素养被认为是21世纪公民生活和工作所必须具备的关键能力的核心,而培养学生的科学素养就成了教育的重要使命之一,如何测评学生的科学素养也因此成了研究的重点。本文试图通过介绍欧洲经济合作与发展组织的“国际学生评价项目”对科学素养的界定和评估框架,为评价学生的综合能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

科学素养被认为是21世纪公民生活和工作所必须具备的关键能力的核心,而培养学生的科学素养就成了教育的重要使命之一,如何测评学生的科学素养也因此成了研究的重点。本文试图通过介绍欧洲经济合作与发展组织的“国际学生评价项目”对科学素养的界定和评估框架,为评价学生的综合能力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>科学探究是科学素养的核心,贯穿于整个科学教育的始终。正确的科学探究活动可以激发学生的探究兴趣,提高学生的科学素养。在科学课教学中,我们强调让学生亲历科学探究,在探究过程中学科学知识。《做一个生态瓶》是教育科学出版社义务教育课程标准实验教科书,科学五年级上册第一单元第六课,它让学生进一步体验生物与环境之间的关系,认识生物与生物之间是相互依存、相互作用和相互制约的,并以做生态瓶为例子,让学生通过应用所学的科学知识和科学方法研究,解决实际问题,知道  相似文献   

方宗熙是我国著名的海洋生物学家、遗传学家、科普作家,也是新中国生物教科书的奠基者和开拓者之一。他在人民教育出版社成立初期先后担任生物组组长、生物编辑室主任,工作异常勤奋,成绩十分显著,主编了中学生物教科书《植物学》《动物学》《人体解剖生理学》《达尔文主义基础》和小学《自然》课本,还发表了许多论著。这些课本均入选国家中小学教科用书表,既是人教社最早自编的一套中学生物和小学自然教科书,也是新中国“第一套全国通用生物教材”和“第二套全国通用自然教材”。  相似文献   

不同版本的生物教材在分册、编排、内容等方面都存在着差异。本文从内容分册、编写体系的宏观层次对人教版和河北少儿版初中生物教材进行比较,并从探究活动、课后习题和课后阅读资料等微观层次也进行了比较,分析两个版本教材编写的特点,旨在为教材编写提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Efforts to eliminate or neutralize the coverage of evolution in high school biology textbooks in the United States have persisted with varying degrees of intensity and success since the 1920s. In particular, the coverage of human evolution has been impacted by these efforts. Evidence of the success of these efforts can be chronicled by the emphasis given to human evolution in secondary biology textbooks historically and in the current state science standards. Prior to the 1960s, biology textbooks provided little emphasis to human evolution. In the 1970s and early 1980s textbooks reduced the coverage of human evolution. However, in the 1990s the coverage became quite comprehensive again. In 2004, the state science frameworks of only three states had standards concerned with human evolution.  相似文献   

Twenty-two high school biology textbooks published between 1963 and 1983 were analyzed for their treatment of social issues. Textbooks were selected from among those used most frequently by teachers and/or having the highest sales. The textbooks were read in random order and the amount of space, to the nearest tenth of a page, devoted to each social issue was expressed as a percentage of total length of text. The results showed that attention to social issues decreased between 1963 and 1983 in the textbooks studied. The implications of these results for biology education in the 1980s are discussed.  相似文献   

It might seem that an embryo is an embryo, and that there would be a fact of the matter. That seems especially true with respect to the way embryos are presented in textbooks, including high school biology textbooks. This paper looks at three co-existing, competing, and often conflicting views of embryos. Then with a close study of twentieth century high school biology textbooks, it explores suggestions about the ways those books have influenced public impressions of embryos.  相似文献   

Five high school biology textbooks were examined to determine the inclusion of four aspects of the nature of science: (a) science as a body of knowledge, (b) science as a way of investigating, (c) science as a way of thinking, and (d) science and its interactions with technology and society. The textbooks analyzed were BSCS Biology—A Human Approach (Kendall/Hunt), BSCS Biology—An Ecological Approach (Kendall/Hunt), Biology—The Dynamics of Life (Glencoe), Modern Biology (Holt), and Prentice Hall Biology (Prentice Hall). The same six chapters or sections were analyzed in each textbook, which were the methods of science, cells, heredity, DNA, evolution, and ecology. A scoring procedure was used that resulted, for the most part, in good intercoder agreement with Cohen’s kappa values ranging from 0.36–1.00. The five recently published biology textbooks in the United States have a better balance of presenting biology with respect to the four themes of science literacy used in this research than those analyzed 15 years ago, especially with regard to devoting more text to engaging students in finding out answers, gathering information, and learning how scientists go about their work. Therefore, these biology textbooks are incorporating national science education reform guides that recommend a more authentic view of the scientific enterprise than similar textbooks used 15 years ago.  相似文献   

农业院校硕士生分子生物学双语教学中原版教材的使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,没有一套原版教材能直接用于我国农业院校硕士生分子生物学双语教学."合理定位,重塑原版教材"、"科学组织教学内容"和"改革教学策略"是我国农业院校硕士生分子生物学双语教学中合理使用原版教材的基本原则.在教学实践中,原版教材的具体使用方法包括:若干套原版教材应分别被用作"首选教材"、.辅助教材"和"参考教材";通过编写讲义重整原版教材逻辑体系;适当翻译教材;保证教学内容完整性,力求教学内容难度适中、少而精;及时反映学科前沿;与其他相关课程协调;利用我国农业研究案例;改革教学方法;运用现代化教学手段和讲解详略得当.  相似文献   

This response to Jesse Bazzul and Heather Sykes’ paper, The secret identity of a biology textbook: straight and naturally sexed, explores their critiques of textbooks and curricula that authoritatively present scientific accounts of the natural world without engaging students in critical thinking. It proposes that we need to go beyond such useful critiques to develop alternatives to the unsatisfactory heteronormative status quo in biology textbooks and in science education more generally.  相似文献   

Polysemy in graph-related practices is the phenomenon that a single graph can sustain different meanings assigned to it. Considerable research has been done on polysemy in graph-related practices in school science in which graphs are rather used as scientific tools. However, graphs in science textbooks are also used rather pedagogically to illustrate domain-specific textbook content and less empirical work has been done in this respect. The aim of this study is therefore to better understand polysemy in the domain-specific pedagogical use of graphs in science textbooks. From socio-cultural and cultural-historical perspectives, we perceive polysemy as irreducible to either the meaning-making (semiotic) resources provided by the graph or its readers who assign meaning to it. Departing from this framework, we simultaneously investigated: (a) the meanings 44 pre-university biology students assigned to the Cartesian plane of a graph that is commonly used as a pedagogical tool in Dutch high school biology textbooks (an electrocardiogram); (b) the semiotic resources provided by this graph; and (c) the educational practices of which it is supposedly a part according to the actions constituted by the textbooks that were to be conducted by students. Drawing on this case, we show polysemy in the pedagogical use of graphs in science textbooks. In turn, we show how this polysemy can be explained dialectically as the result of both the meaning-making resources provided by the textbooks and the graph-related practices in which students supposedly engaged by using their textbooks. The educational implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

As teachers committed to educating all students, we need to learn more about how instructional materials shape representations of sexuality and gender. Through its insistent deconstruction of the norms that structure practice and belief, queer theory offers perspectives from which science educators can question assumptions embedded in textbooks. This article applies queer theory to analyze eight biology textbooks used in the United States. Specifically, we ask how biology textbooks address sexuality outside the heterosexual norm and if they propagate heteronormative attitudes. The textbooks examined offer deafening silences, antiseptic factoids, socially sanitized concepts, and politically correct binary‐gendered illustrations. In these textbooks, the term homosexuality was used only in the context of AIDS where, along with iv drug users, they were identified as an affected group. The pervasive acceptance of heteronormative behavior privileges students that fit the heterosexual norm, and oppresses through omission and silence those who do not. We offer implications for practice to help science educators broaden their perspectives on the constructs of sexuality and gender to construct new ways of knowing and understanding differences in science classrooms and the natural world. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 41: 617–636, 2004  相似文献   

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